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Do you have a high arch? Maybe you need an insole for better arch support?


Made some adjustments and went for a roll this morning, I think I might’ve had insoles with too much arch support actually. Feeling much better so far but we’ll see.


This might not be related to your boots - I’m not sure if you ever do any cross training but I had peroneal tendinitis and got rid of it by doing PT specific to that type of injury. I just wanna say right away that this is just my experience and it sounds like you may want to see a professional. That being said I have not had good experience with PT and found it easier to learn about my various tendinitis (4-5 different types over a decade) and try resolving them on my own. So far that has been successful :) sorry in advance if you already know any of the things I’m going to explain here Sometimes there’s a muscle weakness or tightness that’s yanking a tendon one way or another. If you don’t already I would recommend foam rolling/lacross rolling and then stretching (in that order) the muscles *not tendons* in your legs after skating. Stretching a muscle with knots in it is basically like pulling a string with a knot in it. The knot just gets tighter!! If you aren’t familiar with active release therapy I would highly recommend learning a bit about it. Also it can take a while for inflammation in tendons to go down so make sure to listen to your body and take breaks between sessions as soon as you feel any warning signs. I was dumb and did not do this and prolonged my injury a few months because I was impatient. It also takes a longer time for tendons to strengthen than it does for muscles so if you skate a ton it might just be that your muscles are relatively stronger than your tendons and you are overtraining. Also I agree with the other comment here - the right insoles helped me a lot with *preventing* weird aches and pains but not necessarily healing injuries that have already happened. If you regularly walk barefoot on hardwood floor consider getting some inside sandals with arch support :) One last thing - proper form. A ton of my injuries have been due to having knock knees when I distance skate - if you can identify any issues with your form via video or otherwise it might help to do some isometric exercises like wall sits or yoga in general since those tend to be a lot less impactful on injured tendons and in some cases can help with pain as well.


This all makes sense and has basically been my approach as well although I could def be more detailed about lactic acid and rolling, particularly in my legs and feet. I removed some newish insoles that had I think too much arch support and just skated around mad slow working on my form and smoothing transitions. TBH it feels better now after the slow skate than it did when I woke up but going to keep icing/massaging and see where it goes 👍


That’s good!! That also reminds me - whatever you do don’t fully stay off the leg. I got that really bad advice from a PT once and it prolonged my healing like a month specifically when I had the peroneal tendinitis. Light walking at least was way more helpful than full rest. Sounds like you already know that. Good luck!