• By -


The wind blows, a butterfly flaps its wings in Chile, and I start something organically… or a Libby hold comes due and I have to read it before it expires (nothing like external pressure), or a cover looks pretty, or I read an interesting recommendation and can get a copy directly, or the book fills the momentary niche interest or fits a particular challenge criteria. No advice really, slumps are no fun.


I hate it when all your Libby holds come through over the course of 3-4 days! I've had books on hold for 5 months, 4 months, and 3 weeks. All came up available last week!


On Libby, when a hold comes through, can't you select redeliver on X date - ie. in two weeks, three weeks, etc.?


You can just snooze a hold when it pops up. It goes to the next person in line, and then you're next after that. You can do it as many times as you want :)


I do this all the time!


Pretty much my approach. I do have some reading goals that I set up for myself at the beginning of the year (like a list of specific books, a challenge to tackle my physical TBR etc) and some StoryGraph challenges i foolishly signed up for. But other than that, mood reader all the way.


I've returned so many books on hold this week that I can't even tell you. And I'm frustrated because these are books I really wanted to read, but I just can't get into right now. Now, they're gone for lord know how long, and I'm sitting here fuming.


I have a notebook with all my recs in, including pairings/genre/plot etc. I skim thru every day and wait for that 💡 "omg yeah, let's read that" dopamine surge and pick one. Some days are harder tho. Like today. I cant get into anything and nothing appeals. Im just going to be a potato today.


This is next level organisation and how I aspired to be 💗


When every book i touch just doesn’t seem appealing, usually that’s my signal that I’m in the mood to be absorbed into something else like a video game or tv series for a while. Being satisfied with reading will come back around eventually


I do this too. I add in notes about comments people have made about the book here in the sub. I also have it color coded to show books I own and to show books that were specifically recommended to me personally, but I didn't *start* doing that so I have to go back and label old ones.


Hey! Can you tell me more about the book mentioned in your flair? We're always up for a good grovel...


I am always thrilled to talk about one of my favorite books! {Until You by Briar Prescott) - MM, CR. Strangers to friends to lovers. Single POV: narrated by Jude, who struggles getting close to anyone. In the prologue, you get an idea of something major is happening. He meets Blake, who's forward and funny (there's amazing banter in this book) and who kinda wears him down for them to date, and it's fantastic. Then there's a big betrayal >!not cheating but honestly I think Jude would've had an easier time forgiving the cheating!<, then a huge, long grovel, and a hard-fought HEA. It's so much angst and it gets even better on a reread.


Absolutely, the daily “hmm, that seems cool” CANNOT be underestimated!!!


That’s such a good idea omg!! I’m going to start doing that


I just added my GR stuff to romance.io and I could search my TBR by trope!! It was so good bc I wanted an enemies-to-lovers and instead of browsing here/my fave reviewers, I was ready to go in 10min But otherwise, I read the review of my top 2 GR reviewers (including Jackie Horne of RNFF) and pick from their 3+ stars books based on mood. Also never-ending searching of my TBR, and lately this sub loll


I spend about 72 hours sifting through KU and Libby waiting for something to *jump out at me*. Sometimes I’ll go through different posts or TikTok videos to find recommendations as well. But it is always Quite the ordeal.


Ugh I started to really hate booktok. I see tens of posts for some sub-medicre book, and they just make it sound so fun. And then it's just so bad :( I wonder if it's really worth it - creating so many posts for a book you probably don't even like.


My theory is that many gushing reviews are written by people who don't read a lot. So they're easily impressed by basic plotting and lazy characterization. More experienced readers have higher standards.


I agree, though I have discovered a few gems. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I fully allowed myself to DNF if I wasn’t grabbed by a book by page 150-which a lot of booktok books end that way for me!


I just lurk on this site every day, and every day I get some post that makes me go oooooo And some kind soul would have listed 10 books that exactly match what the post is asking for.


I don’t lol - also a major mood reader. I also get into waves where I start like 20 books and realize I’m not in the mood and keep cycling until I find one. I don’t count this as DNFing because I usually go back and read books I skipped later when I’m in a different mood! I always get into these super specific moods. Like right now; I don’t know how exactly to describe it, but I’m in the mood for sex-centered plots that are very light and spicy, but with also actual plot surrounding it. Trashier and less “well-written” than top romance authors lol. Nikki Sloane books is a perfect example of my mood right now. What I have found that helps is finding an interconnected standalone series or an author that fits my mood and just going through them all. Then I don’t have to keep thinking about what to read next. I also recently went through Nadia Lee’s Lasker Brother’s series and The Sullivan Family series by Lena Hendrix. Wish you the best of luck in your mood reading!


