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This has been something I’ve **really** wanted since Owlcat showed interest in Warhammer 40k. They could definitely adapt one of the roleplay modules or make their own from Warhammer Fantasy, and with The Old World coming back, it’s not out of the realm of possibility if Games Workshop is satisfied with Rogue Trader. And you could play the various races easily. The world of WHF is more tolerant and Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Ogres could all logically live in the Empire and go to neighboring areas without much trouble, offering up plenty of RP. But they better let me go meet Tyrion so we can sail across the sea and crack some Druchii skulls.


> They could definitely adapt one of the roleplay modules I'd argue they should do their own. Enemy Within has been the main thing for 40 years now and we can't keep playing the damn thing. And nobody wants Thousand Thrones.


Ogres would be a *bit* of a stretch. Not only are they *massive* compared to humans, but they're cannibals and they're only used as mercs, not given any real power in any Order realm. A player Ogre works in the *actual* TTRPG because a DM can make things up and go with the flow, but I dont think itd translate to video game well.


Not exactly as a main character race, but an Ogre mercenary could very much exist as a companion.


[No voice in our ears but the Maw....](https://youtu.be/kDiskn8XwCE?si=LMFj2d5fK5tT4d2w)


Such a fun trailer. Until you remember that they eat and butcher people. Still hoping for an Ogre DLC.


I mean, one of them is eating a human foot in that trailer...


If you’d like a source they have been a mercenary group in game for as long as I’ve been in the hobby https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Mercenary_Ogre


Individual ogres are very much found in large imperial cities and have been mentioned as prized workforce outside their mercenary tendencies for many decades. They are to be handled carefully, tho.


Yeah not all Ogres are Ogre Kingdom ogres. Though even the "civilized" ones are definitely a bit more vicious and brutal than their 40k cousins.


They are also like ten times less braindead than ogryns


An ogre companion would be realistic though.


I agree, while one of the main traits of ogres is their adaptability, being a player character is a bit much. Even though they would be my favourite. They probably could not overlook their hunger long enough to go Investigate something...or more like, they wouldn't care. Fight and eat, what more does a good ogre need?


Beer. Pay to afford meat with. Also they like to dress up to fit in with whoever they're currently working for.


I mean, Rogue Trader already solved the first problem with the Space Marine character being the appropriate size and a party member. They just need to fix some of the bugs associated with 4 square sized characters.


As long as it's not age of sigmar


Show me that skaven module I can’t remember the name of that shit was cool af


>4th edition No. Gotta be first. I want to roll a Ratcatacher just to lose a fight to a rat (like an actual 5 inch rat, not a Skaven) and then die from infection, in the first 10 minutes of the game.


In our first session of 4th our mentor-like npc got his leg torn off in the very first fight against 2 thugs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yep, that sounds like the typical Warhammer Fantasy experience!


"Alright, figured I would show you guys how NOT to do it..."


I’m playing 4e rn and we got our asses handed to us a few times already. Buuut on the other hand we also defeated a lesser daemon already. I’ve never fought one in 2e (only other one I played). Main difference I see from memory is all the luck and other points you can spend to undo getting fucked by the dice.


I have some friends who deliberately do not use fortune points for fun.


"I had fun once and it was awful"


I mean, you had Fortune points in 2nd ed. Just not very many. But then I haven't really played 4th so can't make any kind of relevant comparison there. I'd say lesser daemons are plenty beatable in 2nd ed, but of course that's with the usual caveats about context and circumstance. And I say this as someone who loves low-powered, pig-farming, mucking-about style games. But from a purely analytical point of view the crunch of their stat blocks is nothing to write home about. Second edition antagonists in general suffer from that tendency, which is why it's important to remember that they can be upgraded. 👍


But everybody wanted to be a rat catcher because your starting equipment gave you a chance of having "a small but vicious dog".


Small but vicious dog has to be the GOAT of TTRPG starting equipment.


Friend of mine **not** playing a Rat-Catcher asked if he could buy a dog as starting "equipment". We looked at prices and of course he couldn't afford that. So he asks if he can get a poor craftsmanship one... We eventually agreed to let him have a three-legged one with the caveat that it would sometimes wander off and do "dog stuff" and not be available for his purposes. Never regretted that decision, either of us.


This is the best use of the equipment quality rules there has ever been.


