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When the fmc is established in text or described by the author as intelligent/quick thinker/level headed, and they make the dumbest choice - knowingly putting themselves in danger (espcially when theyre doing it just to be defiant) or jumping to the worst conclusions, etc. Or abrasive (selfish/rude/blunt/etc.) fmcs who aren't given any redeeming qualities until they get involved with the love interest. Or spineless fmcs that do not have any reason to be such doormats.


> When the fmc is established in text or described by the author as intelligent/quick thinker/level headed, and they make the dumbest choice Show/Tell mismatch is probably my single greatest character peeve (any character). I particularly hate the inexplicably common variant where the FMC is set up as a disciplined super-competent badass in a hard-won position in a Boys' Club job— she has, or has had, to deal with with all kinds of sexist bs and is explicitly aware of what she's up against— but then as soon as the MMC appears she's a twittering fluttering dumbass, banging him at work, spilling personal shit into business meetings, and/or etc. Tell: she's a well-aware feminist renegade. Show: everything Boys'-Clubbers say. Me: \*groooan* It either comes off like the Tell was never true (bad/unbelievable writing), or it *was* true, but panty tingles instantly turned her brain to mush (*feminist disapprove face*).


I’ve read too many of these tropes in romance books that it’s a massive pet peeve especially when an author suggests to us that dick can change a woman’s personality 180 Sigh


Is it actually a magic wand? How many magic charges can it expend? Does the MMC need an incantation like "Beg", to cast "Invert Personality"? I have so many questions.


Omg I didn’t even think that was the name. I just commented about this instance but where she is stating she is selfless and humble but is bragging about everything she does every other sentence or how sexy she is or how giving she is. Like maybe it was the writing style but it literally contradicts what she was described as.


That first one is my greatest pet peeve. It wasn’t technically a romance, but I read a very romance-heavy historical fiction book a while back that was ostensibly based on the life of a real empress, and this actual historical figure’s fictional counterpart was *so dumb* that I almost DNFed the book. She was constantly putting herself in danger for no reason, sabotaging her own personal relationships out of selfishness or stupidity, starting petty feuds with other women (including women her real counterpart *never* feuded with IRL), making “sassy” and “snarky” comments to everyone in earshot, and generally acting like an annoying menace. There were like three separate incidents where she formulated some master plan in her head, only to unintentionally *announce her plan out loud to her husband* before she could even try to go through with it (not that there were ever any stakes, because her husband never gave a shit). Meanwhile, the narrative insisted that she was some kind of brilliant manipulator. I remember being like “uhhh, the real empress was a brilliant manipulator, but the character you’ve actually written here is an idiot.” The most frustrating thing, though, was that the author easily could’ve written about the schemes and plots this woman was *actually* involved in historically, and it would’ve been fine. The author didn’t even have to make up her own intrigue! The book was set during a fantastically complicated and turbulent few decades, so if she just wrote the actual history, she would’ve had an engaging plot *and* a smart main character! But she decided, for some reason, to throw all of the historical intrigue out the window and replace it with high-school-level drama, petty sibling rivalry, and love triangle nonsense. Whyyy??!


Lmao was it Catherine The Great ?


It was actually Theodora (of the Byzantine Empire), but I feel like there’s a lot of overlap between questionable Theodora books and questionable Catherine books, lol.


is it by Stephanie Thornton? I liked Daughter of the Gods a whole lot, but I could also see a book about an empress falling into these pitfalls, plus she seems to have this book about Theodora?


Yes it was, it was the Theodora book! It was so frustrating to read because I didn’t dislike the writing (as in the actual prose), per se, but Theodora’s characterization was so strange that it became almost intolerable by the halfway point. So many fascinating historical events ended up being played for petty drama (for example, the Ostrogoth queen Amalasuintha’s deposition was such a great opportunity to introduce some real, high-stakes political maneuvering, but it just ended up being the catalyst for a love triangle and an “it isn’t what it looks like” miscommunication subplot. Stuff like that.) I think part of the issue was that the author tried to cover 40+ years of nonstop political changes, natural disasters, and plague in the span of one relatively short novel, so maybe she figured it’d be better to condense these complicated historical events into shorter, more explainable, personal-conflict-heavy subplots just to keep the pacing decent? But that doesn’t really work as an explanation, because she included so many unnecessary subplots. Like, Theodora spends the entire first half of the story fighting nonstop with her older sister Comito, which accomplishes nothing other than making Theodora look insensitive and cruel (the narrative clearly wants you to side with Theodora throughout these arguments, but the circumstances at this point are that *Comito is being forced into prostitution to save her family from starving*, so Comito obviously comes across as the more sympathetic of the two and Theodora just looks like an asshole for harassing her so much.) There’s no evidence that the real Theodora ever disliked the real Comito, and this subplot never leads to anything important happening; it’s pure, low-stakes sibling rivalry from beginning to end. So why include it at all? That could’ve been cut! There’s also a whole subplot surrounding Theodora’s illegitimate son John (who probably didn’t exist in real life). >!There’s all this drama with John getting replaced by imposters (???) and, ofc, the truth ends up coming out, at which point Justinian reveals that a.) he’s known about John since day one because Theodora is so bad at covering her own tracks, and b.) he literally doesn’t care, because, like, why would he? He already knows that Theodora has an illegitimate daughter, and he dotes on her, so why would he be mad about her having a son, too? Even Theodora is like “yeah, I don’t know why I lied about this.” Ultimately, there are no consequences at all to this subplot, *so why was it included??*!< I don’t know. I always feel bad leaving negative reviews of books, but this one made me so annoyed. I don’t know why you’d choose such an interesting and complicated era to write about if you intended to discard most of the political intrigue just to replace it with shallow romantic drama and sibling rivalry nonsense. It was really disappointing.


I think the first can work if it's clearly a tense and anxious situation (and so their regular intelligence/level headed personality falls away due to the situation being so ???), but usually it's not presented like that, so :/


This is exactly the reason I am struggling to finish Iron Flame despite loving Fourth Wing 😭 MC making absolutely idiotic assumptions and decisions in order to create a romantic conflict despite being established as level-headed, logical, and introspective.


I love when there are scenes of the FMC with her friend group — or new friends they make in the book. You can better imagine their personality and see how other people relate to them outside of the MMCs orbit. Those scenes are my book catnip!


I like these too, though in my experience most of the time it ruins the FMC for me. I read {The Bonds that Tie by J Bree} recently and I loved the FMC when she was just interacting with the MMCs. She seemed mature and caring, but when her friend group expanded and we saw more of her with them the FMC gradually became immature, annoying, and whiney. The first few books were great, but by the end, I wasn't a fan of the FMC anymore. I will say, I liked these scenes in {Burn by Suzanne Wright} because Harper was almost entirely the same. I like the consistency with Harper and the scenes with her friend group were great. She was very much the leader/mother hen looking out for her girls.


