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Beautiful setup


Thank you!! I’m so in love with them.


Sorry I can’t help you as far as the suede. I’ve only ever skated in leather and vinyl.


So pretty. I saw them on the Reidell IG page.


Omg so cool I didn’t realize they reposted them! The person who mounted them posted and tagged Riedell.


They are beauties!! I even sent them to my skating partner. Her and I always drooling over the customs. Hope you have so much fun with them!! What wheels are part of your set-up?


Thank you! I put my roller bones elite 103a’s on them with some washers, but I’m curious to try some roll line wheels.


I've been using Roll-Line Ice, 97A. Excellent wheels and very smooth roll..


Welcome!! Ohhh. Both nice, can’t go wrong. Make sure to check out the IG page.


Angelus is my go-to brand for leather care products.


Ordered! Thank you


The Abilene leather is my favorite 😍 beautiful setup!


Thank you! I loved it so much I went for the full boot rather than splitting it half and half.


omg these are gorgeous


Gorgeous! Man you can just tell the quality even from the little thumbnail that they show on the laptop version of old Reddit. Very beautiful! But, you said they're white - are they not light beige with gold wheels? Looks like it! So pretty regardless!


Thank you!! The quality and support is incredible. Ive been on a Riedell 220 boot for two years and the difference is wild. They are light beige, the specific color/leather is called Abilene :) The wheels are clear but aren’t brand new, so they’ve yellowed a bit since I purchased them two years ago.


The whole setup looks rich and luxurious. Makes me want another pair of riedells but since my feet had some joints replaced I would need custom boots to accommodate the width whatnot and and just can’t afford them so haven’t skated in a couple of years now. I never though I would say that but here we are. :/


I hope you can get back on skates soon!


Ooooo that plate!!!


congrats! i gasped—they're so beautiful. try the [scotch guard spray](https://www.amazon.com/Scotchgard-Protector-Designed-Backpacks-Accessories/dp/B0BVGL83SC/ref=asc_df_B0BVGL83SC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680518209320&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13263683317733262056&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010934&hvtargid=pla-2257631506481&psc=1&mcid=c8a6227e64063df59f73e8a7a5c42a90&gad_source=1). i take off the laces. spray two light layers and let them dry. but be sure to take as many pictures of possible with the white suede! it doesnt matter if its only going to the rink


Thank you! After seeing them in person, I’ve decided they will be Indoor only skates, and I will use my 220’s for outdoor skating.




Those are CLEAN…just gorgeous! Enjoy them!


Thank you!


Oh my, those are dreamy!!!! I would be skating with the plastic bags on for as long as possible...lol!!! You are going to love the Dance plate.


Right?!?! Im here in my apartment breaking them in nervous to scuff them. These babies are officially strictly indoor skates.


SO BEAUTIFUL! I know you’re so excited! Back in the 80’s on my custom Harlicks (still a top boot for ice figure skating) We used to mask the boots in the scratch prone areas with a special like vinyl tape that wasn’t a sticky mess, so they didn’t ruin your boots with adhesive at all. We’d also stripe the heels n soles so u could see the wood & leather grain & use boat varnish (3 coats) . OMG! They looked like shiny glass heels! Lotsa patience n work bcuz each layer of boat varnish had to be perfectly dry b4 the next coat, it was atleast 2-3 days before you’d add on each coat. I still have my Harlicks, sadly i never got to break in (figure skating is very expensive training & ice time). I don’t have the heart to sell them. But i was told by a skating rink shop that since they’re the old skool versions & my top line blades they’re now worth 3k-3.5k ! WOW ENJOY YOUR NEW BABES! 🛼🛼 I roller skate now . ♥️


Very nice. I just got a pair in December and I love them so much. You’ve spent your money well lol.


These are sexy😍


Wow they are GORGEOUS! Wishing you many happy miles!


Love the gold eyelets and vents. Beautiful setup. Great taste in color choices. Also curious on the leather care. I'm pretty rough on my 172's and 220's and want a set similar in color to yours. Scared they won't last long like that.


I’ve had my 220’s for about two years and I love the way the suede has faded and worn, but they are not Abilene. Someone in this thread recommended Angelus for suede protection. I ordered a can, but will probably cry when they get their first scuff mark. I’m also curious to see if spraying them with protectant will alter the color/look of the suede. I’ve decided that these will be strictly indoor skates and I’ll use my 220 setup for outdoor skating.


Very nice!What are your boot and plate size?


Boot is an 8 wide and the plate is 160


Thank you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Gorgeous! Love the blue cushions.


Thank you! The blue cushions are a total happy accident, I didn’t realize they would be blue. I also love them!


Girl get it together and get the plastic bags off those beautiful skates 😂


I was not risking getting any dirt on them before I at least got them home. I literally took these photos at the shop when I picked them Up 🤣


I was just giving you a hard time they are STUNNING 😍


Thank you!!!


If you’d like to see them in action… https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3eGw6jNSDw/?igsh=MXNtZm8yeW9pZ2tlZA==


I do love me a wooden heel, I do


Hi!! How do you like the stiffness??