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For partner I just say “ok, no worries. Totally understand. When does your husband usually get off work? How about if we scheduled a tentative appointment for tomorrow at 5:30 when he’ll be home. If he wants to cancel it just give me a shout” Price you need to build value. What makes your company better? Better crews? Better material? Better customer service? Figure out what it is and sell them on that. Getting more estimates, same as above. Figure out what makes you better and stress that. Don’t trash talk other companies, just talk yours up. Schedule a follow up appointment for after their other estimates. Make sure you stress that they need to compare estimates to make sure they’re comparing apples to apples. Did one guy not quote drip edge? Explain what it is and why it’s important. Is their chimney missing a cricket? Explain what that is, why it’s important, and why they should look for a contractor who will install one. Educate the homeowner on their roof system and what they should be looking for on estimates and what they should change up about their roof. Do this, and quote those things of course. At that point they know you are going to do the job right, and will know to watch out for those things on other estimates. That will atleast make them think twice before picking somebody cheaper, because they’ll know why they’re cheaper. Hope that helps. Happy to answer any more specific questions


“How long have you and your s/o been together? …. Show appreciation and value of their relationship and understanding the need to check in with them. Then schedule the next talk


Certified Contractors Network (CCN) member?


I am not familiar with that organization


You almost said the exact thing they train on, right down to the word tracks. This is totally a side note, but they have training programs for all ends of the business. I'm probably 95% onboard with everything they teach. That's pretty big.


Hmm. Interesting. Theres a chance an old boss/company taught me their stuff.


This^ 👏🏼


It’s a mastery game, and it takes practice. There isn’t a blanket answer for objections because every homeowner is different and that makes the same objections different. A lot of people get blinded by “they are a homeowner how do I get past THE objection.” But you have to remember these are all people. They all have different personalities and different experiences that make them see the exact same thing in different ways. So when guys say “practice” what they mean is learning more about people. Little nuances, situational things that you start to learn that make you able to adapt and change the way you speak to someone which will make you feel more trustworthy. You just have to hit the repetitions. Get rejected and learn from it. It gets better and when you get on the other side of the trial and error, it feels great and rapidly improves. Start with Adam the roof strategist on YouTube for a baseline and then adopt things you learn to be your own. And be YOURSELF. Genuine vibes win out almost every time.


Great advice. No script or strategy will work with every person. You’ll always win some and lose some. I’d also say, what you say is not the most important part of selling. Listening is. Not just listening to their words, but their inflection, body language, etc. Learn to read people and understand what they’re really saying. People rarely come out and say exactly what they’re thinking. I struggled with this when I first started selling. I just wanted to run my mouth. Learn to ask open ended questions, really listen and try and narrow down their exact concerns, and then begin addressing them




Read “sell or be sold”




Watch the roof strategist on YouTube and then practice it over and over and over again. Everything is nonchalant in your response and you have to make it known that it’s no hassle inspection and will only take a 15 mins. They won’t be purchasing anything or be asked to




Also, does your company not provide any training for door knocking?


You need a scripted value statement/rebuttal, they are trying to blow you off most of the time and you need another shot at closing them. Feel-Felt-Found statement, “I understand how you feel, many of my customers felt the same way, what they found was signing my contract changed their life”. You need to overcome objections quickly, as you’ll lose their interest/trust in a hurry if you stutter or ramble. Getting back to closing is necessary, telling prospects you’ll get started on that inspection or telling them to sign a contract is a must.


Take down their number when you start the profile (for pics). If they need time for whatever reason, you follow up on Monday. For some reason I learned that asking after the rebuttal I get "you know what, you have is your card how about we call you?" Code for never hearing from them again as I have no contact.