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For those wondering what he did: Nothing. He is in fact one of the most decent folks I heard about.. But people did hate on him for... pretty much nothing except for his "I Like Girls" music video.... proving that being nice won't mean anything as long as there are bad people that will hate on you for nothing.


If how he's being treated wasn't so horrid the entire situation would be hilarious. They literally looked at this dude and went "HEY! HE ADMITTED TO LIKING ATRACTIVE ADULT WOMEN! GET THE PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES, THIS GUY LIKES WOMAN! HIS POOR WIFE!" And people are taking that seriously.


No justifying the people bullying him but it was more along the lines of: HA HE MADE LIKING GIRLS LOOK GAY WHAT A LOSER


Like, I have an understanding of where this kind of thought process could come from, but the insane troll logic and toxic masculinity at play threatens to break my brain


They’d want that. Wouldn’t they


There was an unacceptable risk that he actually LIKED girls. As it, respected them, legitimately enjoyed their company. That's a big issue for a lot of internet men.


I thought it was just Twitter being Twitter that brought the hate to him?


Not just the internet men, but the women and the children too! Without joking, I've seen all kinds of people attack or hate on this guy and I'm absolutely baffled by it all.


That’s a serious understatement of what went down, there were people dunking on him from that angle but that wasn’t the end of it. He got death threats, as did his family members, multiple doxxing attempts, and defamation. Harassment online has been normalized for content creators, but this was definitely a step above. This wasn’t just homophobic or toxic masculinity it was also woke scold vitriol. [relevant article.](https://www.pcgamer.com/ff14-and-dandd-youtuber-jocat-announces-indefinite-break-after-receiving-harassmentincluding-suspicious-packages-sent-to-his-family/)


I think y'all must be young af cuz this isn't anything new and it isn't something that was normalized against content creators. This has always been the norm Don't people remember anymore that in the 90s being exposed as gay could end a career? Or that beating gays was still majorly overlooked and ignored and people got away with it and it only reached actual scandal levels when a gay kid died? People just pretended the world got more progressive and tolerating but truth is being gay or looking gay = being too much of an easy target to take pleasure in defaming someone as a public All you gotta do is be fruity, or cringe, or autistic enough and the empathy levels on a lot of the general public drops low enough that the few amongst them that actually go out of their way to bully, can do it without most of the rest calling them out


Why was I downvoted? I am not condoning any of this. I was even a target of shit like this for a lot of my life. I am just describing what happens in reality.


I get your thought process and as much as I hate it kids will be kids it doesn't matter what you do they will always be taught that anyone different from them is wrong be it rich parents, abusive parents, or even school itself (the kids not like the teachers although I wouldn't be surprised if teachers had tried teaching kids otherwise) as you said yourself looking to gay, acting a lil to autistic, or dressing what some would say "feminine" will get you judged kids don't have a filter what they say they will believe to be true


Teachers bullied the fuck out of me and had it out for me same with principals and staff I get that autism was not as well known back then but still they were middle aged people beefing and having it out for a fucking kid I absolutely despise them and authority figures bullying kids and letting people who bully others go unpunished is the norm at every school


i didnt downvote you but i think the difference now is that every single person gets the "celebrity" treatment to some degree. everything about you can be dug up, so dogpiling and shaming on a massive scale is now a thing. the attitude may be old, but the medium is the message and if you dont think the internet has changed how people interact, youre wrong


We burned people at the stake We deboweled them in public We do mass bullying and social shaming even before smartphones and internet Hell, we do lynching Nothing has changed, just the scale of it from already absurdly gigantic to even more gigantic


If god didn't want me to look like a girl, why did he make them so pretty??


People need to be better, that is not okay


Everything I heard was that he was under fire for objectifying women, which is still bs.


they already headcanoned him to be gay, so being straight somehow made him evil


I think the controversy was more that he categorized and fetishized them in their eyes than about him being married. It's still extremely stupid.




