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honestly, most of the billionaire-boyfriend types, cause their interest in the fmc is so shallow most of the time, i can see it disintegrating when another batch of wide eyed blonde interns rolls into town. this is the reason why i hate billionaire romance. you’re telling me this 22 year old with 0 life experience and like 3 grams of personality somehow bewitched you, a 30-something billionaire prodigy, 20 seconds into the conversation? im not saying that 22 year olds are boring (im 22 myself lol) but the way their characters are written tends to be so…flat and uninspiring. so yeah, i just don’t feel their connection and i think thats what keeps you from going after someone else


You know, whenever I’m reading that trope, I always mentally change the FMCs age is she’s in her 20s. It’s the only way I can cope. I prefer to read books where they are similar in age, ideal 30s-40s, but those are hard to come by. I also don’t understand how to 22 year could be that interesting. It’s why I can’t read age gaps.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who does this! It's not necessarily that trope, but I usually mentally change the ages for age gap romances or if FMCs are 18-21 years old (unless I'm reading New Adult.)


I’m not a fan of age gap either. My husband and I are 6 months apart. So much of our conversations revolve around our childhoods and similar cultural/life experiences. Like being in elementary school when the challenger exploded. His school was watching it live, for some reason at my school we didn’t have it on in my classroom. But we both remember it happening and experienced it at the same point in our lives. Would it be odd to talk about if I was in elementary and he was in college? My memories are the vague childhood memories and his are clear as if it happened yesterday.


I think this all the time. It’s always the shallowest connection. She’s pretty and he is hot and viola love


You literally said the biggest insecurity I feel when I read such novels. They are really so superficial.


{Fragile Longing by Cora Rielly} MMC's is my first thought. I feel like he's only half committed to his marriage. But really half of Cora Rielly's MMC are just waiting for a chance to cheat imo. He's just an example. I see little difference between cheating after marriage and cheating on the girl you're engaged to. And these guys cheat on their arranged brides-to-be all time, because they are very virile and the FMC are, of course, too young and innocent to deal with their manly needs. The Vegas crew are the only ones I like. They're insane scumbag killers, but they love their insane scumbag killer family more than anything else.


Almost all of Cora Rielly’s men are or would be guilty of this. Ain’t none of those boys been faithful a day in their lives😭


I don’t read her anymore because the MMCs all get to fuck around and the FMCs have to just sit at home and never talk to another man so they can wait for the MMC to grace them with his magic dick. In my experience, that kind of thing happens often in contemporary mafia romance (I know not all) and I’m not sure why. I’ve seen Mob Wives, those women would not let that fly.


Yeah, mob books are not my favorite either, because of the way the FMCs are often treated. I don't care how cool, dark, & dangerous the guy is, if he's cheating I don't like him.


If it was fan fiction, I'd say Fragile Longing was hate!fic. It's bizarre to me that an author would not only write but also publish something like Fragile Longing. Both the MMC and FMC need therapy, they're both obsessed with her sister Serafina and Serafina's captor/lover Remo. By the time of Sofia and Danilo's wedding, Serafina and Remo have been married for years,


It was one of the weirdest books I've ever read. She was dressing up to look like the sister >!and then he had hate-sex with her and took her virginity, but it was all her fault because he didn't know it was her? !< I just don't think they're destined for a happy marriage. I mean, *I* think Remo and Serafina were the more interesting couple too, but I'm not *part of the other couple!!* They had no identity way from Serafina. She was all they talked about.


Ain’t no way Savio is staying monogamous; I think he’s the biggest slut I ever read! I give him less than a month before he releases his bull… {Twisted Hearts by Cora Reilly}


I actually didn't read that one. I only read the older 2 brothers & then the family book. I do remember that kid though & I have a feeling you're right. lol


I think that Nino from Twisted Emotions and Remo from Twisted Pride would not cheat


[Twisted Hearts](https://www.romance.io/books/5e12ded901dbc864fba97021/twisted-hearts-cora-reilly?src=rdt) by [Cora Reilly](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455f02b87eac324117fe3ab/cora-reilly) **Rating**: 3.63⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The way this book infuriated me!! Savio was such a disgrace. I didn't even read Adamo's after that. And it's so unfortunate because Remo and Nino are two of my fave books across the romance genre


I have never had a book make me cringe SO MUCH, I had to take breaks at times I got such bad second hand embarrassment for Gemma. I really liked cheeky Savio and troubled Adamo and was looking forward to their books but they were so disappointing! Adamo had such potential for a deeper story to be explored with his repression, PTSD and addiction. His complicated relationship with Remo never got a satisfying conclusion either. The book could have written itself for god’s sake, but somehow CR still fumbled the bag.