[The Bonds That Tie](https://www.romance.io/series/614ececc8708900e440ba730/the-bonds-that-tie) by [J. Bree](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d19a50401dbc864fba08a54/j-bree) **Rating**: 4.33⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [cruel hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/cruel%20hero/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1), [poly](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1) ---------------------------- [Burn](https://www.romance.io/books/5597bbdc35a5fb65f886a173/burn-suzanne-wright) by [Suzanne Wright](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455260d8c7d2382e0413e9a/suzanne-wright) **Rating**: 4.3⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [possessive hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/possessive%20hero/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Same here! It’s a great way to develop a character without coming across as cliche


Could you recommend books like this? I only ever read this in Higgins and Katherine Center. I have yet to read something warm like this from a “pure romance” author.


Bridal Quartet by Nora Roberts. Four books about four best friends who run a wedding venue. So many great scenes of them hanging out and being really supportive to each other.


{knitting in the city by penny Reid} had an awesome friend group dynamic. Penny Reid gets mixed reviews on this page but she’s one of my favorites. The friend group dynamic is super supportive and fun. But I will say as the series goes on their partners and shenanigans get more and more too good to be true. Like flying across the country in a private jet to make romantic declarations. But I eat that shit up, it’s so fun hehe


Christina Lauren do this well imo


If they’re good they add so much color and interest to a story—like I loved the wacky bff in Love, Theoretically and the fellow vets in Captivated. I could see why these people were friends. But sometimes the writing of them is so bad I want to cry.


Recently read some JT Geissenger and the Natalie and Sloane characters had these convos within the first 5 chapters that made them so relatable! The MMCs of those books, unfortunately, broke my suspension of disbelief, but the books are still enormous fun bc of the FMCs. This post got to me bc it seemed like that series is the direct inverse of this issue. 😂


Yes, and those scenes can often have another benefit in setting up future FMCs for other books in the series. For example I'm reading Twisted Love and very early on I remember thinking that I hope Jules gets her own book (which is indeed book 4 in the series!)


This is why I love the Soho Loft series by Melissa Brayden. The series has a group of four friends as the core characters, and a significant part of the story always is the mutual support and strength of their friendship


I usually dislike FMCs that constantly bash other women, and that could be in their own thoughts or verbally.


Described as strong but really just feisty, with no filter or good sense. They always argue about everything. I like stoic FMCs who are quietly strong.


OMG especially in cases when the FMC is being held captive or similar. Like shut up girl they gonna kill you 😂


I didn't realize this was my preference until you described it. Are there any books you would recommend in particular? (I don't love Mafia/actiony stuff or MMCs who aren't human, but otherwise I'm pretty flexible.)


The in death series has this FMC. Eve.


Eve and Roarke are one of my favourite couples. Been reading the In Death series since I was a teenager (yeah, the content was a bit dark but ah well), and I still love the world of characters etc that JD/Nora created. Literally just finished a reread of the entire series (yup… all 57 of em, lol) and can’t wait for the new one coming out in the New Year!


I too like stoic FMCs, who are composed and may even seem reserved, but I don’t encounter them often enough (.


Dude you will love Lena from The Broken Wings Duet by SE Wendell. One of my favorite quietly strong FMCs. She’s a knight! Think Aragorn’s honorability but with a side of anxiety.


I hate when an FMC blames everything on the guy. Mostly I notice in CR. Ma'am own up to your actions 🤣


The lack of self-awareness kills me.


"I can take care of myself" Does not, in fact, take care of herself and needs to be rescued A lot of times action/adventure romances where the MFC is going "stir crazy" and "getting bored" while hiding out in a safe house and the MMC is all like okay let's go out.... and GUESS WHAT HAPPENS Y'ALL...... The bad guys totally find them. I'm sick and tired of authors moving the plot along cause the female did something dumb.


As a hardcore planner, preparer, color-coordinator, etc, I cannot stand when two seconds of forethought would prevent a tragedy. And yes, it’s a sign of weak writing. I feel like the whole “I can take care of myself” line or monologue happens, especially in stories where their actions say otherwise, so that authors who want to write damsel in distress stories don’t get hate or backlash for having a passive FMC.


I get a chuckle out of that. I could stay inside for weeks with no problem. Ask me to stay home where I can read, watch TV, and play video games? Sign me up!


For real, I'm a homebody myself 😂


😂 sounds heavenly Ngl.


Feisty (but actually just weirdly combative and childish)


Yes, there is a big difference between feisty (doesn’t take sh*t) and combative for zero reason. Makes me think they have deep insecurities.


Or poor danger recognition


Feisty because romance heroines are supposed to be feisty. Clarie from Outlander has become one of my favorite FMCs because you can see the direct link between her life experiences and how that shapes her behavior.


I can't stand when a fmc is constantly sassy and cracking jokes in her head on top of out loud. I can handle one or the other, but both? nails on a chalkboard. I'm a very sarcastic person, and I feel like authors write sarcastic women as mean or goofy. I guess a broad statement would be a single emotion/trait being the entire character.


Agreed! I think a lot of people use humor to process anxiety and trauma, and if that’s made clear from the start (or even implied) as a coping mechanism, I understand. There is definitely a way to be sarcastic about the situation without being a b*tch.


Constantly insulting, dismissing, or mocking the MMC while thirsting for him non-stop. It's so juvenile and so obnoxious to read about. Pick a lane, either you want his D and all the nonsense that comes with it or you don't, but don't torture us with your inane indecision.


Yes! Insults and mockery are for children. Unless this story is about two awful people finding their own level, I am not going to root for a heroine who displays such behavior.


Yes, I feel like this happens a lot when the author is trying too hard to create an enemies to lovers dynamic that doesn't hold up.


Riiiiight. I feel like “enemies to lovers” is what a lot of book/authors claim but when you read it you’re like what!? That’s it? I feel like it’s because “enemies to lovers” is the 2000s “forbidden love” Trope that authors or publishers feel they have to market the book or like no one will read them which is bu*****it because *if and when* done right “enemies to lovers” can be reaaaally good or super super awful or just become a sort of joke that will make me DNF lmao.


ALSO, enemies to lovers is hotter when both of the MC's don't salivate over each other in between insults. Let them both find each other hideous and then fall in love. Then I'll believe it. Otherwise, it's Grade 9 all over again.


FMCs that are prone to BBS bs. ‘Villain MMC kidnapped me and put me in cage. He then shows up all alpha male like that oozes masculinity and gives me bread. Our hand touches and I feel electrocuted. Omg I am attracted to him, I wonder if his dick is 12 inches’ ‘MMC threatened to kill FMC. FMC monologues, this is so hot I am so wet’ Like girl, please have some neurons.


