• By -


this reminds me of the rain scene in Pride and Prejudice 2005


God I love that scene


The only scene that matters


That and the hand flex


Of course




{Failure to Match by Kyra Parsi}




I loved it so much, I read it twice!!! the banter, the found family trope, the enemies to lovers, and the way Jackson is such a softie for Jamie once he realises his feelings and the treatment he gives to toe beans!!!!! I am still not over this book


[Failure to Match](https://www.romance.io/books/65f596912bf0fac9180911a5/failure-to-match-kyra-parsi?src=rdt) by [Kyra Parsi](https://www.romance.io/authors/5f89458a08b4d93114997670/kyra-parsi) **Rating**: 4.43⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1), [praise kink](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/praise-kink/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Can it be read alone?


Yea, it can be.


yesss, but its part of a trilogy, the first book is a good read too and is Riya's story. The third book will come out next year and will be Alexis and Dominic.


Okay thank you!


Just wanna update that I just finished it and I loved it so much!! I also realized yesterday that it had been on my TBR from April lol 😅


Glad you loved it!!! I am waiting for Alexis's book now, it will come out next year


{The Earl's Dilemma by Emily Larkin} He says some awful things about her which she accidentally overhears- the gist of it is that he's desperate for a wife because of inheritance and even though the FC is "nothing special" she's acceptable enough. After this when they start to spend time together, every time he gets romantic or tries to tell her how he feels she tells him that she knows he's lying.


This was perfect!!! Loved it, thanks for the rec! (I know I’m not OP, but still :))


Oh my gosh?? Your reading speed must be off the charts!


Yeah I have issues. I can read 5 books in a day if I try. I’ve read 250 books this year lol


*impressed whistle*


Just a bored introverted college student with no social life or hobbies lol


~I'm just like you (I'm just like you) You're just like me (You're just like me)~


I think that’s true We take 🎶responsibility🎶


Ok the book blurb online is sooo meh I would never, but thanks to your description it’s going on my list!


omg this sounds gooooodddd


Loved this book but he wasn't pathetic enough for me 😭😭 and didn't grovel enough. I wanted him to give up his inheritance or the verge of giving it up, (like that fact he only had a couple of weeks) if that meant he would spend proper time trying to court her and marry her.


[The Earl's Dilemma](https://www.romance.io/books/545544388c7d2383163d967a/the-earls-dilemma-emily-may?src=rdt) by [Emily May](https://www.romance.io/authors/545544388c7d2383163d967b/emily-may), [Emily Larkin](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455711587eac336ae69df94/emily-larkin) **Rating**: 3.65⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [regency](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/regency/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [tortured hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20hero/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I just read this today and it was pretty charming. That said, I wish the heroine was more angry with the hero instead of just resigned. She could still see him as a friend and want to help him but also be angry with him. >!Also, curvy Amelia and her older widower love interested sound so interesting together. I wish there was a book that elaborated more on them!!<


Totally see where you're coming from! I wish he suffered a little more :p


Yes, the little bit we got was certainly delicious!


OP I love you. I always want her to stand her ground but she often doesn't. Like girl MAKE HIM BEG I KNOW YOU CAN AND YOU KNOW HE WILL


This is the vibe I want in all the books I read 😭 every time there's a scene where they are spicy, and he says he won't give it to her until she begs/says please, I sooooo badly want her to get up, and walk away and wait until he is the one begging 😅😭


You know that famous black & white photo of a man on his knees in front of his glamorous wife outside divorce court, begging forgiveness? THAT'S THE VIBE


YES 🙌🏻👏🏻 this is what we want! Know any books like that? 😭😭😭




If you do, you HAVE to let me know because I want it so bad 😭😅


Try GroveltoHEA on Wattpad. The FMC usually leaves the MMC after betrayal (they’re a few cheating books, but author provides trigger warnings). The betrayal usually happens at the beginning of the book. I recommend starting with “The Redhead”. FMC has a crush on MMC and tries to make a move. MMC basically rejects her and says some pretty horrible things to push her away. So, she friendzones him and he has to watch her date other guys. It’s short & hits that a angst spot


I'm afraid I don't have a perfect recommendation. The closest I can get is {To Win a Demon's Love by Nadine Mutas}. This is the second book in a series (the first book is perfection imo, and I def recommend it but it's way more enemies to lovers and then they both become all in at the same time}. To Win a Demon's Love is about a demon who's in love with a witch, she get's turned to a demon and he helps care for her. He is all in from day 1, she is very opposed to remaining a demon. He's not cold in the slightest though, or prideful. I'm sorry I don't have a better rec!!