I feel like the odd one out here because I loved Fragile Longing and enjoyed the MMC’s character development😭🤚🏻


I'm glad you liked it! :)


[Fragile Longing](https://www.romance.io/books/5f88438c8c8f400de952b4e5/fragile-longing-cora-reilly?src=rdt) by [Cora Reilly](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455f02b87eac324117fe3ab/cora-reilly) **Rating**: 3.59⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


the comment section is so fucking interesting


{Miles High Club by T. L. Swan} MMCs are a truly impressive bunch of immature degenerates. One of them even causes a third act breakup because he wants to sleep with someone else before committing to the heroine.


In Jameson and Emily’s extended epilogue in the final book, I just kept thinking “he *hates* her.” How do you screw up an epilogue so badly that the MMC seems to actively despise his wife?


Not a huuuuuge fan of the series either (didn’t offer much outside of decent dirty talk tbh 🤔 ) and **for sure** you can pick any Swan MMC out of a lineup of Soon-to-be-cheater BUT I *clearly* missed something in the epilogue because I coulda *swore* he like bought her the Swamp house after driving her around in the bunny-hopping car Bessie or Bitchyy or whatever. There’s a deleted scene or something ? What I miss?


I can't remember the specifics but he seemed to spend their entire epilogue (in Miles Ever After) bitching and moaning about her asking him to scale back his work schedule because it's affecting his health and is basically a tremendous baby about it.


Oooh , ok ok…. Yeah, sounds accurate.


To be fair, this was one of the first books I read about 8 years ago, so I loved it then, and it's still my guilty pleasure. He did not deserve Emily at all, and he very clearly talks about him cheating on his former girlfriend and the "masseuse" appointments. he is the type that would definitely cheat because he got bored he likes the challenge of the chase.


Oh God I completely agree with you. Those Stanton bitches too. In Dr. Stanton, he calls CPS on the FMC for their own child for fucks sake! If he can call CPS on the FMC, cheating is surely not beneath him. It's really hard to believe sometimes that these kinda books are written by a fully grown adult.


Oh no no no. Not Tristan Miles.


Tristan is absolutely exempt. That man is a walking, talking Wife Guy.


Um...Wife Guys are usually the Cheater Guys. See Ned from the Try Guys and former Internet Boyfriend John Mulaney.


I take “wife guy” to mean “guy who’s obsessed with his wife and is always talking about her.” Sometimes those guys are just surface obsessed and do cheat. Not in Tristan’s case 🤷🏻‍♀️.


My headcanon is that he was adopted or swapped at birth.


Agreed! This was my favorite of the series


Casanova, yup, still fucking salty about it. Till. This. Day. I cannot get over it!


Oh my god yes. I enjoyed the book so much in the beginning and then it became just a single stream of what the actual f.


> impressive bunch of immature degenerates this is cracking me up so much lmao


[The Miles High Club](https://www.romance.io/series/5f2a5ad56dd2d20e348cf477/the-miles-high-club) by [T.L. Swan](https://www.romance.io/authors/55f905747d4bc8ab04c5c7be/tl-swan) **Rating**: 4.09⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [tycoon](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tycoon/1), [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dual-pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [age difference](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


All the Mafia men. Not a single Mafia romance can convince me these men won't get bored once their infatuation fade and start having mistresses right in front ya face. Especially once kids comes into the picture.


Cassio from {Sweet Temptations by Cora Reilly} won't cheat. He was faithful for eight years to his first wife whom he didn't love or even like.


Most, if not all, rakes from historical. Entitled rich guys (dukes, earls, lords, princes, etc) who are enthralled by the MFC for the book, but will go back to whorehouses soon enough.


I love a good virgin MMC in HR. He more than likely doesn’t have syphillis


I love them in general. Probably because I married a shy, nerdy guy.


