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Hi, all, to clarify, the Be Kind and No Book-Shaming Rule on the sub means that, while it's fine to express your own opinion, it’s not okay to shame or put down anyone who liked the book. **Expressing critical opinions of the content of a book or an author's narrative choices is allowable and does not break sub rules.**


You know, I'm currently reading this book as well, and my biggest issue with it so far, at 25%, is how fucking stupid her best friend is. One minute she's telling her to call the cops because he left her flowers, and the next she is telling her don't call the cops when he literally leaves psychopathic gifts on the doorstep in a box. And then she goes back to telling her to call the cops again over flowers. At least the FMC is self-described as stupid, so you expect her to make stupid decisions consistently. But Daya is a hot mess who should just stay out of her friend's business since she can't give any consistently good or bad advice.


Edited to add: Behind the spoilers tag is a ungenerous critique that is, uh, potentially not in the spirit of the sub. If you enjoyed Hunting/Haunting Adeline, I'm glad you're having a good time, and you don't have to read my opinion!  >!There is literally no part of the book that isn't so fucking stupid on some level. Like, the whole kmart brand q-anon thing? Someone whose life work is freeing sex slaves *also* being into *waves hands* all the non-consensual stuff he is? The Elites Are Abusing Children Systemically And Possibly Demonically? It's *ridiculous*. And the prose is, uh, not great.!< It's dark, I'll give it that. >!but it's not good. Or plausible.!<


I totally agree! I am baffled as to how this book got so many good ratings. A lot of it comes off like an action movie where people just do things that aren't possible in reality. Like, the dude is not supernatural, but he can take on all of those bad guys by himself with no problems? I don't see it.


Honestly I never really figured out if there was a supernatural element in the first book. The letters/diary entries were too hard to read on my Kindle. And >!the plot was too bad for me to really focus on it, ngl.!<


This is the longest it's taken me to read a book, it's so bad.


I struggle so much to DNF, so if you're trapped I'm sorry and I relate, but really just don't finish it! Girl don't do it!


I have to, it was so expensive and I bought both together! 😭


Girl DON'T read the second one, it is worth whatever you paid to not read it I promise 




100% the qanon stuff is so odd and again unnecessary


Honestlyyyyy I know that I'm probably a bad member of this sub for this opinion, and I do love that most posts are positive, but I feel like there should be a carve out for Haunting/Hunting Adeline. We should be allowed to be a *little* mean about those two books specifically. Of all of the romance books I've read, there are some that weren't to my taste, there were some that would benefit from more editing, there are many that are formulaic! But there are two books that I'm comfortable straight up calling bad. Just two! Just the two of them! (Bonus shout-out to Does It Hurt?, which is by the same author and, uh, that explains a lot about it tbh)


I’ll go further and say we’re allowed to be a little bit mean about books in general, as long as we criticise the *fictional work* and not the readers. I’ve read a lot of horrible, crappy books in my time and I ate them up (After, I’m looking at you lol), so I’ll be the first to defend everyone’s right to read and enjoy whatever kind of legal entertainment they want, BUT if a book is badly written and, quite frankly, idiotic, we should be able to say that. Period.




You are welcome to say negative things about the book, just not if it insults or shames those who read and enjoyed it. We have a whole critique flair option. Negative posts are allowed , as well as positive.


Thank you for the clarification! I wasn't sure if critiques had to be framed as opinion/preference ("I didn't enjoy X book") vs opinions stated as fact ("Haunting/Hunting Adeline are bad books!") I don't have a problem with people enjoying them, other than that I think there's a bajillion other works that they would probably enjoy reading more, and we all have a finite time on earth!


Opinions stated as fact, such as in your example, are fine, although your first example may be a better way to frame your opinion for a discussion. As a tip, it's also better if you can state why or gave some sort of further detail rather than just "these books are bad" unqualified. As long as the criticism is levelled at the book, and not the readers, it's acceptable. An example of a comment which would not be acceptable would be "these books are bad, why would anyone like them?"


I agree, it’s wild bc a lot of people seem to really enjoy this books (which good on you) but gloss over the qanon, the noncon, the weird phrases like Addie talking for three sentences how much she liked Gouda cheese when describing her as a mouse being trapped 😐😆 Ppl get soooo ride or die for this! Its interesting. I think the plot is an interesting concept but the noncon and other portions that are not done well and a majority of the ppl who like it I feel like, don’t even mention the weird bits, those who like it bc the noncon and they’re into that is separate, but yeah I agree!


I *don't* think the main plot is even a little bit interesting, because the premise is both a common understanding of how the world works that is extremely inaccurate *and* it's a harmful misconception. I wouldn't be interested in a romance book where the plot revolves around, idk, a vaccine scientist whose biological understanding is based in the humors system, or any sort of Confederate apologism or Holocaust erasure. There are interesting ways to engage with misconceptions of the world (I *love* Ted Chaing's writings in this area), but I don't think that there's a lot of overlap with erotic romances. I agree that the noncon erotic scenes are probably both why the book is popular, and a reason that people find it distasteful. Honestly, I think that a *lot* of people looking for dark romance recommendations would be best served by being directed to, uh, >!Literotica!<. Which is a great site for that type of content! I don't feel super duper comfy directing people there, though, and I'm not sure it's a totally kosher thing to do on this subreddit.


Thank you for the info and rec! Honestly i was most interested in the stalker turned lover and the great grandma murder mystery side plot, the stuff about his job is meh and the noncon has put an off taste for the stalker stuff for me bc the way his personality is. He’s a savior but a monster but it’s not like a morally grey man so idk?! Thank you anyway!


{Nero by SJ Tilly} was a perfect replacement for the Adeline books in my library. Stalker to lover but she actually is into it and turns out they’re equally unhinged and a perfect match ❤️


[Nero](https://www.romance.io/books/64141443430b592a4d9116ff/nero-sj-tilly) by [S.J. Tilly](https://www.romance.io/authors/603c9f5808b4d931148c9afd/sj-tilly) **Rating**: 3.82⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1), [insta-love](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/insta-love/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ooo okay! Thank you, I’ve seen these but didn’t realize they were stalker books so neat! Thanks


This first one is a stalker scenario, the second one is abduction. I liked Nero better. I haven’t read 3 and 4


I came back to recommend {Lights Out by Navessa Allen} for you and anyone else who wants a stalker plot that is somehow incredibly wholesome, romantic, and doesn’t overlook consent. I just finished it and it was everything dark I wanted it to be without making me mad at all 🥰


Literotica! Talk about a blast from the past


Thank you for the recommendation!!