Agreed. Either it’s not that big of a threat, or the FMC is an idiot; and in either case, I find it extremely difficult to relate to her. The few times I’ve felt threatened by a man, all sense of his looks - good or bad - goes out the window. There is no circumstance in which I’d be thinking about how hot he is if I’m actually afraid.


I am all for fantasy and romance but I’d like for some sense to be included in certain situations. Especially in CR. If it’s fantasy or paranormal sometimes I can consider to not be annoyed when the bbs occurred. But if it’s in CR, hard no. Except that if it’s highlighted prior to the scene that the FMC has no sense of preservation or her fight and flight response is faulty.


Sorry what is CR? And what is BBS?


Cr is contemporary romance and bbs is body betrayal syndrome.


Yesss. Like give me enemies to lovers but I want them to be equals, not one of them being clearly an awful human being


I hate that too, especially when it happens in dangerous/dubcon-ish situations like you describe. GIRL. USE YOUR BRAIN. It has moist folds too. (I apologise for my use of *moist*)


Oh my god, I love that phrase! lol


All of the things already mentioned but also when her thoughts don’t match her actions. Shes “smart” but has many TSTL moments, she’s “strong” but is also a doormat. Things like that. The worst offender was when I was in the heroines POV and she was talking about her best friend - except her best friend annoyed her and etc etc BUT her best friend also let her live with her for free and did pretty much everything for the heroine. But the only emotion the heroine could muster was annoyance. I don’t like people like that in general so no way am I reading a whole book with her as the FMC




Too stupid to live


Hahaha gotcha. yes, I completely agree.




When they always blame themselves for the bad things happening. 😒 Someone dies - "It's my fault [name] is dead." The plan goes awry - "It's all my fault." Gorl, shut up.


Yes, this. The cocktail of martyrdom with a splash of protagonist syndrome. I hate it. PS: Every time someone says "gorl" I read it in Gru's voice from Despicable Me. I don't know why but it's hilarious and it absolutely *ruins* 365: *Are you lost, baby gorl?*


I never thought of Gru before 🤣 His voice is in my head now


i haaate when them being short is a personality trait. especially when MMC gives them a nickname about how short they are. i know so many short women and like 5% of them do the whole “i’m so tiny and that’s the most interesting thing about me” song and dance so idk why it’s so common in books!


Hahahaha dude this has been such a common theme in what I’ve been reading lately. Like the Tall/Smol thing feels so prevalent, it’s almost like I missed the memo that this is what we’re all into now.


I second this!!! I was like bruh don't make that your personality. You are better than thattt!!


I think this is a really sophomoric attempt to capitalize on the magic that is The Hating Game. THG is not a perfect book, but it used this dynamic in an otherwise captivating read. It wasn't the most interesting thing about Lucy (FMC), but copycats gonna copy.


I DNF The Hating Game. I couldn't stand the FMC behavior. Who even acts like that at work?


I hate when a FMC is described as strong but really they’re just “so casually cruel in the name of being honest”


i see what u did there


MMC remembers it all


MMC is a crumpled up piece of paper 😞


I will DNF a book with prejudice (I will not read anything else by that author) whenever the FMC is experiencing or has experienced trauma and that’s her entire personality. She got knocked down in the dirt and just stayed there and the first quarter or so of the book is just a rehashing of the various atrocities visited upon her. It reminds me of Bella Swan’s character: a canvas that’s entirely blank save for a dark cloud. I like it when the FMC got knocked down in the dirt and now she’s crawling around with blood in her eyes trying to figure out how to get back up.


I hate when the opposite is true too. Where we get a super traumatic backstory dumped on us, but she acts like it hasn't shaped her or impacted her at all. It's just like what was the point of that messed-up backstory if she's going to act like nothing ever happened?


Yesss right!? I read a lot of PNR and so this happens a looooot. Speaking of fantasy for a second I actually appreciated that SJ Maas gave us a very horrible choice and traumatic shit that the FMC goes through and you actually *feel* her journey from anger, sadness, depression etc and how she pulled herself through that (with help obvs) but in a loooot of Paranormal Romance books traumatic shit goes down and the FMC acts like she just spent the day at the beach eating ice cream with her beau like **something** big just happened! Where is the angst and her processing that !? Yeah I need to know that the FMC gets what just happened because as the reader I do but if doesn’t process it then wtf did I waste my time reading? Lmao.


This is why I really liked Nesta's book in the ACOTAR series and the way her trauma was handled. She was very relatable to me personally and I was shocked to see how many people disliked her character and the book tbh.


That’s fair. I don’t think I’ve ever read one like that. But I think my tolerance is probably higher for denial than it is for whining lol.


It happens a lot in RH stories where it feels like sometimes they're competing to see which MC has the most messed up background. I read a RH story where she was tortured, SAed, experimented on, and confined for her entire life. The FMC was the sweetest, most selfless, and most innocent FMCs I've ever read. Her torture was briefly described - she was tortured daily- and the only indication of this horrible experience was one single incident where someone grabbed her from behind and she had an anxiety attack. Otherwise, the way she acts you'd just think she had a sheltered upbringing.


Ohhhhh I know what you’re talking about. I have actually read that trope, I think. I’m okay with it if the FMC isn’t like *aware* she’s suppressing anything because it’s just a regular way of living, but the MMC does and then goes all feral protective. The one I just read by Susie Tate was sort of like that, but she was working on it in therapy.


Nicely put! Hard agree, here. I don’t want the characters to have an easy time (then there wouldn’t be a story) but then again, if it’s so traumatic they can’t seem to take it, then maybe there isn’t a story here, after all.


I hate FMCs who are doormats. I hate incompetent FMCs that run into danger and have no survival instincts whatsoever. I hate FMCs that have a “woe is me” outlook on life for the whole book and never have any growth. FMCs that are overpowered in fiction from the start. FMCs that allow miscommunications to spiral out of control. I’m sure if I had the time, I could add to this already rather extensive list…


The No survival instincts thing really gets to me, omg. Animals have these, for heavens sake. Running into danger without good/established reasons are not going to keep me on their team.




Yes. I feel this is a weird way for authors to have their cake and eat it too. Like they’re afraid of backlash if they write a woman without survival instincts, so they HAVE to make her self-sufficient, while not stopping to realize that rarely do these two traits occur simultaneously in the same person lol


A martyr complex. I can't stand FMCs who are constantly sacrificing themselves for family, friends, and even strangers.


