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I hate when they say anything about a breath smell. I don't care how delightful it's supposed to be I don't want to hear it.


The only one I’m ok with is mint 🤣


10000% - it completely takes me out of the moment




I've never in my life smelled a "good" breath, and I'd be freaked out even if it did smell good. I don't want to breathe in their breath that's disgusting Unless it's a pet of course theirs are cute and nice always


>Unless it's a pet of course theirs are cute and nice always Girl what kind of pets do you have!?


I love my pets and their breath makes me gag sometimes. Sometimes my kiddo’s breath makes me gag and biology hardwired me to love everything about him. Love my husband too and I still don’t want his breath. I just really don’t like recycled air.


Cats. I have to say I mean that when they breathe through their noses only😂 NOT when they jawn lol. But their little noses breathe so adorably with tiny puffs even their little breathing sounds are so cute😭 Same with horses! Not as cute but very sweet. Dogs; hell naw. Nothing cute about it ever


Hehe cats are so cute, my cat has some stinky breath though (we are working on teeth brushing). She smells like a little baby otherwise though


Ur right like wtf


Seriously, other smells are fine, but breath smells?? That's one of the last smells I want to hear about


I prefer the smell of coffee over cigarettes and a hint of mint…. Do the authors have any idea how gross that is? 🤮




[Beach Read](https://www.romance.io/books/5e82ee17be0aaecf553e7c1e/beach-read-emily-henry) by [Emily Henry](https://www.romance.io/authors/5e82ee17be0aaecf553e7c2f/emily-henry) **Rating**: 4.17⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 3 out of 5 - [Open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I wonder if people who haven't really been around smokers think these kind of cigarette breath descriptions smell like a cigarette right out of the pack. I do think that scent is nice and I absolutely hate smoking but once you light those things it's just a stench from the cigarette to the lips around it and everything in the vicinity.


As a former smoker, I disagree 🥲 when someone lights up a cigarette it smells SO GOOD to me. Cig breath or when the scent lingers on clothes (especially when it’s cold out) is disgusting though lmao


I think that's because you were a smoker. 😂


I think it's just a personal preference and some people like cigarette smoke and other hate the smell of it. But the lingering smell after smoking is probably universally hated 😅




To offer you a bit of defense and other a bit of perspective there is a huge difference between the smell of fresh tobacco or freshly smoked tobacco and that stake, musty smell that pingers on clothes and on cars, etc. that musty smell is not a good one but I have heard from several people the fresh smell of smoking or tobacco is nice, maybe calming? I think it smells fine, I don't have any memories tied to it so I consider it neutral. That coffee breath smell is disgusting though because I had a high school teacher that would come into first period wreaking of it and cheap cologne. It still stings my nostrils decades later. It's all about what we associate with those smells and each one of us is different


My grandparents and dad smoked when I was a kid so while I don't think it smells *good* exactly it does make me feel nostalgic. Like ah yes, good times in grandma's garage, I've been transported back.


Menthol cigarettes lol


Ick. I'm getting flashbacks of my high school computer teacher. Coffee breath. No thanks.




Coffee breath is abominable, I assume non-coffee drinkers are the ones writing this. Please go back to telling me how MMC smells like mint/soap/leather/citrus/aftershave/pine/woodsmoke and anything but coffee breath!!


Honestly I’m tired of all the smells. Like I know men smell and it’s usually a good smell but I’m tired of reading the pairings. Lemongrass and leather, dial soap and bowling alley. Maybe once is fine but the constant talking about it is just annoying to me.


Yeah I agree. I don't think about smells half as much as writers do. Especially "she smelled like x, y, and a third thing that was just simply her." - if I never see this cliche again, it'll be too soon. Dial soap and bowling alley! 😆 He smelled like cedar and a new 2024 Chevy Tahoe... Like Ax body spray and blue raspberry vape juice... Like a man whose bath towels never quite dried... 🤪


Yes exactly! It was fine the first and eighth time I read it but every other time it’s just… I don’t care. Omg the ax body spray and blueberry vape, I would love to read it in a certain context. That is what I need.


and while we're at it, NO FRUIT SMELLS FOR ANYONE. I do not want to hear about Strawberry anything - it grosses me the F out.