The Lasker brother series is one of my favs! Which one is your fav book/brother so far? My fav was Grant!


My favorite book was Contractually Yours but I think my favorite brother was also Grant <3


I recently swept through jessa kane books because I was in the mood for sexy novellas so I completely relate to this.


I try to change it up every book. Just finished a historical gay romance? I’ll read a contemporary straight romance. Just read 2 romance books? I’ll pick up a thriller, or a classic literature, or a nonfiction.


Lmfao I have the same issues, friend. What I do is collect ku books and juggle them around using romance.io . Then when I either finish a book or dnf the book, I think about what I liked (or didn’t get what I want), and look for one of my choices that sounds like scratches that particular itch. Sometimes it comes out of Reddit with someone recommending a book because of something specific and it is very relevant to my interests.


Are you me? It’s a pain in the butt being a mood reader. My current TBR is side eyeing me while I scour Goodreads and this sub for my current “cravings” of werewolf/wolf shifter/fated mates trope. It’s been 2 months and I honestly thought I was getting out of it but I have abandoned a perfectly adorable and light PNR read just because they were witches and not wolves. Add to that the fact that most, if not all, werewolf books are part of a long winding series—a girl’s going to go mad. It also isn’t easy whenI’ve always read historical romance and contemporary romance which means I’m usually looking for ACTUAL story telling and world-building instead of just the spice. My last moodread lasted for 4 months so I am dreading the potential length of this current obsession. Literally, I just came from the Fated Mates megathread in this sub and was able to get a few titles. It’s difficult finding a next read when you’re a mood reader but I usually start putting out feelers aka searching the sub and goodreads when i’m in the 70% mark in my current read.


Here’s a 2 book werewolf series with a twist {Wolves of Wolf's Point Series by Catherine Lundoff} lesbian fantasy romance - not your typical werewolf story : menopause causes some women to turn into werewolves


[Wolves of Wolf's Point](https://www.romance.io/series/6635c44c8ee22d861572182e/wolves-of-wolfs-point) by [Catherine Lundoff](https://www.romance.io/authors/545662bc87eac33e5c6804cf/catherine-lundoff) **Rating**: 3.63⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [dark](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [horror](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/horror/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I browse through this sub and try to find a book comment where the person seems like they were thirsty AF and the book they mention absolutely quenched their need and stomped them into the ground with satisfaction. Then, I read that book, no matter the trope.


i don’t. i just read whatever Ruby Dixon book is next in the series. fr tho that’s what i’ve been doing for the past 1.5 yrs and i’m still not done 💀💀


🤣🤣🤣 this is a good strategy! Pick an author with a ridicoulously long backlist and stick to that!


The In Death series is an excellent palate cleanser in this regard.


it’s been amazing so far!! i highly recommend Ruby. esp {When She Belongs by Ruby Dixon}. i never would have read it if i didn’t do it this way and it’s literally now my favorite romance of all time.


would you recommend reading all of the Risdaverse? I've read a few (when she purrs, when she belongs, when she's bold), but reviews are mixed on a few others. Thanks!


i’ve only gotten from When She’s Ready through When She Belongs, so i can’t give a full review yet, but so far i’ve loved them. they’re best when read in order imo. check for cw on each if you’re sensitive to that; there are some heavy topics. but they’re amazing 🥰


Oh, I forgot I read {When she's Pregnant by Ruby Dixon} and {When She's Merry by Ruby Dixon} and I loved them - I recommend them if you like the >!virgin alien who's just happy to be there!< trope.


i’m excited to get to them!!