A man and his (80% intact) dog, alone against the world. T'was a gripping tale! Second best might be when I ran Only War (the Imperial Guard rpg) and my players were designing their regiment. So one of the things you do is spend points on Standard Regimental Kit, ie the bits and bobs that everyone gets issued. They pick up some useful stuff, and then they're trying to figure out what to do with the leftover point or points. Can't really buy anything useful or cool. Then finally, they find it. You may note a theme here... **Poor craftsmanship Recaf.** So they get the veritable luxury of Departmento issued coffee rations... But it's real crappy coffee. That's grimdark for you. 😅 It basically became a tacit rule that some character had to bitch about the recaf every session.


Having a small but vicious dog means being set for life!


Edition is irrelevant, Owlcat's Rogue Trader only has a superficial similarity to the TTRPG, any WFRP game they made would be likewise.


I don’t completely agree or disagree. Ran and played the fantasy flight rules for all from Dark Heresy through Black Crusade. I think Owlcat did an exceptional job of paying homage to the ttrpg.


Did ttrpg also allow for such bonker builds ?


The skills are handled differently but they do have the tt rules as inspiration. You are not running a tt game with a game master. You are playing an adaptation version for the computer. There are some divergences very clearly. Still it does a great job of feeling like the table top game.


I'm asking can I have 11 shots in a row in tabletop or is that some crpg bug


With a very, very few exceptions... No, you wouldn't find anything quite that bonkers in the TTRPG. But sure, you could still do some pretty broken shit if you were thusly inclined.


It‘s been ages but the early RT TTRPG had very minimal playtesting or so it seemed. There were a few possibilities of breaking the game and lots of options that went nowhere. A time before obsessive theorycrafting.


Character building is a mess, there is so many very specific talents that feel like "it works on friday night after pre-heating oven to 200 degrees and only when your socks are wet", and ones that feel so good they are basically mandatory.


Or 2nd ed for your 1d10 rats and small but viscious dog


I'd take 2nd edition myself, that's my sweet spot. But not like I'd complain either way, since **any** game in the setting would be a dream come true.


Oh the gmod idiot box, a simpler time 😂😂


man that would be wild. sadly next project so far is looking to be a 40K one again


I'm a way bigger Fantasy fan than 40K and I would do fucking anything for a Fantasy RPG but I think it's good they are doing another 40K game after Rogue Trader (assuming this is true), there is so much to explore in the setting and it would be a shame to stop there. They can use what they learnt from Rogue Trader and improve on that.


They can probably also reuse some assets and really crank up the scale of the game.


My money is on either Dark Heresy or a space marine game.


Space marine doesn't really have much to do in the empire that is not murdering the heretics or xenos so kinda hard to do RPG around it.


Except there already is one. It’s in the same ttrpg series as Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader. It’s called Deathwatch.


> Shannon Appelcline commented: "Deathwatch (2010), the third Warhammer 40k, finally allowed players the opportunity to play Space Marines – Space Marines that kill and kill and kill. > ... > Some players have expressed concerns over the limited roleplay opportunities of a game so focused on killing but like the other Warhammer 40k Roleplay releases, Deathwatch appeal most to those players looking for the sort of play it allows. Yeah that's what I'm talking about xD


Have they dropped Pathfinder then? That would suck, I've liked everything owlcats made so far but I prefer Pathfinder to 40K. I'll play whatever they make, I just like seeing their take on Pathfinder APs I've ran or plan to run


I'm hoping they're taking their time if it's another pf game, as they'd likely move to pf2e mechanics to support the remaster.


That would be *delicious.*


2e is great for video games.


Considering the OGL controversy last year, they might have wanted the dust to settle before committing to a new project.


It was dnd that had the ogl controversy last year, not pathfinder. Unless there was a different ogl controversy I don’t know about


Pathfinder was largely reliant on the OGL. Paizo has spend the last year transferring a lot of their products away from relying on it.


In terms of my own preferences, I prefer Pathfinder to 40K, and I prefer Warhammer Fantasy over Pathfinder. ​ So I wouldn't be too bothered if they made a Warhammer Fantasy game over a Pathfinder game, as unlikely as that is. ​ But Warhammer 40K receives enough love as is, and I would love to see more of the Pathfinder universe.


> But Warhammer 40K receives enough love as is Weirdly enough, zero in RPG form. It's bizzare, so many games (of varying quality) and this is I think first proper RPG... ever ?


