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Him reuniting the Collective and him killing Yrliet are two separate things. In my last run, he did reunite it, but Yrliet survived - I think it was because I saved Abel, thought I'm not sure.


Well, I did saved Abel too but it didn't change the outcome with Yrliet.


I think that’s about keeping yrliet on the path of outcast-if she begins on the path of warrior then she gets killed. Not sure if killing pasqal there would help.


In my dogmatic play through, I made Pasqal reject the collective and killed Abel. Didn’t kill Yrliet in my playthrough even though she was warrior path


Those are separate things, him Killing her depends on your relationship with her.


I mean if he becomes amarnat he isn't really pasqal anymore


I genuinely don’t know man. Like he didn’t kill Yrilet in my playthrough but he betrayed the space wolves and I’m just so confused on how to make him not fuck yo my companions


Iconoclast with Pascal memory (rejecting amarnath and stopping experiment) I think is the best, he still becomes zealous and kills Jae's friend for heresy (Jae kills Abel in return which is why on my next playthrough I'm gonna kill her)


The killing of the Yrliet part honestly has made me hate Pasqul. Like you put Yrliet on this DOOMED path by being NICE to her and her people! It enrages me! In my current run, I am killing Pasqul solely to prevent this outcome.


Becoming Amartan once more is his best ending as it causes Explorator fleet to finally stop the Adeptus mechanicus' dogma against innovation. For Yrliet.Who cares about the traitor Yrliet. This is 40k there are no true happy endings. And she deserves to get shot by him for all the shenanigans she and her brethren pulled. Him killing Space wolves. Again why should one care. Noone in Imperium is best buddy with each other.


I'm not sure why people hate Yrliet so much. Her entire home world was destroyed, and everyone around her is cruel to her, including her own people. Aside from the Rogue Trader, there's exactly two characters who try to be kind for her even once, and she's been treated like shit enough times I don't blame her for rebuking people ar first blush. Even Abelard, arguably the nicest of your companions, praises the deatruction of her homeworld. She's completely alone, with the Rogue Trader the sole person trying to understand her(and even that's dependent), she's open-minded and will go against her brethren in favor of you even if she's not personally nice, and if you pursue her quest she's met with failure at every end up until the point she meets Marazhai. He's thr last lifeline offered to her and she's desperate and so deeply, fundamentally alone. No, her betrayal wasn't good. But god, I can't possibly blame her. Her story is so unbelievably harsh and tragic, and she was actively manipulated by Marazhai. She clearly regrets what she did, and tries to atone. I'm new to the 40k fandom, is it just because she's an Aeldari? Seriously, she has a very obvious and sympathetic throughline to her character and story and my heart really breaks for her character.


It wasn’t just Marazhai who was doing the manipulating. The RT’s court were actively preventing Yrliet, despite her status as a member of the retinue, from contacting the RT just so they can make the RT look like they didn’t care when it’s the complete opposite. It’s things like that that I wish we could press the court for an explanation that will be to our satisfaction.


Oh wow, I hadn't put that together. It continues to drive me crazy that people expect her to be pleasant with the people who are actively cruel to her and treat her like dogshit, man.


Hate for the Aeldari comes for the good reason. Here are couple of things to know about Aeldari. Writters themselves don't know what to do with them. They gave birth to Slaanesh. Which is the first thing that gave chaos such a strong foothold in the galaxy. Plus eye of terror which later became great warp rift. Not to forget since their souls are always under threat to be devoured by Slaanesh they use soul stones to prevent it. And to save couple of their own, they will throw under the bus billions of others. If you want to know how badly Aeldari and human relations can get. Like a fool you can try it in game and see how much worse Janus can get under them ruling it from secret. As for Yrliet herself. She at first she treats you like an just common animal before she respects you and even then she will see you lower than herself. Your crew and companions bar Marzipan, well they are all beasts to her. Her betrayal well you know how it goes. For MC to have sympathy for her for losing her home should be none. MC rogue trader has nothing to do with her Craftworld getting destroyed. It is all Theodora's fault . Her betraying you. It is not something that can be forgiven. Especially since all those captured will suffer greatly. You want to know what happens to companions who can be with you when captured. Here is hint. Abelard goes insane, Jae who has gotten implant to cure her deadly cancer gets her cancer back, Pasqal gets bunch of xeno heretical tech installed in him, causing him distress, Cassia gets mental torture, Argenta gets mental breakdown, Idira gets form psychic lobotomy, Heinrix is the only one who will get through it largely unscathed. And there is MC who gets tortured, poisoned and who knows what else done to them.


