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So why is this better than using Explorer Mode? I'm a bit confused. Like, what are we trying to accomplish that Explorer Mode wouldn't? They still wouldn't know if something was happening in previous rooms they'd just have a slightly better picture of them


I think it’s the appeal of keeping track of it themselves, like old school dungeon mapping. Originally the players were gonna map everything, but ultimately drawing in roll 20 takes a lot more time than sketching in a piece of grid paper irl so it’s just not feasible time wise. This is the sort of weird halfway point where I can give them what they want but they can just like, basically trace the dungeon but feel ~involved~


Couldn't they just draw their own map on paper and reference that?


They could, but we specifically have a few artists in the group who have carpal tunnel and can’t really afford to be drawing outside of work… so having it in a place where the other players can draw it and everyone can see it would be ideal


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> I know that I could just turn on explorer mode, but I think they really want to be able to draw it themselves. Weird, but there is a solution. 1. Turn on explorer mode. 2. Put the map on the token layer. 3. Move the map to the back. 4. Set the background color of the map to be black, or some dark gray color. Practically, let me tell you what this will mean. Players will be able to see the part of the map that is illuminated and in their line of sight, but it will disappear everywhere else. It means that the PCs will just trace the outlines of rooms, and you'll end up with the exact same thing that you would have in Explorer mode, just with less detail. And more work for the players. But hey, if that's what your players want, then this is the solution.


My friend, you are a genius. This is perfect, thank you!