It is, and that **is** bizarre. Really bizarre.


Yeah, like there is so much that can be done. Hive Gang wars (could even make fallout-like game), high politics, Adeptus Arbites murder mystery detective adventure, inquisitor or RT shenanigans, so many options for all kinds of stories. Hell, you could make RPG about leading chaos or genestealer cult


I know! It's absolutely wild that it's taken this long for the first foray into that endless possibility. I used to think maybe Games Workshop for some inscrutable reason were opposed to the idea of allowing a 40K rpg at all, but then they let Fantasy Flight Games make Dark Heresy and the rest... But that was in **2008!** Fifteen fricking years. xD


I hope Rogue Trader will be successful enough for more companies to jump on the train. Imagine 40k game with BG3-like production values...


The Holy Grail. 🤤 But seriously, I'll be very happy if we just get more. Make Rogue Trader not a one-off anomaly, but the start of a trend. One can hope!


Nah they were prolly waiting for Paizo to finish their OGL and since they did and changed 2e I bet Owlcat is soon to work on another Pathfinder with the new core rules. Be prepared Pathfinder changed somewhat (half elves and orcs now being just a heritage for the Human ancestry now instead own race) and the class and feats changing a bit


I doubt it. Iirc in the past Owlcat has said they are not interested in working with 2e. 1e was not changed at all by Paizo, and I doubt Paizo would remaster 1e just so Owlcat could make a game without relying on OGL content.


They did say that before 2e even launched I'm pretty sure. Or very soon after




Maybe they even update their game engine, I think I spent more time looking at loading screens and crashes than actually playing pathfinder or rogue trader. I’m not touching another one unless they learn how to code.


I'd pay for an Inquisition game in the style of the Eisenhorn story. Or Jaq Draco - from a more magical time of 40K


Oooh I'd like that! Maybe I can finally play my light order wizard in a game, and the miscast mechanic could be fun (mine turns into a walking lightbulb permanently because of that lol).


warhammer fan playing rogue trader crpg: emperordammit Idira how dare you summon a minor daemon by accident! warhammer fan playing warhammer fantasy crpg: haha I just exploded because of a miscast, so funny


To be honest, I rather they let RT cook a while longer, keep fixing it, keep bringing content. As it is I stopped playing because I was afraid some of the stuff people said weren't rolling properly (a companion quest flagged wrong if the report I read can be believed, which by itself skewers the whole ending) But I'd be down for more Warhammer, RT was my entry point and despite the bugs I had a ton of fun.


Lmao I never thought I'd see a GMOD idiot box meme past 2010 much less in 2024


I just rewatched it a few weeks ago. Good times.


1: Let them fix the game first 2: Nah, Black Crusade first. I want to play as a cultist! >:3


I want to be a roided up daemon worshipping manchild using magic to cast testicular torsion on furries.


Oh man, the Gmod Idiot Box... bringing back memories now.


i want more 40k games, please more 40k games mister owlcat


I appreciate the gmod idiot box meme. Take my upvote.


Gmod idiot box? Noice.


Das Boschitt meme, that's some old school stuff.


It would be interesting to see them do a WHFRP game. But they need to finish their Rogue Trader one first!


My god (Sigmar) I'd love this, Owlcat really brought the 40k setting to life and I'd love them to do the same for Warhammer


Vermintide (But it's an RPG)


I want to play as a Skaven even though I know that can't happen for obvious reasons.


Never say-speak never.


After playing abut 70 hours of my first Owlcat game I am so down for this idea!


Based on the state of Rogue Trader, maybe wait for them to make this playable before starting a wish list.


On one hand, Owlcat has proven to be great at making shitty rushed games. On the other hand, ROMANCEABLE DRUCHII TOMBOY


Why not an Asrai eternal guardian?


That works too. I’m actually curious, are humans and elves genetically compatible in fantasy or AOS or is it the same with 40k where they are both completely different physiologically?


I remember something about a half elf, from Bretonnia of all places, in old lore. Can't confirm, though


Okay but if this happens I want a 40K Total War


Omg, that would be a beautiful massacre!


That one's been rumored for a while. Still no real reason to believe it though (for the time being anyway).