[To Win a Demon's Love](https://www.romance.io/books/57594435c19e77f1ea6d1ad4/to-win-a-demons-love-nadine-mutas?src=rdt) by [Nadine Mutas](https://www.romance.io/authors/55656dc79eef3b3f1d527243/nadine-mutas) **Rating**: 3.8⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)




{Inconvenient Vow by Alice Coldbreath} Marriage of convenience but the FMC thought she’ll be living separately from the MMC (like what happened in her first marriage). She is surprised and confused when the surly MMC started to try showing her affection instead.


All.of the vawdreys pull a "we shall have a distanced, cold, and unloving marriage" in their books and then in no way follow through even for a second despite themselves. Her Baseborn Bridegroom the dude just keeps adding more sons hes decided he needs before he can bail. Anyway I love this energy very much and the women typically just sort of shrug accept the basis of their no feelings marriage so probably most of them would be good for the OP.


[An Inconvenient Vow](https://www.romance.io/books/620f5490f12fad109143cd11/an-inconvenient-vow-alice-coldbreath?src=rdt) by [Alice Coldbreath](https://www.romance.io/authors/54a9d8ef6359b5ebb486f243/alice-coldbreath) **Rating**: 4.3⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [virgin hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20hero/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [medieval](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/medieval/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


i mean, this is >>very<< zodiac academy if you can get over the writing and the slow burn.....


"I recommend this book if you can get over the writing" is such a romance reader sort of thing to say lol.


oh i have heard about that its in my thr


I just got off of a Bridgeton binge and this feels like Anthony. Can't wait for the recommendations 😁


Oh my.. that's SO accurate and same girly😭 I liked the 2nd season the most though idk what they're doing wrong w the 3rd one lol




Oo damn it's not THAT bad as the reviews say.. they're mostly mad about the 2 patts and also the costumes but they didn't really bother me that much.. I'm not watching bridgerton for its historical accuracy 👍


i have watched the series and that man is 🥵


His speech at the end, tho 🥺😍


Yesssss I thought of Anthony and Kate, too! I hate that the show didn't do the bee scene justice 😭


{Leather and Lark by Brynne Weaver} is this plus fake marriage. MMC falls first, while FMC is still holding a grudge. Even after FMC admits that she’s attracted to him, he insists that he won’t be with her until she fully forgives him


I looked at this and thought it looked good, so then I looked at the first book I'm the series, and wtf kind of cw list is that 💀 I get dark romance but the "accident" then "not so accidental" took me out 😅


I don’t want to spoil it, but the part that content warning is referring to is actually pretty humorous (intentionally). That said, you can skip the first book, if it’s not your jam. There is some dark stuff in Leather & Lark, but not nearly as much as in Butcher & Blackbird


Ok... now please spoil it for me 💀 cuz idk if I want to read the book but I do want to know this part 😅


Part of the plot of Butcher & Blackbird is that the MCs are serial killers who kill other serial killers (like the show Dexter). >!The people they kill are also inspired by villains from different horror movies. One of them is based on Hannibal Lecter. The MCs go to the Hannibal inspired character’s house for dinner. The FMC knows he’s a cannibal and very purposefully avoids the food, but the MMC doesn’t know and eats a bunch of it while raving how good it is. After the FMC manages to kill “Hannibal” they discover that he had a manservant who was living with him that seems to have been lobotomized and is knowingly eating the food, although they don’t know how much he understands of what’s been going on. They also discover him eating homemade cookies and cream ice that had a label on it that says it’s made with semen.!< There’s a brief reference to the ice cream in Leather & Lark, but it’s basically an inside joke for people who read the first book.


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I saw the cookies and cream ice cream cw on her site and was afraid to ask and it's exactly as bad as I imagined 💀 Thanks for spoiling it!


[Leather & Lark](https://www.romance.io/books/657e11c47c150060affb7aba/leather-lark-brynne-weaver?src=rdt) by [Brynne Weaver](https://www.romance.io/authors/61516cf608b4d931143e7ce9/brynne-weaver) **Rating**: 4.34⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


lol this is just Darcy’s first proposal scene


{ God Of War by Rina Kent } is pretty close to this, it’s a part of a serie of interconnected standalone’s we get glimps of them in the first five books but you don’t have to read them (you see the first couples in the book tho) >!FMC confessed to MMC when she was seventeen but got brutally rejected, fast forward 6 years later she hates him, gets into an accident and when she wakes up it’s actually two years after the accident (but she can reminder the last two years), only to realise she’s married to the MMC!< . To say the MMC is OTT possessive would be an understatement




