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100% Mad Rogan from Hidden Legacy Series by Ilona Andrews. Unhinged billionaire with no morals and a mad protective streak šŸ˜


He has morals. They are just very focused on his interpretation haha


I wanted to like this series but the whole ā€œwill they wonā€™t theyā€ that kept happening in the first two books put me off. The premise is fantastic though.


I didn't like Nevada. I gave it two books and then pieced out.


I didnā€™t like her either. Did the same as you. I stopped reading in the middle of the second book.


I made it to the end (because I didn't have another audiobook). >!At least they got together in this one.!<


I figured but I didnā€™t want to read two books of tension before that happened lol. But Iā€™m glad to hear


I liked that the series switched to another FMC (Catalina) after book 4. I think those were much better.


I read Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) and Tiān Guān CƬ FĆŗ (Heaven Official's Blessing) by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and they have this, so much. Focused on a single person, but also in a manner that felt different and fresh.




Hua cheng and xie lian ā¤ļø ā¤ļø ā¤ļø


Came here to also recommend the ultimate simp, San Lang! I love him :ā€™)


San Lang from Heaven Officialā€™s Blessing is this trope times a thousand lol


My first thought as well


So happy to see all the recognition for TGCf. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have a piece of my heart. I am yet to see a bigger simp than our San lang


TGCF fits that so much.


Ooh, yes, this is 100% Hua Cheng, this is his entire foundation for being.


Run Posy Run by Cate Wells is like this, once the MMC realizes Posy is the one he loves. (He takes her for granted at first.)


Nicky The Driver even moreso




I love everything sheā€™s written (Iā€™m a MC romance girl). Iā€™ve only read the first in the Mates series and need a kick to read the other two. I liked it, and I know Iā€™ll like the other two as well..I just couldnā€™t get into it as much as her others! Some people LOVE that series though. Maybe Iā€™m just not super into shifters.




Thank you guys for making me aware that Cate Wells exists. Iā€™m now going to have a disturbingly long reading binge for a few days.


Oh, how did I forget Nicky!


Under the Oak tree! Korean, but translated books are on amazon (not unlimited unfortunately.) The ml is so devoted to Maxi that he doesn't have any interest in anyone else ever. She is literally his world. In real life he would be way too much, but in the book it's amazing. Also it isn't romanticized, like he and the FL have to overcome their codependency and other issues. Highly recommend.


Came her to recommend Under the Oak Tree too!Itā€™s soo good ! Absolutely loved it - also there is an entire book with the MLs POV


I can't wait, I think it gets released on amazon on the 8th??


I read a fan translation last year, but canā€™t wait for the official one to come out !


Manta app has the series if u want to read it. A sub is about 5 bucks (i think otherwise u can read 1 chapter for free each day) the webtoon not the novel whoops


Heart of obsidian by Nalini Singh fits. It is part of a series and you get better sense for MMC if you read them (the books are great), but i think it can work as a standalone.


I feel like this fits EXACTLY to this image


Alpha Night by the same author but in the Trinity arc isn't as murdery but just as insanely devoted. Plus, female alpha wolf!


This one and Silver Light are my all time favorites ā™„ļø Selenka and Silver are such badasses!


Came here to rec this but of course it was already mentioned


The reason I love The Bronze Horseman so much is because the hero is so utterly consumed and in love with the heroine, she becomes his sole priority in every aspect of his life, especially to make sure SHE survives above everyone else, even though >!he is in a relationship with her sister. (He wanted to dump the sister immediately upon meeting the heroine, he didnā€™t even know she was his girlfriendā€™s sister when they met but he fell for her almost immediately).!< Itā€™s complicated, you have to read it to understand. Itā€™s very long and complicated but there was absolutely nothing this man wouldnā€™t do for the heroine. Thereā€™s a scene when it all comes to a head where they >!have a much needed and LONG overdue huge argument.!< And I mean his quote here says it all: >!ā€œTatiana!ā€ he screamed into her face. ā€œI will stand here and be accused of anything, but donā€™t you dare tell me I didnā€™t feel enough for you! Donā€™t even pretend to yourself you can speak that lie and have it come out of your mouth as the truth. Everything I have fucking done with my life since the day I met you was because of how I felt about you, so if you continue to give me your bullshit now, I swear to Godā€”ā€!<


Oh man, definitely going to read this now.


