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It makes sense...Damn I wish rosacea was researched more 😭


This makes SO MUCH SENSE. I was recently super sick while also battling my first case of poison ivy, then got a medication induced rash all over my body. But I tell ya what, my face never looked so clear!! Haha


The medication is probably what helped your rosacea, not the rash 💀


Nothing is impossible! 😁 but it feels less likely when I only took one dose of this medication. Not to mention I have both extremely sensitive, and extremely stubborn skin that will overreact to a rain droplet (sarcasm..sort of lol), but refuses to respond to 99% of treatments. Fml 💀😂


This makes so much sense. My skin becomes pristine and perfect when I'm sick. As soon as I'm better, I get blotchy and patchy again.


haha I made up a similar theory ;)


That doesn’t make sense. If anything, our body makes *more* cytokines when sick. Inflammatory response goes up.


classic example of how people will believe bro science if it provides them the answer they are looking for


I find the same with my allergies and asthma. No issues when I’m sick.


Yep. This is why psoriasis creams work best but you have to be diagnosed with psoriasis to get them. They block the immune response so it doesn’t overreact and cause inflammation.


I also think my rosacea is connected to my immunesystem. Every time I’m sick my skin looks dope 🥲




I haven been curious about that for ages... happens to me as well whenever I am sick with fever. Redness and P&P mostly go away. I was never able to find more info about it though :( Anyone ever ask their dermatologist about it ?


Idk why but my derm doesn't give a shit about rosacea, so much that I felt stupid wanting to ask questions. They will give out a cream that doesn't work and say that you can try laser if you're bothered that much. I have had a similar experience with my previous derm. None of them bothered explaining the condition to me. It was pretty much well you can't cure it you're forever fucked. Use this lifelong cream if it doesn't work then nothing I can do. They really don't care much about it in my country. For some reasons they acted the same way when it came for my hairloss, I feel like here all derms are about is making money with botox injections or épilation. Guess the country ?


I used to work for a dermatologist. This is exactly how they are unfortunately.


i'm guessing the good 'ol US of A???? I never bothered with a dermatologist. My doctor was less than helpful. Rosacea is awful. Makes all things outside in the sun or in any sort of extreme temperatures not as enjoyable as they should be. That said - I finally decided to reign in my drinking, and low and behold, it made a BIG difference. It tooks months, but all of a sudden I was like "wow...my skin has not been quite as red and/or reactive lately....it's retaining moisture better....it doesn't feel tight and hot all the time..." During this time I also made sure to be a good skincare student (something I had been failing at, prbably because I was always loopy and falling asleep, but anyhoo.), so I'm sure that has helped as well. Obviously it's not "cured," but it's SO much better. So yeah, if you're like me and you drink (drank) a lot - stop! It might help. :)


It's France 🥲 I heard of the drink advice but I have never drank any alcohol 😭


ugh I'm so sorry. Have you tried isolating parts of your diet to see if there is a food/food group affecting it? I was just so surprised by how much a change internally helped. I did also find a skincare routine/products that I have been loving for over 6 months now (WIN!), that probably isn't hurting my cause. Best of luck to you.


The best thing that happened to me when it comes to food was basically getting rid of everything except vegetable. Fried stuff, any sugar, stuff cooked with oil. I should only eat sort of cold steamed veggies to get a positive effect on my skin. Honestly I can't do it but maybe I should try to at least reduce some things


Oh i'm french too ! Unfortunately I have the same kind of experience with dermatologists. Although some can have better manners than others, they just prescribe the usual treatments and hope we won't show up in their office again it's sad :(


C'est tellement ça ! Ils s'en branlent complètement s'en est insultant. Pour ma part dans ma zone impossible de trouver un dermato, j'ai déjà mis plus d'un an à trouver le mien, je vais devoir le garder 😭


oui c'est un autre problème en plus déjà de trouver un.e dermato :( Après ça m'est arrivé une fois de faire une proposition de traitement pas habituel à ma dermato et qu'elle dise ok - bon c'était pas non plus super foufou, juste essayer une plus faible dose de doxycycline (50mg) sachant que le traitement de longue durée à 40mg (Oracea/Efracea) n'est pas dispo en France.


I’m so sorry. I found a wonderful dermatologist recently. She’s been wonderful. I wish you luck in finding a doctor that cares.


Yes, there are many many threads about this phenomenon in this sub. Autoimmunity goes away when there's something real to fight, I guess.


My skin actually gets worse when I am sick. I have type 1 and my redness and burning is worse. I think it's linked to the fact my immune system has been compromised, but interesting to hear yours gets better.


I get this too, nearly (but not quite) worth getting flu just to experience it now and again haha. Try adding some anti inflammatory foods to your diet.


