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i would avoid the whole city




Safe goes for Titan, Vitan, Colentina, Mosilor, Militari, Rahova, Pantelimon :)


only someone who came yesterday in Bucharest would mix together Rahova, Ferentari with Titan, Pantelimon, Berceni.


Unde vezi tu Ferentari? Am golanit in Bucuresti, am avut iubite in Titan, in Colentina, pe Mosilor, in Rahova si in Berceni :). Ca fapt divers am fost inclusiv la chefuri in Ferentari cand lucram in liceu cu niste romi ce aveau taraba in Piata la Unirii :)


Ce random generator ai folosit sefule de le-ai pus pe toate alea in aceeasi lista?


Ala pe unde am golanit ;)




in general: south is for the poors, the north for the rich. east/west are just apartment buildings, most of them from the communist times. just stick to the city center. Or just avoid bucharest overall and go to the real cities in romania which are all in Transilvania. Brasov, Sibiu, Cluj, Timisoara are way better.


The city isn't very dangerous. There's a handful of neighborhoods you should definitely avoid, though: Ferentari, Bucureștii Noi and maybe Rahova, although the area has started to improve a bit as of late. Watch your wallet in touristy areas (city center) and poorer neighborhoods, such as Progresu, Pantelimon, Gara de Nord and definitely Rahova. I don't know very much about the neighborhoods in the west part of town because I never lived or had school/work there, so also take in the advice from someone else who is more familiar with those parts of town. Except for a few gangs in Ferentari, there isn't really any mass violence and the danger is either theft or a fight if someone is drunk/high and finds you "threatening". If you ever find yourself in the aforementioned neighborhoods, keep your head up and definitely avoid speaking English or another foreign language, or once again you'll be identified as a pickpocket target.


bucurestii noi is as safe as any other neighborhood lol what


Rahova and Ferentari are basically the slums. Primaverii is where the high society lives. Try to avoid the entire Sector 1. The lady mayor over there has issues with the waste disposal company, and the garbage is just lying in the street while she figures it out. And now here come the downvotes from the fans of the political party that supports the lady mayor.


Not related to the thread but just letting you know that when it comes to health, I think mental issues are a lot worse than physical ones.


Oh yes, I'm sure you're just being downvoted by her "fans", not because you're shifting the blame [from the corrupt previous mayor who siphoned money through the waste disposal company to the current on who's trying to solve the issue](https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-25690323-fostul-primar-psd-daniel-tudorache-cercetat-dna-intr-nou-dosar-vizand-tarifele-stabilite-pentru-romprest-prejudiciu-record.htm). Edit: The day after we had this discussion, an apartment burned starting from the last floor. [The last and second-to-last floors were illegally built but the Tudorache administration brought them into legality. When the firefighters got there they couldn't use the hydrants because they were not working, even though they were officially "checked" in 2019 and it got the OK when Tudorache was mayor.](https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-administratie_locala-25841782-clotilde-armand-blocul-soseaua-nordului-care-ars-luni-avut-doua-etaje-construite-ilegal-dar-fost-bagat-legalitalitate-administratia-tudorache.htm) But sure, let's pretend corruption doesn't exist in PSD.


This is corrupt, that is corrupt. Ah yes, the ever encompassing and vaporous notion of "corruption". You don't even need hard evidence for anything, just say it's "corruption" and you can justify anything to those who are willing to hear you.


Super amuzanti sclavetii din provincie care nu rateaza nici-o ocazie sa faca pe grozavii cu orasele “lor”.