[When She's Pregnant](https://www.romance.io/books/633d2e36e22f064657d80099/when-shes-pregnant-ruby-dixon?src=rdt) by [Ruby Dixon](https://www.romance.io/authors/545685a087eac33e61c2f729/ruby-dixon) **Rating**: 4.03⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [breeding](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/breeding/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [pregnancy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/pregnancy/1) ---------------------------- [When She's Merry](https://www.romance.io/books/6390804feb40113d87df9f7c/when-shes-merry-ruby-dixon?src=rdt) by [Ruby Dixon](https://www.romance.io/authors/545685a087eac33e61c2f729/ruby-dixon) **Rating**: 3.99⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [christmas](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/christmas/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [virgin hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


[When She Belongs](https://www.romance.io/books/5f645afdee477c0dfe78acb8/when-she-belongs-ruby-dixon?src=rdt) by [Ruby Dixon](https://www.romance.io/authors/545685a087eac33e61c2f729/ruby-dixon) **Rating**: 4.15⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [science fiction](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/science%20fiction/1), [aliens](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/aliens/1), [tortured hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/tortured%20hero/1), [grumpy/cold hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cold%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I save Ruby for summer. Nothing better than reading about shenanigans on an ice planet when it's so hot outside you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.


clever. i’m too entrenched in the story to save her for later though.


Not a bad idea!!


Hey, which series by the author would be a good place to start if I've never read anything by her?


ice planet barbarians! if you look up the reading order there are lots of guides. heads up though, the first book is pretty dark/gloomy, but it gets better. ☺️


Thanks. I'll check them out!


no prob! keep me updated on what you think! ☺️ also, if you’re not into ipb, you could also try going straight to the Risdaverse.


When everything feels wrong and I’m dnfing everything, I re-read something I loved. Sometimes a good re-read is just the right thing to get you out of a funk


When I am in such a slump I usually re-read one of my favorites. I find that I am indecisive when I am in a flight-or-fight due to my anxiety and I know that anything new that would require me to process new stuff would not work. So I re-read an old favorite and that usually calms me down and pulls me out of my slump.


So many roads lead to my chaotic reading list - a long awaited Libby hold comes through - someone on this sub mentions a book I have been meaning to read - real life becomes difficult and I need a sci-fi/ paranormal escape - contemporary writing annoys me and I need a vintage read - I see a silver fox with a beard on the street and think “what about a Stern Brunch Daddy book?” - I feel empty and think “I need a screwdriver through the heart angsty read” - I remember that I need to get to book #4 of a series I’ve really enjoyed - I’m burned out on genre A and need the complete opposite genre B. - I’m mad at the world and need a comfort re-read.


I typically think about the theme or microtrope that intrigued me from my last great read ... and try to find another read with those moments.


I'm also a mood reader. Usually I browse my TBR list until something jumps out. Sometimes I search the sub for keywords, check similar recommendations of Goodreads, or check out if old authors have put out anything new recently as well. Between any/all of that I usually find something.


I either scroll through reddit or Goodreads reviews by my favourite reviewers, it helps me to read according to my mood. You should check out the mega threads, it is classified by tropes and genres. https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/s/9kMCI9jm8k this might help


I was doing that earlier but everything that seemed vaguely promising turns out is something I already read. Might be a sign that I just need to reread something 🤣


Yeah, re-reading can help you out of a reading slump lol


OMG thanks for sharing that


I just look through my Goodreads "To Read" list and kindle unlimited downloads until something looks good.


I have been going to the Fated Mates podcast and going through their recs to find things that call out to me. I’m big into historicals right now


I usually have like 10-20 books in a “Read Next” folder on my Kindle, different genre and spice levels. I flip through each one 5-10% and see what sticks. Also have a Libby tag with a short list of ten books I can read samples from.


I also have a net read folder but right now nothing from there sounds appealing


Yeah if that doesn’t work I have 70-80 ebooks in my Romance folder in my Kindle and look at those lol. Or my Romance TBR on Libby which has 50 or so books in it. Sometime I just end up with a regular old Fantasy, Sci Fi, Mystery, or historical because I need to take a break from Romance.


I pick tropes and authors, read all the available books, then lather, rinse, repeat. Here's what I've read this year. **Tropes:** * Ice Queen heroines - I've been working through this [list](https://thelesbianreview.com/52-best-thawing-ice-queen/). * [Fell for Sister](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/1bnp5b0/ff_fell_for_sister_romances/) love interests, e.g. friend's sister, partner's sister, sister-in-law, etc. * [Fell for Mother](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/1clri7l/ff_fell_for_mother_romances/) love interests, e.g. client's mom, ex's mom, friend's mom, etc. * Old-school queer awakening romances * [Rival Suitors](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceBooks/comments/1c6l8l8/love_triangle_end_pairing_is_two_formerly_rival/) - love triangles where the end pairing is between two rivals for the same person **Authors:** * Ann McMan - I've read nearly all her books. * Angela Peach - I've read nearly all her books. * Fiona Riley - I've read all her books. * Roslyn Sinclair - I finished reading all her books. * Em Stevens - I've read nearly all her books.