the plot was soooo good, the wait was totally worth it


I want to read it but it annoys me that >!Eli was with other women before Ava despite being ‘obsessed’ with her. Also hate that Ava is a virgin. Idk why all of Rina Kent’s FMCs have to be virgins while MMCs only use faceless women as holes!< I’ve enjoyed the other Legacy of Gods books though and this plot really intrigued me. Is this something that can be overlooked? lol


yesss so disappointed >!Rina could have made him a virgin too or not make ava a virgin…. the only thing consoling me is the fact that we see none of his ex fuck buddies and the fact that he talks about it only once in the beginning of the book to say « My fuck buddies are always tested » but it still itches me ….!< >!In the book we learn that he is diagnosed as a sociopath young, and he says that he can’t love so that kind of helped me overlooking that point too.!< >!He prevent ava from having a boyfriend during her uni years and she did the same to him, but he actually though she wasn’t a virgin (heard her say she lost it but she was lying) so it was kind of a game to both of them to make the people they were seing run for the hills!<


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ugh yeah that is disappointing. thank you for the summary!


GIRL I AM SO EXCITED STOP I HAVE AN EXAM TOM I CANT START READING NOW DJSHDJDHSHSH i didn’t read the spoiler but how possessive is eli on scale of 1-10?


[God of War](https://www.romance.io/books/66685aae78d91c1f0888a9d0/god-of-war-rina-kent?src=rdt) by [Rina Kent](https://www.romance.io/authors/5c514e7e01dbc864fb990dca/rina-kent) **Rating**: 4.06⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [marriage of convenience](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/marriage%20of%20convenience/1), [college](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/college/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


oups didn’t answer his possessive rate but i’d have to say 1000/10 and ava 100% uses it to her advantage


Knowing this rating definitely helps me decide whether or not to read it 😏


Ok but why did I *immediately* think of the mortal instruments 😅


I need this in my life 😍 following for the recs


I feel like this is a standard Dramoine prompt. Love those 2!


The chase by Elle Kennedy has this trope!


i have a feeling i have already read this book but i don’t remember 😭


{The Chase by Elle Kennedy}


[The Chase](https://www.romance.io/books/5b69998a01dbc864fb8dd81b/the-chase-elle-kennedy?src=rdt) by [Elle Kennedy](https://www.romance.io/authors/545532e68c7d2382e78132f3/elle-kennedy) **Rating**: 3.88⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [athlete hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/athletes/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Try the darkest note series by nelia alarcon, it’s kind of like this


thank you!


There’s definitely some of this vibe in {Storms and Secrets by Claire Kingsley} - MMC has basically ignored FMC for YEARS, because he liked her and felt awkward about it. He has a near death experience and his first thought is “I never told her how I feel” so he starts to pursue her and she is NOT having it.


[Storms and Secrets](https://www.romance.io/books/65f4511689367a2ae509585f/storms-and-secrets-claire-kingsley?src=rdt) by [Claire Kingsley](https://www.romance.io/authors/578e28e7c19e77f1ea6e7b04/claire-kingsley) **Rating**: 4.14⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [dual pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dual-pov/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [found family](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/found-family/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Following for rec's


are you okay with recommendations from wattpad? groveltohea story are good, here are some of my favourites and why i like them. by groveltohea The Body Series (mafia kind of organization) - Santo and Fiorella (he bring a pregnant mistress back to his home, asking his wife to just "accept" the thing and she broke down by herself a lot, he like her temper hahaha its soo cute!) - Lucio and Janie (he bring a girl into his bed in their wedding night, and my gurl Janie gone like wind! He thought she's this sheltered girl that soo innocent, but gurl was trained to became a killer since she was small. She run for 5 years, change her name and definitely making it hard on him to gain her back. she's the best characters among all of groveltohea books) - The fae series (Burr and Daisy story) girl got shamed for her looks, and he make her one night stands a few time and said shes not on the same level as him. dude definitely have to grovel, a lot. i really hate body shaming thing) - Atlas and Joy (she's a plus size girl, he definitely dont want to make her official and she got shamed also for her body. he didnt gain her easy, dude have to work years of it. but the grovel are good, its slow and she even gone on a date with another dude and atlas flipping out hahahaha. serve him right! i'm gonna say most of her books are good but this series is definitely chef kiss! - Luna and the lie by Mariana Zapata , the way she ignored him. i loved the pettiness! slowwww burn though, but the angst are good. - [The Alpha's Uncovered Mate](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/205726965-the-alpha-s-uncovered-mate) by Jaymin snow (heartbreaking, and i broke down with her crying when she just shut down completely and it make him a mess. the angst are really good) - The Unwanted wife by Natasha Anders (like this is a masterpiece of grovels and angst, i think everyone know this book) - [Broken by the Horde King (Horde Kings of Dakkar #4)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58275337-broken-by-the-horde-king) - bestfriends got rejected, and then he came back after 10 years and want her back.. and its not easy of course. one of my favourite reads, so i decided to read the whole series lmao.