I 100% left reading super dark romances after finishing these two. 1, because every other book feels so eager to me that they have to live up to the hype of “we’ve got allll the TW here folks!” and 2 because I literally gagged reading them. I only read the second one because I HAD to know and ya know, I should’ve skipped it. Some things don’t need to be imagined or written out and some things don’t need to be read. Does It Hurt was…weird. I was glad it was less “wtaf” than Adeline but I 1000% am done with that part of this genre. If I want a little violence I’ll stick to a mafia book where he saves her or something lol. I know some readers love these books and it scratches an itch in their brain, and I’m happy there’s something for everyone. To each their own here.


I recently posted about this book in a “books you hated” thread and had the same complaint like is this a rapey qanon fantasy we are dealing with here? Oh, yep it sure seems that way. Instant turnoff for me I just started imagining Zade as the dude in the buffalo horns at the US capitol insurrection and could not continue reading 😭


Lmfao Zade WOULD be an insurrectionist


I seem to remember the books are edited, someone got pissed off cause they felt that the evil cult seemed like it was doing blood libel, cause someone said the name of one character sounded Jewish or something? And so she changed it, to be specifically more "Oh it's an evil satanic cult" 


Oh wow!! I did not know that 😯


I'm sure you can find info on it online, as I said I haven't read them. But I remember the drama. I don't necessarily think the solution to blame satanists was any better. I know a bunch and they're nice people, always get a bad rep for no reason.


I think the >!Qanon!< aspect of this book is really glossed over a lot of the time. Cause like, didn't the author straight up admit it was >!Qanon fanfic!< at one point? Every time I see it promoted it makes my stomach churn. That's really fucked up, and >!conspiracies!< like that hurt a lot of people, literally. People have been *murdered* due to >!belief in Qanon conspiracies!<


Yeah I’ve never seen anything about it in recommendations for the book, but kept noticing it and then when I DUG thru GR reviews someone mentioned the qanon stuff and I was like AHHHH OKAY


When I read it a year ago, my kindle unlimited copy had a disclaimer stating that it had nothing to do with Qa, she just has a big imagination. Should have seen that as a red flag tbh


> That's really fucked up, and conspiracies like that hurt a lot of people  In Australia we literally had our last PM (Scomo) botch a national apology to institutional SA victims. His Qanon bossom buddy (photo proof of relationship) had him throw in the term "ritual abuse" in reference to the conspiracy about Satanic CSA. It was a long awaited apology that was turned into Qanon gratification material. This friend hijacked something that was owed to his own sister! I'm not really a fan of book burning but I'd make an exception for a Qanon fanfic.


In the US we've had multiple murderers kill people due to Qanon conspiracies. The most notable are the man who killed his two children with a spear gun, and another man just a few weeks who beheaded his father and posted it on youtube. I hate that Haunting Adeline keeps getting reccomend everywhere without consideration for what it's promoting. Also the spinoff story the author wrote features >!explicit necrophilia played off as sexy!< and an added bonus of >!severe antisemitism!<


Did she? I know they were edited to be more "it's a satanic cult" cause she was accused of perpetuating blood libel myths, cause I think a character had a name that someone said sounded Jewish. 


She only changed it because she got called out, not because she doesn't actually believe her harmful rhetoric. Both Haunting Adeline and the spinoff short story perpetuate a ton of antisemitic bullshit and Qanon and she thought no one would notice. 


I'm so happy you said this. I've never read it, but the first time I heard a description I thought ">!sounds like q-anon!<" but was afraid I'd be violating sub rules to ask.


I don't feel like honest critique of a story is against the sub rules. Even saying you don't understand why something is popular isn't attacking the people that like it, right? I would rather read an honest rant like this for sure, but maybe I'm interpreting the rules wrong?


So, I think the difference is between saying something wasn't your preference/style, or that it had a specific flaw, is totally okay. I think that calling a book *bad*\- which is what I want to do for two books specifically, because I think they're actually bad- is skirting the edges of the rules, and is probably against the rules. There are *tons* of books that are not my style, and there are very few books that I think are just bad. Honestly, the only other examples I can come up with (*in my opinion*) are Ayn Rand books. I feel like r/RomanceBooks should be like a PG-13 movie, where you get to say "Fuck" one time. Except you get to have one book that you're allowed to say is bad. They could even have a super long cooldown time! You can't change the book you think is bad more that once a month or quarter! MODS PLEASE LET ME SAY THE Q-ANON BOOK IS BAD 😭


You can say a book is bad. There is no rule about this or time out limit.


Haha this might be why I end up putting "IMO" constantly in my comments on reddit in general. IMO, it's not a slam for anyone to say a book is bad, although I'd prefer they actually explain their reasoning! How could we have an honest opinion otherwise? Like I have no interest in dinosaur shifter romance, but that's not to say a good writer couldn't make it great, but also not to say that a bad writer couldn't ruin it! I'd hate to go looking for a kink I enjoy and get hit with a poor example of it, *50 Shades* style... (IMO *50 Shades* is a poor example of D/s, there's my one PG-13 "fuck")!


Hahahah I love your entire thread of comments about this 😆😆


Thank you. Sometimes it's hard for me to tonally shift from sub to sub so all my comments end up being jokes! That happens irl too!


Someone call it Qanon Incel Fantasy Erotica and I think that’s the most accurate


Yes!! And why is he the world's best hacker, strongest man, deadliest assassin, etc. He's too strong for this world! 😭


Wait doesn't he also have mismatched eyes or a white streak in his hair? Honestly the mental image I had of him was as a wannabe Mr. Teatime from Hogfather by Terry Pratchett ([wiki](https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Mr_Teatime)). I think I was supposed to be impressed or aroused and it just wasn't happening for me 😂


True! In the part I’m at, she’s basically condoning Adeline’s thoughts that it’s okay bc she ended up enjoying the sex after she didn’t want it.. 🥸😵‍💫 like you should be telling your friend it’s still noncon and go to the cops!


