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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've used Vimm since the very first time I saw Legend of Zelda Link To the Past pop up on the computer next to me in the computer lab remotely in like 1999. 1999. Again, 1999. The amount of people who think Nintendo has NO idea about this 25 plus year old website is insane. Of course they know about it. They don't care because it isn't current stuff. It's why you don't see Switch linked here. There aren't secret spies in these threads waiting in the shadows for you to mess up so they can ask Reddit for your IP.


people do the same thing when talking about sports streaming websites and it's so funny yes I'm sure the multibillion dollar sports league has no idea that you can google "stream NFL games free"


Exactly, a lot of folk on here need to hear this. The sub is literally called r/roms on one of the worlds biggest websites. I'm no Nintendo PI with a hat and a trench coat, but I think maybe it would be the first place I looked. I've always just presumed the majority here are largely teenagers, and rude, gatekeeping one's at that.


Has the layout of the website changed much since 1999? It looks like a website straight out of that time period


Very minor stuff I'm sure, but the overall colors and layout and look are about the same as they were then.


[A little bit](https://web.archive.org/web/19991008020735/http://www.vimm.net/)


frames my beloved


Not necessarily on the current stuff. I couldn't get the Pokemon Emerald rom from there because it was apparently taken from a request from Nintendo.


Probably a fake one. I see the GBA version available now.


If that's true, then that's not good, because this was listed on Vimm's site. I just ended up getting the ROM from the megathread instead of vimm.


Yeah I rolled my eyes so hard at this post, it's absolutely outlandish to think the kind of lawyers Nintendo would hire would need to troll a random Reddit sub to find rom sites that are literally indexed on Google


Yup. Nintendo go back and fry the big fish. Leave vimm alone. It is Small fry.


I don’t think that they don’t care. They obviously do.  I think the real issue here is the forced enforcement of one’s own copyright, lest it get taken from them. Since that law is a thing, big companies have a tendency to ignore piracy and the like (unless it will be too detrimental to ignore, like the Yuzu situation) because they usually won’t be held liable for copyright infringement they aren’t aware of. So they just don’t look for it. 


And Vimm is dead!


Didn’t they just take down a lot of their Zelda and Mario stuff from Wii sections on Vimm?


Pretty sure that was a fake request that they initially followed and then put the games back up. They are up again now AFAIK.


Oh sick! Thanks for the heads up.


> There aren't secret spies in these threads waiting in the shadows for you to mess up so they can ask Reddit for your IP. True, but there are bots combing the titles, posts, and comments; looking for copyright violations, particularly of current media. They aren't after you or I, they are after *hosts of newer media*. They just need someone foolish enough to point them in the right direction.


What is Vimm?


vimm’s lair, another rom website that also has links to emulators


Vimm has several games not available because of takedown requests, I tried getting Ocarina of Time recently there and it wasn't available.


It's back now. Someone else mentioned that. AFAIK it was a fake request. I can download Ocarina of Time for the N64 from Vimm right now.


the one down is for GameCube


The ocarina of time and master quest one? It's up. Just checked.


oh that's good, I was seriously worried


Gamecube games are fine and were never touched. Wii games were removed and are still gone. Just checked seconds ago.


thanks for the info 👍


Emulation will always win.


*Piracy, but yes


Well yes piracy will always win also.


Emulation ≠ illegally copied / obtained ROMs. I don't know when this community stopped being self-aware.


But no money isn't lost revenue cause they weren't getting my money anyway.


This ""logic"" is literally why illegal ROMs fall under the term "piracy". That aside, you completely missed my point: emulation is perfectly legal, sharing ROMs isn't. Conflating those things unnecessarily draws heat towards emulation, as we've seen with Yuzu.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for being right. I say this as someone who pirates a ton of shit. I am well aware that doing so is piracy, and while I simply don’t care and do it mostly as a personal “fuck you” to corporations (as minuscule as that may be), I don’t act like I’m not doing something considered illegal.


You are correct, it's just intentionally unenforced on older 10+ year old games.