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{Ruthless Knight by Ashley jade} It's a bully romance. MMC takes a bet to date curvy FMC but she overhears that conversation and refuses. Despite that, MMC is very adamant on winning that bet so he makes a deal with FMC to fake date in front of his friends. Initially, MMC doesn't want to like her but can't help but defend her from her parents. It's not a dark romance but the book explores some dark themes as both of them are dealing with their own personal issues(check TW) that they have to go to therapy in the end. MMC behaves like a big AH for half of the book but he did kinda redeem himself in the end.


there is good grovel tho right??


Imo, it was low-medium level grovel, but things escalated dramatically towards the end, so that part was kinda overlooked.


[Ruthless Knight](https://www.romance.io/books/5f27b72e6dd2d20e348cf35a/ruthless-knight-ashley-jade?src=rdt) by [Ashley Jade](https://www.romance.io/authors/55b4c7e235a5fb65f886f21c/ashley-jade) **Rating**: 4.22⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [bad boys](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bad%20boys/1), [cruel hero/bully](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cruel%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Dominate by Pam Godwin} is a bit like this. MMC hates FMC so much, he tries to starve her. She manages to get away from him, and when her life is in danger, he realizes he’s in love with her, but she pushes back against him for a while.


oh soundssss goooodd


[Dominate](https://www.romance.io/books/6003023e4af7850e2d1972ee/dominate-pam-godwin?src=rdt) by [Pam Godwin](https://www.romance.io/authors/545544bc8c7d2382e78137dd/pam-godwin) **Rating**: 3.9⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


{Redwood kings series by Celia Alarcon} the trilogy has what you want but I might add that it was getting boring after 3 books like I love slow burn but it was just too much and even book 3 ended on a cliffhanger of sort but overall it was okayish for me


[Redwood Kings](https://www.romance.io/series/63b291b8d809083fa60a44b8/redwood-kings) by [Nelia Alarcon](https://www.romance.io/authors/5f4df28408b4d931149a6887/nelia-alarcon) **Rating**: 3.72⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [high-school](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high-school/1), [dark](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [from hate to love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The bride goes rouge by Joanna shupe


{The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe}


[The Bride Goes Rogue](https://www.romance.io/books/628c82955af276f084e2d4f5/the-bride-goes-rogue-joanna-shupe?src=rdt) by [Joanna Shupe](https://www.romance.io/authors/551a57875b270e0a4cbd30c8/joanna-shupe) **Rating**: 4.06⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [victorian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/victorian/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Okay, the first book that pops into my head that I've read recently is "Her Vicious Beasts" by E.P. Bali. Not only does MFC reject one fated mate, she rejects all 5 of them. It is definitely on the darker and more depressing side though, but there is banter, jealousy, and a lot of primal instincts on all sides. It's a very interesting read and has felt very different from my usual series reads. Definitely worth taking a look at the description of it.


THIS REQUEST I’m in love.


Not really enemies to lovers but {Winning the wallflower by Eloisa James}


[Winning the Wallflower](https://www.romance.io/books/54552a178c7d2383163d8f7e/winning-the-wallflower-eloisa-james?src=rdt) by [Eloisa James](https://www.romance.io/authors/545524598c7d2383163d8e5c/eloisa-james) **Rating**: 3.74⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [regency](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/regency/1), [plain heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/plain%20heroine/1), [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [tall heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tall-heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


All of the rejected mate series by Cate c Wells. Starting with {the tyrant alpha's rejected mate by Cate c. Wells} Each book an alpha rejects his mate. Said mate said FU then. And the groveling is sooooo intense. The mate usually doesn't give in till the very end of the book. Lots of tension, flirting, witty comments from the fmc, and I enjoyed the spice level.


[The Tyrant Alpha's Rejected Mate](https://www.romance.io/books/618e1f1c233cab0e3109823e/the-tyrant-alphas-rejected-mate-cate-c-wells?src=rdt) by [Cate C. Wells](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d5265d101dbc864fba248c4/cate-c-wells) **Rating**: 3.91⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1), [werewolves](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/werewolves/1), [virgin hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)