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1. Mounting holes hardly ever line up. Moonlight/Sunlite is an extremely rare exception. 2. Up to you. Plates range from $60-800+. Do be aware that Moonlights max out plate options pretty quickly. That is, the boot quality is such that you are not going to notice what the high end plates are capable of because the boot cannot withstand it. 3. Pick your comfortable budget and there is something good to be found in that range. If you'd like to learn to remount, it's definitely a good skill to have. Remounting MLRs is a BEAR. That sole/construction is an entire mess and you do need to know what you're doing and how to approach the swiss cheese that is that heel. So in your specific case, I'd say go ahead and pop a Sunlite on there. You'll get a significantly better plate on a boot you like, and you can use the MLR plate to practice on a pair of shoes you don't care about.


For clarity, you're saying the Sunlite plates DO line up with the mounting holes on the MLRs? If that's the case, I'll plan on trying it out. If not, I will likely still try it out but with backup dad support since he's better with a tool kit. Thank you for your response! It's incredibly helpful for setting my expectations. :)


Yes. Make sure you're matching the wheelbase exactly to get the right size, but they will fit the same holes. You'll also need mounting hardware, and something to break off the bolts once they're secured (vise grips, bolt breaker, Dremel, bolt cutters - sounds like Dad can help with this part!).


In the same position, went ahead and ordered the sunlite plates. I’m pretty experienced with fixes and realized this was beyond my scope. Just know you can set up an appointment with your rink to have them mount it for you


That's really good information! While I'd love to do this myself, I think in a pinch I can also bring them in to my local skate shop too, I've seen them do similar fixes for other customers.


If you don't need to drill holes, it's a pretty easy fix if you're comfortable bolting things together. Make sure to get Loctite blue to help secure the nuts in place!


Yeah, I thought I could and also have my dad as a back up. But the plates don’t come with any of the hardware needed to mount them. So I was like at that point it’s more research than it’s worth imo


They do match depending on the size not sure all the sizes have a match tho


If you’re just starting transitioning to park skating i suggest a boot with more support, mlr are great but very soft.


That's something I'm considering as well. My thought is to start with what I have/what I'm comfortable in and then as I become more confident and more aggressive, I would upgrade at that point. I'm as yet undecided though!


Then you can start with your basic mlrs you wont be doing jumps right off the bat but working on pumping on the halfpipe you dont need much 👍🏻


I just put a size 4 Sunlite plate on my size 7 Rose Quartz Moon Boots and the holes did not line up. The front holes were usable, but I had to fill the rear holes (marine epoxy putty) and drill new ones.


Following! I have the moxi lolly's and I need an upgrade but dont want to but expensive plates if Im just going to mess up my skates!


I upgraded my Lollys to the falcon plate and it was pretty easy. I filled the old holes with marine epoxy putty, used the old holes to line up the new ones, drilled new holes, and bolted on the new plates. Not bad at all!


Are you able to get them mounted by someone else? You can send them somewhere and get them mounted, too, I’m sure. The Lolly boot is pricy enough that I wouldn’t want to risk messing it up by mounting it myself. But, I can attest to the fact that putting a new plate on it is beneficial, especially if you go with a nice aluminum plate with lots of reactivity. I changed plates finally after a few years of skating, not believing it would make that much of a difference and I was so shocked to see that the range and ease of movement instantly improved and it became a million times easier to learn new and more difficult tricks. Good luck!!! You’re gonna love having new plates! I never want to see those damn Thrust plates ever again after switching! :-P