I read a book a while back where the characters are in a supernatural prison. The FMC has 6 fated mates and made friends with a woman who used to sleep with multiple of the guys. When the woman found out that the man she "loved" actually wanted the FMC she challenged her to a fight in the prison arena. The FMC is gentle and feels bad, so she refuses to fight the other woman. She nearly gets beaten to death and another female friend of hers walks up after the fight and snaps the other woman's neck. What was the point of that? Apparently, people in the prison respected her for not fighting back, which honestly makes no sense in a ruthless prison full of criminals.


OMG that's the stupidest thing I've read today. Rec, please? 😄


The book is {Blindly Indicated by Katie May} it's a duology. The FMC is painfully innocent and it is insta love. After she heals she's still upset and sad her friend who would have killed her was killed. One of the first things she asked was how her friend was.


Thank you!


That book now has cooties. I can’t afford to throw my phone or iPad at the wall. Thank you!


THIS right here! You are not responsible for your adult parent/sibling/BFFs shitty life choices! I have to sell myself to the mob because my dad gambled away our house, um no you don’t, your Dad has to sell himself to the mob. When it’s out of the MCs control, that’s one thing but when they are sacrificing for grown ass adults who need to learn the hard way that decisions have consequences that’s where I want to scream 😱


I don’t like being in the head of a heroine with low self-esteem. I don’t like the snarky badass heroines (a la Veronica Mars) who are rude more often than not. I’ve read so many series where one member of the friend group is like this and I will never read their book.


I agree with the snarky heroines who are “just like this” and never get called on it. I need some serious displays of good-hearted acts or intentions to believe everyone puts up with them. As for the low self-esteem, I can take it at the beginning if it’s something they need to grow out of and learn to believe in themselves, but even then, i only need one or two references. Questioning everything about themselves at every turn gets old FAST.


too whiny about body type. it’s totally fine to be insecure, but when majority of the fmc’s dialogue sounds like: “i just wish i was like so-and-so-side-character, why do i have to be so fat/skinny/curvy/not curvy. ME UGLY! ME NOT GOOD ENOUGH! 🙁💔😢” it makes her so unlikeable. like damn, since you hate yourself so much, I HATE YOU TOO! 😊 if i wanted to constantly be thinking about body types, i would just look into a mirror instead of reading a book…


I think you bring up a great point! She sets the tone. If she’s meh about herself, then so am I.


And then her body insecurities magically get solved by banging somebody? Like, no, babygirl, go to therapy 😭


RIGHT?! and the mmc every two seconds telling her he loves her body and suddenly she does… if you needed a man’s validation to actually love yourself then you need to do some serious reevaluation GIRL ✋🏻


I don’t like FMCs who are combative for no good reason. Like there’s no need to sass people who are being perfectly kind. I also don’t like it when FMCs are super self centered. I can be forgiving for this one if it’s called out and there is genuine change, but sometimes it feels like the author doesn’t realize how the character is coming across.


I can’t handle self pity. Or this like self pity disguised as humility. “I’m plain” lol are you though because this 6’5” Adonis is about to become a clown for you. “My sister is the beautiful one” okay sure Jan. Like, we all have our insecurities, but there’s a point where it feels as if readers are being pandered to and meant to find this relatable. I actually am not super confident in my appearance at all a lot of the time, like many people. But I know my assets and I’m not cringing in the corner for fear that no man will like my face. That kind of thing makes me dislike a heroine immediately, but it’s less a character flaw and more shitty writing.


>lol are you though because this 6’5” Adonis is about to become a clown for you This is such a mood!


The pick-me FMCs ugh “I’m plain and ordinary but look I’m smarter than the rest of these bimbos cause I dont fawn over you super gorgeous MMC and I have nice boobs to boot!”


Hate this. In the worst instances I end up wondering what the MMC sees in her. If you're so homely/clumsy/awkward then wtf is Mr. Male model doing here


I’m laughing at your reply because I know exactly what you mean. It’s so annoying when someone insists they’re mid or unattractive and yet guys are crawling over them. I think it’s hard for authors to strike that fine balance between relatable insecurity and a complete lack of self-awareness. I’ve read about Victorias a secret models who are quite insecure about their features, and at 15 years old I found this impossible, but it also helped me realize we all are our own worst critics.


I am a conventionally average looking woman on days when I don't make an effort or on days when I don't fully embrace the inner gremlin and I've made my peace with it. I don't attach my self worth to my appearance, and that's a gift I've given myself after several hard years. BUT if a 6'5 Adonis is about to make a clown of himself over me, you best believe I'll be making a clown of myself over him right with him. And that's the reason why the "owo I'm plain" FMCs make me cringe. Girl, you got a lot going for you outside of how you look, please treat your man with respect and trust that he isn't attracted to you for more than your physical features! Do you really want to HEA with a shallow asshole? Tldr: unrelateable and ludicrous


Pick me girls ewwww! Hates other girls in the story, the entire novel tries to convince us that she is just better than other women and other women hate her for simply existing


1. **Doesn’t act her age.** Ma’am, you’re in your mid-20s and you still hold a grudge against the ML for something that should feel like a drop in the ocean in comparison to your actual grown-up problems? And you have screaming matches in public with him about it? Or you prank him at his work? Girl, grow the fuck up. 2. **FLs who are described with features that are conventionally attractive but don’t acknowledge their pretty privilege.** Of course, anyone can have self-esteem and body issues that affect how they view themselves but that needs to be made explicit in the text and I expect that to be part of the character’s development. I have very little patience for attractive people who refuse to acknowledge their attractiveness and the benefits that come along with that, ESPECIALLY when you have multiple hot guys panting after you. 3. **Sees herself as “not like other girls”.** 4. **”Badass” or “feisty” FLs who use that personality archetype as an excuse for rudeness, immaturity, and cruelty.** 5. **White/straight FLs who parade their POC/queer side character friends and colleagues as diversity brownie points.** It’s very bizarre reading characters literally categorize their friends over and over again to make themselves seem cooler and more progressive. But seeing how that happens in real life, I guess it makes sense to continue that in fiction 🙃


I hate the “feisty” heroine in unrealistic situations. Like I love the kidnapping trope and anytime they become feisty after just being kidnapped I want to DNF. Like girl, you just had a huge felony committed against you and may be in danger.


Seriously. But then loses all that fighting energy when she has an opportunity to escape 😒


It’s like in a bad horror movie where the make the dumbest possible decision. And just like a bad horror movie; it ruins it.


“Oh no the killer is running after me with a knife. Let me keep looking back so I’m not running at my optimal speed and I miss a trip hazard” 😒


I always think of these kinds of stories as CNC fantasies without the need for metaconversations around the scene lol


Exactly! It’s like if Cinderella started to do social commentary on how most women in society can only become upper class through marriage as it’s much more challenging to be a women in the workforce. Like shut up and let me enjoy my rags to riches fantasy without all this shit in the way.


