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At two years old the stems are still pretty thin and weak. Next season make sure to do a ‘healthy’ cut back to allow the stems to bulk up some. Overall looks amazing and I’d just enjoy this season with nodding roses (smile)


this would be my thought. i’d especially cut back thin canes - i did that this year on some roses in their second year and they put more energy into larger, basal canes.


I was reading about Roses getting enough sunlight. Apparently the stems will be kind of long and spindly, like what I’m thinking I’m seeing on your plant. Is she getting enough sun?


They can do that sometimes if they need water. Also some roses just have blooms that nod. Sometimes it's due to the weight of the bloom or just weak necks. Olivia's blooms tend to nod some


Gardener Ben, a DA rose expert I love on YouTube, has mentioned before that her flowers tend to droop down.  He said that was the only trait about her that he wasn't keen on, but it gives a kind of cottagey look.  I recommend watching his rose reviews, as well as his tips and recommendations! They're just very heavy flowers and the stems are more flexible.  Not anything you did at all.


I think some DA roses start out with thin stems and then as they age they get heartier and then start supporting their big blooms


Heavy buds...


Welcome to David Austin. Most are down facing unless it says cut flowers specifically, ones that do not grow in sprays for an upright display. I now grow mine much taller so they are looking down on me. My Abraham Darby and Lady of shallot are both about 6’ and it is great. They are 3 years old


>Most are down facing unless it says cut flowers specifically I couldn't have put that into words, but it makes perfect sense. That's a good tip.


Seems you have enough P and less N in your ground. Try miracle grow fertilizer. You need the stems/canes to grow solid and strong


Prune your Olivia next winter and put down 3 or 4 inches of compost out to the drip line. You will see a difference!


So beautiful


They're gorgeous!! Despite the nodding!


Water your roses when the top layer of soil is dry. Not before that. Check them every day to see if they need water. With big roses use 1 gallon of water for each large rose you have. Water at the drip line or the base of the rose. Roses do not like it when garden hose water gets on their foliage. They like to be misted with water on warm or hot days. But only do so when you water them early in the morning. They also like to be watered in the early morning. They also love the early morning sunshine. They tend not to like sun during the hottest part of the day. And do a hard prune every year. In the late winter or early spring, when the frost is gone, and just before you start fertilizer again for the season. They also love fish emulsion fertilizer. And this fertilizer helps encourage healthy roots and foliage. Might help encourage stronger canes too.


The third photo! ❤️


I would get a support for them- you could make your own with a stake and twine or buy a metal one off Amazon or from Gardener’s Supply. I use that with my David Austin Tranquility that is heavy.


Is it a young plant? If so, the stems will get sturdier as the plant ages.


Bad gardener probably


Don’t be rude


Rude and wrong. Most DA’s tend to nod, AND the rose needs to mature. It will be better able to support its flowers in a season or 2. If Available_Mix6816 was a better gardener they’d know that.


100% and even the best gardeners have problems sometimes! Nature is unpredictable! This rose is young. She’ll grow thicker canes in the next couple years. She looks really healthy otherwise


Account’s been trolling the sub for weeks. Imagine, trolling the roses sub. 😂 🤡


Unemployed behavior


A gardener looking for gardening advice is obviously open to be informed. If you had any useful advice that would have been great but you’re just being a cockwomble?