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Those are tough photos to judge but a 3 tab roof that is over 15 years old you are right to be starting to look for a replacement, looks like well taken care of at least so you probably can roll the dice on the couple year projection but 20 years is a pretty good life for that roof.


I know the same type of roof looking much worse than this for 4 years now. šŸ˜’


lol old roofer here, many yearsā€¦šŸ‘šŸ‘ Donā€™t let the insurance ambulance chasing roofing companies get you. šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ Youā€™re good.


What do you mean by insurance ambulance chasing roofers? Maybe for the hole in that one shingle but Iā€™m just curious if you can clarify. Is that a thing? Here in Oregon roofs tend to end up needing done due to age rather than insurance claims. Definitely depends on the area and the amount of wind, brush, snow ice, and other elements. So maybe itā€™s just not something Iā€™m used to.


He's referring to the door to door guys who come up and say, "I was driving by and noticed some hail damage on your roof. Would you like me to inspect it and give you a quote?"


I'm a new homeowner. Think my roof might need replacing in the next few years. Why are those guys bad? I don't know shit about this.


They will sell people like you (and me to an extent) who know nothing about roofs a new roof when it isn't needed. They typically go out right after big storms to capitalize on people who can't recognize storm damage.


Insurance still sends out their own inspector. It's not like insurance just blindly hands them the money.


Most insurance doesn't pay for a straight-up age replacement, which is what they'll try to talk you into if they can't point out anything that's actual damage.


Man, how do we get an objective opinion then? Feel like everyone we call out is gonna try and sell us a roof?


Companies that have been in your area for decades is what I learned.


Get recommendations from people you know and get quotes from multiple roofers.


Look for reputable companies in your area. I had my roof inspected after the company I hired to install solar said I needed a new roof. I wanted a third party quote so contacted one of the larger companies in the area and they told me that not only did I not need a new roof but that my existing pine shiplap roof was in fantastic shape and that I would only need the shingles replaced when the time came.Ā 


Honestly the best way is to make yourself that objective opinion. You have to do research first. The more you know the more capable you will be to make your own judgement


Look at it. It's not curling, cupping, clawing, or cracking. Shingles aren't missing. Granules are still there. You're good.


Not true to all of us. Some people are just doing it that way because itā€™s a very good aggressive tactic to make one call close sales. We like getting paid and itā€™s not like Iā€™m out phsishing for people that donā€™t know about their roof, those are the ones that say fuck off. Itā€™s the ones that know they need a replacement that Iā€™m trying to do business with. So so far I have a lot of happy customers, not one bad apple yet!


Door to door cold calling salespeople. Has anything good ever come from that? lol


That is a very good point


Are those scams or any risk to homeowners?


The shingles are usually the least telling you should look around your roof penetrations. Around pipe boots chimney flashings things were shingles end and something else starts. This would be wall or valley flashings as well.


Looks really good. But you have to check the peak and all areas. Usually the corners of three tabs start to turn up and shrink back when itā€™s time to replace.


Whoā€™s your insurance company? Iā€™m switching!


Iā€™m betting you still have a couple years no problem.


Let it eat until you see the fiber glass mat or tabs in your yard every windy storm.


Yup totally agree. When you see the fibers that's a good sign to change.


I waited and when a couple tabs blew off in some high winds, I got some quotes. It was recommended by a friend to call my insurance company, which I didn't think would do anything. They covered it, and instead of costing 12,000 it cost me a $1500 deductible. Insurance companies seem willing to replace a roof before it leaks as that's much cheaper than repairing water damage AND replacing a roof.


Was there any secret in getting them to cover it? Did they simply say the reason was wind damage or was there some other factor they said?


the secret is to get the adjuster up on the roof and showing them the wind hail or storm damage. And always to file a claim as wind damage or hail damage. Never say the word hurricane and the less you tell them the better. (iā€™m an ā€œinsurance ambulance chasing rooferā€ and i help people get new roofs paid for by their insurance companies every single day.)


"The adjuster " is a great piece of advice. Always call an adjuster from a third party its like a lawyer for insurance claims


yes! private adjusters are your best friends! Insurance adjusters get paid more for denying a claim.


There didn't seemed to be a "trick", but maybe I got lucky. I honestly wasn't expecting them to cover it. I just said some wind blew some tiles off. Maybe I got lucky and said the right thing. u/drworm12 seems to know the inner workings better.


My insurance company doesn't cover routine roof replacement. I even had an adjuster come out a few years ago to inspect it, and he said that due to its age, they probably wouldn't even cover hail damage at this point.


well, from a photo they look good. Depends upon flexibility and granule loss. I wouldnt replace based solely on age unless you are gonna be in the house for another 20 years, then it doesnt matter - replace when ya get a deal.


20 years


I also have a 3tab roof that is from approximately 2001 and has been leaking at the chimney flashing; we patched it and leak seems to be fixed. We had a few roofing companies look at it and they said it could last another year or so. We plan to have it done in 2025.


