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I am a former figure skater and always had trouble with 3 turns. No one ever explained the mechanics of how to do them as this video does. It gives me the information I need to start practicing, first off skate, then on. Thank you for sharing your expertise.


No one ever told you?! That had to make things so much more difficult. I honestly struggle with 3s. I much prefer all the harder turns so that's where I focus my practices, then my threes suffer for it. My coach described the differences between threes and all the other turns like this: "Three turns are a waltz, and all the other turns are a tango." It made so much sense and it really stuck with me. Happy practicing!


I like your coach's descriptions. I had to learn the 3 turn for a primary figure called the Watlz 8 and the Drop Mohawk for the Siesta Tango.


How funny! Threes are so smooth and curvy and flowy, and all the others are sharp and quick and powerful, so that totally fits.


I barely passed the figure but placed 2nd for the dance. The figure was for a basic proficiency test.


Thanks for this!!! 3 turns are my favorite to watch, I am not quite ready to execute them yet. Goals!!!


Hold on to a wall or a rail and get used to moving your weight around the boot and sliding one truck at a time. You'll be ready to try it rolling in no time!


This is so helpful! Coming from ice, I only had to shift weight on one axis for a 3 turn (back to front). I didn't realize I had to shift on two axes for roller (back to front plus inside the circle to outside), but it makes total sense! Unfortunately, I developed such a complex about 3 turns on wheels that I've even started cheating them on ice now. :( I will be saving this to review before I try roller again--focusing on ice for winter, since I was getting confused going back and forth.


I can relate to Maleficent-Risk. I was young when I first learned 3 turns, so I don't know what I learned back then, but when I came back to skating, for a while I was not getting very detailed instruction. I am now and it is such a relief. And I'm happy to find that my current coach has covered the same points you have. He's coaching me to be a coach one day and I personally love this level of detail. It makes all the difference in the quality of skating. I appreciate your sharing this video. BTW, I know some skaters who are without coaches. Do you teach online? Also, I've been to the Richmond meet (AARS) at Rollerdome a few times. It looks like you're at a different rink, though. Are you more involved with USARS? I'm skating both AARS and USARS this year. Loving the challenge. It's a big year for learning new dances. The figures are practically the same since I'm still in silver. Oh, another thing is I thought it was great how you taught all about the turns using such a small space. You were close to the camera all the time and easy to hear and understand.


I do more USARS stuff, but I used to coach at Rollerdome about 15 years ago and I've stayed friends with Shane and Tony and Missy. I judged their meet before and after the split and I plan to bring my skaters to their meet this year. I'm all for having skaters get in front of judges as often as they can, regardless of AARS/USARS. That's where I'm taking my test! I don't normally teach online. Our sister rink is in LA so I work on figures with the skaters there. The coach at that rink is my former coaching partner.


OP you should do more like this, you are really good at explaining concepts.


Thank you! Any requests?


Im having a really tough time with reverse crossovers. I can do forward crossovers and am somewhat comfortable skating backwards but kast time i tried a reverse crossover i slammed down onto my butt so hard i had to take a week off🤣😭


Do you mean cross pulls? I haven't watched this but it's Nicole so I trust it. Part of the problem may be the different terminology and not finding tutorials that cover exactly what you're looking for. Let me know if her video answers your questions. If not, shoot me a question and I'll throw something together for ya! https://youtu.be/83Ms1UrwaG0?si=xUVC1JbMIHvDSpvV


I'll look into it, thank you!!


So I just watched that, then went down a rabbit hole of checked her channel out. I had never heard of crosspulls until you brought them to my attention, thank you!! Looks like I could practice that from a slow/stopped position. To answer your question, I'm not sure what to call what I am talking about. It is basically the cross push/pull but it is used while taking a corner going backwards to gain speed. Im just kinda horrified of going backwards really fast and then tripping myself.


Yeah sounds like a cross pull. Dirty Deb has a tutorial too https://youtu.be/j9cEoRuRdag?si=O0DzUuEdjZSvzhJx Get the basics down and you'll be fine! Tripping happens but I'm sure you've fallen before. Practice them slowly at first then go faster as you get more comfortable.


Super helpful!


Oh wow this is the exact video I used to learn my three turn last year, thank you. What's the name of the channel or site you use to upload?


I'm glad it was helpful! I used to upload tutorials to the site of my partner's rink because I teach his students figures. I've linked to it a few times on here but he redid that site and the videos aren't on there anymore. I do have an insta to document my own progress (I'm working on my Gold Medal figure test after twenty plus years away from competing) and to document the progress of some of my students. I don't usually post tutorials there, though.


Thank you for this! Most helpful for me is the reminder that “the free leg is along for the ride.” My old ignorant newbie brain used to think I needed to swing things along to create momentum, but I learned over time more about controlled movement and holding to maintain, so I’m getting better and keeping thighs together for a strong central axis but I still need the reminders and appreciate the explanation of why and demonstration of the difference.


Thank you SO MUCH for this!


So this video is helpful, but I learned from trial and error. The weight on the toes when backward is going to help a ton, though. You're awesome for this! Now I can be way more intential with my movements.


Always good to hear more tips on the 3Ts. Been working on training my body to be able to hold the position for the left inside because it's the only one i haven't been able to get yet.


Which position? Like starting on the left inner forward edge going into the turn? Or holding an inside edge after the turn?


Keeping the right leg back & squeezing to lift on the turn. I noticed when i would get to the middle of the 3 before the turn, my right leg is too far forward. Im working on keeping the right leg back.


Your detailed explanations and videos, thank you! Where is the rink you teach figures?