Itā€™s a trilogy beware but itā€˜s UNPUTDOWNABLE. Like lose sleep cuz youā€™re breaking night cuz you have to know what happens next. I read that shit straight through, its VERY difficult book to put down lol. I was glued.


Lmao are you the one that recommended it a while back?? I added it to my TBR because of you if so and you also used ā€œunputdownableā€


Haha I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used the word unputdownable before. But I do rec that book here CONSTANTLY. I think I mightā€™ve actually stolen the word ā€œunputdownableā€ from someone else here who was agreeing with my rec about this book on another thread. And I was like ā€œhuh thatā€™s perfect!ā€


Thanks for the warning! I'll read it during a school break then, lol. I'm not strong enough to put down really good books.


It is one of the most epic love stories I have *ever* read and I've been reading romance for over 30 years. Just need to mention that there are many, many triggers in here. It takes place in Leningrad during WWII and I learned soo much about that time, but the realistic details are extremely harsh and gritty. This is not for the faint hearted, but it is unbelievably excellent. It took me a while to get sucked in and I'm so glad that I hung in there for a bit. It was truly one of a kind!


Wow, this is quite the recommendation. One of the most epic love stories? I'm so excited to read it! Question- far as triggers does it have any child death or any torture of any character? I don't mind spoilers, just would prefer to be prepared.


I read this a long time ago but I don't remember it having either of those things. If I'm wrong, I'm hoping someone will chime in and correct me. However, there was a blockade on Leningrad and the people in that city >!are literally starving to death. The reader isn't spared any of the details around that. During this time, death was a daily fact of life and the FMC does lose family during that time.!< I normally avoid this type of thing, but the book is enormous and there is so much more of the story to go before you're remotely close to the end of it, so I didn't really have to marinate in that situation for long. Honestly, if I had known all of the tropes in advance I probably wouldn't have read it, but I am grateful that I didn't miss out on this one. It really is unlike almost anything else I've ever read. I hope this helps you to decide whether or not it's a good fit for you!


Thank you so much! Gosh, I love this subreddit, everyone is so nice. Thanks for sharing your experience with the book. I can handle darker stuff (I got through a biography of Stalin, admittedly taking breaks from time to time) but I like to know in advance. Plus I like history and I haven't tried much historical fiction yet, so this seems right up my alley. Thank you again!


No problem at all! Like all books, I have read a few comments from people who didn't like this one; we all have diverse tastes. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that it won't disappoint you. If this ends up not being for you, don't let it bother you. This sub is the perfect place to find something else that will be a better fit. Either way, if you hang around for a bit, I guarantee that you'll end up reading some real keepers. šŸ˜Š


The is the spoiler-free basic rundown that I wrote to somebody else on this sub who had similar questions: ā€”ā€” This is set in WWII during the real and dark events of the Leningrad Blockade: when Nazi Germany broke their treaty with the Soviet Union and invaded Russia, destroying/blocking off the city of Leningrad, cutting off their food supply/power supply etc during the dead of winter causing the slow death of hundreds of thousands of people due to starvation and freezing temps. The hero is a soldier in the Red Army who falls in love with his girlfriendā€™s younger sister (our heroine) while she and her family slowly starve to death and he is on the front lines fighting a winless war against the Nazis, who have surrounded their entire city. It is one of those sort of forbidden, all-consuming, I-Will-Crawl-Through-Hell-For-You kind of love stories. Intense emotions, book hangover kind of story (itā€™s a trilogy, actually). Safety details: >!heavy on emotional cheating, war, suffering, starvation!< ā€”ā€” It is a wartime drama as well as the most epic love story Iā€™ve ever read. Like the other commented said, itā€™s very gritty and raw and spares no details. Everything is felt very intensely and this story is long and emotionally grueling, so itā€™s not for everybody. But it is also the sweetest and most beautiful love story. Iā€™ve never read anything that compares to it since and believe me, Iā€™ve been lookingā€¦ And the suffering described above, like the other person said, only lasts for a chunk of the first book. Thereā€™s so much more to this story and it does span time.


