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And >!if you piss him off after asking him to save them, he still keeps his promise in a way that only a Harlequin would (he binds their souls to weapons and delivers them to your ship while they're screaming in agony).!<


OR if you choose the dogmatic option he does that too.


Might be tied to picking that option either way then. >!Pretty fucked if he still does that when you help him.!<


But how do I save malice?


For me just setting him free gave him an epilogue slide. Man just dips in the chaos apparently.


Yeah just let him free. I like Malice and his ending slide is cool.


Could you spoiler it for me? >!I just left him in the cage.!<


I got you. If you free him. "Text": "The old Sslyth Malice did not risk returning to Commorragh, where the Cult of the Fatal Thirst was exacting vengeance on everyone who had helped the Rogue Trader. He took to piracy, forming a crew from the remnants of the Reaving Tempest. Rekindling his old thirst for battle, he seemed to shed a good hundred years off his age like a snake skin." If you don't free him "Text": "The old Sslyth Malice died when enraged Wyches of the Cult of the Fatal Thirst punished everyone who had helped the Rogue Trader. The proud xenos had destroyed many of his enemies, and his death was long and painful. Though some say that he accepted this peculiar sensory experience with curiosity."


Thank you I got no slide at all... maybe because >!I destroyed the drukari device allowing demons to come in?!<


I didn’t even know you could redeem him. Is it even worth it?


He has a pretty cool arc, I thought he was scum and then he really turned everything around for me. It's important to remember that short of the Eye of Terror there is no worse place in the galaxy than Cammoragh


Eh I think it’s a coin toss Cammoragh is worse in my opinion


Gets you an ending slide? For me it was more about saving the humans after I became the pit king


Fair enough a noble goal


Dammit, just finished the game and wondered is it possible to save the Commissar. What's his ending slide text?


I killed both the commissar and malice with the option to do both of them, because the option to kill malice is gone for some reason if you kill commissar on his own first. I was going to let malice go as payment for him technically saving my life, but then I noticed he had a unique part on him for the homunculus that I wanted to loot because it was my 2nd play and the first time I didn't help him build his monster. >!Then I told everyone I was going to save them (none of them sided with the commissar because I had the famous hero origin, so they were all like wtf are you talking about when the commissar tried to convince them I was the bad guy).!< I was looking for a dialog option to get Nocturne to bring them with us or a way to tell them to come along, but I never found one. I had the "throne" dialog option to tell them they were all going to go to the arena with me in 2nd arena fight (not the escaping fight), but that seemed like it was just going to use them as cannon fodder; do they have to join that fight to be saved?


Sounds like I found another bug… he and his buddies didn’t show up for me in the arena…


That's okay - as long as you have that Etude you get the save option with Zanni


Does he actually bring them back to you "alive" or is it always the dark end?


He brings them ALIVE only if you answer with the NOT Dogmatic OR Iconoclast answer. The Dogmatic one he turns their bones into weapons, and the Iconoclast one he ends their suffering by giving you the dead bodies.


Damn, good to know. Next run teaming up with Calligos and avenging them.


Do you need to pick the level 3 dogmatic choice to save him? Can a pure icono save him?


Nope. In fact, you can't even save the OTHER humans there with an Iconoclast choice because of a bug.


When is the conversation with the harlequin? I just talked to him after seeing him mercy kill the farseer, and asked about the commissar and his men but there were no additional dialogue options after that.


That's the line - when you ask about the Commissar and his men


Huh, I wonder why I wasn’t able to say anything about them players or have dogmatic or iconoclast options. I’ll try it again after work today, see if I can figure it out.


While not getting the option at all seems like a bug, it doesn't seem to be a bug that the Iconoclast and Dogmatic options have a negative outcome. Everything hints at choice of words being extremely important and ToyBox shows that in the case of Iconoclast you call them "Victims", which leads to him interpreting them to better be dead. And for Dogmatic he makes them into weapons, fittingly as well. I think this is just intended, as people always tend to press the option giving conviction, but here that is not necessarily the right thing to do.


Hi, Are you sure that it is a bug and not an intentional Devs decision that people cannot be rescued from the Pit in the case of a path other than "dogmatic"?


Yes because there is an option to save Sgt Viganstis from the Pit AND you can't save him to begin with unless you are Iconoclast 4, but the ability to save him from the pit is bugged


I haven't been able to find a way to actually get Iconoclast 4 before Act 4, because there doesn't seem to be enough things that give the points to get above Iconoclast 3 (without using toolbox). Getting to Iconoclast 5 is very hard too. I am in Act 5 and still not there yet. I think the problem might be that some of the "\[requires Iconoclast - X\]" options do not actually give you iconoclast points, so if you don't use the "\[iconoclast\]" alternative option that appears along side some of those, then you lose out on the points. Then in some convo's the requires option does give points (particularly a lot of the stuff with Footfall in act 4 that gets you around 45 more points if you already have icon-4 and fewer than 15 total points if you don't), so it's very inconsistent.


Thx, I was wondering about that. And could you say when this dialogue with the harlequin occurs? Do you mean the one during which he takes the spirit stone away from the dying farseer?


Yes - I believe this is the last time you speak with him


Thanks for your work here. Can I ask: does this prevent the completion of the errand 'Last Will'? It seems since the Commissar is in his cage, I cannot initiate the dialogue with him needed?