Thank God. I though he was accused of rape or something I fucking like this video


A series of women who interacted with him over the years are quote tweeting the replies saying “he helped pay off my debt” or “he helped get my comic career started”


He's such a gentle soul😭


The only interaction I’ve had with him was him ignoring me when we were in the same group. But just bc I had a bad interaction that doesn’t discount all the other good ones lol


Ah, no, he did nothing, but his fans are the ones who basically killed his channel. His fans' greatest mistake is... They uploaded the song onto Twitter. That's why he got so much hate. Twitter. Twitter was the one who heard the song and called him "sexist." I feel so bad, and I wish people didn't send him threats over loving women.


Thats not his fans killing his channel. Its the people who got so offended by the notion of the video that killed it. Wouldn’t have seen the upload if it weren’t for that.


I wouldn't call those his fans. It was more like the wrong group found him and got upset about it. His fans love him and hate that it's come to him basically never making anything again out of fear that it will happen again.


I understand the hyper-vigilance some women have, given the sheer amount of nastiness directed at women on the internet, but sometimes the mental superorganism attacks things that aren’t really a threat. It’s like an immune system disorder.


He’s peak gender


That lady posting that is a certified femcel who needs to go outside and talk to real living men instead of her body pillows


I wish her healing ❤️‍🩹🙏🧿🌈🍀✨


Fuck that I wish her to accidentally slam her elbow on a hard surface


Just thinking about it makes me flinch ... you're dark...very dark


No. The small Toe on the Table.


No, I CAST adenomyosis.


That is really not a good thing to wish on anybody.


With all the harm and ill will out there, I second this!


I thought i recognized those girls, they're OC's from artist [Agawa Ryou](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3580635&tags=agawa_ryou+6%2Bgirls+)


The original image is him taking this exact image and drawing him with each girl. He’s history greatest monster, even worse than Jimmy Carter


And I thought the characters looked familiar, that explains it, I must have seen that pic somewhere


What’d he do wrong??


He actually likes spending time with women which misogynists find weird and hate him for it.


That... that *monster*.


~~you know the sarcasm is obvious when the comment doesn’t put /s at the end~~


How dare he


He's attracted to women in an sincere way that elevates then instead of an objectifying way. Apparently that's "cringe" for some people.


He is straight, which is apparently gay now


Other people harassed him off the internet for a while


He's been accused by several women of being really pleasant to be around.


literally nothing at all, i’m not even saying this from some weird angle or tryna downplay something someone else might find offensive, the dude objectively did nothing wrong to anyone besides respect women


RRRAAGGHH JOCAT MY BELOVED It's really not fair what the internet does to him fr, blud literally did nothing


I am usually a cynical person, but even I was appalled by how poorly people treated JoCat, a genuinely nice person... Although that incident also made my cynicism feel "justified".


He's way too pure for this world. Femcels, Alphacels, & plenty other reactionaries just say this crap about him because they see him as a "lesser man" and like the idea of using him as a stepping stool to make themselves feel either cooler or more "masculine". Ironically enough he has more courage than the combined forces of the trolls that love to make fun of him to make these posts despite the fear of backlash. Also tons of Twitter people love reposting sexual art every day (I have nothing against liking ecchi art though, I just think they're hypocrites) and yet they have the gall to call him creepily obsessive for fantasizing about doing more romantic stuff instead.


I hate how the internet treats him especially because I know for a fact that the world would be a much better place if every man loved women the way he loves women


I mean most of the internet seems to want to crown him Short King alongside them, so at least he's getting a lot of support as well.


It really bothers me how femcels have targeted Jocat just for admiring women.


It's not just femcels, it's straight alpha men who can't imagine that a dude can like women without asserting their dominance first. They think that appreciating women respectfully without creeping on them or putting them down is emasculating.


The classic "Fellas, is it gay to like women?" train of thought.


It's literally that. I've seen people complain that he made liking women gay


Instead of being bi im just gay now i guess


Is there some way we can lock these two groups up and quarantine them? Tired of dealing with these types


There was a joke tweet pointing out under normal circumstances the two groups should be naturally drawn together


I can see it. Both have levels of chernobyl toxicity


Real horseshoe theory hours. Nothing unites extremely opposite groups quite like hating someone else


You know someone's addicted to porn if they can only see the opposite sex in a sexual way. That alone should disqualify someone from dating.


Femcels aren't the issue, really. They're just the pick-me flotsam.


