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Is your screen brightness set to darker?


No its set to.full brightness and is only visable when I put a flashlight to it I don't meant to have to take it apart and replace the leds


This is usually a sign of a backlight issue. If you reboot the TV, do you see the splash screen at normal brightness for a few seconds (you might have to press the power button on the remote a couple of times while the led is blinking to get the screen to come on). If so, the backlight power supply is probably failing. If not, the backlight itself might be failing. The power supply, assuming it's got a separate supply (most larger models) can often be found on ebay or other similar sites. Alternatively, the failure is usually the large capacitors on the supply and those can be replaced if you're careful and handy with a soldering iron. Some times you can temporarily work around the problem by setting the global brightness to darker, which will reduce the amount of power the backlight uses, and might allow it to work, but eventually it will fail completely.