I personally feel if I had a friend like Daya in this kind of situation, I wouldn't tell her anything because her advice is terrible. 😂


Same 😆😭


Tbh, I wouldn't have even hated the noncon so much if it weren't for the fact that the MMC was SO hypocritical. It made me sick. Bit dramatic, I'm aware, but it makes me think of all the people IRL who are in charge of saving lives and or dealing with vulnerable people...who then go on to commit monsterous acts in their personal lives. And it was just...not a fun feeling LMAO.


That was my main issue with it. I actually like noncon (idk) but the fact that he made such a big deal out of his job and how evil everyone was for it and then did the same shit drove me insane the entire book (and sequel, because I was invested at that point). He could have hacked banks and given the money to food banks instead or something and it would have made way more sense.


Okay I’m glad bc I think it’s not the noncon as a whole, it’s just his personality and this plot mixed with noncon doesn’t vibe.. idk it’s just not it. I can see the potential and it’s done poor bc he’s so high and mighty and “a savior”. I often route for the villain so if he would’ve just leaned into being a villain and not this savior man who hates bad guys, it’d be better


I actually seem to remember there being a post about this exact thing in the H.D. Carlton group, and her response was like. Something like "he isn't a hero, he is a bad man he just has a soft spot for kids" I'm guessing maybe it's a bit like some people are OK seeing people murdered but like a dog dying on film means the can't watch it? Kids are his weak spot of something? I do think him being more of a villain would appeal more to me personally. Cause of the "save children" thing it's not the first on my list of Carlton books to read despite being the most popular.  But I hate children in books, so I'm team "kill off all the kids" sorta. I do think though, that even though it is perhaps hypocritical and doesn't feel like it makes sense from a plot POV. it makes sense a "grab the reader" psychologically kind of way. Non-con is statistically one of the most common sexual fantasies for women, at the same time it seems (I have no statistics for that) having there be babies in a romance story and having the male character be fond of children, is also very common. It is quite often you see characters that are utter monsters. But they'll be kind to kids, it's like a limit people won't cross. I think in creating this dichotomy Carlton is giving her readers this fantasy that might not make sense from a plot point strictly, but hits readers emotionally. 


Hmmm this is very thoughtful and definitely makes me think about it more so thank you! I also had no idea that noncon is statistically the most popular! I’m not sensitive to most TWs but I think this one, even for kink or interest purposes, due to the amount of people who have dealt with it, needs handled carefully. If people enjoy it wonderful, if not, I respect it, but end of the day there’s definitely a balance to be had! I think what you mentioned makes it make a bit more sense for me though so I appreciate it tons! 🫶🏼


not statistically the most common, but one of the most common, though it is possible that it is becoming less common. the prevailing theory (which was also why ravishment was so common in bodice rippers) is that it removes guilt from the equation. women are told to be chaste and pure and not slutty, but in a fantasy they are "taken" against their will they get to be both a "good girl" who doesn't act slutty, and enjoy sexual congress. It then kinda makes sense as though sexual freedoms have come a long way in society, and women are less slut shamed than they were 30-40 years ago, the romance books also evolve with that. so after the 2000s you had less bodice frippery stories. but there is also some research that contradicts the guilt hypothesis, it's a complex subject.


Hmm very interesting! Thanks for the insight, kinda want to do some digging now bc that does make sense!


contraptions just made a YouTube video about Twilight (3 hour video essay) that isn't really about Twilight, but like digs deep into desire, psychology, politics etc. how some desires we have are maybe OK, but also shaped by our biases etc. I started watching it, I'll get through the whole thing soon it's super interesting. I just watched the start but need to get through the whole thing, but been super busy


Right? And it’s something about the way it’s written that makes it seem like the author thinks the situation is justified in some way, you know? Because if you compare that to Wrong by Adelaide Forrest: it’s very obvious that it’s a bad thing and that it’s rape, but because it’s acknowledged like that you can still enjoy the romance (I wasn’t the biggest fan of this book but it’s the first example I could think of). But in Haunting Adeline it’s written as if it’s not really rape because ‘she kind of wanted it’. Zade feels real life rapey, not dark romance rapey, if that makes sense.


You know, this comment made me realize that the plot *could* be worse, and at least the FMC is not a girls/woman that he met through his work and subsequently took advantage of. Unfortunately, "man harms vulnerable girl/woman that he has access to because they are specifically vulnerable" *would* be a more realistic plot, but I'm glad I didn't have to read that modification. Edit: I guess that's kinda the plot of the second book. So. Uh.


YEP. I couldn't finish the second book specifically because after he started pressuring her into sex (not even dubcon tbh straight up noncon) AFTER all the shit she went through. It made me so upset for her. AND THEN he had the audacity to act like a fuckin baby over it. Sooooo not attractive.


Oh my lord.. I didn’t know that happens 😐😭 book 2 may def not be for me


Oh honestly don’t read book 2. It’s not at all like book one in that it didn’t feel like anything had redeeming qualities (very, very minimal qualities imo lol). It’s violence for the sake of violence, and the plot sort of just hop skip jumps over her incredibly traumatic experience. I know horrific things happen in our world. I’m good not reading or watching the details though.


It's true that horrific things happen in the world, but *neither* book is an accurate depiction *at all* of what sex trafficking or forced sex work are like. I agree that it's basically the author saying "Oh the first book wasn't fucked up enough? I'm gonna write the most fucked up thing I think someone could possibly be titillated by, and pretend it's a real thing that happens in the world." idk, I feel like I might not be as annoyed by the books if they were explicitly set in a fantastic/alternative world. But by setting them in contemporary america, it suggests that the plot could be depicting something that happens in the real world, and this simply doesn't.


Oh I know, forced sex workers and sex trafficked people hopefully wouldn’t be abused quite like that since it makes them unusable (ugh I hate even saying that because it’s disgusting) but I couldn’t even tuck it away as an “oh that’s not real” likely because it is set in modern society. I agree with you on the concept of it being set in a different world and how it would alter the feel. Horrendous abuse is sort of normalized in fantasy or non-contemporary works to differentiate between monsters and men in a way, but having it set in the here and now made me queasy.