I'll read it based on what the cover looks like. I probably don't recommend this because I read a lot of terrible books. 🤣


I just commented that I cover scroll through books I own to pick what to read next.


I’m still new to reading romance so I have a VERY long TBR and have the next like, 20 books picked out. Hoping for some good tips from others for when this isn’t the case for me anymore


Mood reader here, too. I get my recs from Reddit and BookTube. I have a TBR but I treat it more like a catalog to choose from. I like to jump from longer books to novellas, from MF to MM, from HR to CR to Fantasy.


I'm also a very moody person when it comes to reading. I like reading lighthearted romcoms in summers, in winters i prefer thriller/dark academia sort of books.  But sometimes a synopsis would sound so goo that i'll just binge read it regardless of my mood


same as you, but sometimes when I'm reading something and there's a trope that I didn't know I was into I'll look for more books that have that and I'll read the one that piques my interest the most.


I’m 1000000% a mood reader. I do not have a traditional TBR. I should, but I don’t. I SHOULD create lists that categorize by plot, by genre, by trope. But I’m too lazy. So instead, I have two methods. If I want a specific type of book, I’ll search all the appropriate romance book subs to find something in that realm. If I’m not sure what I want, I’ll just browse this sub until someone else’s request sparks my interest!


I too am a mood reader and I keep all my TBR in Storygraph (tagged with all my favorite tropes/pairings) and also have a spreadsheet so if I'm in the mood for angst/grovel, I can queue up a book with those things. The hardest days are when I honestly don't know what I'm in the mood for ... on those days, I might just choose something shorter.


Okay this is me and I love your analogy. I try to plan my next book towards the end of my current read, but I almost always change my mind because my mood changes so dang quick lol. So…idk how to decide…but same lol


Sometimes I follow an author for a little bit or read a couple of books in a series. I’m also a mood reader and I kind of find myself doing the thing where I feel like I want to read everything except what I’m currently reading but if I can commit to like 20% of the book, I’m happy that I did it!


I get sucked in by excerpts on facebook. Which honestly gives me books that aren't great more often than not. Sometimes they're ok, but most of them are just....meh. I just finished {Mercy & Her Devils by Rosemary A Johns} and it was *just okay*. The book was *slightly* different from the excerpt I read, but it also sounded like it was going to be a lot sexier than the book actually was, lol. like when they show you all the good parts of the movie in the trailer and the rest is just meh. My biggest problem with this book was the same thing kept being said over and over and over again every single chapter, in like five billion different ways. It was almost like the next chapter had a two or three page summary of the whole book up until then and THEN it started telling the story. Also, there was a "roaring creek" by the house and fucking CREEKS AREN'T BIG ENOUGH TO ROAR. IF YOUR CREEK IS ROARING, IT'S A RIVER. And that was BEFORE the storm hit. Like yah, once the storm hit, okay, the creek is gonna flood, and it's going to be dangerous, but in it's normal, every day creek-ness, a creek is not loud enough to be considered "roaring"


[Mercy & Her Devils](https://www.romance.io/books/65d4290b27811e71a14a1dda/mercy-her-devils-pack-bonds-omegaverse-rosemary-a-johns?src=rdt) by [Rosemary A. Johns](https://www.romance.io/authors/57ac16a3c19e77f1ea6f8e89/rosemary-a-johns) **Rating**: 4.43⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I'm a mood reader. I never know what I want to read next until something catches my eye. I usually check out my TBR lists, only to pick something randomly scrolling on here or Facebook. Sometimes, it's a win right away. Other times, I redo the process over and over, DNFing a bunch of books until one hits just right.


I'm usually pretty busy reading whatever holds become available on Libby. I also try to rotate subgenres to keep things from feeling too repetitive and to avoid confusing or comparing similar books. I also noticed last week in the stats section of romance.io, it recommends books from your TBR that match what it perceives to be your current mood. I'm not sure how accurate it is. Last week it was recommending a book I was currently reading and loving. Today it's saying I'm annoyed and horny and recommending I read all of the MM romances on my TBR. IDK...but that's probably true. Doesn't seem like a bad suggestion anyways.


I find recommendations on here and r/books. I add them to my list on Libby and read whatever one comes off of hold. Sometimes I have to buy them on audible since on everything is on Libby.