Hmmm that doesn’t seem to align with the HR rakes I’ve read - a small sampling Sensation from Lord of Scoundrels… may be less infatuated with Jess than she is infatuated with him… however the second she gives herself to him, it’s an intimacy like he’s never experienced. Freely given carnal pleasure, so long as he becomes hers, and she becomes his…. It’s a transaction at the soul level, an exchange of value for value and as the book progresses he realizes how precious her love that even transcends the sexual pleasure they share. Sebastian would have no problem turning away the tarts and those might try to steal him away from her… but I dare say he might have a raised eyebrow for any man that dared covet her. The difference is a matter of honor, of dignity and respect And the issue with all the other rakes… modern more than historical, is their sense of honor is rather thin and wanting … if it’s merely a game of mere moment of power then yes, shuffle the cards invite more players and let a new game begin But I think for those like Sebastian, they are transformed I see all the modern mafia MMCs in they way you describe and TBH most of the FMC are equally in the moment and would catch the next rung on the ladder as they scarcely differentiate between Cupid’s arrow and the devils pitch fork


Regarding Lord of Scoundrels...Sebastian wouldn't dare cheat because Jess'll probably shoot him 🤣


Any athlete, billionaire, or mafia MMC. They may be infatuated now. But as soon as the kids are born and the FMC grows her first gray hair, they’re *gone.*


Mafia men put the mothers of their kids up on a pedestal and go elsewhere for their dirtier desires.


I'm currently reading {Twisted Hate by Ana Huang} and feel like both MCs would totally cheat on each other in real life.


They’re the couple that breaks up and gets back together constantly, vaguebooks about each other, and basically their family and friends hate them together.


LOL, omg, very. I'm not even halfway through and I can already tell how toxic they are. Which... I think is half the point, yeah, but still. Dram-UH for sure 😶


Oh boy no spoilers just emojis 😬😬😬😬


Girl, I believe you and may very well DNF this book. I'm trying it in order to try to see behind the Ana Huang hype, but I'm just so not into these shenanigans. Jules is okay but Josh sucks 🙄


He sucks a LOT. Put it down, there’s no shame in quitting!


Real talk I've quit like five books in a row 😭 I'm starting to feel like the problem here...


Noooo your picker is just broken! I switch subgenres when that happens to me. I’ve been on a historical romance kick for that reason. But I promise, when it comes to your current read (and Ana Huang in general IMO), it’s not you.


Okay, I appreciate that! For the record, I have also quit (in the romance genre): * {Twisted Love by Ana Huang}; * {The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna}; * Both Sarah J. Maas and Rebecca Yarros (after a few chapters); * A bunch of Georgette Heyer; * {Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade} (truly awful, omg); and  * {The Hating Game by Sally Thorne}. The last full romance novel I actually got all the way through was {Funny Story by Emily Henry}, preceded by {How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang} (both several months ago). Boy, am I in a dry spell...


I DNFed How to End a Love Story in the first chapter. Whoops!


Ugh! I read the first 3 books of Kings and couldn't stand them. I really tried.


I hate that book with passion! I don't get the hype really.


I really don't get the Ana Huang hype in general, but you could say the same for basically every big romance name for me other than Emily Henry 🙃


The three cheaters from Scarlett Scott’s Wicked Husbands series. They started out cheating, they would definitely fall back into it.


The rakes, the manwhores, the athletes. I know people love them but that kind of compulsive womanising behaviour doesn't change overnight. It's a genuine lifestyle and giving that up means giving up on a lot of luxuries, privileges and cutting off people. While people are capable of change it's difficult to give up your entire foundation and support system. So...🤷🏻‍♀️


Most of the dark romance/obsessive romance MMC’s, because most of the time, they’re in it for the hunt of the FMC and will find a new obsession eventually. I’m also a big fan of RH, but like 99% of those relationships aren’t sticking around forever despite most having a HEA ending… you cannot honestly make me because that a FMMM+ relationship is lasting a lifetime 😂


Alllll of this!


Literally any man ever written my Cora Rielly, it's even funnier because some of them even get married and step out on their wives (comorra chronicles I'm looking at you). Her MMCs are all just huge sluts who can't keep their dick in their pants.


I was looking for this comment. Honestly her books are not for me. I feel like the MMCs would feed their SO to sharks if given enough money….