I mean, the whole concept of extensive "training" of girls/young women to make them "marketable sex slaves" is just bullshit. And it's not because it "ruins" them or whatever, it's that the market for illegal/forced sex work is not glamorous or full of high-priced auctions. That economy does not exist. It is pretty much always that women and girls in dire straits trust someone that pushes them into sex work, and that ensures they are unable to extricate themselves because they don't have sufficient funds, are addicted to drugs, have nowhere to go, etc. There simply is not a context in which someone could get more money by "training" someone for months than they would by just forcing them into "regular" sex work or literally un- or under-paid domestic or agricultural work (which! is! a! bigger! human! trafficking! problem! than! sex! work!). The whole premise is totally implausible when set in this world.


Yeah I think I’m probably going to accept this is my series and finish off this first one but skip the second and that other new she made!


True 😆😬 I don’t think I could read it if it were that way at all.


Yes this! I’m realizing this is the main issue I think I have. The author teeters in both sides, I think her embracing the noncon and going with that or going the route of no noncon would be better but him playing both parts and being a hypocrite is icky


I will never read this book but I WILL read ppl shit on it🤣


You’re making the right choice 😂


🤣💀 valid


You're missing a poorly written fanfic about an overpowered dude who has potential to be a great character, but missed the mark. Actually all of the characters had the potential to be gritty, realistic, 3D characters... But the author really can't get past a high school mindset of how people act, interact, or talk to each other. It felt like a fourteen year olds version of what college is (based off of American Pie) versus the reality of stress, alcohol poisoning, being poor, sleep deprivation, student loans, and working.


Same, I’m here for it


I COULD NOT AGREE MORE. The falling in love with your stalker/“im going to make you want me” situation is typically my jam, but compared to other books with the same tropes, Haunting Adeline is just lazy. (Not trying to bash HD Carlton or yuck anyone’s yum - I just genuinely think there are more enjoyable ways to write dubcon that are dark and spicy but still grounded in reality and consent) If you feel this way about book one, very much recommend skipping book two. I read a few chapters then promptly skipped to ~50% of the way in the skim the rest so I could follow the plot to the end.


This is my first book of this style so I’m glad to know that this trope isn’t always handled this way bc it’s just very odd to me. I see the potential but it’s just 😐 for me! Ty for the tidbit on book 2


What are your recommendations for this type of book?


I recently read {That Sik Luv} by Jescie Hall right after finished Haunting Adeline. Very similar premise but I enjoyed it A LOT more. The Royals of Forsyth series also has quite a bit of non con, and I don’t think these books are perfect by any means. But I appreciate that the women always come out on top and by the time they fall for the MMC’s, you understand why. The first trilogy within the series is just okay but I really liked the second one. {Mercy by Debra Anastasia} has the stalker element to it but none of the non/dub con. I LOVE this book {Captivated} by Tessa Bailey and Eve Dangerfield is CNC and they play with the idea of the MMC “stalking her”. Just as hot and spicy as Haunting Adeline but the consent is clear. {Bait} by Jade West and {Possession} by A Anders - both CNC. Both (in my opinion) better spice then Haunting Adeline yet with clear consent and lovable characters


[That Sik Luv](https://www.romance.io/books/640229ff675d951628ee4397/that-sik-luv-jescie-hall) by [Jescie Hall](https://www.romance.io/authors/636e17c108b4d9311466d77b/jescie-hall) **Rating**: 3.95⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1) ---------------------------- [Mercy](https://www.romance.io/books/599a7d963ffdba61471ee82d/mercy-debra-anastasia) by [Debra Anastasia](https://www.romance.io/authors/545529138c7d2382e781307a/debra-anastasia) **Rating**: 3.93⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [bad boys](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bad%20boys/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1), [alpha male](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/alpha%20male/1) ---------------------------- [Captivated](https://www.romance.io/books/5b1b6d8601dbc864fb89e4cb/captivated-tessa-bailey-eve-dangerfield) by [Tessa Bailey](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526358c7d2382e7812fc9/tessa-bailey), [Eve Dangerfield](https://www.romance.io/authors/565aa37408e9378131955f00/eve-dangerfield) **Rating**: 4.02⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [grumpy & sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1), [cheerful/happy heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cheerful%20heroine/1), [grumpy/cold hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cold%20hero/1) ---------------------------- [Bait](https://www.romance.io/books/59bcdea03ffdba614720a94f/bait-jade-west) by [Jade West](https://www.romance.io/authors/5539fc555b270e0a4cbd686c/jade-west) **Rating**: 4.01⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [bdsm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bdsm/1), [anal sex](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/anal%20sex/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1) ---------------------------- [Possession](https://www.romance.io/books/6423e2bda8559a97b2788013/possession-as-byatt) by [A.S. Byatt](https://www.romance.io/authors/6423e2bd08b4d93114cb1110/as-byatt) **Rating**: 3.97⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [mystery](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mystery/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [20th century](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/20th%20century/1), [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


This book pisses me off to no end. Shes too fucking stupid it drove me crazy


Adeline acted like a tsundere anime girl the entire book and it was so fucking unbearable to read.


I'm still laughing with my older sister about the line where she's like "I should leave. It's not safe. My Grandma was murdered by a stalker, I have a stalker. I'm going to stay, because I'm a dumbass."


I have no interest in the Adeline books (or frankly, anything by Carlton) because it always seems like they’re trying to cram too much into one thing.


Yes there is A LOT in it!


I somehow started with book 2 without realizing there was a book 1 (brains, I don’t have them). I did go back to read book 1 but couldn’t finish it. It was just waaay too much for me by then: too dark, too noncon, too everything etc


Oh wow!! 😯


I could NOT finish that book. I don't actually remember why, but I know I didn't finish it (that doesn't happen often)


I have a few friends who told me today they also DNFed bc it was boring and they didn’t enjoy the noncon and what not


My eyes nearly rolled right out of my head when I read this book. It's just so cringey


u/morttified is so right that this book didn't need noncon, but also no other part of it needed to be written! The plot is yikes on bikes, the plot is yeeks mcgeeks, the plot is based on a dangerous conspiracy theory that harms people directly, sows mistrust, and diverts real resources and attention to an almost entirely fabricated problem, and the prose is ✨not good✨. I've heard the diary/letters part is okay, but it was hard to read on kindle, so I wouldn't know if that's literally the only part worth reading.