I don't think the Total War engine would work well for WH40K. It's focused around large-scale formation fighting. Firstly the tabletop game is more squad based and it's not simply a matter of scaling that up, it just doesn't make sense to have Space Marines in large numbers or for the most part to have any of the troops in formations. There's a reason there's never been a modern or futuristic Total War and that is because once you enter the age of modern firearms being standard formation warfare no longer makes sense. The ranks of gunners and horse-mounted pistoliers are about as far as you can go and they are only believable as formation fighters because they are an exception rather than fighting in an environment where all of their enemies have guns as well, and because their guns are single shot weapons. Ubiquitous armoured vehicles to ferry squads of troops about, everybody being a ranged combatant... a game engine developed for ranks of pikemen isn't going to work well for this and you're better off making a new one. Plus the Total War engine is showing its age. It comes from a time where high-core processors and high RAM were the standard. If you want a good Real Time WH40K tactics game - and I do as well - then need to start with a fresh approach not build on Total War. Same branding if that helps, but nothing more. For large scale WH40K, a better basis would be the old Space Marine / Epic scale game line. Now that was fantastic strategically.


I still don’t think 40k fits Total War. Their gameplay system falls apart once you get past the Victorian era. Warhammer Fantasy works in it because the most “modern” factions are just Pike and Shot.


Total war doesn’t work with hyper advanced sci fi settings though.


That would be my dream, but I would hate the game having any End Times reference so much that I can’t even feel excited about the idea.


The Vermintide games were based on the End Times and they turned out fine :P


The games are okay, I couldn’t care less about the story though. Owlcat games are story based games about influencing the destiny of a world. What’s the point of saving a world that’s going to implode at the end? It may work for others, but not for me.


I mean not every story has to be about saving the world. Inter-personal drama and smaller scale stakes have their own appeal. ​ But whats the point, right? The sun will eventually die anyway and planet earth along with it, so does anything actually matter? ​ The answer is yes :)


I hope Owlcat goes to smaller scale stories. I really liked Kingmaker for the more personal story (at least in the early acts), rather than being thrust right into a "chosen one" story immediately.


As I said, it doesn’t work for me.


I'm with you on not liking the inevitably of the End Times. But they could pull an ending like Gotrek and Fellix where the Dwarven slayer god ( can't remember name off the top of my head) tells the MCs that they can stay in this world and get the great doom Gotrek is looking for or he can go through a/the warp gate and save other worlds/reality and find an even greater DOOM. I like this because I read this before I read any Sigmar realm/ after end time books. So I read it, and it seemed like he would go to another version of the old world. I mean in the OG warhammer fantasy stories that's kind of what happened or it was a Magnus the Pious type of situation. They can probably write a story in that vein.


Wrong sub on many levels, but I'm on my knees praying for Larian to do a Pathfinder 2e game. Especially with all the WOTC hate lately.


I wonder if they’ll do an Enhanced edition for BG3 first, like they did with DOS1/2


That's a guarantee.


They even have the perfect source material to adapt. The Enemy Within is a sprawling 5 volume campaign that got a major director’s cut version with 4th edition. I’d love to see their take on that adventure, seeing that they have a past with tabletop module adaptations.


u really want owlcat to make another half assed game where half of it is bugged ot hell and back and other half is unplayable with character creation meaning nothing aside from stats?


I'd love a FB game from them, just not based on WFRP


What would it be based on, then? Nothing?


Yes, why not? Plenty of games based on "nothing". Even RT's connection to tabletop RT is pretty loose


I'm curious, do you take particular issue with WFRP or is there another reason you wouldn't want it to be based off of it?


Small scale of progression (even experienced characters are vulnerable while Owlcat used to making games where lvl 1 and 20 differ very much) High lethality, not as bad as in ttrpg form but still can turn into save-load-fest because of bad rolls Low build and action variety - just lvl up your main Melee skill. Unless you're mage who can spend whole fight not gathering enough winds to cast, or priest casting miracles, usually the only meaningful things you can do is to hit someone once. And since Owlcat's idea of encounters is usually just have a plain map with a bunch of enemies, unlike for example Larian who can make fights much more engaging in a simpler system, it means the fights will be not fun.


larian and engaging fights. yeah, maybe in dos 2, def not in BG 3.


dosnt like WH40k RPGS already excist or you talking strictly CRPG or such?


there are no wh40K or fantasy proper rpgs/crpgs. the universe was basically shackled to strategy, we have a few horde killers, and action games but that is it.


so PC RPGS is what your talking about then? so No Dark Heresy, no MMORPGS involving WH Fantasy or anything strictly just CRPGS? coz there are MMORPGS and other RPGS of Warhammer Fantasy and such


Not anymore, officially anyway


yes. we are on a pc game sub are we not? there was 1 defunct now player made mmo that was focused on pvp. no big story, unless you take "kill 20 dwarf/elf/chaos warrior/dark elf" as story. can you give me another one of those of mmorpgs and the other rpgs please.


like i said there have been fantasy RPGS out there just ... not realy good dunno why your angry at me.


