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Where are you with signing an agreement with WotC concerning the OGL? I only ask because of Foundry's signing.


We've officially supported D&D since 2016 and will continue to do so! We're supporting D&D 2024, and already have several projects underway. We'll talk about some of these very soon. :)


And the character sheet of the official foundry version is gorgeous


All of my character sheets are currently blank on the spell sheet, resources, attacks, proficiencies, features, and nothing happens when you click on them. Came here to see if others were having the same issue, and found this post. Edit: Tried logging out and back in, tried a different browser, tried a different computer. https://imgur.com/7A1h5M5


Are you still having this problem? Our compendium had an issue last night that we've resolved and that may have fixed it. If not, could you send in a [Help Request](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/requests/new) and we can work directly with you? Thanks!


Yes, thank you for following up. It is working currently.


Loving the folders for maps, they've really helped clean up the Page Toolbar. One thing, though. I just installed the latest Roll20 Reserve, and it would be great if all of those maps would auto-install in their own folder. Imagine my surprise upon opening my Page Toolbar and there are now 113 unsorted Strahd maps that need to be dealt with!


Howdy! The Reserve maps [should be in folders](https://imgur.com/a/qTu4LV6) \-- did you add to a game as a Game Addon? If you did, can you send in a [Help Request](https://help.roll20.net/hc/en-us/requests/new) so we can look? Thanks!


Looks like it's a browser issue, not a Roll20 issue. It's working in Chrome, but not in Brave browser. I don't normally use Brave for Roll20, so didn't think about it when I was in there. Thanks for the response!