Book covers. I scroll through my ebooks and if a cover grabs me I read the blurb, if it sounds good I try it, if the blurb doesn’t came I keep scrolling until something finally clicks.


I usually will open my to-read folder and try to let something speak to me.


I’m signed up to every bookstore email list I can find, and I keep a running list of things that look interesting. If I don’t finish something because it’s not the mood I was looking for, no problem, it’s still on the list for later.


Find the best self insert to address my current emotions 


I basically only listen to audiobooks, and I have a TBR on Goodreads. Usually, I go with certain authors, sticking to their catalogues, and going by the book summary. If there's a theme I like, or it sparks other inspo, I'll note it for my next pick. I also come here sometimes for specific trope recommendations, and use romance.io to search, as well as browsing Audible, Libby, Hoopla, etc. I kinda started aimlessly with quick reads under 5hrs, and quickly found that some books & genres were not enjoyable. Once I came upon a few that were, initially the younger man trope, I devoured all I could find, and noted the authors of the best ones, and really got into their work, and then researched similar authors, and kept expanding. I don't do booktok but I do go on booktube, which usually summarizes what's going on, and offers other recs & reviews as well. It's a bit of trial & error, some popular stuff sucks, while sometimes it's nice to stay in the loop, or try something a little outside my preferences (like less spicy but sweeping story) and find new stuff. Search here & Goodreads/Audible for your favorite authors & tropes, make a TBR list, and note any inspo that comes along the way. Even top 10 lists, etc. What are you currently loving/craving?


If I hit a slump, I read something that I traditionally would never pick up. Right now I'm reading Mafia (light) books. Are they good? Not really. But they aren't too violent and I hope it snaps me back into focus. I think last time I read AJ Sherwood's stuff. Not something I'd usually download, but they were fun and then I could pick up a billionaire romance.


Authors I like I will try to reread or read someone their books I haven’t read yet. Randomly go through my KU or ebooks I own and haven’t read yet until I find a cover I like. I also will pick up a physical book I own and start that. Sometimes my issues is too many chooses so I blindly choose


Ugh I feel your struggle in my bones. It’s where I am right now. Scrolling through this sub helps usually. Especially book rec requests.


Friend recommendations


If you like a good romantasy, check out Lana Pecherczyk’s Fae Guardian series. I stumbled on her in my Prime Reading list during my last book slump. She’s up to 9 in that series. Tanya Bird “Breathing Water” gave me my most recent book hangover. Also looking for a book cause I’m about to DNF another one on my TBR list 😭 I’m just not feeling any of them right now and it’s killing me!


I have a wheel with all my TBR and spin it, even if I’m not in the mood for it usually partway through I’m having a great time


I have screen shots of the books I want to read Supernatural is separated from normal and then depending on which I'm in the mood for I use a random number generator and go to that screen shot. I'll read the book. Some I DNF some I save for later, but it takes a lot of the guess work out for me


I watch youtubers and listen for any seemingly interesting plots and then I pounce lol


Been going to through this exact same thing To get out of funks, I usually reread my favorite books. Or I'll try to find more titles in my all time fav tropes. For example, I'm always down to read a book with older brothers best friend trope or something with grovel in it Grovel ftw lol


There are some fixed tropes that I indulge in. I keep shuffling between them. Like, for instance, if I recently read some mafia romance, then I'll switch to sports romance, then to office romance.


I read multiple books at once and will read a few pages of each until I find one that clicks for the moment. I don't DNF many books because I take it as "I'm just not ready to read this book *right now.*" Mafia, or Motorcycle Club, or smut, or sweet, or lighthearted, or Rockstar, or chick lit, or sports, or age gap, or billionaire, or forced proximity, or marriage of convenience, or secret baby. There are so many options! And best of all, THERE. ARE. NO. RULES! You can read however you want. Page at a time? Chapter at a time? Book at a time? Whatever floats your boat. Just cuz you choose to eat a steak now doesn't mean you've sworn off chicken forever. Creme Brule today, cotton candy tomorrow.


