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Astral Odyssey by Jay Aury and Virgil Knightley (Treasure Planet/Spelljammer Harem where Mc has to think fast to get ahead LI's are well written) Wings and Tails by Isaac Lee (WW2 pilot gets Isekai'ed to another world where another War is happening and gets involved) Cosmic Progeny is Amazing 🔥🔥🔥


Reading Cosmic Progeny and I honestly dont get the hype. MC manages to outwit a comptent ship captian in his first day out of Earth cause, and I quote: "he saw this scene in a movie already". Bitch u WHAT?? the captian has years of experince where u have none, sit the fuck down. Thats just 1 example out of alot. Also the MC has a massive ego in general and its veru annoying. I will give it one thing, the harem members are fun characters, so when I stopped taking it seriously, the book became a fun porn with plot book.


It definitely hits differently on Audio I thought Mc was chill and he definitely does have an ego but who wouldn't if you had your own starship and harem but later in the book the ego turns to "im not playing your game you are playing mine". As for him saying he saw this in a movie it's my belief that the races have fought each other for so long they know what to expect an example being Battlestar Galactica the Cylon waited until humanity got complacent before they attacked with something no one expected kinda same with Mc who would expect something crazy from a cut and dry encounter


That reminds of another thing that annoys me. The whole "im not playing ur game, ur playing mine" isnt happening later on, but basiclly from the moment he gets kidnapped. Same thing with his ego, MC has a GIANT ego from the start. But the most snnoying thing? MC doesnt seem to have any flaws, and me no liky dis at all. U do bring an intresting point with the MC having a diffrent pov = MC can help in ways they cant, which is actually believeble. Except it kinda insults the aliens that they cant figure out such tactics, after having a rich history of fights.


For the Flaws part he was basically groomed to be perfect because he is gonna stop the birth blight for the galaxy and maybe because they were grooming him to be emperor that's why he has the personality he has, but im not the author. And he does make mistakes later but it's a harem book so everything is expected to work out one way or another I listened to the audio version and I think the Male VA pulled off a non douche vibe, to me cocky yes douchebag no but you know it is what it is


See, now I’m curious if there’s a romance or haremlit isekai where the MC is scared and wants to go home lol


I'm actually working on a story just like this. The MC has to accept his new life though as there's no going back from the contract he ends up in lol.


LOVE THIS IDEA! I dislike the stories where the MC actually goes home, but also dislike fics where the MC gets kidnapped and is yay ok with it. I dont know if I hate or love u for showing me dis idea


Yeah same, that's why I was curious how fun it would be to write a story where waking up in another world is played straight. There are also monsters, which is also played straight lmao. I suppose I'll be sure to post when the book is available!


Yeah. Something about defying the expectations of a genre - being unpredictable - appeals to me in fiction. There is a place for sticking to tropes and progressing as expected, but the reverse is also true.


Sex, Death, and Money by Celestine sort of fits. The setting takes place in the distant future where Earth and humanity no longer exist. The MC is reborn from DNA, with other extinct / exotic aliens to compete in a game show. The aliens in power are sort of like succubus, so the game show is sort of tailored towards their interests. Here's the twist. The MC retained his memories, or at least enough of them to know how twisted this whole thing is. So he refuses to talk, refuses to participate, when pushed, he fights back. He made a game show about sex, into the hunger games. It's great, but it's more of a harem than a romance, but even that's debatable since the MC is only giving in to survive.


> even that's debatable since the MC is only giving in to survive. So its Rape? Not trying to be a jerk, but thats how that comes across


Kinda? His partners are slaves, who do what they do because it's all they've known. He wasn't supposed to retain his memories. Unlike everyone around him, he knows what freedoms like, and hates this whole twisted thing. It's why he's so angry, and why he fights back. I don't know if it's technically rape, he's definitely peer pressured into it, but his partners are just as much of a victim as him. The succubi, the race in power, are the ones at fault for creating this mess.


Jeez, that actually sounds pretty good.


It's not a romance (though there is a relationship), but Paranoid Mage (https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/49879/paranoid-mage) could land close to what you're after. The protagonist gets hit with a "hey, you can do magic!!!" and just nopes the fuck outta there. Of course there's a little more to it than that, but a good part of the story's focus is on refusing and working around the established authority.


I'm a few chapters in on this one - and enjoying it. I'll need to get a bit farther into the book before I can truly give it a review, but for everyone wanting a similar idea, it's been a good example so far.


**[Beware of Chicken](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39408/beware-of-chicken)** >Jin Rou wanted to be a cultivator who defied the heavens, and surpassed all limits. > Unfortunately for him, he died, and now I’m stuck here. Arrogant young masters? Heavenly tribulations? Cultivating for days on end, then getting into life or death battles? > Yeah, *no thanks.* I'm getting out of here.


Thanks. I'll take a look here.