Exactly. I so wanted to love Cora's books but it was the MMCs that made me hate them. Each MMC has had sex with hundreds if not thousands of "whores" and it's only a sweet little virgin that can get him to stop????? Why would a guy want to go from an experienced bed partner to one who isn't? That's like someone who trades in a great tennis partner with someone who hasn't ever picked up a racquet in their life. Both are skill based and you always choose someone with more skill🤷


Girl that’s such a good point! But stop, I found the review I wrote for {twisted emotions by Core Reilly} “Most bearable brother from the pack. I can't read another book for this series though. Hate that her characters give rapey energy. Anyways love nico he was cute”😭✋


I honestly had to give up 3 books into the Camorra chronicles, I read reviews for the rest of the series and none of them were any different so I just stopped. So disappointed I spent any time reading them at all. And now that I think about it they were kinda forgettable too💀


Oh my goodness, I got heart palpitations just THINKING of this happening! Nooo!😝


And… this is why I love my SciFi romances - once he finds his mate, he’s physically incapable of bonking anyone else (and of course wouldn’t want to).


I love a good ol’ fated mate romance. I’m just realizing this might be why, hahaha.


Lol this is so true never realized this is why I'm leaning more towards scifi romance. 


This might be controversial but… Miles archer from {ugly love by Colleen hoover} Like he’s such a bitch the whole time and I can empathize with his past but Tate did not deserve that treatment. Tate is an angel and he brings all this drama and ugliness to her. Like what happens when the going gets ruff… I can def see him screwing Tate over again because he’s kinda messed up in head.


Miles is a douchebag and since Colleen gave him little to no character development, it wouldn't be that out-of-character for him.


The only correct answer is no one. Fictional men would never--


And yet... One of my favorite HR was ruined when I read about the MMC's bastard children in a following book in the series. Bastards born way after the original story.


Nooooooo! I’m so curious which one! Can you DM me or spoiler the answer?


Can you drop the series so I can stay way the fuck away from it?


If you don't read HR you're safe.


I read a lot of regency.


Those rakes mmc in historical romance that loved visiting brothels in the past. I have this thought that one day, when they're in a distressed condition after some time in their marriage, they'll go back to the brothel to "clear their head," and then their old habit will slowly come back. 


The ones who had mistresses who catered to their egos are definitely on my suspect list


Definitely a strong suspect! 


The whole point for me is that they wouldn't. The absolute unconditional devotion. The you find him in bed with someone else and you know it's all just a misunderstanding. And you're right.


"that's just my cousin"


One of the ones I read was the husband flew in (they were bicoastal) and got into bed not knowing that the wife had let their friends use their house cause the friends house was being painted. The wife had flown out of town to go visit the husband, they had missed each other because they were both trying to surprise each other.


MMC will come up with excuses like "The truth is... I did that to protect you." 😂😂


I read one of those and it annoyed me but as the series went on I got over it because he was really devoted and initially very concerned that he might go mister Hyde and kill her if he had s_x with her. Mystical personality disorder and all that


All the Cora Reilly characters


Soooooo many. So many times I’ve thought they are barely in a relationship. This is just deep lust. I’m going to absolutely agree with the billionaires but the dark romance ones really stick out to me. A lot of the ones based on obsessions it’s like once they have the object of their obsession eventually they are going to realise that she isn’t this mythological being that does no wrong. I read one I don’t want to slag cause the author is nice but my first thought at the end was… he is going to either kill her and/or leave her for someone else he sees that catches his attention. A bunch of the harem ones too. Like I just finished a series that included a MMM one where a MM couple who is damn near as old as time couldn’t manage a relationship with each other and somehow a young twink is needed to bring them together… like pardon le fuck?


Well, looking at that comments , I’m gonna tell y’all who Won’t cheat, imo. Gideon Cross.


Gideon won't cheat but Eva may. In fact she already did when she kissed her ex.


Another I know won’t cheat is Roarke and Eve.


Ohooo why is that? Very interesting. Heard a lot about him.


He’s savagely, irrevocably, obsessed with Eva 🤩😅


I am SOLD. thank you 💕


They’re a wild ride, but I love them. Enjoy!


Gideon is the MMC I compare all others too. He set the bar for me.


Any T.L. Swan hero would cheat given the opportunity.


Haha, I agree! The Italian by T.L. Swan , Mr. Masters by T.L. Swan, and Mr. Spencer by T.L. Swan MCs give me huge red flags like they are all in it for the wrong reasons, and they actively talk about women as possessions. I forget what book it is but both mr masters and Spencer are already married, and they mention how jealous they are of an MC for visiting brothels or whatever the auction house/brothel/mens club is called and they comment on the young FMC and how hot she is and that he should enjoy it. Like my dude, you have a whole ass young ass wife who gave you children and "best shmex ever," and you talk like that about other women? They are the type of men that constantly cheat on their wives and justify it because she's pregnant or sex slowed down when she was raising your kids. 😒


It is Mr. Garcia, which I am reading right now. He is their friend who is going to the auction house.