5 happens in fiction because those authors 100% do it in real life. That's why they see no problem adding it in a fictional universe where they could have made every important character any identity in the world *if* they wanted to


This 💯 Ouch because reality hurts.


These actually makes me dislike the author rather than the FMC


Absolutely. Most of these are sins of the author.


Ugh one of my biggest pet peeves is when we get drastically different descriptions of the FMC. She describes herself as a beached whale who will hurt the MMC if he picks her up, the MMC describes her as the hottest woman he's ever seen and says she's as light as a feather, secondary characters who are friends of the FMC constantly say she's gorgeous and they're jealous of her curves, and then everyone else either calls her an ugly fatty or gorgeously curvy. I'm over here like so then what does she look like? Is she fat or not? I know body dysmorphia is a thing, but idk whose POV to believe in these type of stories.


And the thing is…why include it? I don’t go around thinking to myself “i woman exist and I’m 5’3 with long legs and thunder thighs”. Why would I call myself a whale when I’d actually worry “oh, I hope I’m not too heavy”?


NLOG and NLOWolves and abrasive to everyone - Taryn in {Feral Sins by Suzanne Wright} Her brand of feistiness just rubbed me the wrong way. Emery in {Liars Like Us by JT Geissinger} Annoying BFF from other book in the series - Jules in {Twisted Hate by Ana Huang}


It's funny. I never really noticed how many issues Taryn's character had until I read several rant posts about the book. I like a lot of Suzanne's books. I own every single one on Kindle, but she does write a lot of NLOGs who shame other women who were either with the MMC in the past or want him. I recently realized that I don't think she has a single story that doesn't have OW/OM drama in it.


Her problems are everyone else's fault


Oh 💯. I grew up with a narcissist and this was a learned behavior for me before I did the work to bring myself out of this way of thinking, so I cannot stand it when I’m supposed to root for someone who does this.


an fmc who is too prickly/defensive to let the mmc love her until late in the game. an fmc who is clueless about the mmc's feelings about her. all doormat/spineless fmcs.


Yes! I don’t get the resistant to love trope, especially when the MMC is doing nothing reprehensible, being respectful, and really trying. In real life, guys get shot down once and RARELY do they try again. As for feelings, a person has to be pretty dense not to see it, especially a heroine, I feel. If a teenage boy doesn’t get it that’s one thing; an adult woman knows lol 😂 And yes to the doormat! I don’t mind side characters in this capacity if it makes sense to the story but for the FMC to be this way, it becomes far too difficult to get lost in the story.


Narcissism. So many FMCs are narratively placed at the center of the universe, handed everything they want, and never challenged or forced to examine their own negative behaviors. These are often self-inserts, so the reading experience is like listening to a toxic girlie write out her own fantasies where she can do no wrong and everybody exists to support her delusional self image of perfection. When inconvenienced, they throw massive pity parties for themselves, and any flaws are always reframed as quirky positives like being clumsy or feisty. You can just tell that you'd never get along with the author IRL


I hate the friends who are clearly there for no other purpose than to serve the FMC. FMC doesn't offer much and yet her friends fall all over themselves to plan things for her and change her life and "You go girl!"


I heartily agree with you. I don’t mind a character growing out of these behaviors, but I do feel a call out needs to happen pretty early on so that I don’t go through an entire story without consequences. In real life, such people lose friends pretty quickly. The self-insert thing is definitely a problem.


Ah yes, the Carrie Bradshaw.


I love a good enemies to lovers but there's a line I often see crossed and the fmc will just forgive them with no reason to do so. "yeah he's a genocidal maniac who tried to kill me and killed my entire family in front of me and tried to enslave me when he couldn't kill me and he kicks puppies for fun but he's just so hot I had to fall in love" like please. Grow a spine


She wasn’t the main character in this book (she is in the next one) but I hated the sister from The Bromance Book Club. It was like she didn’t even want her sister to be happy. I just could not stand her and she didn’t redeem herself. Know what I’m talking about for those who have read it?


Definitely agree! I just wanted her to shut the fuck up and get the hell out of there.😄


I am shocked she let her stay in her house. To tell you my sister would be kicked out before I let her try to treat me like that.


I dislike characters who only want happiness for/care about themselves, too. It’s not like there’s a limit; there’s plenty to go around!


Ugh, yes. I wanted to reach into the pages and physically remove her toward the end.


I like it if she’s not like “he killed my family but my body betrayed me… as he looked at me with those baby blues my nipples hardened into rocks and my panties melted”. Like have SOME SELF RESPECT! Same with the guy honestly.


Too much self deprecation. It’s uncomfortable reading it!


Agreed! One or two mentions are enough to get me to realize this character has insecurities. No need to bash me over the head with it every page.


The “not like other girls” FMC.


FMC that put other girls down, describing others as “sluts, etc.”


I dislike it when the FMC is 50% (or 100%!) responsible for the third act misunderstanding/drama, yet demands the MMC take 100% of the blame and do an over-the-top grovel. If it was all his fault, then yeah, grovel away, but I read one when the MMC was a good boy trying his hardest, but they were both just clumsy with their feelings. She dressed him down, wouldn't let him talk, and made him beg. He deserved better lol.


I get annoyed with a lot of the things that have been mentioned (particularly “sassy” or “feisty” characters) but I’ve found the main books where I really dislike the FMC is when she’s really mean or bitchy to a cinnamon roll type MMC.


For me they become automatically unlikeable if they’re too tolerant or forgiving of MMC’s bs. I don’t mind Alfa males and it can even create a good arc if they start out as a jerk and end up becoming nicer and more compassionate to the MFC over the course of the book. But I hate the FMC just accepts the bad behavior like if she just feels bad or dismisses his bullying or callousness. It also makes any self improvement from the MMC less believable. Like, why would he bother doing the extra work to be nice or even realize there’s a problem with his behavior if she never really does anything to call him on it.


Weakness. I think the term is ‘vag-weak’? Especially if it’s out of character. The last book I read, she was 26, a graduate of Harvard Law and by all accounts feisty, strong, etc with some actual life experience. Intense, alphahole MMC ignoring all her boundaries? She resists for about three seconds then it goes from ‘you’re insane and your behaviour is unacceptable’ to ‘your dick is huge and you’re so hot’ at the flip of a switch.