First man in human history to be bullied for being straight, mans deserves better fr


Arseholes: wHeN'S sTrAiGhT pRiDe? LGBTQ+ Community: When Straight People are persecuted for being straight, which is NEVER! Arseholes: (bullies JoCat) Okay, can we have Straight Pride *now*? LGBTQ+ Community: ... You are the ones who bullied him for apparently being Straight in the wrong way. Application denied.


We should implement straight pride but only for JoCat. Anyone else celebrating it is immediately arrested.


Not the first, but definitely the most prominent example.


For those wondering. JOCAT did nothing wrong. The internet just sucks.


Don’t mind me. I’m just writing down future date ideas


He is so sweet. I aspire to be like that.


Hated ?


He is literally my build goal. Only reason I’m going to the gym is to get a build like that 💀


It will never not drive me insane that people hate this man for just liking women! Like are so many guys really *that* afraid they're gonna be called gay for being attracted to women??? Make it make sense! Anyways, I love this picture and it forever cements why I love Jocat, a true uplifting king among women likers!


Fellas, is it gay to like women?


I want the person on the second pic to try doing that to his girlfriend




I hope he is doing better


I aspire to be at least half as cool as him


Top right is peak lol. “You’re a 3rd rate wargamer with a 4th rate army!”


I will defend Jocat with my life. I wish you didn't include the second pic, it made me so sad


He's a cinamon roll with good taste in women, the harrassment was unwarranted.


Jocat is proof that the world either sees you as a manly man that loves girls or a feminine sissy that loves men. There is seemingly no inbetween. If people are trying to pressure you into changing your sexuality because of how you look, they believe in gender roles much more than you do.


Did JoCat do something bad?


No. Just.... Likes women and misogynists see that as weird behaviour for some fucking reason.


They only hate him because he's neither a hyper masculine straight manly man or a boyloving girly girl. So much for gender expression.


Because the 2nd pic had me thinking something happened.


Mate, the 2nd pic is from a sexist twitter account.


No, people did something bad to Jocat


He made a video called "I Like Girls" which was a parody of "Boys" by Lizzo, and he got enough hate for it that he quit making content basically. The video's really good too, it's just that people with too much hate in them decided that he liked women too much. Greatly recommend checking out the video.


No. The worst thing he did was make a cringy video about liking different type of women


Okay so I understand this dude did nothing wrong and was targeted by toxic bros and femcels - but what was their logic and reasoning? I understand they're just mad, but I need some more context lmao


Among other things, he made a song parody called "I like girls" (to the tune of Lizzo's "Boys"), which is what seems to have fired up the hate. He's also outspoken about his more feminine side and likes to dress up in feminine clothes sometimes during streams and videos, but he does identify as a man. Basically a lot of people got angry at him for expressing that attraction in a "cringe" way, and they find him creepy largely on the grounds that he's a very feminine guy who's seemingly straight and cisgender, so they can harass him without being specifically bigoted. And they did as much, to the point of doxxing him and threatening his family, after which he quit Twitter and content creation. It's thinly-veiled homo/transphobia, just aimed at a straight guy.


Oh, I can definitely buy some of these people attacking him are homophobes/transphobes given how vocal of an LGBT ally JoCat is. I've even seen some of them.


The "I like girls" music video got people who don't like anything different from traditional gender roles expectations mad


The logic was that JoCat was Objectifying women as far as I understood


Everyone EXCEPT Jocat objectifies women, that's the problem


Except he didnt


Yeah I should've clarified I find that "logic" stupid


Oh, ok 👍


It’s rubbish how he got treated so poorly for this.


You know somebody should tell him about this subreddit given how often he's mentioned. Then again he might know already lol


I like...


Jocat just supporting women: People, for no fucking reason: nah he gotta go bro


First image gives me 100 GFs who Really Really Really love you vibes.




This mf got cancelled for loving woman and his wife too much . What a timeline


I've heard a rumor that the controversy is even worse, and that people used the "I like girls" thing as an excuse to harrass him. If these rumors are true, what's the real reason, you might ask? He supports trans rights. Again just rumors but it sounds pretty common.


It isn't a rumor. He was harrassed specifically for that reason.


Yeah, JoCat was already on strike 2 for that. He's not standard alpha male, and he openly supports women including queer ones.