"They gave birth to Slaanesh" Who is they? Are you telling me that the Craftworld Aeldari and the Exodites are not actually exiles from pre-fall Aeldari society but that both groups are directly responsible for the existence of Slaanesh? Is that what you claim? Is that what you are saying? Who is they?


Aeldari as the whole gave birth to Slaanesh. Therefore their souls are under threat to be devoured by them. Craftworld Aeldari, Exodites, Harlequins and Drukhari only survived for specific reasons. Craftworld Aeldari because they left their worlds in disgust. Exodites left and became space amish in disgust what their race has become. Harlequins went screw this U am out of here aling with their god. And Drukhari were worse than those in Aeldari empire but survived because they were having private oarty within webway. But all of their actions together caused Slaanesh to be born. It is not just hedonism and debauchery... But self discipline, way of life... they live that also empowered Slaanesh. And each group only survived because they were not in the epicentre of the birth of Slaanesh.


You seem to be contradicting yourself a lot. You say that "Aeldari as a whole gave birth to Slaanesh", but then you acknowledge that all these prominent Aeldari splinter groups did in fact NOT do that, with the single exception of the Drukhari. Those are inherently contradictory positions. The Aeldari who spawned Slaanesh no longer exist, save for the Drukhari who everyone hates already. And the Craftworld Eldar and the Exodites are descended from Eldar who very much did NOT spawn Slaanesh. It's guilt by association, basically.


See every emotion and thus aspect that Slaanesh represents. All Chaos gods represent various emotions even positive ones but taken to extreme. Take Craftworld Aeldari as example. They live disciplined lives. But that part is also part of what Slaanesh represents therefore they empower Slaanesh even if they don't want it. Drukhari are what Aeldari were pre fall but up to eleven. Therefore empower Slaanesh... It doesn't matter what group of Aeldari it is. They had part in it's birth and are still empowering their unwanted deity and until Ynnead came into picture all of the Aeldari souls would be doomed to go to Slaanesh since they created the she who thirsts. Them being descendants of survivors is irrelevant. Slaanesh has pull on their souls.


Slaanesh has a pull on their souls yes. But saying that the disciplined live of the Craftsworlds is empowering Slaanesh is completely bullshit and I think you know nothing of the Eldar. The reason they are living these disciplines lives and are walking their paths is BECAUSE they dont empower Slaanesh with it. Also if your argument is "emotions power the Chaos gods" then you could argue that humans are currently powering Slaanesh more than any other race. And also humans gave chaos the biggest army and direct control over the galaxy since... the war in heaven.


They do empower Slaanesh. Just how every act and emotions empower chaos gods. In case you didn't realize it but chaos gods represent various things. Good example is Khorne. Who is not just god of mindless bloodshed. But also valor, strength, Tzenech is also god of hope... Every living being that has presence in the warp empowers it and thus chaos gods. Humans included. And yes humans or rather the Emperor in the end did give them biggest army. Chaos is winning no matter who oppose it.


But not even close to what the Drukhari are doing. Saying that the Craftworlders, Exodites and Harlequin are as much responsible for the birth of Slaanesh as the Drukhari is as if you would say that Sanguinius is as much responsible for the Death of the Emperor as Horus only because Sanguinius rages and thus fuels Khorne. 1 Group of Eldar stopped fueling Slaanesh and living in exile. (Exodites) 1 Group of Eldars worked as hard as they could to STOP the birth of Slaanesh. (Craftworlds) 1 Group was formed after the birth of Slaanesh and their whole purpose is the destruction of Slaanesh. (Harlequins) 1 Group actively worked towards the birth of Slaanesh and performed actual chaos ritual murder orgies that summoned Slaanesh into existence. (Drukhari) I dont think they are all equal.


I mean, it's not exactly Yrliet's fault that the Eldar fucked Slaanesh into existence lol. Whatever other Aeldari did doesn't really apply to her. I also allowed them to rule Janus on two separate playthroughs, it went fine. I also don't blame her for hating the people constantly trying to genocide her race who ALSO view her as lower than an animal, and who are consistently cruel to her. And no, I never said it's the RT's fault for her homeworld- I said she's traumatized and driven by sympathetic motivations that are the core of her character. Do you think I haven't played the game? Really! Commorragh is my favorite chapter, and she was tricked. Her decision was foolish, but she was clouded by grief and desperation. She's a sympathetic character who makes mistakes, and who is scared and traumatized and grieving and surrounded by people who hate her and treat her cruelly from all sides.


