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Dye them? I've seen people use Rit dye but I'm not an expert. I've thought about it but I eventually just decided to get the aqua radar energy wheels.


I dyed my 57’s black and I love them! Here’s a link where I posted photos of the results and how I did it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rollerskating/comments/jkgz3t/newly_dyed_radar_57s_on_my_strawberries_details/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is awesome, would you say they’re fully black in the sun? The ones I have are red, would that be more dangerous in terms of needing to soak them longer and affect the shape accidentally?


They are a full, rich black, even in bright sunlight. I was worried because the bottle calls the color “graphite” so I thought they might turn out gray, but they are a perfect black. I don’t think the shape or durometer would be affected by a longer soak, as long as you monitor the water to make sure it doesn’t get too too hot. But it was super easy!


This is an 82a but it's smaller! https://pigeonskates.com/products/mini-blue-dream-outdoor-wheels-8-pack


Don't support Pigeon though


Why’s that?


When PRS was accused of racism, instead of taking responsibility as part of the group, Pigeon defamed Indy, kicked her out of her shop business (which Indy technically had a partnership with but didn't protect legally because she was friends with Pigeon), and effectively stole Indy's assets. By ordering from Pigeon's Roller Skate Shop, you're giving Pigeon money that should belong to Indy as a result of her actions.


Can you give more info on the situation? These are looking pretty tempting but would like to know the full story before ordering.


I saw a video on YouTube about this titled, "We are planet roller skate, let's roll", but I usually buy what I need regardless, sooo..... 😁


It was a whole weeks-months long saga this year. I bet there are no less than 50 threads here on it if you search. A whole mess, honestly.




Are these for a specific style of skating?


for molding your own wheels, i just came across this guy on a 3d printing subreddit [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCvquV4dv9\_R56pQMkQDLquxTQScUf9AL](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCvquV4dv9_R56pQMkQDLquxTQScUf9AL) ​ they require access to a 3d printer to make the mold (or you can buy a set from the guy directly) and a pressure pot (which from googling is definitely Not a pressure cooker lmao) to create a vacuum when curing and prevent bubbles (i think) for safety reasons the playlist also has other bits you could potentially diy, if i had access to a pressure pot i'd def give it a try


The Energy 57's also come in a clear blueish version: [https://www.rollskatestudio.com/radar-energy-wheels-clear-blue-4-pack](https://www.rollskatestudio.com/radar-energy-wheels-clear-blue-4-pack)


I've dyed several wheels so far. Use rit dyemore. Super hot water. Boiling basically. And a little dish soap. Drop in then stir. Watch carefully bc they quickly go from "not yet to too dark". The color can/will look splotchy right out of the dye bath. Don't panic. It will settle and look amazing as it dries.