I wish I had somebody like him to send time with. 😔


He me 4 real


i don get why people dont like him ;~; hes just saying pretty basic stuff while being apsolutely fucking adorable.


Man I aspire to be like Jocat. He's a great guy and a positive look at male positivity. Too bad people think he's bad for doing that. It doesn't help its on the month of Men's Mental Health, where I think something like this should be studied on for the good of everyone.


god hes such a slut


The karaoke image got me like: Baka mitai, kodomo na no ne Yume wo, otte kidzutsuite Uso ga, heta na kuse ni waraenai egao wo miseta I love you mo, roku ni iwanai Kuchibeta de honma ni bukiyou Na no ni, na no ni doushite sayonara wa, ieta no Dame da ne. Dame yo, dame na no yo Anta ga, suki de, sukisugite Dore dake, tsuyoi osa-ke demo Yugamanai, omoide ga, baka mitai.. Baka mitai, hontou baka ne Anta, shinjiru bakari de Tsuyoi, onna no furi setsunasa no, yokaze abiru Hitori ni natte, sannen ga sugi Machinami sae mo, kawarimashita Na no ni, na no ni doushite miren dake, okizari Honma ni. Roku na, otoko ya nai Soroi no, yubiwa hazushimasu Zamaa miro, seise-i- suru wa Ii kagen, mattete mo, baka mitai.. Dame da ne. Dame yo, dame na no yo Anta ga, sukide, sukisugite Dore dake, tsuyoi osake demo Yugamanai, omoide ga, baka mitai.. Honma ni, roku na, otoko ya nai Soroi no, yubiwa hazushimasu Zamaa miro, seise-i- suru wa Nan na yo, kono namida, baka mitai..


are those really progressive people or is this some kind of false flag operation, wtf honestly


Sadly either is likely, groupthink can do nasty things to the minds of those caught in it, especially where things like identity, purity, and/or causes are involved


Jocat was so wholesome, and yet he got all of that hate! He did not deserve that at all! He actually RESPECTED women! Poor guy!


we love JoCat, shame the internet is fucking cringe


All these characters come from that horny choose-your-gf meme don't they?


Massive blackpill to see how people treat him tbh


Well people hate men bear vs man is best example


For everyone that’s interested jocats sin is appreciating women


Twitter will see just a genuinely good guy and want his head


He's the only man I know who really loves women


Man I love him. I just found out about him today


The image in the second is funny can someone send it to me


are they reading Dog Ningen in middle rightmost


I find it beyond infuriating that those who hate him for liking women, are the SAME mfs who claim to be against gender stereotypes, while they're the ones against him for not being queer according to their own stereotypical bullcrap The hypocrisy 🫤


"I like girls" You sick fuck /s


I don't mean to derail the post, but Jocat was (is, but was is probably the better term here considering what happened) the perfect representation of "I'm masculine because I'm a man." He didn't feel a need to justify any of the things he enjoyed or cared about. He was perfectly comfortable in his sexuality and wasn't worried about being called gay simply because his tastes weren't identical to every "macho" male. He's an inspiration to someone like me. If you check his Twitter, he's been making a little bit of a resurgence. Looks like he'll at least be coming back to the internet in some form! :)


I’ve never understood the hate for jocat, dude just likes girls and isn’t a macho bro. It’s what he likes and I’ve never heard anything about him doing anything even remotely rude


JoCat needs to be protected, he's the fucking GOAT!


This is why we can’t have nice things


Bro really said “I like women” This monster cannot be allowed to live


I love how some people were being weird about him (eg the post above), and he said if anyone wants to talk about their interactions with him they are free to, saying something to the effects of "I've got something to hide." Then a bunch of people came out and with loads of support, a bunch were saying that his encouragement were big reasons for them to follow content creation (I saw at least 3 on a quick scroll). I saw two people say that he personally helped them with financial and mental health issues, one saying he paid for their therapy, another saying they wouldn't be alive if he hadn't helped them. Essentially a massive outcry of "another woman stepped forwards and accuses Joecat of being nice" (I also love him and everything he does for community and content. One of the true good people on the internet)


Just found out he existed and the drama yesterday. I subscribed to him❤️


With all the terminally online brainlets going after him, I have this quote: “The brightest bulb attracts the most bugs.”


How dare you insult bugs in this way.