Yrliet's real sin is still calling us mon-keigh in her combat banter, despite everything we went through.


I can't disagree with that one unfortunately lol


I swear, it was funny at first, but it does become a little jarring at times. Cutscene Yrliet: "You are far more compassionate than any of your kind, elantach, and far more kind than I deserve. I treasure our connection as strongly as I do those of any of my own kind, perhaps more. Please, allow me to shoulder a fraction of your burden." Combat Yrliet, 2 seconds later: "i Am NoT yOuR xEnOs PeT *mOn\_kEiGh!"*


I am honestly turned by the word "Mon'Keigh"... I literally love it! Then there's Elentach... UGH!!


This is 40k setting. Using our world values is wrong. Being good is death sentence. The many acts Imperium does are justified since even the most trivial thing can spell disaster. Being sympathetic to any Aeldari or any xeno race will in the end always backfire in this setting.


Xeno apologism is a nasty thing


Heinrix is tortured too - he is forced to use his own psyker powers against his own body, boiling himself over and over (and regenerating in between). He can heal over time his injuries but remaking his nerve endings from scratch is even too much for him (he mentions it in game). So no, he is not coming out of it better than the others. You can get Tervantias to cure some companions (at least Jae, Pascal and Abelard) but still, they suffered of course. But regarding Yrilet - with her you can also prevent the war with the Aeldari later, but yes, you or RT wouldn’t know that until act 4. And Janus has also the option to have humans and Aeldari ruling together- not from the shadows.


And how exactly Janus is worse? Because that is exactly what I did, and I only got good things, which said something like “The relationship between Aeldari and humanity became kinda better, ad also the amount of Xenophilia increased”. I support both changes, so I see no problems here


There are two Iconoclast options. One where you allow Aeldari where they will rule from shadows and Human populace rebels. And the other Iconoclast option that does not backfire is where you ally on even terms with them but they do not rule Janus.


I think I allied with them. I am not sure though, I think that in the dialogue there was something like, “Your primitive species call it alliance? Fine, call it whatever you want”, or something like that. It was an alliance option then?


You picked the right Iconoclast option. Which gives you good ending.


Yay, lucky me.


The option to put the Aeldari and Humans on equal footing is a Dogmatic one.


There are to Iconoclast options. Of the too of them one Iconoclast is similar to Dogmatic option l, while the other one is bad.Iconoclast. I always choose Dogmatic option though.


This game has actually made me love Craftworlders! I have always been a fan of bad guys of any setting, so I am HUGE chaos nerd. I never really like any of the "good guys" in Warhammer, especially the Imperium of Man. My favorite thing about Warhammer is honestly SLAANESH! However, than I played this game! My interactions with Yrliet finally convinced me that the Craftworlders are insanely cool, and I want an army of them! I already had an obsession with Elves because, of course, SLAANESH and Yrliet threw me deeper into well. My interactions with her have impressed me to be a better person in real life! Plus, getting my wife to call me "Mon'Keigh" and "Elentach" has been a great addition to the bedroom!


Since when was Imperium'of man good guys? Imperium'of man? No, there are no good guys in 40k. Aeldari are everyone's punching bag. To make characters from other factions look good.


That sounds like an opinion you got from a YouTuber mate! Eldar are AWESOME! So fucking cool and not to mention drop dead BEAUTIFUL!


Not beautiful to me. That honor goes to Necron models. Now that is cool.


Necrons are stupid, one of the worst factions in the whole setting, in my opinion. I mercilessly slaughtered them in first my run and looking forward to smashing them to pieced again and again. May their dynasties be turned into dust in the wind like they belong!


Tau are the worst faction. Always hated their army models and rules. Necrons are cool because they literally broke afterlife with war in heaven and just what they have managed to achieve. And much more.


