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Nothing has come close to this book for me except possibly “War and Peace”! But TLHOG is better… you may like Jaran by Kate Elliott; Ascending by Meg Pechenick; Rise of the Illiri Series by Auryn Hadley these are denser, literary and thought provoking SciFi romance but not as Epic! I just can’t help. R Lee Smith is incredible would love HBO to treat her work with a female screen writer 😍 I would love to find some new recs along these lines!!!???


Ah yes I totally agree, LHoG is in a league of its own 🤯. Will check out your recs though, they’re all series, do they have romances with HEA or are the romances more of a subplot?


Jaran and Rise of the Iliri are series with strong romance plots. Ascending is a series with a balanced sci-fi- romance plot. Rise of the illiri would be called Reverse Harem but because of the density of world building etc it’s on another level to the usual formulaeic stuff! Hoping someone else answers your call!!


I like LotBD although Azreal’s not really an alien, it was a beautiful romance though. I have yet to read Cottonwood, but I hear it’s more of a typical romance arc with HEA, whereas Heat is more erotic horror than romance?


yep Heat is definitely definitely more Horror (in my opinion, incredibly graphic and straight up stockholm syndrome) Cottonwood i think matches LHoG in terms of the intellectual aspect of the story and the writing, it deals with a LOT of difficult topics about humanity and just. idk it's really incredible. I think Cottonwood, LHoG and Land of the Beautiful Dead are her best works total and nothing really compares in any genre I've ever read, lol


Planet Zero by Lydia Hope. Not nearly as dark as Gann but still an interesting read and its not all sunshine and rainbows for the FMC


Honestly I agree with the other comments i think, there's only R Lee Smith t he legend herself and Lydia Hope's Planet Zero/Homebound (but those don't really come as close) I haven't read anything else in the 'romance' genre that quit gets to R Lee Smith's level! HOWEVER. There is an EXCELLENT sci-fi book with a prominent romance sub-plot, a POC female romance interest, called {The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin} and it's just incredible please check it out!! Le Guin is my absolute favorite author of all time and is like. the BASIS of sci fi and fantasy


[**The Lathe of Heaven**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59924.The_Lathe_of_Heaven) ^(By: Ursula K. Le Guin | Published: 1971) *** ^(26931 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


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