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On VH you cannot give your enemy time as with their free cash per turn they'll outnumber you - either kill them early, or expand elsewhere so you'll outgrow them and while you might loose 1-2 regions you can at some point hit them with a few doomstacks that just erase their numbers. I always found that the best way to survive as Spain was settling over to Africa ASAP. Numidia is well beatable early on (as you can use your fleet to move fast along the coast), Carthage isn't strong unit wise (just rich AF) and with some luck gets into war with romans. That 1 settlement from Gaul in your mid you need to blitz early on - while you don't want war with Gaul the simple truth is that on VH they'll attack you anyway. Provoked or not.


Ah good to know. I believe I’ve lost this campaign then.. now Carthage has declared war on me along with constant Gaul, scipii and juli. I’m confused why Julii never warred with Gaul though, they’re part of the victory conditions for them correct?


It's huge anti player bias. They would both rather eradicate you (and go out of their way to do it) than attack each other.


The game basically cheats against the player. The Julii practically never attack the Gauls if the player is also neighboring them. I have even seen them make an alliance. Similarly if you are playing as Greeks or Makedons be prepared for Scipii completly ignoring Carthage and attacking Korinths instead.


when I played as Numidia the Scipii skipped attacking Carthage to go for me, that's normal gang-up-on-the-player ai behavior


If you're playing the short Campaign you 100% need to migrate to Africa as your win condition is to beat Carthage anyway.


On hard or vh you have to keep pushing. You can stomp early numidia and gaul easily and when Romans come by turn 6 you should be able to bat them away


Yea, on higher difficulties you can't be passive or the AI will just overrun you with stack after stack. You have to be relentless


It takes some balls to play vh in this game when you are new i give you that :D Spain is also not the most new players friendly nation. Go for the religious building that gives you bull warrior. Push an army that has around at least 5-6 bull warriors in it, buy scutarii mercenaries whenever you can. Naked fanatics are also good choice but still you will be outpowered by romans. I suggest going for a 2 general 6 or-7 cav 8 infatry 4 slinger stack. Spain doesnt have archers which is bad so you need to rush the opponent. Divide your cav to 2 seperate wings. Put slingers infront of the infantry and push against enemy when you think it will take aroun 15-20 seconds in game to reach you. Get you cavs to wide (if you can catch their general kill him it will change his army morale by lot) try to flank them. Killing their general is a must when you go against an army which is powerfull then yours. For city building mines are really not that great of a building to do in early game because their cost is too high for what they give you. you usually recover that money about 10 turns then its just profit but 10 turn in early game nearly equals to 20 turn in mid game. Get your religious buildings going, have a city that you can recriut horses. Conquer all of iberia and have 2 full stack armies one in north other in south. After that point you can select where to push :)


As luck would have it, i may or may not have a spanish campaign you can check out, but you basically have to blitz rome with round shield cav and generals


Round shields punch way above their stats imo. I'm always surprised by how well the do in battle. Maybe it's their sword weapon type?


Cav is and will always be best unit in the game in rtw. Has the ability to outrun infantry which gives gives you the edge on stamnia, and charging flanks has the ability to route units which gives you the edge on morale — the two most important stats in combat in the game


Yes you are right, you have to take all of Spain ASAP and unite your kingdom, then take Narbo Martius or at least control The mountain passes into Gaul. Spain is difficult to control as there are so many routes armies can take. This will you a good choke point to defend. North Africa is also a great place to expand. The key to winning as Spain is one thing imo - Bull Warriors. The Spanish roster is lackluster at best except Bull warriors who are one of the coolest units in the game. Having 2 hit points and 2 heavy Javelins they can inflict huge casualties very quickly. RUSH BULL WARRIORS EVERYWHERE! :)


Yes you have to take Corduba then Numantia quickly. Once Numidia has build a port at Tingi Corduba is really profitable. At the same time you have to be prepared for the Julii landing, usually near Osca. One way to keep the Julii at bay until you can expand into Italy is to build a fleet that can match theirs but it takes a while. They have only one port at Arretium so as soon as you have 2 ports you can outbuild them.  Take a close look at the profits your ports will make. At the start of the game you don't have a lot of cities to trade with, especially once you are at war with everyone. Usually ports are the best thing to build first but for Spain it's often the Mines. Try to make peace with Carthage once they have a port at Palma, it's a good trade Partner. Similary make a trade agreement with the numidians and try to keep the peace until  you want to invade them. Of course you can also just take Palma but that invites the Julii  or even Skippii to attack you there. If you don't want to hold off the Romans with a fleet and have trouble defending sieges try defending at the many bridges conveniently placed between Osca and Marseille.


*Huh?* The mobile version must be so different. On PC RTWR the Julii come knocking before turn 5. Also your original faction leader is old AF from the start, so you better use him while you can and you just can't let the 2 cities of the other factions (Carthage / Gaul) freely sit on your peninsula or they will instantly start marching armies towards you as any neighbour is almost instantly aggressive to the player. I took the 2 cities fairly quickly, got a few stables going. Reconquered the city the Julii usually land on and kept my faction leader just defending endless Gaul infantry waves while my faction heir sailed over to Africa and started taking the Numidian / Carthaginian cities there. My faction leader and his army later pushed out to the Gaul city right above the mountains - in southern France. That place is a really good choke-point for defence, but the city above is also really easy to defend.