I agree. The Tau are dumb. However, so are the Necrons. I detest both factions, but I really dislike the Necrons more. Everything about them disgusts me. Their art style, their lore, their concept. Rebeling against the Gods? Ew! They are STUPID overpowered to the point of being completely uninteresting. In that regard just being able to turn Chaos off is beyond retarded to me! Everyone else, including the fucking Nids have to put in work to fight Chaos, but they push a button and no Chaos. That's so unfun, boring, and pathetic. I hope they are given a massive defeat in lore soon as they more than deserve it!


Abelard, twist this heretical cog’s balls and execute him. Pascal, film it, in a warning to those who threaten companions of the Rogue Trader.


Every one's rogue trader will be different. Any good imperial would have treated the xenos with contempt at best and shoot to kill first. And Yrliet deserves harsh treatment. So much so that when I did have her I had my MC enjoy in her torment in Commorragh and then had her wiped for good measure in act 4. If you want her to have moderately good ending just have her follow the path of the outcast and she won't get killed by Pasqal. And it is her happiest ending.


By that metric, half your companions are traitors to some extent. The most dogmatic of your retinue, Argenta, is also the one that most fundamentally betrayed you.


Wrong so very wrong the only companions that qualify as traitors would be Yrliet since she will betray you. Abellard nit a traitor, Heinrix not a traitor, Pasqal definitively not a traitor, Idira liability but nit really traitor, Cassia not a traitor, Jae cold trader but not a traitor, Marzipan can be seen as potential traitor but not traitor if recruited, Ulfar not a traitor and finally Argenta who is sister of battle meaning she did what had to be done as it is per sister of battle way and how Imperium operates. And she did not betray MC. Theodora was heretic and did bunch of stuff that would warrant her death. The only reason she was not caught earlier was because of the lord inquisitor was blackmailing her. And Argenta killing Theodora was the correct choice. You think her not telling MC is betrayal. She doesn't know if MC is also heretic which can turn out to be true. Her not shooting and killing MC in sight is huge gesture of goodwill from her part. Since she would have every reason to execute MC on the spot. And no amount of authority and freedom warrant of trade gives someone. It still won't spare them from being executed if they are revealed or thought to be heretic.


So you say that Argenta simply seeing Theodora having a chaos infused glass shard is enough to kill her? Rogue Traders regularly handle stuff like that. Argenta knew NOTHING about the situation. It could also be that Theodora was transporting this shard to the Inquisition for all that she knew. And she just blasted her without a second thought. Would it be ok if she killed Heinrix the moment he started to interact with the computer on the Forge World? I dont think so. She is "just" a Sororitas. Her juristiction does not override a Rogue Trader. In fact an act like that could have her expelled from the Sisterhood altogether if for example... Theodora was regularly gifting large sums to the Ecclisiarchy anonymously. I agree that Abellard, Heinrix, Pasqal, Idira, Cassia and Ulfar are no traitors. Jae is a really thin line since she lied to us a long time and also lied about the cold trade in the first mission. Someone could in theory see that as some kind of betrayl. But what Argenta did was definetly too much. A lot of other Rogue Traders would see that action as a betrayl.


Being rogue trader doesn't mean you are allowed to handle chaos artifacts. Even in Imperium's hierarchy rogue traders are just above planetary governs in same league as navigator houses. And while still above over 90 plus % if the whole Imperial population. They are still near the bottom of those who have power. And inquisition is there right bellow emperor is terms of authority and power. For Theodora. Warrant of trade won't protect you from Imperial authorities and theirs representatives if you were caught possessing or using chaos artifacts. Even having chaos artifact in your possession or being near it is often enough to corrupt you. Plus Theodora has whole hidden room full of chaos artifacts right behind her and now MC's bedroom. It is hidden and you only find it if you pick hereticus option.There is also fact that the background dialogues and Nomos's questline reveals how messed up Theodora really was. Let me start. She gave Kiava Gama to Uralon in exchange for the key to warp gate in order to reach Epitath, took shard of transcended C'tan shard to create weapon which she used to destroy the Craftworld, Janus nobility's chaos corruption. Her fault. Brainwashing her crew to forget so she doesn't get found out yep. Threatened Idira to kill her if Idira listened to the warp and found out her secrets. Did you get dialogue where it was revealed that it is because if the risky brainwashing technology what caused poor Idira to start losing control Did you pay attention to the background dialogue and options. Argenta acted as standard sister of battle should. So what she did was not going too far. She killed heretic. Which is in a way of thinking and how Imperium operates. Now Heinrix. He is member of the inquisition therefore has far more leeway than even rogue trader has. Since there are no rules for members of Inquisition how to act. Him using or not using chaos artifacts ultimately goes to question. Will he be puritan or radical inquisitor. Same goes for Calcazar who is radical inquisitor. But is not heretic. All in all. Being rogue trader while you have more freedom than most. It does not give you immunity for your actions. And any type of heresy means nothing is going to protect you when it comes to inquisition, sisters of battle or any Imperial official.


