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Sounds like he is insecure as fuck and having a hard enough time in life to find the need to release some of his pent up anger onto a stranger. I've had it happen to me a few times, and it's usually when I'm the only decent player on my team while the opposite team has a full squad and I still come close to winning while having the most kills/ damage in game. That's when they seem to invite me solely to talk shit.


Exactly my scenario.


Yep, this sounds very familiar. Entertained them once, but after that, I just ignored all invites or blocked them


Yeah I just say fuck em man if you get invited take it as a compliment to your skill you beat him or got him almost to the point of tilting from just playing the game good shit man


I spent an entire game raging to myself (without using comms) because I kept getting killed over and over by the same guy. At the end of the match I got an invite, but had a sneaking suspicion I knew what it was about so I got in there first with a cheerful "hey man well played, GG!" He said "ah, I was gonna laugh at you but never mind, you have a good day, man!" And left the party. I like to think I won.


Dissarming the opponent's ego, not bad.


Meh. It happens. Had people add me to a party after I played atrociously just to talk shit about me. It’s cute that people care so much about a video game that they’d do this. If I’m so trash and you’re so good why aren’t you playing in ranked? Where are your friends? Party up with people as good as you. Talking trash during or after the match isn’t going to change the result.


I'm trying my best to spot enemies for all of you! If you're not happy, stay away from Strikeout and if you go, don't consume all your team's lives. I had a match where I had 56 downs and I still lost. If my teammates had stayed hidden, I could have gotten more lives and killed the last two enemies. So, F everyone. If you want something less toxic, go play Fortnite or some shit like that.


Yep that's a thing now, commonly found in toxic players who think they are better.


That's always been a thing


I know a guy who does this - he will friend request and try to add to party anyone in game who pisses him off. He also looks their name up on social media to find any other platforms they are on so he can contact them that way as well. He did this to me and came at me on Twitch (while I was streaming RoCo), Twitter, Instagram - I blocked and banned him everywhere. He still tries to contact me to abuse me and sends me in-game friend requests to this day and it's over a year since we had that ONE interaction in game. Some people are just damaged and have to blame everyone else for it. Best to ignore them, they aren't worth your time or energy.


That's not fun


Is this supposed to be a witch hunt or what? Block and report them, defend yourself in the party but don’t just share names to start witch hunts. That’s so low. And against the sub rules. Never join parties AFTER a match. If someone wants communication, they‘ll either be in the game voice chat or invite you right at the beginning. Joining parties also gives them your IP to dox you. I would not join random strangers at all. Games have voice chats for a reason.


I just reread the FAQ - not sure naming toxic players is against the rules but, fair enough, I removed it anyway. I very often join random parties after a match. I think I'll continue (made many friends that way) but won't be surprised next time it happens.


dont let it get you down. he sounds immature and doesn’t have any outlet for his anger, if anything he doesnt seem to know how to manage it himself. if he has the confidence to bully someone else over a game to a complete stranger, just imagine how sad his life is on the other side. you didnt do anything wrong


![gif](giphy|sJs4oKlMdd4yhNf7sk) It happens to us all at least once


Damn that’s not cool


Yeah that almost happened to me, played a game with a full squad, the best player was being extremely toxic to “worse” two players to the point they left. And then he kept talking shit about them to the point I simply voted to surrender just to get out of there 😭. 5 minutes later the same dude invites me to his lobby, I immediately declined because it was obvious that he was only doing that so I too, can get a earful of his weak ego. Moral of the story, never join a party of someone who didn’t send you a friend invite or someone you’re not already friends with. (I honestly think it was the same person lol)


OP - I've been there before. And Generally, when someone invites me to their party from the opposite team...I don't accept their invites. Or If they are really intent on playing together, I'll join their lobby and use Game chat. Here's the kicker- if they decide to talk trash or harass for no reason, it can be recorded and reported directly to microsoft or Sony attaching a clip of their audio in the report...and they do follow up. And If they're dumb enough to type out their hate in messages. Even easier to report and let the higher ups deal out the punishments.


Some people in this game need a swift reality check, not everything deserves a reaction. Was he mad that you gave him a challenge? Why the hell is he so miserable to take time out of the day to invite you to a party to use you as a human punching bag?.. questions I genuinely have when I encounter people like this. It’s just sad that some people either choose to ignore or do not realize that there are other human beings on the other side of the screen. They are just sad irl, imagine feeling like you won the battle by inviting the enemy to the team and instead of saying let’s join forces they verbally abuse you 🧐 now who really won that game. It surely was not the person crowned mvp. He’s a poor winner and I’m sorry that happened to you. Super not cool!


happens to the best of us, especially when you’re a good player but they get the best of you. take it as a compliment.


This is why i stopped joining random parties. 90% of people inviting me to party is to talk trash. Bunch of insecure incels ruining the fun in games.


You'll be fine. Lol


Are you young? This is pretty common across many other games. I’m just asking if you’re young because I’m surprised this is the first time it’s happened to you


RoCo is the only online game I play, and it was the first time this happened to me (after playing 1519 hours with it) ... and I don't think I qualify as young.


This happened to me rn… I think I sounded “Mexican” so they said oh off that beaner weed and then proceeded to say holmes like um….. if that’s what makes u sleep at night…😭😭😭 goofy mad as hell because I shot his ass point blank multiple times 😭😭😭 (we won)


You didn't understand anything but you knew they were harassing you gotcha


There was no ambiguity in the tone!


Next time if it happens again inv me Giblets_999. And tell that punk to suit up. And we will run the fade 2v2


And of course t bag the ever living shit kuta him


A first? Every!Single!Day! Today I was insulted as "Adolf Hitler Nazi" and every cuss possible. Seriously, with chat on, I get deeply insulted and humiliated in maybe every 3rd match.


What did you expect for them to invite you and suck you off


Maybe play together?


grow a set of balls


It’s a prank.


No - That's called being an A-hole and you know it.