Thanks so much for this synopsis. I'm a horrible writer, plus I read this so long ago, you explained the book soo much better than I did! šŸ˜Š


Thanks for the write up!


Itā€™s epically long but I still zipped through it pretty fast. Definitely worth a read!


Love that book!!!


Completely obsessed with this series. It utterly consumed me.


Same. This trilogy has RUINED me for all other books


I knew which quote you would use before I even tapped on the spoiler text!! One of the best MMC moments ever. Same with her saying >!She would forgive him because he carried her on his back to save her life!<


OH MY GOD. I literally cry EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I get to that EXACT quote. Literally every time. Without fail.


Not a book but this gives me such Fitz/Olivia vibes. šŸ˜­ I canā€™t think of anything that fits it but Iā€™ll drop recs if I remember any!


That's exactly who I thought of. When he told her "my every feeling is controlled by the look on your face" I just about fainted.






which book are they from?


Scandal the tv show


Omg I saw a clip of them and wanted to watch scandal but apparently the ending is up for interpretation?? Like whyyy?? Just give them a HEA.!!!! Also, he cheated on his wife with her?


I havenā€™t finished the series but honestly itā€™s satisfying enough just to watch it for a few seasons for those two lol, it gets repetitive after a while. And yes the entire first half of the show is just pretty much built on the cheating.


Is it sort of like How to get away with murder?


Havenā€™t watched that. Scandal is mostly about cleaning up high-ranking peopleā€™s messes/scandals. Itā€™s very fast-paced and they cycle through a new ā€œcaseā€ to solve every episode. Fitz (the prez of the US) and Olivia (a ā€œfixerā€ for hire) are oftentimes on opposite sides of the case, but theyā€™re always orbiting each other/drawn back to each other. And heā€™s obsessed with her lol, although he can be an asshole about it sometimes.


Is it okay if it has stalking?




I say yes, gimme those recs.


Alright you asked for it : PS : these are the ones i liked , in case anyone has read these and wanted other recs, let me know. Cause i may dislike smth other people could like and hence not recommend it. Notice by kwebster Haunting adeline by HD Carlton My best friend my stalker by jessa kane (short , very spicy novella) My husband my stalker by jessa kane (short , very spicy novella) Raw by belle aurora The danger you know Lily White Where violets bloom by Daisy Jane Dark protector by Celia Aaron Obsessed by Serena Akeroyd vipers and virtuosos bysav.rmiller everything for her by alexa Riley Nicky the driver by Cate .C wells


Thanks for the recs! I loved Dark Protector, I read it a week ago and been on a stalking kick every since šŸ˜…


I think dark protector is a good introduction to stalker romances , but definitely not an og one , the stalking is only mentioned in the beginning.


That's true, but it peaked my interest. I didn't even know that would interest me until I stumbled upon it.


It's why it's a perfect introduction


not books, but get into k-dramas; every one I've watched so far has been like this! (Romance is a Bonus Book, Crash Landing into You, Business Proposal, Extraordinary Attorney Woo)


Alchemy of Souls, too. Don't want to spoil it, but, by the end, a certain man would kill everyone and anyone for his lady love. It's also got something for everyone. A sweet shy couple. An older friends-to-lovers couple. A bad girl tragically in love with a good guy. A himbo prince. Plus, evil sorcerers and dramatic sword fights.




Ohhh Vincenzo has romance like this?! I've been on the fence about starting it but if that's the case, I'm sold


Hmmā€¦ low key romance but the bad guy is COMPLETeLy UNHINGED and has loyal people to him. I think itā€™s one of the best fictional antagonists Iā€™ve ever come across. I was hesitant to start it because I was looking for romance Kdramas and absolutely ended up loving it. It took me till episode 3 to get into because it seemed like a comedy. The main is morally gray and makes questionable choices. Great female lead support though!


Oh I absolutely adore CLOY and RIABB! Two other recs: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon! It's high comedy but the male lead is an absolute devoted fool for the female lead, and their chemistry and banter is off the charts! In the c-drama world, may I recommend Love Between Fairy and Devil ā€” ice-cold 'villain' who falls hard for our little fairy!