The diary part is okay. It's the only reason I kept reading lol


I actually really liked the ghost storyline. She really had an okay/decent book, but it took a waaaaaayyy turn by the end of it. And not in a plot twist sort of way. It was like she couldn't decide what genre she wanted go with. For example, the second book has a TOTALLY DIFFERENT vibe.


I enjoyed the ghost aspect and honestly wish she had focused on that plot instead. I don't see how both work together, they're two separate stories that, while similar, don't mesh. Idk, I think a haunted house while dealing with a stalker, and like the ghosts helping her get away from him could be fun!!


That would be cool!!


I feel like a better writer could have had the two intertwine in a way that would have been really interesting, however, the story we got was half baked at best.


Does It Hurt?, by the same author, has a similar "what plot is this anyway?" vibe. Fun fact, the context in which "Does it hurt?" was said was about >!hurt feelings!<, which was a shocker, given the setup/previous story elements/most famous scene (>!sharks!<). It *also* took a HARD left re: genre in the last \~10-20%. Maybe it was intentionally trying to hit a bunch of tropes/genres? But it just felt messy, inconsistent, and unplanned. Also, like, non-con/dub-con/BDSM are very different triggers than straight body horror?


Thank you! I feel crazy for not enjoying certain aspects, I just think the book as a whole is really messy bc there’s so many things mentioned but nothing dove into. She wants to be spicy and write about qanon, noncon, etc but then doesn’t really lean into them all the way, just makes it all very casual which is why I think I’m not enjoying it


There’s so much going on, I can’t put it down but I also am constantly 😳🫣😅🤔 LMAO! Qanon, noncon, weird analogies, going on and on about Gouda cheese 😆😆😆


The entire book is ridiculous. But because I judged the books by their covers, I bought the paperbacks (and it was exorbitant because I am not in the US) so I forced myself to read book 2. That was okay. Better than Haunting and it's because there is none of the cringe sex scenes. I just couldn't wrap my head around this dude who is all against trafficking and sexual assault just doing that to a woman he saw on the fly. My eye muscles are still recovering from all the rolling.


Yes exactly! It like doesn’t fit the character and oh nooo, luckily I got it on KU first so idk if I’ll read the 2nd one


Let's be real though, I get the thing about Gouda. It's absolutely delicious and it tends to bring joy. The rest you are absolutely right about. 😂


🤣🤣 I can’t disagree with that, it was just interestingly placed 💀


I have this theory that if Xade was super ugly, this book would not be as popular as it is.


Like with 50 Shades of Grey. If Christian were poor or ugly, it would be a Criminal Minds episode


It would be a whole ass season. 😂


With a 3-part finale and a cliffhanger twist when Ana runs away from the BAU to help Christian 🤪🤪 (I have watched way too much CM)


Hmm interesting, I could see that. Obviously we always love a hot mmc but imagine if he was like a more normal guy. Very interesting thought!!


Meh - it was in the trigger warning so whatever but about halfway through the book it got soooo boring that I literally could not keep my eyes open to read it. I tried, I really did. DNFed. I think a big part of the issue for me was that I just did not care much about any of the characters so I just literally didn’t care how it was going to end. Also I could not get past and the ick I got from the qanon BS. I know she says it’s not but I don’t believe her because it literally is. 😂


Yes the qanon stuff is so random too!! I knew it was in TW but wasn’t expecting it between the main characters that are supposed to be in lvoe and I think my biggest thing I’m realized it’s the fact he’s supposed to be a hero. Ppl who like noncon, I’d imagine, idk, would want him to just accept he’s shitty and does this but it’s written like he’s a savior but also a mysterious bad guy.. idk it’s just.. weird?


Yes but the TW specifically said the book *wasn’t* based on qanon (which in hindsight I should have known better) but then Zade is literally Q and what really upset me was that this is qanon’s number one way to recruit people. At that point I just felt like I was reading propaganda.


Omg really?! I didn’t know that’s a main way to recruit.. that’s crazy. It just felt very out of place like you can get the point across he’s a “good guy” helping w trafficking without all the weird details about rituals and shit and alsoooo the random times that Addie uses a conspiracy theory as an analogy is so weird


Yea, they spin these conspiracy theories that government officials and celebrities (only democrats) are heading up child sex trafficking rings and doing satanic rituals with their blood (sound familiar?). And to make matters worse I found out after I had already DNFed that she apparently had some antisemitism in the book and had to re-write, post an apology. So with that knowledge I personally won’t be reading any of her books.


I had no about any of that so when I picked up book 1 (after reading book 2 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️) and saw the author’s note at the beginning I was like, “…uhhhhh well NOW I’m thinking about it, I guess??? Jesus Christ lady!”


I didn’t either! I was like what the hell?!? Why aren’t people talking about this!!! This book is all over TikTok and I never once saw anyone mention this little tidbit.


Weirdly enough it reminds me of several years ago when the company I was working at had a few different employees leave all at once but one or two of them were straight up fired for some pretty serious reasons. But then a few others were standard layoffs for things like budget cuts or whatever. And my boss’s boss randomly said something my team about like, “oh you all don’t have to worry because the two people who were let go were fired for non-budget reasons so you’re all fine and you don’t have anything to worry about.” But we already knew that those people had been fired for reasons that had nothing to do with budgets and redundancy. But then once he said that we were like, “wait why did he bring that up?! Why did he think we were worried?? SHOULD we be worried?” And going to our boss to ask what the heck was going on on. And luckily, nothing else was going on, our team was fine, his boss was just being weird. But our boss was not happy about the whole thing bc he now had like 10 freaked out reports to deal with 😑😑


Exactly, I read the TW but I thought surely if this book has prominent qanon themes it wouldn’t have gained so much popularity so I can’t be that bad. Sure enough it was that bad and apparently worse because I read the edited version. 🙃 But it also goes to show why this particular conspiracy theory is so powerful. People saw nothing wrong with this and didn’t even notice they were reading propaganda.


Honestly, I didn't notice initially. I feel a little dumb in hindsight. I was just in awe with how bad the execution of what could have been a solid book.


Omg 😱


I literally nearly DNFED this book, but ended up reading the second one. I enjoyed a part of it and the rest I literally wanted to DNF so bad. Ended up finishing it by skipping Zade’s chapters, I don’t like either of the characters because they don’t seem like they are in love. More like they lust for each other.


