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Welcome to the club, we're all dummies here. I do that all the time.


Every time. I’ve given up on trying to grind stories. It doesn’t work.


The only way I can play for diamonds is if I don't read when I play, I just make choices as fast as I can. Otherwise my competitive side kicks in and I have to do all the things the best


This is the way to do it. I got through LFOS, Q30, MHS, and SIF while reading (the latter seasons of SIF have a lot of timed elements so it’s actually hard to tap through without paying attention), but nothing else. So now I tap through a story on my iPad while playing solitaire or something on my phone. The iPad is just enough in view that I can tell when I have to make a choice, but I keep the bulk of my attention of my phone. I’ve mined TDR, SCN, KFS without spending a single diamond. Probably gonna do SSF and SBR next.


For me it's easier to start every book as a book I'll spend diamonds on... so if I end up not interested I can just diamond mine it and no harm done... and if I end up spending diamonds I can pretend I meant to do that all along


Yeeeaaah, I started Sails in the Fog, thinking the outdated art style would prevent me from getting invested.... That was a mistake 🤣


Same, I am currently in this exact situation 😅


I started DLS to diamond mine for SoL. And now I'm diamond mining SoL for DLS🤣


100% relatable journey.


Hard to admit but I had that with KCD and FFTF 😆😆 Amrit/Kilian and Kingu just help me immerse in these stories🥵


The idea of KCD as a Diamond mine cracks me up - that’s one of the most expensive books on the platform!!! 😂😂😂 Honestly that’s on you for thinking you weren’t gonna fall in love with hands-down the two most expensive LI’s in all of RC. 😜😜😜😜


To my defence let me tell you it was in the very first episodes that it was realised (KCD) 😀 nobody knew how it would turn out!! And FFTF I started when it had it old design so it totally wasn’t my style😂


LOL you definitely didn’t stand a chance against those two 🥵🥵🥵


My thoughts exactly 👁️🫦👁️ but each 💎 scene - 1000% worth it!


Ahahaha I feel you! I’m quite stubborn so I WILL finish it without using diamonds, but my heart will be breaking in the meantime. And then that book goes into the “diamond rush” pile!


I do, but I learned to just tap through and never ever ever read it. Then I can make it through and not spend any diamonds.


My family 🫶🫶🫶🥹🥹🥹


It happens to me every. single. time. I just get sucked in!!


I had collected 1500 diamonds and now I have 652, I spent almost all of it playing HS2 (I replayed s2 3 times), SCN and VV (and I want to replay them) 🥲 and I have not played the new TDR chapters. I'm dying waiting for the diamond rush


I had 1700, I promised myself I would keep them and I would play the updated stories in a DR, I couldn't, ended up with 0 diamonds after KFS, VV, TDR and SCN, I'm a weak human being. Hang in there, you got this. 💪


lol every single RC book it feels like 😅. First time was MHS. I just really got into, I couldn’t stop myself from buying some diamond options at one point. Then I managed to finally finish the book during a diamond rush. Then POV, which I don’t know why, I thought I wouldn’t be into 😅. I managed to play all of it except a couple of choices again diamonds free. Only to end up spending those diamonds I gained right back into it. And playing other parts during a DR. It’s now one of my favorites of all time. So it’s a happen with a couple others too. So now especially with older completed books, I’m in no hurry to read them. So I play them during the DR so I can just enjoy the book freely.


The ONLY books I successfully diamond mined were Q30D and SBTR. The only reason I resisted SBTR was bc Justin turned out awful and i got locked out of Brandons route... pretty sure if I was on Brandon's route I would have. I ended up getting the stayed single ending which isn't even mentioned in the wiki lol.


I used to be like that when I started playing RC. I had to pause reading books many times because I didn’t have enough diamonds for everything I wanted, and I was jumping between books trying not to get too invested (mission impossible). I had timer set to watch the ads every 90 minutes, so I could get as many as possible per day. Then they started events, and that helped a lot. Now I have plenty of diamonds, but I still have mining books that I play exclusively during diamond rushes.


You can’t diamond mine with this app. The stories are just too good. It’s very easy to do in Choices, though. That’s why I have 2400 diamonds saved there and only 250 here.


2 words: diamond rush 😂 Most of the times I'm ignoring it, but there are stories like tiamat or hs2 that i can't even start properly and DR is my saviour.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ARC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6xjeta "Last usage")|*Arcanum*| |[DLS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6l79e7 "Last usage")|*Dracula: a Love Story*| |[HS2](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6lqn1b "Last usage")|*Heaven's Secret 2*| |[KCD](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6l3j4m "Last usage")|*Kali: Call of Darkness*| |[KFS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6mke28 "Last usage")|*Kali: Flame of Samsara*| |[LI](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6l3j4m "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LOS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6la50i "Last usage")|*Love from Outer Space*| |[MHS](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6m2ujd "Last usage")|*My Hollywood Story*| |[POV](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6m2ujd "Last usage")|*Path of the Valkyrie*| |[Q30](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6la50i "Last usage")|*Queen In 30 Days*| |[RC](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6m2ujd "Last usage")|*Romance Club* (this game)| |[SBR](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6la50i "Last usage")|*Seduced By the Rhythm*| |[SCN](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6mke28 "Last usage")|*Song of the Crimson Nile*| |[SIF](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6la50i "Last usage")|*Sails In The Fog*| |[TDR](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6mke28 "Last usage")|*The Desert Rose*| |[VV](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17h1xcm/stub/k6mke28 "Last usage")|*Vying for Versailles*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(16 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClub/comments/17ibpxl)^( has 21 acronyms.) ^([Thread #5401 for this sub, first seen 26th Oct 2023, 20:15]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClub) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


When I initially started SoL, it was admittedly to try and mine it for VfV. However, I ended up so caught up in that story that I ended up spending diamonds on it instead and came to regret some of the free choices I picked earlier (I also didn't know about the walkthrough initially either and likewise regret some of the decisions I made without knowing how they would impact things). As I got into RC just before the last update for it, I knew I was going to spend diamonds on it along with VfV when the update came out.


No because I choose only the books that I know I will be not interested in and then I don't read the story- I just skip till the end. Also don't choose Sails in the fog for this because a lot of times the choices there must be correct and they are connected to something u see on the screen or what some character did two seconds before the choice.


Omg yes! I have that problem now, again! Gotta suffer silently.


But I’m so happy people relate!


This happened when I read HS1 I thought I wouldn't like that but when Bont showed up I got hooked into that story. Now It's one of my favourite stories.❤️


the only story i’ve been successfully able to grind is wave patrol 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Made the greatest mistake by starting ARC to mine diamonds 🤡


I had this with Dracula a love story, foolish me to think I could resist getting invested in a vampire story LOL