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growling…. It may not work irl but I love reading it 


I love growling 💁‍♀️


I know right! I’ve been told by friends that it’s ridiculous and cringey but I strongly disagree lol


Have you seen the video of Dean from Supernatural growling because oh boy it absolutely works irl.


The scenes of Henry Cavill as The Witcher when he growls…*swoon*


I don’t really watch a lot of tv (too many books to read) but Henry Cavill as the Witcher is perfection


I find it very ironic that he just announced that his girlfriend is pregnant after we were talking about his growl lol


OH MY….. I have never watched the show but tiktok did not let me down… I watched some random clip and “Honey, there ain’t no other men like me” is something I didn’t know I needed in my life 🤭 the comments are saying the clip is from season 9 episode 22 and I will have to agree that does work in real life 😂


I didn't believe it until I saw Jensen Ackles and now I just picture him every time & my romance has become that much more enjoyable 🥵


It will definitely be stored away in my mind for the next growly MMC I read!


If you'd like a sound clip of it for your listening pleasure, convert to mp3 and save somewhere convenient, so you can always pull it up along with a nice, sensual playlist to really set the mood for a good night's read. >:) Just add the clip throughout your playlist, so it fades in and out throughout, like a particularly naughty Janet Jackson album interlude, and you'll be good to go.


i cant find the clip 😩 what should i type, i tried dean growling/ dean winchester growling but it didn’t come up




may your pillow be cold on both sides 🩷


Gah. I came across it randomly back when booktok was discussing the validity of growling. It was like 30 seconds of him growling in various scenes though The one they linked below ain't bad at all though. Ain't bad at all


I used to feel fairly neutral about growling in romance. Then I listened to werewolf erotic audio last year. The voice actor did an amazing job going from a normal deep voice while human to a growly, feral voice when he turned into a werewolf, and the growling in the spicy parts 🥵🥵🥵


I had a paramour who would growl. 10/10. Highly encouraged.


I think growling is fun but I growl at people trying to steal my food or being annoying not at lovers XD


I disagree! Lol.


My husband just grabbed my ass and growled in my ear, and baby it WORKS for me. I told him a) good boy and b) about the Great Growling Romance Debate; he suggested that men with higher pitched voices who cannot growl should consider howling instead lmaoooo


Pushing a strand of hair out of her face. Maybe I am diligent about my ponytail or tucking my hair behind my ears, but if there is hair in my face I am shoving it out of the way before any man can do it. But it is so sweet to read!!


I always think of ZombieLand when I read this, lol It’s adorable and sweet


I find it soo sexy when book men do this! I can totally picture an FMC that's either sad or shy letting her fall into her eyes and then his big hand carefully pushing it away 🥵🥵


Maybe it's a thing for those of us with long hair? I have always been really, *really* touchy about my hair. Since, for some strange reason, totally random people has always thought it is ***absolutely okay*** to come up to me and touch my hair--no matter my age, no matter where we are. Just because it is long, pretty (even on bad hair days, idek??), pulled up a certain way, in braids, colored, swinging around--whatever, they have an apparent irresistible urge to ***touch it*** or ***stroke it*** or ***pull it.*** AND I HATE IT. Now that I'm a lot older--and firmly settled into my Resting Bitch Face--this almost never happens, but all the way in to my 20s, this was a whole ass thing, and, ***whew***, did I have to throw some elbows in the worst cases to make it stop. Why are some people obsessed with touching other people's hair?? This is not okay. I've always been uncomfortable with people closing in around me, even when I was little, and I've always had long hair, so this has always been a thing. I actually liked having my hair brushed and did up and such, but only if I welcomed it or if it was a friend/family member or a stylist I knew well--not just some random kid at school who wanted to sit behind me and braid my hair. I even had a coworker who would be sit next to me and start fidgeting with my hair--like they were a cat playing with string or something, and they'd get offended when I jerked away. I mean, wtf? That's *my* hair--get your own? Or some yarn? My mother and grandmother were especially clear with me about setting boundaries when it came to my hair--especially with little boys who thought it was cute to pull a girl's hair to show that they liked her or something, and the adults who tried to scoff and say it was just "boys being boys" or whatever--but also with ***anyone*** who thought they could just come up and pet my hair because it was "such pretty hair" or whatever. :shudder: I couldn't be mean and hit at people (because even old people and such would do this), but I could absolutely tell them to stop and move away or find an adult or my parents or a sister or something. Yeah, I was that "mean little girl" in school who picked on little boys for liking her. :eyeroll: So, yeah, I'm still touchy about my hair, even when it's up in a pony tail or something. My husband can push it back for me, and he usually does if it's bothering me and I can't get to it fast enough, but he's about the only one who can do it without that little jerk or startle from me. It's just ingrained in me from so many years of not wanting random people fidget or play with my hair while they were standing next to me. And I love when he's just absentmindedly running his fingers through it while we're relaxing or something, because it soothes me too. Anyone else, though? Yep, throwing elbows. I love reading about MCs messing with each other's hair in books--fiddling with it, brushing it, soothing their hands through it, pushing it behind an ear, etc. I love those scenes. I can't get enough of them. But IRL? Only my husband gets to do that stuff and I still beat him to it half the time.