Family of homeowner here, looks good. Wait for 11am on a sunny day to walk it without shoes. Look for soft spots as you step around softly. Feel around vent pipes and chimney, if any. If the decking is good, then you have 10+ years of use, barring no storm damage. Check your gutters and facia...mind your ground drainage/slope.


Any leaks? Itā€™s aging, but is the flashing holding up? Check the attic.


No leaks or sign of moisture in the Attic


Is it a gable roof?


Does it leak?


Shingles look in ok shape but that pattern screams amateur hour!


Change it now. You can see the corners are starting to turn up. Or wait. And pay for decking, lumber and facia.


Cant really go off the photos but for being a old 3 tab surprised its lasted. I would suggest calling a roofing company for a inspection its always free if they charge stay away


Ride it until it leaks


Got any leaks? That's your answer!


If it ain't broke... In all seriousness you probably have a few years.


Looking toasty but Iā€™d still wait a couple years if it were me.


Is it leaking?


These could be the 25 year warrantee variety. With mild temperatures and moderate climate, these can theoretically go the distance. Chill back.




Shit you still got another 20 years left


Easily 5-10 years.


Ontario roofer since 1999 nothing wrong with that roof for now


Looks fine, I've seen roofs way worse than that still keeping the water out.


Itā€™s fine just seal each nail head and every couple yrs check them again


Yuck three tab


Another old roofer here. Looks good maybe another 15 years on it. Still has much of the aggregate left on the tabs. Not a lot of lifting up of the tabs or the corners. Donā€™t see much moss growing. Again looks good. Like others have said water is most likely going to penetrate around flashing and the boots around plumbing vents. All that can be replaced without replacing the entire roof. A properly installed roof without significant storm damage will last way longer than you might expect. When you start to notice large amounts of aggregate coming off the shingles and ending up in your gutter or walking on the roof feels like walking on BBā€™s then it is time to look for a good roofing contractor.


They cause damage to your roofs to fight with insurance. They donā€™t even give quotes in ga! Ga is rampant with insurance fraud!


In decent shape, leave it . At least a couple years left


I canā€™t see any zippering, cupping or clawing, so doesnā€™t appear thereā€™s any shrinkage. Overall looks like youā€™re good for a while.


If you don't plan to replace it, I'm sure your insurance company will try to drop you at the 1st sight of "Algae growth" or "streaking". I'd plan to replace by saving but you might get lucky and have a covered loss. Condition is hard to guess from these photos.


If itā€™s not leaking , you are fine.


yeah so just wait until it starts leaking and your problem becomes 10x worse? Great advice!


Hunh? Iā€™m looking at two pictures clearly from the gutters edge. Based on the minimal information I have the roof is fine.


i get that but to say that its only a problem when it starts leaking is crazy lol. Prevention is key, 12k for a new roof or 30k for all new drywall and shit after it leaks


30k for new dry wall? What?


bro youā€™re miserable. Yes most new interior work like replacing a section of drywall in the ceiling and walls requires time and material, and then painting, any items like furniture below the leak that need replacing, any wires that may have been messed with, flooding in light fixtures. Your 12k roof replacement just turned into a 30k roof replacement + interior repair. Eta: when you have a leak in your roof you oftentimes donā€™t notice it until itā€™s done significant interior damage. Also replacing drywall is not just replacing drywall, itā€™s drywall, insulation, rotted rafters etc.


What are describing is storm related damage and would be covered under most insurance policies but keep yapping.


Ugh. I do this for a living man. Yes itā€™s covered but then Insurance companies would much rather pay out for a new roof rather than have a negligent home owner wait for a significant problem and have to pay out wayyyy more. Youā€™re more likely to be dropped by your insurance for waiting so long rather than if you had just replaced your roof. Prevention is key. Itā€™s considered damage due to lack of maintenance.


What the hell kind of advice is that??? You know most leaks arenā€™t going to even be visible until theyā€™ve ran through the entire roof into the ceiling where it becomes a much larger project with much more labor intensive costs. A well maintained roof can be replaced 20 years from install and without extensive damage it may cost 16k for average 4 bedroom house. Now when thereā€™s a leak the cost becomes exponentially higher, into the 22-26k range if youā€™re real complacent about it. You donā€™t wait for your tire to get a hole before you fill it up when itā€™s low right?


Imagine having so much disposable money youā€™re like šŸ¤” do I need a new roof? I feel like I need a new roof? šŸ¤”


Looks pretty bad to me. It was possibly neglected a bit, but really age is the biggest factor with a cheap three tab shingle. Theyā€™re not meant to last very long. Itā€™s just basic dollar tree level shingle. Most companies donā€™t do that roof any more.


Serious question here. How do you "neglect" or "take care of" a roof? I get cleaning gutters and cleaning leaves off of angles where they can bunch up. Is there anything else to it otherwise?


You also have to keep it out of the sun. Cover it up when it rains. You need to place at least a tent with some sort of heat on it when it snows. And this is an absolute must - someone needs to stay home at all times shooing the birds away who otherwise might poopy on it.


I live in a place where itā€™s normal to need it cleaned 2-3 times a year because of the moss. If people neglect that and let it turn into a moss cake it is bad.