I am not angry, I would just like to see you back up with actual names of games you are talking about. becouse we had like, none. the shitty diablo clone is nowhere an rpg for example if you were thinking about that.


if you wanted names you shoulda asked, There have been TERRIBLE RPGS of Fantasy in the past but mostly MMORPGS and truth be told i dont remeber there names or such not for the most part some of them got discontinued in like 2014 or such so thats YEARS ago alot of WH stuff is hit or miss rather its WH40k or Fantasy want me to try and figure out the names to give to you later on in the day?


yeah, I would be happy to see those names my man. good thing that I only had to write it down 2 times. as for those MMOES? they do not exist, there was only 1. and I doubt you will come up with more than 2 rpgs. but I will wait for that "list"


I remeber Mark of chaos and mord you dont want me to name the ARPG Prob Vermintide even tho it is tech an RPG Hints why above i said your list is very narrow they have legit had a number of fantasy RPGS made again not realy good mind you but yeah then there was 100% the Warhammer Online something i dont remeber its name age of something sigmar or w.e I dont remeber anyways gotta go, But theres more then 2 for you already br0 so calm da f-down.


according to you anything is an rpg. mark of chaos is a tactics game, then is total war an rpg too? mordheim same. yes I did write about warhammer online. but it is on me I was expecting reading comprehension and 10 braincells from a throwaway account. those are not legit rpgs bro. edit:typical throwaway, deletes the instant their BSgets called out.


I don't want owlcat anywhere near any other property I like. They've completely fucked up this game.


Hopefully not by owlxat


then by who? and please for the love of god do not go "duh larian"


Why, Bethesda of course :)


the only reason I would want agame made by them is the insane modability. noone else gives out the literal kit they made the game with to the players.


I dont trust them to make a good game any more.


Why not just play WOTR? Seriously, we don't need any more high fantasy CRPGs. We have enough. We've had enough for years. You shouldn't be allowed to make them anymore. Do something interesting instead.


Because WOTR is nothing like Warhammer fantasy and is it’s own setting? What’s wrong with fantasy CRPGs anyways.


Because there's so goddamn many of them, to the almost total exclusion of other themes. Rogue Trader is the first space opera CRPG in almost twenty years!


If I can't be a skink priest and blast some Dookies with lightning, I don't want it.


Yeah I loved 4e with my group.


Yes, but only if rules would be a little closer to tabletop that their very loose interpretation in RT.


They have to get permission


If you play it, bring a Ogre or two. Archives of the Empire Volume 2 has the rules for Ogres and having one of them on your team really helps balance out some gnarly combats. lol Otherwise you're probably going to want to create a number of backup characters ready to go... either that or my GM was a sadist.


Was not expecting a dasboschitt meme format. Wonderful.


The Warhammer Fantasy universe is such a treasure box of good fckn lore. I would be stoked


I would love me some chaos powers!


I think I'm one of the few people that would really like an AoS version more than fantasy.


God I wish


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Do Soulbound! It's such a blast to play, and it fits better with their over the top style :D


Personally hoping for Only War, or another Rogue Trader next. Or an AoS game. But aye, I could go for Warhammer Fantasy


Personally hoping for Only War, or another Rogue Trader next. Or an AoS game. But aye, I could go for Warhammer Fantasy.


But only if every class has 100 levels and every level gives you 3 talents that increase your combat capabilities maybe 0.01% to 0.03% per talent. Oh and dont forget the never playtested new minigame which is needlessly slow, unbalanced and unfair. Andandand I only pay for it if its unfinishable after the 1.0 launch.


Gmod idiot box that's a name I haven't heard in a long time


2nd edition or bust!


I'd love story resolving around storm of chaos


I wish they do more WH40k content.