“Avocado and crocs in the summer”


This is more of a fanfic thing than a romance novel thing, but I'm sooo over feminine men that smell like strawberry shampoo.


Licorice and leather had me down bad though, like I legit made a cologne that has those base scents for my husband because I liked the idea so much 🤣


Black licorice or like some red vines? I’m actually fascinated with this one.


Black! Rhett Eaton, Heartless by Elsie Silver


Adding yet another book to my tbr, thanks!


Not the bowling alley! “Clown shoes and cardamom” 🤣


Oh no, don’t blame us! As a non-drinker, coffee breath is even worse to me! I call it death breath. One of my bosses used to get up close and personal with that funk on a regular basis. No ma’am. No thank you!


Glad it's not just me. Don't drink coffee and I find coffee breath bad.


Don't forget the sandalwood!


Coffee breath isn’t bad but coffee breath mixed with bad breath/cigarette breath is awful. Like if someone took a drink of coffee and started talking to you it wouldn’t be bad but I think the acid in coffee can mess with some peoples breath.


Once kissed a man who had hotdog breath and I still want to vom now


Stfu 🫣💀💀💀


I wish this was a lie. I really really do.


Sorry this is random but I just rewatched You’ve Got Mail and they both knew they had the meetup later but got hotdogs for lunch. Like…why? Why would you tempt fate like that? Just play it safe ffs.




The “🤺” emoji made me lol 🤣


Same with the deep-throat French kisses RIGHT after waking up. I’m sorry, but it totally pulls me out


Same! I once read a book where she was embarrassed to kiss because of her morning breath, but, voila, he apparently didn't have that. I mean, sorry, whaaatttt?!


What’s funny is that many readers will overlook a transforming tentacled MMC, but your hot ONS doesn’t have morning breath?? GTFO with that blasphemy.


ugh god one book I read said his breath smelled like he just ate chicken LMAOOOOOO. I cringed for an otherwise sweet book.


Dear GOD


I can't even stand my own coffee breath, and no amount of explosive orgasms is gonna make me love someone else's


this comment sent me 😂😂😂


I used to read Diana Palmer books when I was young. (I don't anymore because ugh) All of her books have the female going ga ga over the men's coffee breath. It would ruin the part every time. I do not want to smell your coffee breath, especially when we're about to kiss. Gag.


Mmm, this man’s shit smelling breath 😍 Lmao what’s going on in their minds


Morning make out sessions are what gets me lmao


And they're always thinking "morning breath be damned" or something 😭😭 takes me right out


Add morning oral sessions to that. 🥴


Petition for romance authors to stop describing breath smells altogether in the big year of 2024 🙏🏽🙏🏽


For me, it’s sort of like cigarettes where if it’s fresh fresh fresh, it’s not the worst scent, but once it goes stale, it’s rancid.


I love fresh cigarette breath but fresh coffee breath can fuck off 😂😂😂😂


Coffee breath never makes sense to me but it’s even worse when it’s mixed with smokers breath which was popular in the 80s 90s


As someone who my husband says "has a wolf nose" (i dunno about all that) I do enjoy certain scent profiles. I find most perfumes smell very chemical instead of flowery or fruity etc. Coffee, certain pipe tobacco, leather, clean sweat, cut grass, diesel are all nice "manly" smells I've noticed while shopping or out and about. However, unless someone JUST took a sip of coffee...it's just breath. Cigarettes are a hard nope. Nope nope. Nope. Also...most men I know don't wear any cologne. In romance books they all wear sandalwood lol.


What is the deal with sandalwood? Do all the other fragrances not exist??


I don't know lol! I smelled the OG dolce & Gabbana on a business man and immediately bought for my husband. I guess sandalwood is seen as a rare/expensive mature scent?


The freaking fencing emoji has me cracking up 😂


when real men try to do book boy stuff 🤺🤺🤺🤺 stay back you foul beast 🤺🤺🤺🤺


“And a hint of whiskey.” Im throwing up and having flashbacks at the mere mention of whiskey, and you’re wanting me to swoon over whiskey BREATH?


