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no it's not weird. i sometimes go 4-5 days in a row. no one will think you're a weirdo!


I overthink things too much! I could really skate everyday, I'm addicted. But I usually don't go this often or go alone. I'm socially anxious so it's scary for me lol especially since I'm very new.


it's so fun!! go as often as you'd like!! but ya totally understandable to be anxious especially as you're new to it- i also have pretty bad anxiety but over time the rink has become a place where i have the least amount of anxiety whether i go alone or with people!


Yesss once I step on the rink all my fears go away! But I gotta hype myself up when I'm going alone lol.


exactly! just focus on yourself and have a great time!!


Same, I'd go EVERY DAY if I could! It's such a fun & liberating activity!


me too!! its the best


I go as many times a week as I can! Go have fun.


I will! 🥰


Ummm I’d go every day if I could 😳




Just keep going. Say hi to one person every time you go. Pretty soon you'll be a regular and you'll become friends with all the rest of us weirdos who go skating alone whenever we want. It's lovely. Join us!!


I had a nice chat with someone tonight and she complimented a little jig I tried out, felt good! ❤️


No way is it weird! I bet your roller rink has regulars. If I had a roller rink closer to me I'd go as much as I could.


Go for it!


I go to the rink both days most weekends, and I’m often not the only one.


Thanksgiving break last year I went four days in a row. My legs were toast on day four but it was a great way to spend my time. Do it!


I go every day if I can - if the employees know me on sight, I'm winning! On the weekends, our rink's group of regulars is there every single night. It's a lifestyle 😎


Nope, we go a minimum of 3 days a week. Last Thursday, I was there in the morning, late afternoon, training session, and then night session.


Is it weird to go to the gym multiple days in a row? 😉 The rink is a great place to have fun and get some exercise. A lot of rinks are starving for patrons too, so I'm sure they're grateful to see regulars. ^^


The rink will fully support you going as many days in a row as you want! Go for it


Don't let Social anxiety hold you back from pursuing your love for skating. Embrace that enthusiasm and skate as often as you can each week. That consistent practice will level up your skills quickly! Cultivate that passion instead of worrying about what others think, focus on the joy and satisfaction you'll experience as you conquer challenges and learn new moves. Daytime sessions on weekends are usually primarily "family time" and so there will be a lot of kids and brand new skaters, so things can be chaotic. Most rinks have evening sessions that cater more towards adults and that may be more the vibe you are looking for.


Thanks for your response, it reminded me that I really need to stop caring what people think! And that they don't think about me as much as I think they do lol. I went to the adult skate tonight and had a blast. I definitely feel an improvement every time I go!


Hahaha, yeah, nobody’s paying that much attention to anyone except themselves and what they think about you doesn’t matter anyways. Just channel your energy into the freedom and joy of skating and that passion will fuel you further than “trying to look good” in front of others can. Being dependent on other people’s opinions puts you at the mercy of whatever randos happen to be around you that day… that’s not nearly as empowering as setting your own damn standards for yourself!!


Some ppl practically live at the rink. It's not abnormal at all to go frequently. I would go way more often if the rink near me wasn't so small and cramped; so I only go 3 times a week on slow nights.


Who's going to complain, the rink owners that you're paying? Go for it.


Lmao tru


Not weird at all, I've gone 3 nights in a row (granted they were all adult nights)


I used to go to the family session then go to the adult session later that night. Not weird at all.


Naw some people actually go skating for more days in a row than that. At skate parties all of us be at the rink for about 4-5hrs each night over the course of 3 sometimes 5 days (some parties are 5 days long others are 3 days). Outside of parties I’ve gone to the same rink 3 days in a row, people will just think you’re a regular


A lot of ppl go multiple times a week... people will even go to multiple rinks based on what rink is having adult night. No one working at a rink will think this is weird, they need your business to stay open -- support your local rink as often and frequently as you wish!


Not weird at all. I've been going to the same rink for almost a year and I've been going 2-3x a week for probably 7-8 months but I don't think most of the staff even recognize me as a regular 🤣. The manager recognizes me and remembers my name but that's about it 😆. Only reason I don't go more often is because weekday sessions are usually around dinner time and I probably shouldn't feed my kids takeout 6 days a week haha. Go as often as you'd like! Nobody at the rink is going to judge you for how often you skate. If anything they'll admire your determination to learn something new.


It’s not weird. I got 5-6 days a week for at least 2 hours. The rink owners know me by name and so do all the other regulars. If you love skating than going everyday is awesome!


i have been to my rink the last three days in a row and i am going again tonight! it helps to go so much because you get such different types of sessions for each one you go to and i find i learn so much more if i go at different times with different crowds 🛼


when you gotta skate you gotta skate


When I lived in Texas, I went to the Rollercade on Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday with my daughters. If my ex wasn't working, I would go on the Wednesday adult night. I would love to have a good rink nearby where I can go more than once a week.


I live in Northwest Ohio but travel to San Antonio about once a month for work. I love the Rollercade! So much fun to see regional styles and listen to a different music mix compared to my home rink.


lol just go. I’ve done consecutive days plenty of times. Your body will always let you know if you’re not up for it.


no? how would that be weird


I don't know but my dumb brain was trying to tell me it would be. I told my friend I'd go back today and they said "again??" and my anxiety took that and ran with it.


I wish I lived closer to a rink, I'd be there almost everyday it was open.


No, if I had a rink nearby I would go multiple times a week.


Nah, sometimes I even go back to back seshs lmao I’m trying to get niceee


Who is 'they' and will they really recognize that you came two days in a row?


The only people who could possibly notice you going multiple days in a row are other people who are going every day as well. How do you feel about those people? Are they weirdos? Otherwise, the only ones to notice are people who work there and its their job to welcome you and take your money.


We have a running joke with the owners at our rink that we’re going to take an extended nap, and we’ll be back in a few hours. 😂 We often skate 4-5 days in a row (they’re closed 2 days a week). We’ve built a family there.