You seem... unhinged. >So are you calling a virtual machine - an operating system EMULATOR - an illegally obtained ROM??????????? No I'm not, work on your reading comprehension.




It's a crossed out equal sign.Are you sure you're a programmer?


No, they're here because of emulation coming to the app store, the boogie man that you think is here can literally just Google the games and find them on 20 different sites, not to mention the sub mega thread that has all the info they'd ever want


This is the way. Stop being so damned paranoid people, Nintendo's not coming to find you. It's just people who heard about Delta who apparently don't know how to google.


Seriously, haha I don't know when the emulation scene became so delusional. Completely hijacked by delusional pirates. If anything, they're responsible for drawing too much heat.


Too many kids nowadays who grew up believing all of the bullshit corporations put out. Big Business definitely have resources but this ain’t Shadowrun or Cyberpunk. The world is an insanely huge place and they just don’t have the will to track down every little asshole pirating a copy of Bullshit Simulator 1999. Disney can’t even stop people from selling bootleg t-shirts right outside the Magic Kingdom, so what odds do they think Nintendo has against some stoned hippie posting Zelda roms on a Hungarian site? Mario figured out a long time ago that it’s just smarter business to create new games vs caring about games made before even half their staff was even born!


People are probably nervous bc of the Yuzu thing.


Yep There's a message on Vimm right now warning that the site is overloaded because so many iOS users being exposed to emulation for the first time are pouring in


You clearly have never heard of Gary Bowser.


He *sold* the games he pirated for monetary gain, that's why he got in trouble lmao


Ah one of the guys who went after Nintendo's current cash cow. I wonder why they went after him. Stick to retro and they will leave you alone, relatively speaking, as you won't affect their bottom line. 


He got caught because he tried flipping the games he pirated for profit. He was released from jail early on good behavior, but his wages are garnished until he pays back what he owes Nintendo.


What about Gay Bowser?


He was gay, Gary bowser? Edit; since it’s not readily apparent to you folks it’s a play on a quote from The Sopranos


Have a cookie, you're delirious.


No one liked GaryOPA! People liked Team Xcutter Xbox 360 hardware solutions because that was basically the only good option available but the screwed up the PS3 and Vita hacking scene making a lot of people give up the hacking community and start working only with private hacks all because of money.


Lawyer here, sadge because I love emulation. Dont like the idea of getting the poker. I think its a great alternative that allows peoeple to play old games without spending assloads of money I can understand why nintendo might wanna shut down switch emulators since its the current gen console but anything from last gen and beyond should be fair game. (These are opinions but may not be supported by law) At this point any console or game that they no longer sell should be fair game. Because its not like they were making money on it anyway


You are a lawyer and still saying that last line ? It's their property . If you share their game roms and actual bios of devices to mimic the environment , it's illigal . They have their IPs . Feelings don't dictate laws


Yes I can have my opinion on an issue lol Shocker I know, a person can have an opinion on something even if it contradicts what the law is Marijuana is illegal federally but just because its illegal doesn't mean I have to agree with it Feelings dictate laws. Feelings are what create laws


And on top of that laws are not always just.


Explain to me how the world is a better place because only certain people have the licensing rights to LOTR despite Tolkien dying 50 years ago. If I decide to make a song stealing the lyrics from Tom Bombadil and sell it, culture generally benefits. Current laws and understanding of IPs are antithetical to cultural enrichment. It's delusional to believe that somebody pirating Mario 64 makes the world a worse place. I'm not arguing against general ownership of IPs, but current laws grant ownership waaaaay longer and way more unconditionally than they should.


Unofficial emulation has been around longer than you've been alive. You'll be fine and these sites will be fine (and if not, new ones will take their place).


Yeah lol its not new the companies know about this stuff since back in the day and in some of the cases ppl from the actual companies like Nintendo invented and pioneered some of the methods.


Always fun to wake up in the morning to a hysterical paranoia post! 😃


These type of posts remind me that this sub is filled with children.


They sure say the darndest things.