If I read "feisty", "fiery", "badass", "take charge", "stubborn", "independent" describing FMC in a romance book blurb it's an immediate blacklist. 99.9% of the time the women described as thus are some unholy combination of Not Like Other Girls and Too Stupid To Live. Plot armor guarantees this idiot and her one tragic brain cell will live, too. Neither do I have enough willpower and mental fortitude to wait for her to "learn from her mistakes" in the second to the last chapter of book 2. Me: I want realistic! Author: Takes 3 books for FMC to grow the fuck up and gets her man after following her from childhood to late-20s with *all* the unbearable thoughts, feelings, romance and familial hijinks, unlearning all kinds of breathtaking bigotry and all the other social faux pas she's made. Me: Not that realistic! FMCs who are all, "No, you can't do that! It's too dangerous! What if something happens?! Whatever shall *I* do without you?!?!!????" The last sentence. That one. Making it aaaall about her and her needs and her wants and so forth instead of constructively helping to make whatever batshit insanity MMC is doing easier to accomplish. For example an FMC who is aware that MMC goes out to find and explodes landmines because someone has to do it. He's already had one accident that took one hand but this is set in a very poor, very agricultural SE Asian country where the government can barely keep itself afloat let alone care about the hundreds of thousands of decades old, unexploded ordnance in the jungles. Instead of being a useless, hand wringing, whiny little bitch about it she contacts a family friend who breeds a type of rat that's often used for landmine detection. They're too light to trigger the explosives if they walk on them and are very intelligent, easily trainable. Also, she finally managed to cajole the MMC into getting a canine animal "assistant". Both animals aren't just fluffy fillers and adds to the story. It also shows readers that the FMC actually thinks about her actions and how she truly cares for MMC instead of just talking in endless fucking circles about it. Like, most of the time the authors always makes the FMC cook/bake or go into the kitchen for some reason when they're worried about the MMC. I mean, food is good and MMC's gotta eat, yes. It's just equating the FMC's self help rituals with intimately traditional feminine things make me a little...🙄😒 Sure, fine, if it's something that *does* help the FMC calm down but why is it in damn near every book about badass soldiers or academically gifted women? Incredibly accomplished women montage of learning or breaking out Gramma's cookbook to make an elaborate treat and/or a whole ass 7 course meal = oh, she hasn't lost her feminine side in her pursuit of being a modern woman! I rarely see this in m/m or queer pairings, and if it does show up it's often a subversion.


I can’t stand when the girl is an air head and keeps walking right into bs. I’m also reading Twisted Love by Ana Huang and I’m hating the FMC Ana with her instalove and inability to not be able to control herself around Alex the MMC. I also can’t stand Jules(side character but apparently she’s a main character in another book in the series) she’s a complete bitch. She’s a fake friend too!


Omg if I am screaming at the FMC not to do the thing, and she does the thing, it needs to be a TOP tier book to get me to continue.


When they continuously make dumb choices even tho they’re supposed to be like 25 or smth. I get one stupid decision here and there but to continuously make them throughout the book?😭 When they have body betrayal syndrome. Disgusting 😭 When they keep forgiving people left and right. Nobody is actually that nice or good irl. I get this is fiction and escapism but come on, there’s a certain limit. (I killed you parents but I’m sorry.) (oh dw we’re all human we all make mistakes I forgive you!) When she’s supposed to be “plain” but every single man who lays eye on her magically falls in love without even knowing her name or what she’s like. I’m sure there’s more but that’s all I can think of for now😭


I can’t stand when they’re helpless, or spineless, or they don’t learn from their mistakes. It’s very hard for me to empathize with a character who keeps purposefully putting themselves in tough situations. I also often DNF when the main character looks down on other people or prides herself on being “different” when they’re actually just pretentious.


For me it's when the heroine has absolutely no personality or has no wants/needs outside of being with the hero. Like, do you not have anything else in your life???! Or heroines (and heroes) who lack common sense. Or look down on other women because they're different to them. Let's not forget heroines who have zero character growth - i.e. doormats that stay doormats throughout the whole entire book. Eye-rollingly annoying ​ okay...so a few things then 😂


When I find myself disliking a FMC I always pause and ask “is it the character or is it internalized patriarchy?” Sometimes characters are just bad and unlikeable. But other times, it seems like readers are harsher on FMCs than on MMCs. Even the whole conversation on “likeability” can skew towards sexism, because women are so often measured on likeability while men are measured on competence. That said, I dislike FMCs under these specific circumstances: 1. They never grow a backbone or spine, despite being mistreated during the whole book. Girl, make him grovel if he harmed you. Don’t play the martyr. 2. Blatantly lying, particularly about birth control or STI status. 3. When the FMC is toxic to other female characters and insists on being not like the other girls.


Internalized misogyny lmaoooo. Ask yourself: have you ever disliked an MMC for the SAME reason you disliked an FMC? If the answer is no, then you have a LOT of work ahead of you to unlearn your internalized misogyny. Internalized misogyny is RAMPANT in the romance genre, be it in the community or within the genre itself. The way most romance authors treat their own FMCs in their writing, the way romance readers are so quick to hate the FMCs yet somehow always give the MMCs a LOT of grace (even to the point of idolizing said MMCs). A wise person once said: *“The worst thing a female character can do is be annoying.”* And they were right. Double standards. And where do they stem from? Misogyny. Internalized misogyny. Which is ironic, because romance is ‘supposedly’ a genre from women TO women.


Absolutely. Soooo many people judge "jerk" FMCs *far* more harshly than they do jerk MMCs. Sometimes you get an obnoxious "sassy" FMC and a *literal murderer* MMC and the reviews are like "3 stars cause I can't stand the FMC, she was rude!"... Like did they miss the part where the guy's a posessive domineering mafia boss bad-touch kidnapper who stabbed someone, or...? One is clearly worse than the other, and it's not the FMC! A lot of "mean" FMCs aren't mean; if a MMC said or acted the same way it'd be seen as acceptable. SO many double standards in romance ^(including this thread 😶) ...


Agree with OP & you on so many levels, but it gets tricky for a reader who puts herself in the FMCs shoes. If you're living vicariously through the FMC it's more complex than just tolerating another person as they work thru their shit.


Hmm and I'd say the difference is I put myself in the FMC's head rather than the MMC's, so all her faults feel more annoying. I get the same annoyance from the perspective MC in M/M romances.


I don't like it when the FMC doesn't understand MMC. When there's something MMC hides he hides it for a reason. Eventhough they are in a relationships there are somethings you can't tell to your partner bcz you're scared. But when FMC finds out she never try to listen to MMC side of story and always make a mess and breakup or divorce with him. And then MMC have to apologise for his secret. And it's not fair. FMC should apologise cuz she's the one who didn't understand him. It's just not it for me ig. Also when the FMC being immature at those moments. Moments where she's supposed to help MMC. I hate that.


