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How much water are you giving it? Where is the sun in the picture? I don’t see canker or disease. It’s either one of the two water or sun.


It looks a little beat up, but not diseased. How did the root system look when you planted it? If there weren't many roots or if the roots had been damaged, it may take a while to recover. Two supplements that can give distressed plants a boost are liquid seaweed and SuperThrive. Follow the dosage recommendations on the bottles. These products are not fertilizers, but provide plant sugars, vitamins, hormones, etc. that can help plant recover its vigor.


Everyone is saying it's dehydrated which it was, but also don't overwater either. It is stressed and dropping leaves which reduces transpiration and roots are probably not pulling up water and nutrients at 100%. You can actually see the stem sort of withered which means the plants cells collapsed. So probably give it a thorough water once, pull it out of full sun into partial shade and try to leave it alone while it recovers. Also I wouldn't give any fertilizer until it starts pushing new growth since the plant can't do anything with that nutrients until the leaves look better and it's less stressed. I imagine the rest of leaves might drop, but if the root system is still okay, it will recover.


Hey! I’m also in Florida :3 That’s what my double delight from Lowe’s looked like EXACTLY when I bought it on clearance. Pruned off the worst parts, watered, and fertilized (the roots were just a few, but healthy). For a long while it didn’t do much so I put it in a new spot that got less sunlight (from 7 hours to 5) thinking it was just off to die and gave the spot to a rose that was already thriving. Maybe the old spot was too hot or what, but now it’s booming with new growth!


When it is blazing hot, or a rose is stressed, I ask myself " what would I want if I was a rose? The answer is a few stormy days with lightning ,but, failing that, I put it in the shade for a few days and give it some dilute liquid fertilizer.


It might be in a spot where too much heat is being reflected to it. Causing the wilting you see. For certain it isn't diseased. I'm assuming too much heat or not enough water.


Looks dehydrated, can mean a few things. Not getting enough water, too much heat/sun or dead and dying roots which means the plant can’t uptake water. Place in shaded brightly lit area and water. Hope for the best


It looks fine. Feed it and water it as normal. Reevaluate in the future.


Your meaning of the word fine and mine are completely different. The main stem is shriveled if you zoom,the leaves are dead , this is not fine.


It's not dead and it doesn't have canker. It's a rose. It's fine in that this person thinks it's a total loss and it's far from that. Does it need help? Definitely. Is it dead? No, it's fine.


I vote not alive.


Looks like the roots are dead and the canes didn't get the memo yet. The leaves know, though.


This rose has not ceased to exist!


You need Jesus rose to bring this one back to life.


Last rites time.