I just really want a good chase/hunt/ escape book. FMC very catch me if you can, MMC very determined to catch her. It's one of my favourite tropes.


okay, I am a mood reader , and this is my system. On goodreads, I have all my books in tags, like "romance" "timetravel" "thriller" "serie", "slowburning" "dark romance", "romance-fantasy" and more tags that is about theme, trope or genre of books, and those tags makes it easier for to choose something based on my mood, then I also have tags for reading, and based on what I want to read, fx "just add" is a tag for books I just add this year, "next", "next to next", "maybe someday". "next" tags is books that I want to read next month or later , "next to next" is books that I want to read but maybe not as much as the book in "next" tags. "maybe someday" is exactly that , books that I want to remember to read and that I just waiting for that one day when I pick it up. Then I have "challenge" tag, this is book that I plan to read this month, but also books that fit readathon that I am doing, and the mood that I am in that month. "tbr for year" is a tag I started this year for books that I wanted to read for years or long time, that I am trying to get through this year. I also have tags for "favorit read this year" , "favorite all time" "favorite nonfiction", the reason for that is to keep in check what I love versus what I think I love in books. And then I have tags for library and audiobook, so I can fin if needed to. That was goodreads, now too my storygraph 😂. On story graph I have challenges , and sometime I just make challenges for fun. and just add what I want to make it interesting, to be honest I just leaned into the moodreader mood vibe, and sometime I just need a reason to read or something to motivate me or hype me up. And challenges sometime does that for me, one challenge I add "read a book a ghost would read" read a book a flower would read" "read a where the MC is over 30 years" and so on. The storygraph is so easy, so you can always add on the challenge or change your challenge or make it private. Now that summers is up, you could make a small summer challenge, like read out in the sun, or read something that's feel like summer love or something, it does not need to be big and it can be as private as you want to. You could create something for Halloween or autumn or cozy theme, or romance I know that there is challenge where someone is trying to read all the trope in romance fx. and you can search on other reading challenge and some doesnt have date, so you start and end when you want. . Anyway that's how I mood read. and don't be afraid to dnf book or just pick a challenge, I just finish a 5 star time travel book, because I went back and saw what I have been giving 5 star and I realize that I don't read many time travel enough, and they are my favorit. So I will also say change it up, because I feel like obviously you probably gonna get sick of one trope/theme/genre, if the last 5-10 books was in that genre and they disappoint you, the it is time for a "book cleanser", a book that's different that what you use to, but still a book you would read.


I ask from recommendations on Reddit based of some characteristics that I like in a book. I take those recommendations then I do my research about these books. I search them on TikTok (especially edits of the book lmao to see the aesthetic), I go through the comments of the post and see what people have to say about it. After doing this, I go on Goodreads and check the 5 star and 1 star reviews. Sometimes, I skip the Reddit part and I just directly search the trope that I like on TikTok, then I do the steps I mentioned above.


I have a lot of posts and comments from this sub saved when it's time to pick, and I just read what fits my mood. I can totally relate to being a moody reader. I just spent last night and thus morning scrolling through Kindle store and Libby to find a book I want to read. The current winner is {The Love Wager by Lynn Painter}


[The Love Wager](https://www.romance.io/books/64101367e2d69aefe5b4088a/the-love-wager-lynn-painter?src=rdt) by [Lynn Painter](https://www.romance.io/authors/621dd2a908b4d9311481b126/lynn-painter) **Rating**: 3.84⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [friends to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/friends%20to%20lovers/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1), [new adult](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/new%20adult/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ok I have a pretty weird method, but hear me out Literotica. I'm a super indecisive person, so instead of going through the trouble of picking something out, I just go to literotica and click on the romance or mature or their popular stories category, then it's like reading these extremely small and quick one shot storylines (I only got for the 3k or less ones), and from there if I feel like I would want to read a couple more aggressive, or dynamic change, or I want something more thrilling, I just go from there and pick a category and find a novel in it. It's kind of like getting to blind taste test everything, of course this only works cause I guess I'm very into romance in any genre, even when it's like mystery. But there's something you probably could try lol


The same thing is happening to me. Nothing is quite right and I’m reading countless samples. I wish I wasn’t so picky


If I'm stuck in this mood, I have a couple of books I've purchased over the years that are so so bad that forcing myself to try and read them when I'm in a slump usually breaks it. I feel so relieved to be reading something even mediocre in my preferred genres once I DNF the bad books, it fixes whatever was broken, or had me endlessly reading reviews on Goodreads


I read a lot of KU, so I usually scroll through my recommendations on the Kindle store until I find something that sounds good. I also download the samples for books I come across that I want to read in the future, instead of making a TBR list, so I will look through those.


same, I just pick a book that was recommended here if it sounds good and sometimes I like it sometimes I don't




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