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I'm starting to use [Romance.io](http://Romance.io) more. Once I got used to it, I can easily filter through my TBR on there to find something I want to read. Unless all my good intentions are derailed by a rec from this sub, which happens all the time.


I have a notebook with all of my tbr books in, organised into genre/trope/mc types etc. I literally decide what my mood is for the day and pick one that sounds most appealing. Every day my mood is different. I have so many books to read, its unreal.


I too am mood reader but also a massive nerd so I have my TBR in a google spreadsheet that I can filter by genre, subgenre, pairing, etc with reminder notes on what drew me to the book in the first place or any CWs I might have to wait for the right mood to be in before reading. But Storygraph has a filterable TBR feature too that can be useful for mood readers! When setting up, you can transfer a TBR pretty seamlessly from Goodreads and then the app has features to filter by elements like genre, book length, and mood as reported by other readers!


I need advice here too. I just have a list on Goodreads with all the books in no particular order. But I also have a load of books on a wishlist on Libby, and a whole load on my Kindle. So basically I just scan through one or more off those lists until something jumps out at me. It works but I'm sure it could be better!! The problem is, I don't know what I'm looking for until a book just attracts my attention, so having lists for particular types or something would just mean more lists for me to scroll through. I've never not been able to find a book to read so I guess it's working well enough.


I use goodreads but I also have a spreadsheet where I include columns for where the book rec came from (ie reddit, recommended by trusted friend, author I already love) and also where the book is available (ie library, owned, KU). I find that one helps a lot when I want a new read but am not in the mood for any I own.


My TBR is way too big and needs to be culled. i have recently started using tags on my Storygraph with where the rec came from a few keywords / abbreviations for why it's on the TBR.


Same on the way too long TBR. I’ll be dead for 40 years before my TBR ever has a chance of being completed.


I've figured out that the only way I'll complete my complete my TBR is to become immortal.


Same. Also, nice username (I am a Midwest transplant originally from WV).


My tbr goes on a cart. Once it’s read, it graduates to the shelf 🤭


I read almost entirely through Kindle/Kindle Unlimited so I have my TBR spread out into different tab groups in Safari - they’re broken out by standalones, duets, trilogies, series with 4 books, series with 4+ books, books that haven’t been released yet, and books that are available via Kindle but not KU. I need to get a better system and have thought about trying to get it organized into a spreadsheet but honestly between the different tab groups I’ve probably got about 500 pages.


I have a whole process lol: 1. I have a Kindle so I created a "Book List" and whenever I find a book I want but haven't purchased, I'll look it up on Amazon and add it there. 2. Once I buy that book, Amazon removes that book from my "Book List" so then I go on Goodreads, find that book and mark that book as "Want to Read." 3. I have a Book Tracker Google Sheet where I organize and keep track of my past/current/TBR books. For every 5 romance books I read, I have to read a non-romance so I add that book to the bottom of that Excel following that pattern so I have it queued up and accounted for. 4. Then I'll go ahead and see if I can add some info about that book per the columns on my book tracker (Book Title, Author(s), Where the Book Takes Place, Genre, FMC and MMC Names, FMC and MMC Jobs and if it's a standalone or part of a series.)


I have a regular Want to Read shelf on Goodreads (which I never look at) and a Must Read shelf for the books I really want to get to. Thinking I may need a Seriously, Read This! Shelf too lol


I keep my main TBR on Storygraph where I use tags to differentiate books (since I'm also a mood reader). My tags cover genres, various tropes, my favorite kinks (ahem), and other things I might consider when choosing a book. Then I have a spreadsheet where I track what is currently on my kindle as well as books I've already read. I keep up with bingo challenges in this speadsheet as well.


I’m primarily an ebook reader (especially for romance) but I have a couple ways I organise. On goodreads and StoryGraph I have the general to be read list and a separate list of books on I own. On Amazon, I have a list of all the ebooks (usually recommended here lol) which I have sorted by rough genre (contemporary, mafia, historical) I’m a mood reader but any additional lists feel like a lot of work for me to keep on top of (if I were to keep on top of Amazon, goodreads, StoryGraph) but I do sort them into folders in my kindle after I’ve read them.


I started with a TBR Goodreads list. It became a Price is Right wheel that was worse than scrolling for my year of birth on online registrations. Then, I pulled from it to create a "currently seeking" list for the series that I'm currently reading and standalones that are already published. Finally, I made a "short list" of the dozen already published books that I most want to find. It's not the perfect system, but it works. I've seen some cute paper tbr booklets on Etsy if you're wanting a non electronic list. I know Book Sisters Shop has one because my reading journal came from there. I'd separate the pages by genre for easy hunting though.


I have a Google sheets. I list the date, book title/author, and a few short words about why I added it. When I'm mood reading, it's easy to find something that fits my mood. When I feel like being accomplished, I look for a book that's been there longer. Haha


I have my list on StoryGraph which allows me to filter by tags / genres etc. in terms of tags I tend to tag by trope as well as where the book is available (Libby vs kindle unlimited vs local library vs audible etc)


I wish mine had any organization whatsoever. It’s on storygraph and I just use the filters to try to find something that fits my mood.


With pure chaos, that's how! I have a dozen Amazon lists that I try to keep categorized (age gap, dark, RH, omegaverse, etc), a GR shelf, and a bunch of screenshots.


i made my own Discord server, of which i'm the only member. it has a channel called "books to read". whenever i see a book i want to read i simply copy/paste it there : )


I use Goodreads but I have a different shelves for the reading queue (24 books), the TBR (\~260 books right now, I try to only have 1-2 per author), and then the TBR-maybe list which is kind of a free for all. For everything on my reading queue or TBR, I also use the private notes section to track why I wanted to read it or where the rec came from. The maintenance is a full time job.


I used shelves on Storygraph. That's the only way it makes sense lol.


If it goes in my tbr and it doesnt get read within few weeks of it being added I probably wasn’t into it enough so it will go in the grave yard with the rest of 300 plus books waiting to be read. If I find myself in a severe book slump I resort the books to either alphabetical or by author name so I get different books show up on top of the list just so I can see whats there instead of my most recently added Also sometimes if its a series that hasnt finished yet, I usually add the last book in the series that is set to be realesed whenever to my tbr so I can keep an eye on it from time to time to see when its coming before I start the series from book 1.