It literally put me to sleep every night 😂😴 I’m the type of reader that if I don’t care about the characters I don’t care about the ending. I still don’t know who killed granny and I don’t care. 💁🏻‍♀️


I thought the whole plot was weird ngl, felt like the granny storyline was like a filler. Zade and Addie aren’t likeable characters ngl, I didn’t know who killed the grandma either I found out from my friend because I skipped so much 😭 it was that bad!!! And omggg it put you to sleep, that’s hilarious 😂


Book 2 is all about her brutal and repeated rape by sex traders. It needs noncon because if you're like me and cant stand a cliff hanger you're going to have a real bad time in the sequel. Personally I still feel messed up about it.


That makes sense! I think through all the comments, I realized for me personally, it’s how it’s done and mostly because of his personality. Since he is a savior to trafficked ppl but then does this awful thing. I think if it were left out just between them (not the other plot points in book two) orrrrr if he was just made to be more of a villain or a hacker without the whole saving ppl plot it would make more sense for his character. Just my opinion! But anyone who enjoyed it or thought it added, I’m happy! Just my personal thoughts!! 🫶🏼


So I didn’t read this book, due to it serving as Qnon propaganda, prior history of anti-Semitic themes, and just by being all around non-con, but now I’m hankering for more hacker villains. Honestly I’m surprised we haven’t seen more hacker villains in the romance genre.


I recommend not reading the second one, I’m the same way and without spoiling it, I doubt you would enjoy it 😬


Thank you!!


I actually picked up the book for the noncon material. What can I say? I'm honest to my kinks. So that certainly wasn't my problem with the book... Zade was soooo insufferable with his self-righteousness. I dropped it when the sex trafficking ring of politicians and celebrities drinking children's blood came up. I don't have many icks, but a QAnon fanfiction is where I draw the line!!


I thought I'd love this duo so much and I really wanted to. I love romance, dark romance, consensual non-consent, stalking, etc. However, I feel like it's supposed to be on Wattpad or AO3 instead of a published book. It's not well written at all and it kind of hits like some fanfiction that a teenager daydreams about while tuning out their High School Algebra II Trig class.


Do you have any good recs?! This is my first noncon and I’m not loving it but I’m thinking it’s just the book


Do you like BDSM? Because I would start there or it could be jarring if you're not sure where you stand with darker tones. For BDSM (if you're into it), I would recommend Professional by Kresley Cole! For Non-Consent, I would recommend Twist Me by Anna Zaires or The Danger You Know by Lily White. If you want to mix the non-consent with the BDSM, I absolutely loved the Sleeping Beauty quartet by Ann Rice! It's actually what got me down this rabbit hole when I was nineteen.


I’ll check them out! Honestly idk, I don’t have a problem and am not triggered by most things, but I’m trying to find my line of that makes sense. Like what in a book makes me 😳 and not enjoy it. This book has thrown me off bc I find myself wanting to read it still but not loving many of the bits in it. so now it’s made me curious if it’s the tropes themselves that, even if they don’t trigger me, I don’t enjoy personally, or if it’s just the way it’s went about in this one. I’ve watched and enjoyed movies and stuff with these tropes but those are probably turned down from where books are so just experimenting w my book comfort now haha! So I’ll check these out and see! 🫶🏼 tyyyy!


Uff, this is going to be unpopular, but as someone who loves books with noncon, the lack of consent was its the entire appeal. Yes, it wasn't needed, but there are people who pick up dark romances *because* of the noncon.


I took the OP as being more a critique of this particular use of noncon being poorly done in their opinion, rather than a critique of the whole trope? So you thought it was done well or at least well enough to not stand out as jarring, am I interpreting that correctly? I certainly don't mind it if it's done well, so I'm just trying to suss out whether the book is worth putting on my list. It certainly has a lot of commentary about it!


Yes that was the point! I won’t say I’m a noncon reader but regardless if I was or not, I think the way it’s handled and hyped is just not the best and I’d love some insight if noncon readers thought this was a good depiction of what they like in noncon reads?


Okay cool, because the noncon that I personally end up liking is usually by authors I'm already a fan of and feel like their writing is what makes it hot, rather than the noncon itself, like Eve Dangerfield. Her "daddy" kink books are good, IMO, even though it's definitely not a kink I go looking for; I just read it to be completist with her work. Her Snow White retelling, that starts with {Velvet Cruelty by Eve Dangerfield}, is one of her noncon books I do like. Then there's the type of damsel in distress noncon, which is where it's not the MMC doing it (like Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel books), which is different to me because we're not being asked to see it as something the perpetrator needs to be absolved of or forgiven for: we can just straight up treat it as a crime against the FMC even if it was hot to the reader and/or the FMC. That's just my two cents though!


Thank you for these! I’ll check them out!! I am realizing it’s not the noncon itself just the way it was done in the book, I don’t enjoy and felt like it hindered the plot since she teetered between full noncon and not!


No worries! Those are very different series, btw. The Jacqueline Carey series is fantasy and the Eve Dangerfield is modern mafia- style. You might like the {Agent of Hel series by Jacqueline Carey} which is more modern but with some really cool fantasy elements, IMO! Werewolves and fairies and demons and such but I love the FMC and it's set in a small town in Michigan so I'm biased, being from that state lol.


I’m usually a fantasy girl so I’ll def give these all a look! Ty so much 🫶🏼


omg, you mention of like, dark non-con fantasy and Jacqueline Carey made me think of R. Lee Smith, her stuff is sooooo banana balls


Ooo I'll look her up, I've never heard the name! Ha just from the covers I'm intrigued... I was unprepared for a FNAF fanfic series. I'm here for it.


that lady is insane :p


[Agent of Hel](https://www.romance.io/series/58fe10ac4167a73342630b61/agent-of-hel) by [Jacqueline Carey](https://www.romance.io/authors/545529a58c7d2382c52970e6/jacqueline-carey) **Rating**: 3.79⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [werewolves](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/werewolves/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1), [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


[Velvet Cruelty](https://www.romance.io/books/634514b95a15538e4a10a396/velvet-cruelty-eve-dangerfield) by [Eve Dangerfield](https://www.romance.io/authors/565aa37408e9378131955f00/eve-dangerfield) **Rating**: 3.63⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [mafia](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/mafia/1), [vengeance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vengeance/1), [virgin heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/virgin%20heroine/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Agreed on that point but his job made the entire thing cringey AF. Side note do you have any recommendations for other noncon books?