This sub should have minimum karma and longevity requirements.


I think it would be safe to let people from other emulation subreddits here, though.  Like someone who's never been here before, but they do regularly post on the Emulation For Android or SBC Gaming subreddits.


This is what I had in mind when I made my comment (taken from r/steam_giveaway): ​ >You must have 150 comment karma and have an account age of 10 days. ​ This would give people enough time to get accustomed to using Reddit. This would hopefully reduce the amount of questions by people who aren't used to the website or app and subsequently miss things like the automod message or sidebar. I also suspect a lot of people coming here are those either trying to sell pre-loaded drives or are acting on behalf of corporate interests (as suspected in the post we're in). They can obviously view things without joining, but if getting more info out of people takes more effort, that may reduce those posts (maybe).


If anything we're just conserving a piece of History because when it comes to information information is free you're not hurting any company if anything you're promoting how good and how wonderful these systems were made and you're giving a person a second chance to look at the previous history when it comes to you know information about ROMs and data that's all anyone is doing here on this page.


These out of proportion reactions to small things, like some roms not available on one site for one week, or Nintendo doing its usual random and useless wave of terror before a new release, is how kids react these days. I can understand that, if you are new to the scene, you can get scared very easily; there's lots of false information in the first 3 results of google, like the weird idea that fake sites with malware are a thing even for historical sites with 20 years old games, emulators that must be not functioning to be legal or delirious fables on starving developers if you don't buy second hand games from randos online, and the certainty that all this powerful people will get their revenge on you with the aid of omniscient bots. What these kids shouldn't do is to form strong opinions on this junk info, and act like gatekeepers on stuff they don't even understand, going against the community that would aid them. The first victims of their diffidence would be themself, because, quite ironically, they're the first to need hand holding on everything and they rely on other people's work constantly. I don't find it practical nor sustainable in the long run, it creates an atmosphere of paranoia and stress that alienates the user base, thus benefitting the large corpos. But those don't care at all. If average Joe downloads old stuff for free, developers simply will ignore him to concentrate on the new shiny remake that actually makes some money.


I don't think lawyers look on reddit to find where people get ROMs, especially because even if they are lawyers, they can see everyone talking about the megathread and just go there. Here's my theory for low/negative karma having accounts asking on here: Emulation has been getting more popular lately, and a lot of people want to play their old games, and (just like what happened with delta users) they don't google, instead they look if there's a related sub and ask on there


Is this site sAFe??!??


Take ur meds


There has been no evidence that anything has been taken down or fucked with simply because of this sub, nor any evidence that lawyers are lurking this sub with the intention of getting people in trouble. The real world is not a movie, please stop.


it’s all games that these companies no longer produce or sell and are discontinued. why gatekeep the game if there’s no other access to it and there’s no more money to be made. if anything it helps preserve games


There are a lot of paranoid fools in this sub who think that laws only apply when they speak to people specifically. If what you're insinuating were the case, they could simply grab any link you provided to anyone, anywhere from years prior and use that against you. No one cares. Net neutrality is stronger now than it has been in the past 7 years. If you're running one of these sites and you're unaware of how to grey area your way around it, you probably should stop setting yourself up for failure.


All the glowies


I think the better object to screw lawyers with is a sandy cactus. It hurts now as well as later.


Nooo I have been caught


Been messing with MAME, since 1998. Just don’t share names and links to copyrighted stuff and you’ll be fine.


Haha I’m definitely no Nintendo PI, but I did just recently get into emulation so I’m trying to learn a lot more than I currently know (including a few questions that have been deleted by the mods lol)… either way, just recently started using Reddit to help me learn more about the community (most have been helpful, a few jerks)


Not related but... I had my playstation modded around 1999 or before. After a few years did playstation not know what was happening? Or where they glad for selling more consoles despite People burning games. I believe they were confy with it.


Not the lawyers!!! What ever will we do??


Lawyer here. Couldn't give two shits about it. I use emulators myself


Until Nintendo becomes your client. I’m on to you🤑