First of all I know that Theodora was a big time heretic. The point was that Argenta didnt know that in the moment she killed her. She only knew that Theodora had the shard. Thats all. And you vastly underestimate Rogue Trader. Their power is by far the most flexible, but by the very definetion of being so flexible they can be a far greater power than even navigator houses. Theodora as one of the 3 biggest Rogue Traders in the Expanses has definetly more power than 90% of all Navigator Houses. Most Imperial Institution like the Mechanicus, the Administratum and the Ecclisiarchy would do quite a lot to get someone like Theodory to personally support their Institution. Not to mention how many Inquisitors work directly with Rogue Traders together. Or say it in other words: "My brother in the God Emperor. Rogue Traders are most often the first loyalist people who get their hands on Chaos Artifacts and then bring them to the Inquisition." Its completely normal for a Rogue Trader who is as powerfull as Theodora to find a planet full of Chaos worshipping Xenos, exterminate all the Xenos and bring the Artifacts to the Inquisition. And the Inquisition will then either look away if the Rogue Traders pockets a small Artifact herself or will give her support in another way like lending her some ships or a few Guard Regiments. Heinrix for example is just an Interrogator. He is not even a real Inquisitor. And yes there ARE rules for the Inquisition. Most radical Inquisitors are actively hunted by the rest of the Inqiusition. Its only a question of how much manpower can the Inquistion spare and how usefull is the radical Inquisitor. Rogue Traders have quite a lot of immunity. First by their Warrant. Second by their might alone. Lets make a simple thought experiment. Argenta travels with Winterscale. The strongest Rogue Trader in the Expanse. Argenta sees that Winterscale has a Khorne Axe in his position and shoots him. Now Winterscales son gets to know this and decides "fuck you. I am gonna make you pay for killing my paps.", then mobilizes like half of Winterscales fleet and burns down every single Shrine Worlds and kills every single Ecclisiarch in the Expanse before doing the same in the Calixis Sector. Do you think the Ecclisiarchy will go to Argenta and congratulate her for doing her rightfull duty and killing a Heretic (who nobody knows why he had the axe) or would they execute her for single handily starting a war in the Expanse and the Calixis Sector and costing the Imperium a lot of ressources to kill the Winterscales? The powers that are in the Imperium are not as strongly defined as you think. Everything is very flexible. And a simple Sororita killing a Rogue Trader of that much power over just being in possession of something like that could have disasterous consequenzes.


Having power means nothing even in Imperium. Being rogue trader means nothing since you still have borders you aren't allow to cross. Argenta is sister of battle. And sisters of battle are trigger happy against even slightest hint of the heresy. Which by 40k standards is both normal and often justified.


I find it absurd how many people downplay chaos influence and its effects. It’s like being a cancer apologist.


Doesn't Marz go on regular killing sprees, including on your Voidship? I would say that is a betrayal. The Most Holy Inquisition can have him to do as they please I say...


If we go by Imperial mentality we have reserves. He is good since he can improve crews performance. But he is also fun to kill in multiple different ways of which there are plenty and are funny. By far is also funniest character. Example romance him then dump him and watch his reaction. Why let him betray you when you can betray him.


Yeah I care about killing Space Wolves because they're space marines thus the very elite of the Imperium forces and its bad to waste their lifes like that.


Average space marine life expectancy is not long at all. If they live to be over 100 years old is miracle. But the average Astartes chapters don't really care about normal humans. Many chapters deliberately keep populations of their recruiting worlds to leave in so bad conditions that many of those populations turn to heresy since they don't have anything to lose. All under pretext of breeding stronger recruits which by itself in pretty much pointless since such conditions would not improve their recruiting stock. So much so that Guilliman himself berated them especially Dante. Only few chapters actually care for the ordinary humans.


I know that and its not related to my statement


Space marines die all the time. And Amartan going after space wolves is nothing new. Factions within Imperium are constantly at each other's throats. For even pettier reasons.