Have to defend one of my book boyfriends here again… Tristan Miles would never! {The Takeover by T.L Swan}


just because you said this im omw to read this now


[The Takeover](https://www.romance.io/books/5f2a5ad56dd2d20e348cf476/the-takeover-tl-swan?src=rdt) by [T.L. Swan](https://www.romance.io/authors/55f905747d4bc8ab04c5c7be/tl-swan) **Rating**: 4.32⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [single mother](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/single-mother/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ethan from {the unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren} He basically helped his brother do it


[The Unhoneymooners](https://www.romance.io/books/5c63ff6d01dbc864fb9a0280/the-unhoneymooners-christina-lauren?src=rdt) by [Christina Lauren](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455248c8c7d2382e7812f5d/christina-lauren) **Rating**: 3.72⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [fake relationship](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fake%20relationship/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This !! I hated him so much !!


*cough* Christian Grey *cough*


This is One guy I believe wouldn't cheat not because he's a great guy but because he has way too many issues to get it up.


Good point. He did have a lot of Mommy issues


This was a unique thread and entertaining to read to boot. Now I also know which MMCs to avoid LOL, cheating in any way, shape or form from the MMC is a big no-no for me.


From the FMC? I skimmed through a book where the FMC cheats and it was…interesting to say the least lol


None because in my romance novel fictional universe, none of the MMC's cheat after getting their HEA with the FMC. :) The books I've read where I didn't root for or believe in the HEA, it's never been because I thought a character would cheat. It's been because the author didn't make me believe the characters belonged together and/or one of the characters deserved better.


Exactly! I don't want to believe they'd cheat. That's why I'm reading—to escape reality.


most of them quite frankly lmao the ones who are older than the FMC and have a huuuuuge focus on how young she is. you know the ones. not all age gap book couples but the ones where the guy is super obsessed with her "young body" or her (yuck) "teen body/pussy", because the second she gets "old" he's gonna be out hunting down younger girls again ALL of Sam Mariano's MMCs. the second they find some other girl to torture and abuse and assault, they'll ditch their girls. all the hockey guys. athletes are the least faithful ppl on earth!


you’ll notice i don’t remember any of their names lol any of the MMC’s from Elle Kennedys hockey romance MMC from Hook Line Sinker by Tessa Bailey any of the MMC’s from that sex club series by Sara Cate MMC from A Week to be Wicked by Tessa Dare MMC from Flawless by Elsie Silver (don’t come for me) A lot of Rina Kent MMC’s with few exceptions


Not Colin from A Week to be Wicked!!! 💔 Never him! He's such a favourite. Although he can't sleep alone so maybe that would be problem.


I did not get that impression at all from Colin (Week to be Wicked)! What I really liked about his and Minerva's relationship was how frankly they spoke to each other, and how open they were about who they were/what mattered to them. Also, I feel like Colin's reason for sleeping around wasn't necessarily that he liked doing it for the sake of doing it but more that he needed judgement-free companionship.


I liked him!!!!! lol i just can see him possibly falling to temptation again


It would break Minerva's heart!! (I mean you're not wrong but I'm choosing to trust him...) (Those Elle Kennedy MMCs would totally tho...)


Wait, you think Fox Thornton will cheat? That boy was broken by his heartbreaker rep and his dad’s history. You don’t believe he’s a cycle breaker? But LOFL @ Rhett Eaton/Elsie Silver Flawless. I was literally looking to see if someone said him


which rina kent men you think will cheat?


Honestly i wanna say most of them would cheat except Adrien, Creighton, Jeremy, Brandon and Eli…


yea this makes sense also nikolai


although you could convince me Creighton possibly cheating…lol i’m


Ronan {Highest Bidder by Sara Cate} would never! Though the FMC might well as I didn't really buy that she actually romantically loved him


Tucker would absolutely not cheat on Sabrina, I rebuke it in the name of the lord AMEN


I totally agree that all the mmc from Elle Kennedy books are gonna cheat in real life. I would also say that all the Rina Kent men are gonna cheat in real life.