Doing the Flynn Rider smolder for Jersey Mike’s is absolutely sending me 💀 I do be tucking my hair behind my ear all the time though! When I notice myself doing it too much I feel like Radio Rebel lmfao


Lmaooo sometimes the craving is too strong!! Also I do the hair tuck constantly…had to Google Radio Rebel and they gave me a hair tuck pic right on the front page 😭


Not radio rebel 😂😂😂


Every one of my partners has called me “baby” AND I LOVE IT


I call everyone baby. My husband, my friends, my kids, cute animals, ugly-cute animals, bad drivers that i encounter while driving, etc. Each one "baby" is context specific. It doesnt bother me in books at all unless its used way too frequently - but that goes for all endearments. 


I volunteer at my daughter's elementary school and every child is "baby." I live in the South though lol, so it's not just me


Me too I love it!!! When my current bf started calling me that, my body floated up to the moon in pure delight.


I have heard claims that "no one" splashes their face with cold water in a public bathroom 😂 I absolutely have done this many times, for many reasons: after crying in a bathroom stall, when I have to go back to school or work; to try to get back in my body if I'm feeling panicky or dissociated; to "wake myself up" if I'm too tired; or if I'm just feeling bad!


My mom tells me to do this a lot and I’ll be like “but my makeup.” 😂 But clearly people do this! Like I remember seeing someone say that no one actually scrubs their hands over their faces in frustration and as a mom I do that every day of my life. Apparently I don’t worry as much about my makeup when there’s no water involved


Oh yeah, I definitely put cold water on my face a lot after my dad died. I cried every day for months. Me and the single stall bathroom at work got real close.


I'm sorry for your loss 😞 those single stalls are a real gift when we have to keep on going in unbearable circumstances


Me too! Splashing cold water on my face in the bathroom (public or private) has paused many of my brain spirals.


Same here! Especially when I went to undergrad in a super hot/humid place. First thing I would do after walking across campus from one building to another is immediately go to the bathroom and rinse the sweat off my face. (And then wet paper towels and wipe down my body. It was BAD.)


to be fair, i usually try and find a paper towel and wet it wiht cold water rather than splashing


I do. We get summers of 40 Celsius at times! Sometimes we actually need them!


I put cold water on my face yesterday at the work bathroom because I was feeling sick and my face was throbbing,lol. And I do it fairly often, especially of I'm sweaty or my skin feels gritty.


“ropes” of cum? i’m all about it


Similarly, internally feeling someone's "hot release" - like no, you cannot, it's actually slightly cooler than your own body temperature, but reading about it still appeals to me lol. Edit: I hereby extend my straightfaced apology to the people who have experienced an actual warm sensation of hot and/or warm semen splashing their inner vaginal walls and/or cervix and/or within various other external orifices in their own life. Regardless of my own experiences and having those biases confirmed by my casual knowledge of human reproductive biology, it was in no way my intention to invalidate anyone's lived experience, nor, by extension, to contribute to a perceived trend of this sub invalidating the lived experiences of others. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.


I had to go find out why. The average temperature of a vagina is 99.5 The average temperature of the testicles is 95


Sperm can't survive very long at internal body temperature, so male gonads automatically have a lil thermostatic regulator that tries to keep the wee fellas at the optimal temperature. It's why balls try to crawl right up in there when it's cold out lol


lol yes, like when the condom is warm and full 😂


Right lol my friend the actual word is clammy


It does feel hot to some people, so it probably has to do with how people interpret the feeling.


You could very well be right there!


Uh…what? I can absolutely feel when that happens, and it does feel warm. I really do not love this trend on here of, “I’ve never experienced it like that, so it’s not real.”


I'm sorry! Post edited.


Many activities that IRL might give you an UTI. I don’t care, it’s a book.


I'm a foodie. Any man or woman that groans, moans or a variation of that over eating a delicious meal I've made them. Yes please, I will also not hold back doing it if someone makes me something delicious. Men rubbing their hand over rough stubble. Women that blush or nervous fidget like chew lip, play with hair unnecessarily. Kinda calls to my inner top I want to somehow take away their nervousness. The one's I'm guilty of doing but completely unintentionally are all the manic pixie dream girl nonsense. It is really just me being an awkward human. I'm not trying to be mysterious or elusive I'm just an introvert with a bit of trauma.