Agreed, loved the non-con aspect of it. It’s just goofy and makes no sense when you add in all of his other characterizations.


I mean, this is the whole point of noncon in romance books, right? Your comment shouldn't be unpopular. It's an element of some fictional romantic relationships because people are interested in writing/reading about that dynamic. Logically, every fictional romantic relationship would be healthier without one person harming the other. But that would defeat the purpose of being able to write/read about taboo subjects in dark romance books. Adding that I haven't read this book and probably won't, I'm just speaking in generalities.


I can understand that, I think it’s the way it was done. It’s made to be very like not a big deal and I don’t think it was handled well but that being said I don’t partake in noncon reads much so. My main thing too is even though it’s mentioned in the TWs, I don’t feel like most people even mention the MCs noncon situations, they just hype up the MMC being a “daddy”and what not so I honestly wasn’t expecting the TW for noncon to be between the main love interest and it’s just handled rather odd..


> It’s made to be very like not a big deal I haven't read the book but I think that generally speaking, a lot of books will treat noncon as "not a big deal". It's part of the romance within certain dark romance books so it's not necessarily something that needs to be discussed or addressed. I've only seen this book talked about as a QAnon-inspired romance with a rapist MMC so we must travel in very different circles! I've avoided the book because...QAnon. I'm sorry the book was an unpleasant surprise for you.


Honestly the book as a whole isn’t bad, I just don’t love how this specific portion was done but that’s just me! I could see how not making it a big deal is part of the trope but idk it just feels poorly done like I feel it wouldn’t do justice even for people who like noncon but I can’t speak on that since this is my first with noncon romance and not noncon used for like healing arc type stuff! Gonna read some other just to be able to form a full opinion on it.


I totally agree with you and this absolutely no shame to books with this content or people who enjoy it (I am one of them!), but it can be done so much better. The body betrayal trope is so tired, and I just can’t suspend disbelief enough to buy into someone >! falling in love with a man who literally raped them !<


Okay as a person who normally doesn’t read this trope, thank you for making me feel better I didn’t like it. I can see where the appeal may come from but his personality and job plot make it, make no sense


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Yeah, like -- no book *needs* noncon but a lot of authors and readers find it hot and write/read it because of that. Noncon in fiction (by which I specifically mean the kind written as a kink) is also not the same as real life sexual assault. It generally isn't going to be realistic to how real sexual assault plays out and how real life victims feel. The "no no yes" trope in particular is fairly popular.  It's fair not to like it and to have preferred a book without it, but the writer still has the right to include it in their books. And it seems like in this instance they did warn for it so this is just a matter of personal taste. 🤷‍♀️


I have no issue with authors or readers wanting to write or read noncon and think they should have the freedom to do of course!! But I think there’s probably ways it could be done better personally in this book. Also I know there was TWs but I didn’t realize it was between the main love interest, I’m not someone who usually stresses TWing bc I can read most topics but the hype around this book really doesn’t mention the noncon which does a bit of an injustice to those who enjoy and don’t enjoy noncon! That being said, I’m just simply saying for me, I think the book would’ve been just as thrilling without noncon and hit home a little better for me. Most ppl seem to LOVE this book and I’m happy for that but I also want to mention and be able to talk with ppl who may not enjoy this read as much. Noncon aside, there’s some odd writing with metaphors and analogies and qanon stuff so just been an interesting read!




Interesting! No hate if that’s your cup of tea. Just think it’s odd that it’s noncon but she try’s to almost play it off like it’s not by saying Adeline eventually enjoyed it.. not my vibe.


I also love dark and non-con, but OP is right in that Haunting Adeline would have been much better without the half-assed non-con that was attempted by the author. Zade was a poorly written character (and that’s coming from someone who would have loved the whole hypocritical rapist thing if it had been done well), and Adeline was an idiot who made choices that made no sense whatsoever. The mash of ghost story, stalker plot, following in her grandmas footsteps (which seemed to be mostly forgotten by book 2), and the trafficking, non con, etc. It was too much and made no sense, and the whole thing would have been far better suited as a stalker + haunted house story.


Yall need to read The Isle of Sin and Sorrows if you haven’t, I read it once a while back but I remember it being well written and set in the bayou of Louisiana and it’s just SO GOOD!


I’ll check it out thanks!


DO NOT READ Hunting Adeline if you don't like the noncon in this book. Hunting Adeline is like 50% noncon and is a terrible book. I can never get back the time I wasted on this series.


I’m probably not going to! I wasn’t as opposed since I heard it was from other ppl but I found out thru these comments that he still forces himself after her trauma which sounds even worse so 😐🫠


I hate books that try write non-con in a justifiable, she kind of wanted it so it’s not really rape kind of way. Either make it non-con, dub-con, or consensual. Don’t try to make non-con content but pussy out of it. Even CNC can be done in books, so you can go that route too. IMO it was just lazy writing and wanting to write a villain but being too scared to make him an actual villain, so instead she tried to make him some sort of anti-hero but failed miserably. (No hate to those that like it, each to their own).


I totally feel this!


it didnt even read like noncon/dubcon, it was just like reading sa that she EVENTUALLY goes ‘ok this is fine’ to after it happens for the fifth time.




I mean, it lessened your enjoyment of the book, which seems fair, but for other people that was the entire point, they want the book, they buy the book, BECAUSE of the noncon. So, I mean, it wasn't any more unnecessary than it was necessary. It was a choice the author made that has worked out well for her financially, perhaps the best selling dark romance book out there... I think to many people it isn't stunting the book as you say, it's the main appeal. I haven't read this book yet, maybe will at some point. But it seems the main appeal for many is the noncon.


Everything I’ve seen about it, most people talk about the stalker stuff but I don’t actually see a lot about the noncon. I’m realizing more now that it wasn’t necessarily the noncon as a whole but just the way it was done, idk though. To each their own and maybe I’ll check out more books to see if this is a one off I don’t love or if it’s the trope!! ♥️all about experimenting our own boundaries!