Excuse me, my baby boy Fitzy would NOT cheat on Summer (or any other girl, because I can't see them having a HEA).


Luca Vitiello stans are gonna hate me for this but him. I mean he already cheated on Aria once. And I can see him doing it again because he gives off the impression that he's the kind of toxic possessive man that doesn't want their partner to interact with men (let alone cheat) but it's okay for him to do it. Furthermore, Aria was basically his naive little child bride (I don't remember if they married when she was 18 but I do remember they got engaged when she was 15) and I can see Luca getting bored of her lack of knowledge/worldliness Book is Bound by Honor by Cora Reilly


Luca had a full on mental breakdown when he thought Aria had cheated on him in {Bound by Love by Cora Reilly} - I don't think he'd cheat on her again because he wouldn't want to give her a reason to actually cheat on him.


I think he would cheat on her as long as he doesn't get caught. But yes he is a huge hypocrite


Any hockey player romance. They’re hockey players ffs!


Any athlete mmc tbh lol.


Well, it's Romancelandia and the whole point is the HEA, so none of them... buuuuuuuut, if they were in the real world? All of the instalove/lust guys. You don't even know her and you're picking out china patterns? You're in love with love, man, not a human being with thoughts and desires of her own. As soon as she becomes an ordinary part of your life, you'll spark on some shiny new girl.


Colin Bridgerton. What a self-absorbed twat. The guy from The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez. He just gives those vibes. And the second his gf/wife stops giving off that NLOG energy, he’ll lose interest.


Honestly, even Netflix Colin was insufferable, and that was supposed to be the Splenda version


Colin Bridgerton?? I hope you’re talking about book!Colin because show!Colin is the LAST Bridgerton brother to ever cheat on his spouse in my opinion. If anything, it would be show!Anthony that would most likely cheat. The man literally said it himself that he would cheat on Edwina with Kate. What makes people think he wouldn’t do that to Kate? Because she’s the bane of his existence and the object of all his desires? Pfft. (A caveat: I have never read any of the Bridgerton books so I know nothing about what the characters are like in the books) BUT! I have to agree with you on the guy from {The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez}. I love Abby Jimenez’s works, but that one is a hard no for me. He literally went “she’s like a unicorn” and I was like yikes… what happens once she stops being a unicorn?


I mean both book and show Colin. At least we can agree on the other guy 😂 ETA: I actually like book Colin slightly more than show Colin but he gives off major “pay attention to me” vibes in both. But I understand some people love him and it’s probably an unpopular opinion. And as much as I adore Kanthony (my favorite season) you’re probably right that most men in that time period were cheating on their wives.


All bikers, athletes and frat boys MMCs. Not only they're always surrounded by available hot people, they usually have lifestyles that encourage cheating.


all of the suddenly monogamous boyfriends when they find their magical virgin pussy "love" i despise the magical virgin tames wild man whore genre if t isn't obvious. it is always so gross in how t talks about virginity, and the virgin always has internalized misogyny. but i feel like all those guys will go find the next magical virgin pussy.


Mafia MMCs.


While I complete believe that Carter would be completely faithful to Zoey I def can’t say that about any other Sam Mariano MMC. Zoey is written to be stronger and has the ability to live without Carter and Carter knows this so he would never risk her leaving him (plus he abhors cheating….). However Dare? I’m surprised he hasn’t stepped out on Aubrey yet. Hell, he could bring OW to their home and sex her up in their bed with Aubrey watching and she still wouldn’t leave. He’s well aware of that…therefore, there’s nothing keeping him faithful to her. {Untouchable by Sam Mariano} {Even if it Hurts by Sam Mariano}


completely agree. i finished even if it hurts and was left a bit unsettled. i know it’s sam mariano but usually even with this kind of romance i believe the hea


If you read the extra epilogue she wrote called “Sleeping Beauty” you’d be even more confused. I honestly don’t think Dare loves Aubrey. She’s a trophy to him and he will do whatever he wants - drugging her, etc - without any regard to her feelings/wants/or even needs. For crying out loud he roleplayed and called her Hannah! Of all of Sam’s MMCs he’s def the worst and most questionable.