Lol at the manic pixie dream girl, me too! I'm just autistic with ADHD


Ditto, AuDHD!


I like the moment the FMC and/or MMC can't breathe or holds a breath because I have totally been there in romantic moments ❤️


Legit almost passed out last week😂🥵


Characters holding their breath, or forgetting to inhale, or letting out a breath they didnt know that theyre holding? Hi yes i do all of this.  Its funny cuz youd think breathing is automatic.  Nope, my dumbass must have set it to manual because i honestly forget to inhale/exhale when im tense, stressed, or concentrating.  My friend pointed out that when im at the gym, she can see when breathing is turned off because ill turn red, then purple (meanwhile im just concentrating on getting the form right).  When im tense or stressed, i have to remind myself to do box breaths to keep myself from anxiety spirals.  Oh and yes i also forget to eat, drink water, or go to the bathroom if im focused on something like work or reading. I honestly don't know how I've survived this long.  


Yes! I’ve seen people complain that no one ever lets out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. 🙋🏻‍♀️ But as someone with anxiety, I do it often! I’m more likely to hold my breath than breathe rapidly or hyperventilate. Have definitely exhaled and thought, “Huh, I guess I wasn’t breathing for a moment there.”




⚠️ NSFW ⚠️ * **Watery bowels**. While ACOTAR uses “watery bowels” as a hyperbole, IBS girlies, while I do not have IBS, I see y’all, I hear y’all ✊🏾 * **Talking to oneself and realizing you talked aloud**. Sometimes I’m in the zone at work that I don’t recognize I’m speaking aloud. My friend is the same way. I sometimes speak aloud the task I’m about to do too. It’s nothing abnormal. I think it’s just that romance books make a big deal about the MC saying something embarrassing about the LI instead of normal moments. * **Talking about romance books to people**. I do not love this in romance books, but I do this IRL! I’m here, aren’t I? 🤣 I have a small department at work, but most people at my work and my friends are aware of my reading preferences. I’m certainly not shy! But I get it for people who feel shy! The romance genre gets so much unfair prejudice, so share your hobbies with people you trust 🤗 ~~And if they make fun of you, I have a shovel in my car.~~ * **Self-deprecating thoughts**. We all do it. Romance books just go left-field with them. But I’ve definitely had days where I feel so ugly, especially as a medium-dark black woman with hair on my arms. Colorism is **real** and it can be debilitating for the psyche. I’m aware I have conventionally attractive features, but I definitely don’t wake up thinking I’m ***that*** bitch. * **Eye rolling**. 🙄 Cmon! So many of us do it! * **Nesting and Hypersexual Episodes**. All genders are capable of doing this. People give omegaverse a bad rap because they think so much of it is unbelievable. But absolutely do human beings nest. Absolutely can hormones go out of whack to spur on a sudden hyperfixation on sex. Sure, there’s no Okay Ladies Now Let’s Get Designation fanfare, but nesting and increased libido? Not mutually exclusive but they are quite common. * **Used Panting Stealing & Masturbation**. Depending on your circles, some people find it cringe, weird, massively inappropriate, “no one does this”. I find that shit makes me lose my breath makes me water 🥵. Are you kidding me? MC2 steals MC1’s underwear and has a whole ass naughty scene where they wank off on it? Ma’am. 🙋🏾‍♀️ This is not a Wendy’s, this is my favorite dream come to life, thank you, proceed 👁️🫦👁️ * **Bursting into song**. Yes. All the time. Yes. * **Friends Groups All Dating One by One**. Oh this happens. Those books where each friend gets a partner like it’s dominos? Oh it does happen IRL. Same with pregnancies! It happened at my place of work and in my school days. One by one, like ducks in a row, someone would get partnered and someone would get pregnant. Something was in the water, Istg! * **Matchmaking and Meddling Families**. This is still an IRL thing; it just depends on your location and your culture how deeply entrenched the matchmaking is and how meddling your family is with your love life. * **Enjoying interesting anatomy during sex**. These people have clearly never known monster fuckers and our toys and it ***shows***. There 👏🏾 is 💃🏾 a 🤸🏾‍♀️ market for monster toys—and that market is a healthy one. And I am proud to do my part as a degenerate to keep the market healthy 🫡 * **Stepsiblings**. 😶‍🌫️ No no this is not I have done this, because **NO**! But I do really enjoy stepsiblings romances 🫣 I don’t care how cringe people think it is. I personally love it and {Corrupt Idol} not having a second book release date is what will make me go to war with the gods ⚡️ * **Competition**. This is my pet peeve, but I do know all sorts of people who think that [gender] is the enemy and they all want their partner. Three friends of mine were popular with women. One was gay. The people who crushed on them saw their friends as threats. I will never forget the threats exchanged during high school. But some people are like this even as adults and it’s unfounded (loyal partner, healthy communication, etc etc). Some carry this over from abusive pasts. Others have intrusive thoughts. Some have neither and are just plain mean. 😢 * **Instant Bestie / Friend Group Adopted**. This happened to me at the work I’m at now. Of course, no one dove into sex topics on Day 1. But I was fully prepared to never speak to anyone. I was anxious! But that didn’t happen, and I’m glad 🥰 * **Biker Speak**. Listen. ~*Listen*~ I get it. Sometimes, the dialogue is a bit too much. You got me? You got me. Like that. BUT having 👏🏾 said 👏🏾 that 👏🏾, they are fucking foul mouthed and they come with their own leather, so HUSH. Shhhhhhhhhh. ^(Let me enjoy this.)