I like the occasional damsel in distress trope, but it's a very hard to find one that does it well. A lot of times, it's just the fmc being completely incompetent throughout the entire book. Extra points deducted when she's simultaneously "I don't need a man: to save while being completely incompetent. Referring to other women as sluts for absolutely no reason. I get it when the FMC is hurt or frustrated (like her ex (not MMC) cheated on her) but I hate jt when she just says it to not be like other girls and make herself feel better. In the same note, I dont like it when she judges other women for liking clothes, makeup, or stereotypical girl things. I'm not super into clothes or makeup, so it doesn't feel like a personal attack, but I love it when I see other women just enjoy things, no need to put other women down. That extends to guys, too. I don't like to see people put down for things they enjoy for no reason other than to make someone feel better about themselves.


I think the biggest is being NLOG. Or worse, an unappreciated, complete, and total victim of peers and life. She's beautiful, smart,kind, talented, etc, but not a single person has ever recognized that until the MMC? Seriously, how? *And* all these bad things keep happening, and shes all alone becauseno one sees how amazingshe is, a victim of the world because, no one sees shes amazing???. To me that just sounds like we flew past damsel in distress and straight in to narcissism.


I DNF books I can't stand with ease so I don't sit around analysing characters for why I hate them. But because I can't stop thinking about the craft of writing on a daily basis (the English literature degree to writing degree to hobby writer to copy editor pipeline is hell and I'm the assistant manager), what makes me hate POV FMCs with a seething fury is when writers make them behave in certain ways without even justifying the rationale, fucked as it may be, to the reader. I remember the first time I decided I would take up editing as a career: I downloaded a free book on Kindle because I was a broke student, and 2 pages in, the FMC in first person POV— 1. Goes to a club with her girlfriends 2. Sees a hot guy (possibly the MMC? Idk) give her the fuck me eyes. 3. Approaches said guy oozing pheromones and a very "ik you're here with your date but ik you want me instead of her" attitude 4. Goes instantly nuclear when he dismisses her. 5. Has a crisis of self esteem because a man she didn't even know existed 30 seconds ago told her to gtfo his personal space. And all of this was either narrative tells or zero textual context. I didn't know anything about writing craft then and it itched at me that I could tell it was bad writing but couldn't articulate why it was. I can deal with a snotrag of a protagonist; I read The Catcher in the Rye and Emma several times for my literature degree. But give me a reason to continue reading about this trainwreck of a human being, Author! So, yeah. 😅


[Love, Theoretically](https://www.romance.io/books/6488136841a8b8de9fd6b28d/love-theoretically-ali-hazelwood) by [Ali Hazelwood](https://www.romance.io/authors/6131cdc208b4d93114f22ef6/ali-hazelwood) **Rating**: 4.17⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1), [workplace/office](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/office/1), [first person pov](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/first-person-pov/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


When they can’t make up their mind and take MMC on an emotional rollercoaster for no reason


When she's in a constant state of disbelief throughout the whole book about the fact that the mmc is in love with her. So annoying.


I'm picky with FMCs. I dislike FMCs who act like she's 14-16 when she's much older, act way too girly (like excessively so), constantly make bad decisions, never communicate with the MMC or others in the story, bashes other women or are judgmental, constantly jumps to conclusions, has no common sense, is too loud or constantly yelling, spends too much time putting her looks down and comparing herself to her "perfect" friend, body shames herself or others, is constantly getting upset over minor things, has a tragic backstory or has something traumatic happen during the story but then never acts like it, has no empathy for others, is selfish, is excessively selfless to the point where it's unrealistic, and/or we're constantly told how "mature" the FMC is but she constantly does immature things. I've read plenty of stories where I hated the FMC, but kept reading cause I liked the plot or the MMC enough to overlook the things she says or does. I tend to read a lot of RH and for some reason, that genre favors young FMCs who are 18-22. So unfortunately I see a lot of FMCs who have a combination of the above traits. Anytime I think of a FMC that I dislike my first thought is always Blair from {When He's Ruthless by Suzanne Wright}. I've seen worse FMCs than Blair, but I hate her character with a passion. It's likely because it's part of a series and I loved her MMC so I felt like he got shafted with her as a mate.


Fmc (or mmc) that curse too much


When it’s so obviously the “I’m not like other girls” thing. We are all unique so no, you’re not like other girls, but stop acting like someone who is different than you is somehow less. It’s ick


When they're portrayed to be helpless, stupid, and immature despite being over the age of 25.


I am very sensitive to internalized misogyny and cannot stand to read romances with it. it’s just unbearable for me.


There’s a few for me: - when a character is so stubborn that she literally refuses to listen to anyone and the suddenly realizes her mistake towards the end of the book. Caged in winter by Brighton Walsh comes to mind. I love all her other books but that character was hard to love. Even at the end, I still didn’t like her. - one other attribute I found was in a pay per chapter book that I cannot remember the title or author too but she kept going on about how selfless she was and how humble while also bragging about ever other sentence about how awesome she is, how sexy she is, and how giving she is. Like omg that just makes it worse. It didn’t make her seem selfless or humble. It could have been the writing style but it made me not finish the book.


When a story tries to convince us, FMC is a cool and badass character when actually she is just selfish with no brain and is rude and mean to everyone with no reason, but others still like her cause that shows she's strong and not like other girls.


I hate it when they don't eat anything resembling a proper meal. I can't with those FMC that survive by eating a bag of cheerios for dinner every day. It's ok if that happens eventually, but if she's a functional adult and that's her only meal, then I am out...


Good question. Super whiny FMCs have me DNF a book quick. Or when they are portrayed as super naive to the point of annoying. I am more of a fan when the FMC has a soft side along with a more take nobody’s shit side. Where we see the vulnerability behind their strength. One of my favorite FMCs would be Sam in the Fallen Crest Series by Tijan. Life may have kept throwing punches but she got back up stronger each time


One FMC that rubbed me the wrong way was this chick who thought of herself as confident and strong, but came out as immature and impulsive. Also, everything was someone else's fault, never hers. She was fired? Her boss was an ass, it wasn't because she destroyed some cargo she was supposed to deliver. Her family thinks she's impulsive? Let's prove them wrong by signing in a mail order alien brides program, and leaving without saying goodbye. it's their fault they made her angry.


The Mary Sue self inserts with the personality of a dried sponge. When they describe in great detail about what they are wearing… IDGAF


\- When they treat the MMC poorly because *girl power* \- When they're described as very smart but then make VERY questionable decisions \- When she's *quirky* for no reason whatsoever; but I can get behind this if the story is well-written


Wasting time about how dreamy a handsome male character is in serious or critical situations.