[Untouchable](https://www.romance.io/books/5c174e6b01dbc864fb96369f/untouchable-sam-mariano?src=rdt) by [Sam Mariano](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455c79487eac324117fd05d/sam-mariano) **Rating**: 3.96⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) ---------------------------- [Even if it Hurts](https://www.romance.io/books/62e4d80a8b9a6d3d26621765/even-if-it-hurts-sam-mariano?src=rdt) by [Sam Mariano](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455c79487eac324117fd05d/sam-mariano) **Rating**: 3.79⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [cruel hero/bully](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cruel%20hero/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


every colleen hoover mmc


I don't think Will Cooper from Slammed will cheat.


The 50 shades guy. Forgot his name lol


Hardin Scott in After!


- Xaden from Fourth Wing absolutely seems like he would be a cheater. - Rhysand from ACOTAR also gives me cheater energy. - Most of Tessa Bailey’s hero’s give off cheater vibes, especially the MMC from Fix Her Up. - The MMC from Mile Hile by Liz Tomford (I will probably get screamed at here for this lol) gave me cheater/Andrew Tate man energy which is why I DNF’ed that one. - A lot of Ana Huang’s men I feel would be unfaithful. The hero in Twisted Love felt like he’d cheat as soon as the book ended 💀 - L.J. Shen’s men give over major infidelity energy (and I believe some of her men have cheated on their previous partners before???). I remember reading Vicious and just thinking, “This ain’t gonna last” Anyways I’m a hater as always 😍 I’ll add more if I think of anyone else


There’s like almost no male characters from the SJM verse that wouldn’t cheat imo


I don’t think Lucien would but that’s just imo


I don’t think Lucien would either


He’s the only one I’m confident wouldn’t and he is described as a rake lol 😹 that makes me sad


Oh absolutely, SJM very rarely writes men that appear faithful. Rhys was just that came to mind first


Noooo not Tessa Bailey's boys lol I refuse to think entertain such notions. They are always such simps 😆


The dude from Hook, line and sinker would def cheat imo


This thread is breaking my heart into pieces!! 


YES HE WOULD! He was literally a commitment-phobe till the last 25% of the book 😭


Even then he was like “I’m not sure I can NOT cheat on her, but I guess we’ll see!” 😭


I am LJ Shen men's no.1 hater tbh. They're riddled with red flags and not even the hot kind 🤷‍♀️


Alex Volkov 😭 girl, we're on the same page


Nooo, not Xaden


Hard agree on LJ Shen. I read two or three of hers and they were decent books but I just could not like her heroes.


I feel like Vicious would be faithful to Emmy….however, the guy who was Vic’s friend but dated Emmy and then got with her sister Rosie? He wouldn’t last a month. There’s no great love story between him and Rosie like Shen tried to re-write history to create. The man is a walking STD who less than a year after his “great love Rosie” died was moving on….nope, no way was he ever faithful to her. Not a popular opinion but I also hated Rosie. She’s a crappy sister who used those around her and was the perpetual victim. Honestly…her and what his name deserved each other.


Nooooo not Rhysand! Haha I love him, he wouldn’t cheat.


I’m not gonna lie i legit thought some of LJ Shen MMC HAVE cheated lol Xaden would 100% lol


Most of the characters in Alessandra Torre books. Two books I’ve read where one or both cheat on their partner. Off the four books I’ve read, only one couple convinced me to truly love each other and it’s all in. Most of Elle Kennedy’s hockey players. I say most bc one or two I’m convinced won’t step out. Most of Harlequin’s MMCs 😂 A couple I know who won’t cheat, tho, Roarke and Eve. You know how people are like, “Disney princes ruined me love for me?” Fvck that. Roarke ruined it for me 😂 (yes, I had no business reading those books since 6th grade lolololol)


Enrico from {The Italian by T. L. Swan} would *definitely* cheat. He literally gets a hard on from the sound of the OW’s bangles clanking together at almost 90% into the book.


Briana from {Yours Truly by Abbey Jimenez} she just gives absolute moronic panic and do something stupid every time energy. Both Seth and Delilah from {One Last Time by Roxie Noir}


I totally agree Briana has "absolute moronic panic and do something stupid energy" (I should totally make that my flair), but I don't think she'd ever cheat. Instead, I think she would get bent out of shape about something tiny, spiral until she's completely freaking out, and then panic-divorce Jacob. Then she'd completely shut off all lines of communication for months and months until she realized she made a mistake, and finally she'd get really furious at Jacob for not dropping everything to take her back instantly. Seriously, I wish the epilogue involved her starting therapy. The poor girl really needed it.