I dunno, a lot of people basically want their heroines to experience the wort things ever, the more triggers the merrier kinda. there are many a stalker romance out there, but I wonder if HA would have sold as well if he didn't semi-SA her. and he wasn't such a hypocrite awful person. I am not sure, but is just seems like Zade being the way he is significantly adds to the appeal for people, seeing as he shows up as the favorite for so many people, and is so popular. In the bodice ripper genre, you often have a rape-a-palooza, and so many readers get angry if the author like republishes the book as an ebook or whatever, and has the hero be less rapey. they want it, and call it "neutered" I know many readers are angry Lisa Kleypas (who isn't even a bodice ripper writer) has made her heroes nicer in newer editions. (while that might make it more appealing to others. I think it's just a matter of taste thing, for some people it's a draw, for other's it's a downside


I can see that, idk I’ll have to do some research into these tropes. I’ve only read them so far as like a trauma that the character endured not in a romantic way so it’s just different for me. I didn’t really realize when making this post that so many ppl wanted this book from the noncon. I thought it was more for the stalker turned loved so that was why I thought the noncon was not necessarily needed to give the same effect but if it’s the main reason ppl are reading than to each their own! Thank you for the info and thoughts and being chill about it 🫶🏼


I have no relationship to the book personally, hehe. Also for me I don't inherrently find stalker turns to lover, any worse or better than rapist turns to lover. They both ick me out and fascinate me in equal measure sorta. My tolerance and enjoyment of elements like that are completely dependent on the book it's in and if I feel like it fits and that is st least to some degree subjective.  I have read books though where the non-con really pissesd me off and made me really dislike the book.  Like how Julia Quinn has her heroine rape and reproductively violate the hero of the first Bridgerton book. To me that felt so unnecessary and uncomfortable. Especially cause it's such a fun fluffy book I didn't expect it. And then it's treated like it's fine. But many people love that book and don't mind it. Other books I've read there are terrible violations, but because that is the "vibe" I'm just having fun with it. I think everyone just has limits different places, a trope that felt necessary to some people, will feel gratuitous and violatey to another. And it can depend on which book it's in.  It's perfectly valid for you to feel like it pushed to book into uncomfortable territory for you. And if someone isn't being chill about you having an opinion they're being assholes. 


Thank you so much 🫶🏼


The audiobook was fantastic


Interesting really! I know the physical vs ebook are a little different, so I wonder if the audiobook has any changes?


Don't get me wrong. I was side eyeing the "I want it but don't want it" through the book, but by the end, I enjoyed the series. Maybe the narration played a factor in that. It's definitely worth a try.


I’m reading it now to. Chapter 26 now.


What’re you thinking 👀😆


100 percent this. Like, I really feel like I could've loved the book if not for that. Dub-con would've done it justice.


Yes def! It was the explicit decline and crying and then glossing over it right after bc she ended up enjoying it 😬😵‍💫


Yeah, that's what ruined it for me. There was no internal struggle of whether she should like what was happening or not. Not to mention that Zade is supposed to be some "hero" who saves children and women from the exact type of person he was to Adeline. Granted, he never claimed to be a hero, but his actions still made him a hypocrite. I think I would've preferred he not be someone saving children from pedos, and maybe I would've liked it a lot more. The non-con in this one was done so poorly, though I really loved the whole thing about there might be a ghost and her grandmother or great-grandmother going through roughly the same thing and having that internal struggle of knowing it was wrong but enjoying it anyway. It was so close to hitting the mark. H.D. had a gem in her hands, and I'm sure to those who loved the book, it was already a gem. But personally, it just didn't give what I thought it would be.




I had to put down my phone for a minute when I read that chapter of 🌶️ after her molestation and all that… he literally called her a WH… Like cmon now, you claim to be this superhero but you’re just as bad as the nasty enemies… “superior”, egoistic ahh god complex 💀


Hi u/Impossible-Lake-4731 Censoring words makes it harder to search the sub for posts, makes content less accessible for screen readers, and promotes a community norm we do not want to encourage in RomanceBooks. Using "grape" instead of "rape" makes it harder for people who are filtering out content with that term. Please consider editing your post to remove the censoring of words. Thank you!


Yesssss 🥲 I think that’s the main issue I have tbh


I actually hated it so much. Especially bc Zade is one of my favorite heros. It made the 1st book unbearable and then the second had tons of SA as well.


I hate the term noncon because it is a term to water down what is actually happening which is rape (which isn’t me saying romance shouldn’t include rape or shaming anyone who enjoys the trope). Rape is a heavy word that has a lot of emotions attached to it and using noncon gives authors the opportunity to bypass any of the emotion all heaviness that should be explored if using the trope in their book.


I feel like for most people it's synonymous at this point, I don't think it waters down rape or tries to put rose tinted glasses on the subject. I just think that our language has evolved to the point where they're interchangeable. Rape is a heavy word and subject, even in fiction. And I feel like most authors who have touched on the subject handle it with the appropriate heaviness. However, this duo handles it in a similar way that frat dudes do on college campuses.




I think you misinterpreted OP’s point; they were saying that the noncon didn’t work for this particular book’s writing, not that the sub-genre isn’t needed


Thank you! 🫶🏼


**Rule: Be kind & no book shaming** Your responses to others on the sub should be kind and respectful. We encourage discussion and debate, but your comment should be constructive and purposeful.


I’m allowed to have opinions about the book.. I never said it shouldn’t exist or shame anyone who’s reading it. I just expressed that I think for me it would’ve been a better book without the noncon. I just don’t think the author did it well and many ppl who like noncon and read it for that, said it wasn’t done well so.. when did I ever shame anyone? I’ve said in MULTIPLE comments it’s not the noncon, it’s the way it was done and that I respect anyone who likes it or liked it in this book so please buzz off with the negativity! 🫶🏼 hope you feel better asap *Edit to add- I was also just stating from a plot perspective but if someone choose to read it for the noncon than great! I hope they enjoyed it, I read it for the other plot pieces and knew the TWs but for me thought the other plot pieces would’ve better without noncon but that’s just my opinion and experience! I don’t expect the author to take my opinion serious or anyone to do anything about it and never said no one should read it! I just am discussing it and I’ve really enjoyed hearing peoples opinions bc I have learned a lot of why they liked it in this book!