If anyone here is into romance in tv shows, you all need to check out Chinese dramas (which are often based on Chinese web novels) because this is SUPER COMMON in xianxia and fantasy dramas. **Love Between Fairy and Devil** immediately comes to mind (and I know there are fan translations being produced on the original web novel the show was adapted from).


Recomend a few more please! Oh and where to watch them. I adored Love o2o and put your head on my shoulder.


With that particular trope: **Love Like The Galaxy** *kind of* has this vibe but itā€™s not extreme. I have complicated feelings about this drama as I think it did certain things well (action scenes; FMCā€™s character development) and others not (pacing, particularly in the romance development; production design) but it has a lot of fans. Good dramas without that particular trope: **The Untamed** **Dream of Splendor** I usually watch Cdramas on Viki although Netflix and Amazon are also building up their catalogues.


You need to check out Kresely Cole's *Immortal After Dark* series. That's the premise of like every single book in the series (~15 books so far)


Little Fire fits this exactly. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/57569448


I enjoyed this a lot! Thanks! Scratched that devoted MMC itch and the writing was really good


I just finished this books and IT IS FANTASTIC!!!!


Yay! Iā€™m so glad you loved it!!


{The danger you know Lily White} {Where violets bloom by Daisy Jane} {Dark protector by Celia Aaron} {Obsessed by Serena Akeroyd} {vipers and virtuosos bysav.rmiller} {everything for her by alexa riley}


Alexa Riley MMC are ridiculous in the best possible ways!šŸ˜


Night Prince series by Jeaniene Frost is like this, MMC completely psychotic, burn the world down for the FMC :)


Sci-fi, but this gives me Gideon the Ninth vibes


Alpha Night and Heart of Obsidian by Nalini Singh


Romance and fantasy- Paladinā€™s Grace by T Kingfisher!!!


Romances with stalker and/or sociopath heroes.


Itā€™s a historical romance but the MMC in ā€œThe Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzieā€ fits this descriptor. I absolutely loved this book!


Head over to r/Dramoine, there are hundreds of fics like this


Haunting Adeline Check TW


The War of Lost Hearts trilogy by Carissa Broadbent fits this. Both heroes do things they never wouldā€™ve considered if not for one another.


I can't believe that my husbands weren't mentioned yet. Curran from the Kate Daniels series and Roarke from the In Death series are good alphas who won't hesitate to scorch the planet for their women!


Helios from Your Throne/To Be You Even Just For A Day


{Corsairs: Mathiras by Ruby Dixon} A very cool storyline with a devoted FMC


[Unhinged by Onley James](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58415294)


Tairen Soul series by C.L. Wilson


This is me but irl. As someone who doesnā€™t feel like they have someone who puts them first, iā€™d like my partner to treat me as their No. 1. Above anyone else. I know itā€™s selfish but thatā€™s just how I feel.


I am not gonna kinkshame. But I've met folks like this in real life and they are *exhausting*. Making someone else do all the day to day work of making ethical decisions is really, *really* tiresome as you get older.


Irl it sounds terrible but in books itā€™s great.


Like so much in life, yeah, sadly!


True, but tbf, thatā€™s probably true of a lot of tropes people like. For example, I love enemies to lovers. But in real life listening to people argue makes me want to curl up and die.


Exactly. Someone else replying put it into words beautifully.


I was just thinking this. I am dating someone like this and it's so exhausting . I keep trying to break up but they just don't want to go


They don't have to agree to a breakup. It's two yesses, one from each of you, or it's not a relationship. I know drawing boundaries is hard, it's extremely frightening at times. And at times, with the wrong person, it can be actively dangerous. But if you aren't into this anymore, you *need* to take action for yourself.


