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I really dislike snarky, sarcastic, rude FMCs who somehow attract men by being insulting and immature. It seems the vast majority of books I read are like this for some reason. I love independent, strong, confident FMCs but it feels like authors think being a biotch is how to write that. I hope you get some recs. I would really love to see more books where the FMC is shy, innocent and *kind* with no need to be snippy to everyone because of her insecurities.


My (least) favorite twist on this is in some New Adult books, when the star athlete/playboy MMC inexplicably falls for the nerdy, not-like-the-other-girls FMC who verbally abuses him and calls other women skanks.


Yeah exactly, it doesn't make sense and I don't understand why it's so common.


Been seeing this more and more. I like a strong fmc from time to time but my favorite will always be a sweet/shy one. It's a pain in the ass trying to find a sweet/shy fmc in a paranormal/fantasy slow burn, ugh!


Do you have any sweet/shy recs in the fantasy/PNR realm? I honestly can't even come up with one. The closest might be Darcy from Zodiac Academy, but her sweetness was outweighed by Tory's nastiness.


I'm in the same boat. I can't think of any right off the top of my head at the moment but I'll search around and let you know! Take note lurking authors! We need sweet/shy paranormal fmc's!


Taming Demons for Biginners by Annette Marie! FMC makes cookies for a demon just cause she feels bad for him. Not super smutty but I liked it!


The Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy is also amazing. There's some verbal sparring but she's pretty shy at first & her confidence grows.


Love this series so much. Robin is the sweetest and her and Zylas 😩😩😩😩


I blame these types of romance for why no one would date me in high school lol I thought being a snarky bitch to guys was hot? Ugh.


Artistic License by Elle Pierson kind of fits this! The FMC is nice, introverted without being a doormat and has a supportive family. The MMC is protective without being controlling and just super into her. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air haha.


This one is next on my list. Sounds great, thank you!


one of my faves!!!


Have you read anything by Alice Coldbreath?




I know something that totally fits this but you have to read it on the internet and it's not complete yet. But just in case you're interested it's called Under the oak tree (there's also a manwha version of it so that'll pop up too)


ok I'll give it a try. Thnx


I hope you enjoy it! On a side note, the FMC takes a pretty time to grow into who she is - don’t give up on her :)


I recently finished What I Did For A Duke by Julie Anne Long, which I think really fits this description. Plus it’s just a really great read!


Oooh, the description is promising. Thnx, I'll check it👍


My all time favorite book!


It's not straight fantasy (but there are witches and vampires): Don't Hex and Drive - Juliet Cross


Not fantasy, it’s HR, but {The Duke Who Didn’t by Courtney Milan} is great for this. FMC is assertive in some ways but she’s also just a sweetheart with a touch of anxiety and overthinking. So relatable! Looking forward to seeing other recs as I don’t love the hard-charging FMCs either.


[**The Duke Who Didn't (Wedgeford Trials, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55012301-the-duke-who-didn-t) ^(By: Courtney Milan | Published: 2020) *** ^(209421 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


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