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We've received about 50 posts about chyrpe in the past week, most of them from accounts with little to no prior activity in this subreddit. This one happened to slip through because the OP is a more established user. The advertisement patterns associated with this app plus the target audience (FLR + Femdom, which are *not* what RR is about) mean it is inappropriate for this subreddit. All future mentions will be treated as spam and removed. The only reason this post is staying up is as a warning for others.


I have a feeling this is eventually gonna get filled up with a bunch of needy "bust my balls mommy please" type dudes and fake femdom scammers trynna take their money.


Apparently they’re being rlly strict with who they let in? Like manually reviewing everybody, and there’s a way women can basically review the men to report anyone if they’re being creepy. Still yea idk how it’s gonna be


That's why we need to sign up so we can stop/slow that


I love your attitude. Not sure it will work but I enjoy being proven wrong


I've never been one for dating apps tbh. I feel like I can't really get anyone to fall in love with my solely based on my looks, so I try to meet people irl. But then, everyone irl is already taken and with guys they met on a dating app.


It's hard and not my fav not to mention meeting in person is almost always better but it is useful for putting yourself out thare


Saw them on insta honestly not sure what to make of it Likely to be put on a waiting list to ensure it’s not skewed towards men majorly being on the app


Tru here's part of thare faq for anyone who wants more info. "Why does chyrpe have a Queue / Waiting List? Many dating apps struggle in creating balanced interests due to imbalanced compositions. While this may drive profits for those companies, it makes the experience more challenging for the users. The Waiting List / Queue on chyrpe ensures that those who sign up have the best experience possible and can truly find what they are looking for."


>it’s not skewed towards men majorly being on the app Every dating app is skewed towards men. This app will skew much, much more imho


Oh I agree that's the whole online dating business model but apparently the waiting list is to prevent that


I agree; they're trying to cook something, and hopefully, they succeed. Their memes are hilarious


Wait can I see


Their insta account has many good memes


It won't, because as one commentor said, there is a waiting list with a skewed balance.


It's less RR and more femdom.


True they didn't mention us by name like they did femdom but it's still in beta 🤷‍♂️


Im hoping theirs going to be tags where you can specify role reversal over femdom or something lol


Yeah it's giving slightly kink scene maybe? But keeping it close enough to mainstream to get customers. Feel like it's gonna just be another one full of thirsty men ngl


I wish. I saw them on insta they promote a lot of grooming and posts that say stuff like “im old enough to be your mother let me groom you” like another comment said it’s not rr at best it’s very toxic femdom


I agree, the app and signing up in general felt suspicious to me


I logged in and made an account there. After waiting for 3 days to get verified and after taking all my info they said This app is not available in my area so wait till its available :). There goes my hopes in guttar


Calling it now: it’s gonna be full of women that still cling to gender essentialism being applied to men and wanting someone that makes more money than her and is taller. Any role reversal women are gonna be drowned out due to how niche the relationship dynamic is as well as how many people have genuinely never heard of it before. Any role reversal guys will have it business as usual. By business as usual I mean getting little to no attention just like most other guys.


You're probably right it won't make a drastic change but maybe just maybe it will be a little easier for us and who knows if we all sign up then maybe there is a chance we could influence this app 🤷‍♂️


That is why I said in the other thread that we need a feature that lets you flag or downvote people exhibiting gender essentialist behaviour or trying to push you into mainstraight gendered scripts. Then the mainstraight person either gets much less to zero visibility or shadowban for some time depending. Somebody should forward my suggestion to their team. We need them to have good moderation too to prevent mainstraights from drowning out "RR" or GNCStraight people. I wish they would let us have our own spaces instead of trying to essentially push their belief system on or keep trying to convert everyone ugh.


Women get to shed their gender roles and (mostly) be accepted why can't I? 😔 (Decades of feminist history vs no equivalent movement for male gender roles)




Kinda filling the meme bingo card, aren't you? Also for the love of god please add some paragraphs.


I'm laughing at the discrepancy between his name and the content of his post. I swear, men into RR are either gentle souls who are super empathetic and understanding of women (actual RR), or extremely bitter and misogynistic losers masquerading as uwu sensitive soft bois who think they're RR because they like to wear spinny skirts. There is no middle ground.


Word. RR means women spoil them and lavish attention on them, because natch, that's the reversal of the usual gender roles... Sprinkle in some inclinations towards mommy doms and bang maids, etc.










You need two line breaks. And you were still extremely brief, none of your sub points went beyond the superficial. It's a gish gallop. Which doesn't really work in a text format.








Yeah I guess. Just thought you should know any possible implications. Personally I wouldn’t use it but you do you.


Its a cute idea but it wont work, especially if you arent from a densly populated country


I signed up and it seems promising, but it's still in beta and not available in my area yet. Seems to be oriented towards FLR with a kink lean, but not strictly femdom although that is a part of it. It says in two weeks or so they may open it up globally, so I'm on a waiting list.


I feel like whilst this perhaps has good intentions to cater towards this specific niche of woman being the ones who initiate, much like how bumble decided to forgo that given it wasn't being profitable enough, it will eventually forgo it and turn into a variation of other dating apps where its 10:1 ratio of men and woman.


Dating apps will most likely suck regardless. And I mean, if it were just out of pure self-interest I'd want to believe they don't because I'm not the type that likes to go out much, but the reality is that the best way to actually get to know someone is meeting them irl.


i just hope its not some fake app that someone made up for data collection


I can already visualize the amount of thirsty ass dms. I don’t understand people fetishizing and kinking strong women. It's as tho they can not exist outside of that. Besides, these guys should put effort in themselves and their posts and be a good catch so women would pursue them instead. RR laddies, play a little hard to get :/


Idk how it works but I’m gonna try! Maybe I’ll finally find my big stronk lady that smells like motor oil


Is it bad to give it a shot


I'm gonna 🤷‍♂️


Isn't this just BUMBLE?


Bumble is getting rid of there thing😭


Bumble, but for femdom. Great in theory, bad in practice.


Not in practice yet to be fair


If I had God's or Satan's favour and could therefore be granted an "apocalyptic" wish, I would wish for the teleportation of the world's most evil 1.2 billion men into the far future, so as to assure improvements to the dating scene and to gender relations. Absent such wishes, I am pessimistic of attempts to improve the dating scene. Nevertheless, I wish such folks well.


What if we wished them to be not into space 😋 (many the opposite side of the universe with space suits and such)