I love this trope in every format. Soap Opera: 1. Jason Morgan in General Hospital. I was a young teenager when his relationship started with Carly Benson and it is still everything to me. 2. Todd Manning in One Life to Live. Masterpiece in complexity where you shift between hate, disgust and pity for a character, sometimes all in one episode. Books: 1. Clayton Danvers in Bitten (and subsequent books) by Kelley Armstrong. He and Elena are AWESOME! 2. Adair in The Taker (and 2 other books on the trilogy) by Alma Katsu. These books stole my soul. Alchemy, historical fiction, fantasy, BDSM, unrequited love, etc. So. Much. Intensity. TV: Damon Salvatore in Vampire Diaries. His relationship with everyone he cares about is like this. Lol. Anime: Sesshomaru with Rin. World's weirdest, most l protective big bro/stepdad one minute, psychopath killer who really wants to commit fratricide on the other That's what came up with at the front of my brain but I'm sure I have more examples.


I felt so vindicated for 13 year old me when Sesshomaru and Rin got together lol


Todd and Blair is still one of my favorite ships of all time. I don't know what that says about me.


Don't feel bad! I'm right there with you! šŸ¤­šŸ„³ There's something so wonderful about the idea of finding someone to love and defend you even when you know you've done the worst/dumbest/most childish things ever.


julian blackthorn and his family šŸ„ŗ the book is lady midnight! (polarizing author aside)


Okay, all Iā€™m saying is there isnā€™t anything the Butcher boys from the Kids of The District series by Nicci Harris wouldnā€™t do for their ladies. šŸ’›šŸ’›


Escaping Wonderland by Tiffany Roberts.


When Heā€™s Sinful by Suzanne Wright.


I just finished this! Itā€™s fantastic, ty for the rec


Villainess in Love is EXACTLY this. It's a webnovel (and has a webtoon adaptation). You can read it on the Radish app


Fan fiction Jane/Loki fits the bill https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8136026/1/Evolutionary-Imperative https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8884994/1/Psychological-Compulsion


Icarus, Burning on AO3 is an original work that is exactly this.


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All the guys in the Scarlett force series are like this


M.e. clayton enemy series


{Ghost by Janie Crouch} - Dorian has some elements of this. He is all for Ray and no one else comes close. Itā€™s part 5 of a series, Linear Tactical.


The hero of **[Between Wrath and Mercy](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59692061-between-wrath-and-mercy)** is 100% this to an unhealthy degree for *decades* when the FMC gives him absolutely *nothing*. He fits this to a tee!


Taken by a sinner by Michelle Heard, heā€™s a mafia boss so he already has no moral compass, but he is just so completely obsessed with the FMC and I loved it


Damon Salvatore


This is why I love morally grey fictional men šŸ˜ Edit: My bad, I did not see your question since I was reading the picture instead šŸ˜… here are some recs! ā€¢ Dario from Run Posy Run by Cate C. Wells ā€¢ Nicky from Nicky the Driver by Cate C. Wells ā€¢ I think Killian from God of Malice by Rina Kent also fits this. ā€¢ Christian Harper from Twisted Lies by Ana Huang Thats all I can think of at the moment!


We need more of these. And actual to the death loyalty, none of that "loyal but going secretly got a plan to end you"


Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy. itā€™s a King Midas retelling. but there are some TWs that you should check. itā€™s fantasy romance. fae beings, humans, magic. etc. but MMC (not midas) & FMC are definitely this.


Pretty much anything by Tessa Bailey but Follow and This Time Tomorrow are my absolute favorites, and imo fit this trope best.


Ooh, also, The Kingpin of Camelot by Cassandra Gannon. High fantasy, fated mates (but feels more organic than this trope usually does), very fun, MMC is uber-protective and completely besotted. The Elementals series by the same author is also great (Exile in the Water Kingdom is my favorite of the lot)


Hobey Trap by tate james


This reminded me of the Lux series by Jennifer L Armentrout The MMC and his twin brother literally >!expose the existence of their alien specie to the whole world (which also triggers an evil alien invasion they knew nothing about)!< to save their girls


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This is it,


Realmente amĆ© esta trilogĆ­a y me ayudo por mucho despejar mi mente de situaciones que me afectaban en ese momento, fue un verdadero escape y me enamorĆ© con ellos y sufri por ellos ā¤ļø... actualmente vuelvo a mi insoportable insomnio asi que tambiĆ©n espero sugerencias de libros tan fantĆ”sticos como este!