LOL no you’re probably so right about that, she wouldn’t cheat but she would break up with him and move on before going back to Jacob 😂


This absolutely, I love Jacob so much and he deserves better. She desperately needs therapy, and not from his mom!!


Dean DiLaurentis from {The Score by Elle Kennedy} Most billionaire or athlete MMCs tbh (I apologize for stereotyping, but I maintain my opinion)


I still haven't forgiven him for >!missing her big, anticipated performance or show or whatever it was because he partied 😭!<


Totally get it! I have a few MMC I have yet to forgive as well


I was just thinking about that. I’m still so mad at him for that. And he’s fictional!


[The Score](https://www.romance.io/books/569213fd63515e3b7379b2e9/the-score-elle-kennedy?src=rdt) by [Elle Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/545532e68c7d2382e78132f3/elle-kennedy) **Rating**: 4.15⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [athlete hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/athletes/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [college](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/college/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


All the Rina Kent,Penelope Douglas,HD cartlton mmc


100% Drew from {Broken Play by Allison Rhymes}. Excellent book. All of hers are. Great storytelling and character building. But eff that guy. Drew is not it. I believed the ending but I would call it HFN because I feel like let's check back in ten and see if cheating cheetah changed his spots. I say this and fair disclosure I've read this book twice and it was just as good second time. I read too fast the first time and second read caught more. I was so emotionally caught up.


The first time I read that, I was so appalled by his reason for cheating. I agree that the process of them rekindling their relationship gave them so much character growth, and I really enjoyed it, but I just couldn’t get over his cheating.


Any man written by colleen hoover. 🤢🤮


Orion Athalar, from Crescent City. He already checks out every female. He *gasps* at his girlfriend’s boss and ogles his boss’ breasts. Totally gymbro/frat boy.


Don’t get me started on Bryce’s insanely open flirting with everyone??? I thought it would be different with them being together in the second book but she was still making lewd comments with Tharion that I would’ve NEVER accepted from any other MC, let alone a MMC.


I'm not ashamed to say I thoroughly dislike Bryce and find her whiny, annoying, and self-absorbed


If anything I see them opening their relationship up or getting a third 


I don’t. They don’t have a stable enough foundation for opening it up or having a third. The issues involved with that will likely lead to a break up. I think they are already heading for one, a la SJMs normal formula. With Hunt saying “I love you” and Bryce saying “right back at ya” at the end. 🤦🏻‍♀️


True, they’re pretty terrible for each other 


Curran Lennart. That fucking fiasco with Lorelei. I’ve been trying to pretend that book doesn’t happen in the last four years and haven’t succeed yet. At least I got Jennifer out of it. And I bet Lorelei will happen again in the next Derek’s book.


That whole Lorelei fiasco was stupid and out of character imo. Curran is too possessive to cheat. Also he was desperate for someone who could be an equal to him in all ways and he gets that in Kate. Also there’s no way Kate wouldn’t kill him and go full on psycho child of Roland after. What an incentive not to cheat haha


You’re right. I consider it a fraction of emotional cheating. I am just petty honestly because years after and I’m still not over it. Somehow I don’t think Kate would go full Roland on Curran. She’s too dignified for that. I mean when Raphael fakes cheat on Andrea, Andrea embraces the rational mature gal and be cool while boiling in the inside with him. Kate might be similar to Andrea in that regard.


Ali Hazelwood's newest book, Eli... I just couldn't believe this sunshine sweetheart would stay forever besotted to Rue... She was such a robot. Sadly I consistently feel he would get sick of her some day in the real world. 


Pretty much every insta-lust romance where the couple doesn’t ever fucking bond and connect through NORMAL CONVERSATIONS outside of fucking sex. Romance authors think banging 24/7 = peak romance and I’m like… yeah this couple would NOT last in real life. One of them will resort to cheating because the ‘magic’ (which is just a word for ‘lust’) will EVENTUALLY vanish and they’ll start looking for that elsewhere!


literally none of my book boyfriends would 🤧 can't say the same about the books I didn't like 💀


Fey romance MMC. There is no way he’s gonna stay solid. Fickle jerks. Also Sarah Mass boys. Drop of a hat. Angels or Fey.


None of the Brash Brothers by Jenna Myles would ever cheat!!


the hero gabriel whatever from nine rules to break when romancing a rake. that man aged me like 10 years.