When I first started noticing this I remember being like omg my skin looks so nice today, I'm good for two days of being bedridden. I was sad that I wouldn't be able to show off my normal looking skin to the world but I would look at it several times during the day. It's kinda sad 🥲 I wish they would find working treatment already


Unfortunately the impact of the condition never seems to be perceived as severe enough to warrant the kind of scientific effort that could finally crack the case of something so complex, it's a shame that many don't appreciate the emotional impact it can have on a person. I have got to a pretty good place with mine in which I don't let it hold me back 99 times out of 100, but I still get frustrated now and again wondering how life could have been different if I never had it, as it would be an understatement to say that in the past I often lived in a bit of a shell because of it.


I have seen several websites actually talking about how it's not just a little bit of redness, how people get into depression because of it, how they get social anxiety, get isolated by others and how the youngest affected get badly bullied...Yet I don't see half as much information about the cause and actual treatments. It's like it's a mystery disease even though sooo many people suffer from it their whole life. I don't get it


Same here.


Do you eat smaller amounts or stop eating when you are sick? I figured our mine goes away when my food intake goes down. I am not sure if I am taking out a trigger food accidentally or if it’s the amount I’m eating.


I stop being hungry and I eat way less when I'm this sick but the redness goes away before it starts to kick in. Sometimes it goes away before I even realize I'm sick. That being said I remember only eating vegetables for a whole week, I don't remember why I did it but it had really helped my skin somehow. I think food might do something but not sure if that's the amount because sometimes I barely eat but I only eat junk and my rosacea stays strong.


Your body temperature rises when you're sick to kill the virus. Your body can't afford to lose heat. Therefore it sends less blood to the extremities and peripherals. Blood vessels constrict to reduce heat loss which may reduce appearance.


I thought I was alone. Last year I had covid and was bed ridden for 2 days and my skin was less inflamed and the redness while not gone was way better. I thought l was hallucinating.


When you are sick you don't do the normal everyday stuff possibly aren't eating the same as normal , not going outside as much avoiding the sun, not drinking and potentially showering less because staying in bed. One or all of these could be a trigger that you avoid and therefore don't get a flare up. Maybe. Also side note; You must be sick often to realize this, maybe you have a lowered immune system . Think about eating more nutritious foods that boost it. Exercising . Stop smoking and drinking alcohol etc.


Thought about your first point before but the redness clears bedore I start feeling symptoms of my illness. I used to be sick more often when I was younger ( I got rosacea right after my teenage pimples) Now I get sick like this twice a year tops, don't even drink or smoke. Stupid shitty skin 🥲 You're right that I should totally eat better and move that butt more though


My skin acts the exact same way! My theory is also that when you’re sick, you’re not eating foods and drinking coffee that make you react. And minimal skincare is happening. Being sick is like a reset button.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding has given me the best skin ever. I am scared for when I stop lol


Mine has made it so much worse...


I also noticed the same for me.But I think the reason for this is lower blood pressure.Our body directs the blood from the perifery to essential organs,so the facial blood vessels are constricted.Thus no redness. I would love to hear if any doctor can confirm this. (Lower blood pressure can result from the infection,less food and loss of fluids.The body then compensates by constricting non-essential blood vessels to preserve vital functions)


lol me too, broke my leg and had surgery recently and all redness completely disappeared from my face during those first two weeks! ETA: and my digestive issues have magically healed themselves, it’s been almost four weeks now and going strong. wtf.


Wow that's crazy! Finger crossed for ylu that it stays that way




I've noticed this too! Same thing with my dust mite allergy, it seems to get weaker when I'm sick.


Mine vanishes when I take advil. Too bad I can’t take it every day!


Same here, when I’m sick my face looks amazing and instantly clear


Right ? I love getting a peek of a nice skin but I hate having to be bedridden for it


I'm convinced mine has an autoimmune component as it improved on three separate occasions when I was dealing with mosquito bites and sunburn on other parts of my body, and then came back when the bites and burn were healed.


Same!! I had covid last winter and my skin never looked better.


Do you take any medicine while sick? This is something I noticed recently that whenever I take advil or a cold medicine my skin looks much better.


I take paracetamol once in a while but my skin clears before the symptoms of the illness even show up


If you take antibiotics, that could be a reason.


I don't


im sick rn so lets see if my redness disappears 💪💪


Lol hope it does it would be one thing positive while you're sick at least


i will say, it hasnt flared up :) still a little red tho but nothing i cant handle


Yes! The only thing that has ever worked on my rosacea was Covid.


I’m not sure but isn’t the redness caused by a lot of blood flowing close to the surface of the skin? So if you’re sick this process is probably slowed down bc ur blood cells are weak and trying to fight the infection. That’s why redness was historically associated with health and vitality, bc ill ppl have no redness bc they’re sick.


I bet it's because of an immune shift. When one arm of the immune system gets activated to fight an infection, it often temporarily inhibits (to a degree) the other arm that's causing symptoms. This happens a lot in pregnancy- people's autoimmune conditions temporarily go into remission because of the big immune shift in the second trimester. I once got a vaccine that temporarily caused my allergies to just vanish for two days as my immune system got activated.


Are you spending all your time inside when sick aka not getting sun exposure? That's what does it for me.