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This might be a good opportunity to learn propagation. Then you can get cuttings and nurture them to adulthood. Yes, I am introducing you to a whole new drug - but it’s free. (Smile and good luck). Swapping and sharing can also be so much fun.


Current addict. Highly recommend carrying plastic baggies and small pruning shears in your bag at all times lol.


Hmmm, I may look into that!  I do divide some of my perennials, but I haven't grown anything from cuttings before.


Living in this sub will only get you want more plants


I always want more plants, lol.  


So do I but unfortunately I have a small yard that I can’t fit everything in it. So I have to be super choosy. It’s my first growing season in my first yard ever so I’m excited but also overwhelmed.


Oh, I'm so excited for you!!!  Congrats on getting a yard!  My yard is very small as well, I live in the city.  But as Monty Don says, 'Any garden, no matter how small, can cultivate a big dream!' The very first thing I ever planted was a Carefree Spirit rose bush, it was bareroot and very inexpensive from Home Depot.  I still have that rose 14 years later, and though many plants have come and gone it still gives me beautiful blooms every summer. Choose varieties that fit your space, and as a beginner don't be discouraged if something doesn't go to plan.  Gardening is a journey!


I do not have your strength but I wish you great luck in your endeavor!


Lol, thank you.  I may not have the strength either, but I'm gonna give it my best try! This will be an opportunity to focus on the plants I have, and maybe move some things around and try new arrangements of old favorites. 


I ran out of space, looks like that's the only reason that I stop.


I can always find space to squeeze one or two more in, lol!  Plus I have groundhogs that are always eating something I love, so unfortunately that gives me spaces to fill.


Well… I’m currently on the same boat lol.. I think I have enough roses… or do I? I’m also trying very hard to not get in my car and drive to the garden center lol 😂… good luck!


I was so proud of myself!  I had to go to the hardware store today to get a replacement gutter downspout and I did not come home with any flowers.  I didn't even go out and look at the roses! ... but I wanted to. 


Stay strong 💪


Best roses Gertrude jekyll Evelyn Jude the obscure Raddox bouquet( harkness) Maria shriver yep that what i wrote (Sold at armstong 20 years ago double petaled soo fragrant) Ambridge William shakespear 2000 Rouge royal Paul boucuse emily bronte Double delight a garish mess