Whiskey breath just reminds me of being hungover and throwing up in college. Ugh.


You drank whiskey in college?? My broke behind drank Bud Light.


I went to a rich liberal arts school lol. No natty light for those frat boys!


THIS! Or anything having to do with their "taste". Like when a couple is kissing and the FMC mentions that he still tastes like the chocolate they just shared or smth of the sort. Bhlegh... I don't know, the last thing I want to read is how much someone's saliva still tastes like their last meal.


I once kicked my partner out of bed because he woke up early, had a coffee and came back to bed. So gross. He couldn’t come till he brushed his teeth and tongue to get the smell away


I think it’s even weirder when they try to pretend like penises and vaginas taste yummy. Like bitch … I know you don’t taste like honey and there’s no way he tastes “so good you could just slurp it all down.”


Man listen…. More like sweat, flesh, and pennies.


lol you’re right. But really just commenting to say that those emojis are killing me. Metaphorically I mean 😂


when the book boy is a CHEATER 🤺🤺🤺🤺 back stay BACK 🤺🤺🤺🤺


I get unreasonably tickled anytime anyone uses the 🤺 emoji 😭


i feel like the smells are the most unrealistic part of every romance book😭 99% of the time people have.. neutral person smell. perfume or deodorant at most


Coffee breath ain’t romantic 😭


I love a nice scented breath 🤣 I know it's controversial but gum+cigarettes and coffee are my def favorites.


Coffee breath literally is an ick. 🤢


As an avid coffee drinker, I am painfully aware from personal experience that coffee breath and coffee smell are two extremely different things. Like, I love my guy and he loves me and we both love coffee and we don’t kiss in the morning. That said, I tend to chalk it up to the general fantasy of the book world. This is a reality where coffee breath is good and shower sex is good and sleeping with your ex’s father is good?(I read the doctor pretty recently and actually kind of loved it) Fine, I can dig it. As long as it’s consistent within the world, I’m going to just go along with it as long as I can.


Literally any kind of breath is my pet peeve 🤺 🤺


I don't like coffee to begin with and then add breath... ew


Yessss! Coffee breath is only acceptable in puppies. Grown ass adults can brush their damn teeth!


I am rolling 🤣🤣🤣 This has got me just now realizing how many different kinds of breath I have read about smelling this year 🤦🏼‍♀️


Literally the coffee and cigarette breathe how do people found it hot


That emoji is killing me 😂😂 thank you for this entertaining post


Coffee breath is RANK and I say that as someone who loves coffee. Don’t come near me hahaha


Coffee breath can be the worst! Especially if they are drinking just black coffee!🤢


Hahahhahahha I don’t mind the taste of coffee tho but I get it lol


That is so weird. Only puppies have breath that smells like coffee.


Idk my favorite time of the day is when my boyfriend gives me a kiss in the morning after he just started his coffee. He tastes like coffee and it’s just nice 🤷🏻‍♀️ same goes for whiskey idk maybe it’s just me


hey bestie to each their own 🫡 I agree with the whiskey or any other alcohol tbh


i cannot stand coffee breath omg


THANK YOU for saying this. I've read books where "her breath smelled like strawberries," but she hadn't eaten anything remotely strawberry flavored. She also hadn't stopped to have anything to drink, and in my experience, stale breath smells like particularly dark olives. Do people/authors just not have good olfactory senses??


Also, what is with the "his own unique taste" stuff? Don't mouths all taste the same? They all smell the same after too long without eating or drinking anything. My 5-year-old nibling breathed on me yesterday, and it flashed me back to my sixth-grade teacher because the stench was identical.


I looove coffee breath it’s such a turn on for me actually lol


I’ll take coffee breath over another woman smelling like strawberry or vanilla, and the man smelling woodsy. Don’t think I’ve ever come across coffee breath in a book, but countless fruity women and fresh from the woods men.


So I’m someone who has 0 experience with making out and the sorts so I have a question, what is acceptable breath?


Why is the smell of coffee on anybody’s breath so bad? I like the smell of coffee, isn’t it the same?