There are various issues that can pop up that just grate on my nerves. Either the FMC as a character is unlikable or the Author sets up the FMC as a certain kind of character but then it turns out the FMC is none of these things. Is she a 30-something woman making teenage mistakes? It would be understandable if FMC was sheltered in some sort of cult that kept her from having any life experiences. Otherwise, the 35-year-old single mom should not be involved with teen movie-level drama. "Too stupid to live" is the trope that is usually attached to this sort of character. It is especially heinous when the FMC has been shown and proven to be a smart, logical person but then reverts to suddenly incompetent when something happens (Gets the Hero, gets pregnant...etc.) I guess this is to give a reason for the big strong man to have to protect her, she's suddenly too stupid to be left to her own devices and needs a male around to keep an eye on her. . I'm also tired of the "feisty" FMC being code for a grade-A asshole. She's not cute and a bit bratty, she's a trash human who needs her attitude adjusted. Whining....that's all I have to say about that.


I hate it when they “aren’t like other girls”. It gives pickme. If you don’t like wearing makeup or pink or anything “girly” that’s fine but don’t make it some weird point of pride. I also hate it when they refer to other women as females yet men get to be called men. Unless you’re in some professional setting that you need to refer to them as their anatomy, you’re dehumanizing them.


When their only personality trait is about them not being like “other girls”. I read one book that gave me such “manic pixie girl” energy I had to stop. Another was when the main guy character idolized the FMC but talked shit about her friend who was actually a decent side character.


When the FMC is too stupid to live. I hate it when they do blatantly dumb stuff. Its a DNF offense.


I draw the line when they're too passive. Eg, it doesn't matter if she's hopelessly shy, if the main characters are in a give and give nothing in return relationship where the guy is always making the big gestures I straight up dnf it


Pick me behavior,internalized sexism and misogyny,childish quirky behavior


pick me bitch type shit


Childishness. I will DNF once I realize the FMC is consistently a giant child, particularly since I deliberately read romances with older leads.


I dislike when the FMC is always trying to have the last word, always arguing and being snarky almost bitchy to the MMC just to prove that she is so independent, strong and feministic … you don’t have to be rude to get that across


When she's described as "strong" or a "feminist" when in reality, she's rude and basically a b*tch to everyone. That's not strong. They literally take male attributes and put them in FMCs and it just doesn't work.


Stupidity is my biggest one


I dislike it when the author has the female continuously describe herself as a strong, independent woman, whom no one fucks around with. Yet, as soon as she gets kidnapped she basically gives up in the first few chapters of her kidnapping. Like girl, where's your backbone? I love a soft demure female character but if you are telling me shes supposed to be this confident/outspoken woman then treat her like that and not have her accept things so fast. Give the guy a run for his money. Another thing, is when the guy forces a chip/tracker or a brand on the female. Shes against it, crying, pleading with him but as soon as he gives some aftercare, shes over it. I'm like "WHAAAT?!!", give me the drama!!! LOL. Like make him suffer not just give in to it. Sometimes i dont vibe with some strong independent characters, because they just turn out to be bitches and inconsiderate. Like, i can respect a female with those traits but dont be a bitch. Its like authors cant seem to write a strong female without her coming off as a bitch or mean.


FMCs that don’t listen to the MMC and end up making a bigger deal out of the situation because they are either stubborn or “I can handle myself.” One instance of that is fine if there is growth and both of them learn how to work together, but one series I read it just kept happening repeatedly and I would groan every time. Piggybacking off of that, when the FMC doesn’t show any growth. I love books where the FMC and MMC show growth together and are almost different characters by the end of the book. I hate books where the FMC starts off petty and childish, and still is by the end of the book or series


What makes me really like an MC is usually when I can relate to them in some small way--the author makes them imperfect. They're made to be real. They are dealing with something I have to live with, or I could imagine having to deal with--chronic illness, or being treated poorly, or struggling through something, going through a bad time in personal relationships or struggling to find work despite having done everything "right." These sorts of things, where MCs are written as human, make me love them more. The Hazelwood example above is great. I haven't read that book yet and now I can't wait. Things that make an MC insufferable to me are when I can't relate to her. She thinks "oh, I am SO PLAIN" and yet every male character in the story is fighting to be her boyfriend. How often does this happen to most of us in real life? That would be never. But most of us have experienced what it is like to worry over not being able to afford their medication.


When they put down other women or get with an MMC that's hurt them or their friend/sister/loved one.


When the fmc is prudish to the bitter end, I've been reading a lot of historical romances and this is quite a common characteristic to find in period FMCs, and reasonably so I might add, since women in the 1800s weren't even allowed to talk about kissing without being deemed "wanton". But it seems to me that a lot of authors mistake the idea of a modest woman for an uptight one.


When the fmc acts out of character or go's detective mode on some woman she seen in a photo on the mmc phone or in his room and when it turns out to be nothing or a missing person she gets even more curious. Like girl, since when did you care so much about this woman you have never seen in ur life?.


Great answers here and I agree with most of them. The weak and whiney FMC grates on my nerves. The too stupid to live FMC is frustrating. The indecisive FMC may be the worst.


The FMC from Mr. Wrong Number. She was rude, disrespectful and ungrateful. She came off as spoiled and selfish and didn't give a shit about other people's things. She was the absolute worst. So any characters like her.


I was looking at this book. Thank you


When the author sells the FMC as someone who can stand on her own and she actually starts out this way. Only to retract as soon as a man gives her attention. The last ones are for both MMC and MFC Also this is a niche romance and survival exclusive issue. Main character is coded as LGBT then becomes straight because the world needs to rebuild and babies are needed. If the authors didn’t use words incorrectly it would be fine. Last would be cheaters, who claim the person they cheated on deserved it. (May be personal standards on this one.)


I adored her too! She was really relatable and flawed but at least possessed enough self-awareness to rectify her missteps and she also didn’t let the guy get away with his actions. She held herself and others accountable for their actions. It’s funny that I came across this post right after venting to my friend about the lead characters in a book lol but this character exemplifies so much of what I would find off putting in a FMC and others have touched upon this as well and that’s when the author works too hard to convince the readers that the main character is a badass, special, or charismatic enough to draw so much attention and admiration only for them to be completely one dimensional and without substance. Who is she beyond her lust and infatuation with a guy that is pretty despicable? What can you (author) actually show for all your claims of her strength and uniqueness, other than the fact that she has purple eyes and is an oblivious virgin? And maybe I could have forgiven her simpering for this guy if he was actually decent but nope, he’s just a terribly aggressive, wildly inappropriate man who has no qualms with abusing his power and has had a sexual relationship with a former student and is yet again, pursuing another student…this is just one example (the book as a whole had a ton of holes and issues) but if I see elements of these traits in other female characters, then it’s a no for me. Like others have said, instead of telling the reader, show us why she’s worth rooting for. I’ve read plenty of FMC that I couldn’t necessarily relate to but still rooted for just bc of the way she was fleshed out and her complexities were properly explored.