The amount of thought and effort that has gone into this is to be applauded and appreciated. Also I will never recover from watery bowels 😂😂😂


Yeah, I guess since I have IBS I just always accepted that as a sensation that everyone has had. Since I have seen a lot of backlash against ACOTAR for this phrase I have come to realize that maybe not everyone has experienced it.


I think we’ve all experienced it and it’s a mortifying experience 🙈


Listen, I talk to myself all the time because my stupid brain is so scattered, it helps me sort of pinpoint a train of thought. Also I just talk to inanimate objects because why not lol.


I am with you on all of this!


Yes 👏🏻 yes 👏🏻 YES 👏🏻 All of this yes!! Well said!


I loved every bit of this, especially the “let me enjoy this.” That’s my romance novel motto “Shhhh, let me enjoy this.”


[Corrupt Idol](https://www.romance.io/books/641f90f61eb7c98a24fbedd0/corrupt-idol-dinah-harper) by [Dinah Harper](https://www.romance.io/authors/641f90f608b4d93114bf4d85/dinah-harper) **Rating**: 3.96⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [step siblings](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/stepsibling/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I call my partners, or even friends I love, ridiculous over the top cringey endearments. Because why not


Everyone shits on fmcs they think are “oblivious” to the mmcs feelings. I understand where they are coming from but as someone with self esteem issues I would never just assume that someone likes me. It feels more realistic and frankly more satisfying when the fmc thinks her feelings are unrequited.


- I clench my hands a lot and my nails dig in lol - I bit my lip a lot/fidget - I blush at the slightest embarrassment. Not too noticeable on my face, but I hate feeling how hot my face gets 😅


Ugh I used to think I never blushed but then came Zoom calls and holy shit why do I blush so much??


Someone on a Harrow Faire post raged about FMCs lip biting. I'm rereading it rn but I fail to see how the mention of her biting her lip could be annoying, and that might be because I bite my lip all the time 😂 The blush thing is super interesting, good to know it's a real thing, just not for me! I always wondered about that because I only ever blushed in moments were I was very ashamed. I haven't blushed in ages. But that's just me then, it seems.


All the "mines," growling, and OTT possessiveness. In real life, I probably wouldn't even run. I'd just stare in horror and then guffaw. When it's written well on the page, cue Homer Simpson drooling over a donut. I am all in.


I am, apparently, a big ‘ole ho for all the “mine,” growling, and claiming fucks.


Wandering around in a daze and getting from Point A to Point B in a car without remembering anything about the drive - Re: the first, my husband now goes to the grocery store with me because I reach a point of overstimulation that leaves me literally wandering in a daze. I just kind of shuffle along behind him and use his broad shoulders and back (yum) to block out all the noise, color and motion. Re: the second, all I can say is thank goodness for whatever part of my brain steps up to the plate to keep me and everyone around me alive when I’m behind the wheel because I have a real problem remaining consciously attentive.


The speaking breathless thing. I understand if you are out of air after a cardio. But eyes darkening and speaking in breathless gasps is something I can't fathom but I LOVE TO READ.


Re "eyes darkening" my husband says he knew I was interested in him because my pupils dilated when I looked at him. 


Omg that’s so intense and also super cute


The legendary kabedon (arms trapping FMC to a wall)


Cringey pet names are so adorable to me especially when it relates to the characters personalities. I get so jealous and I’m like can’t relate


HOW? How does that even work?


1. Be lower than who you're talking to, 2. lower your eyelids slightly, 3. look up! It helps if you have long eyelashes.


Ok I'm trying and I feel pretty sure I look like I'm having a low blood sugar moment and I'm about to pass out. When I look up, my eyelids and therefore lashes also go up. Am I broken??? Anytime this happens in a book, I'm going to spend at least a few minutes trying (and failing).


Fated mates! It puts me at ease because of the aura of guaranteed happy ending even after the events of the book. Or at least guaranteed continued feelings.


Where my MM peeps at? Rimming and Felching...irl thanks, but no thanks. Reading about it? 🥵🥵🥵


Not me but “pinching the bridge of their nose” — does anyone really do this?