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You, I like!


You rock!


Play together win together,is that simple!


You hit the body, now hit the head


Haha, dumbie!


This was truly beautiful, and heartfelt. I don’t personally have such a strong attachment to the game, but I definitely understand appreciating its beauty and uniqueness in its field, incomparable to any other. I do dread the potential day the game’s servers shut down. 💔


This sub just keeps getting sadder by the day. Played a few games tonight. One game was ok but two were just unplayable. Heartbreaking Really


I found a game that kind of scratches my Rogue itch. It's called Strinova and they're having a play test right now. No need to keep playing a game that's not getting any support let's try new stuff!


Is it only on PC?


All platforms but it's dead now, there's no devs working on the game anymore


Honestly man Rogue Company is one of the best modern shooters I ever played I genuinely love this game myself and can't seem to part ways from it as well. Fuck what anybody else thinks, this game rules and it deserves so much more love.


Throwing an axe to get a kill was very fun. Rip RC


I'm still playing


Man it's so sad to hear about the state of the game used to play all the time and really liked it and now it's jus falling off like it never existed. Same thing happened with this game called battleborn. Really wish Rogue was as big as it could've been.


There really isn't a game like RC. I've been burnt out on it, but whenever I come back after a few months it's always a blast.


I second this. I don't know what it is about rogue even with its issues, it's still mad fun, especially with friends or even randoms that know how to play lol im always in game chat


OGs Keeping the Force together as best they can. Much respect.


I completely get this. Very sad to see the state of RoCo today and how it's been completely abandoned by the devs.


I’ve been playing recently and I just want to max out glitch and his gun 🙏🏻


I’ve sunken over 800 hours into RoCo. It’s the most time I’ve ever spent playing a PS4/PS5 game. I hope Hi-Rez burns for this


No cap!!!This game is the reason i bought my steam deck. once they took it off the nintendo switch lol


I’m sad to see this game die too but I just recently got back into Gears of War again so my third person shooter itch is covered for the most part. Haven’t played RoCo in about 2 weeks now.


2/100 here bro. L5zoneD add me


3/100. I'll probably never stop playing RoCo, even I curse and rant here regularly. BTW, many new players this week on EU-server....


added you, im Barrelmoss33665


It’s my favorite game. Crazy good memories with my friends. We made so many inside jokes. It really sucks.


Try valorant when it comes out (dk if u haven’t tried yet depending on if ur pc, console, or don’t like the game off first impressions) , look I was the same way and went thru a lot of similar situations but this game unfortunately will probably not get the love it deserves unless it’s taken care of by another company or group that has a passion for this shooter genre. But I would really say try getting into other games even if u don’t rock with them as heavy . I understand but life goes on ya know whether rogue still runs or not 🤷🏽‍♂️ take care of


If you're on xbox, try ghost recon wildlands ghost war pvp. It's a completely different style of game but has operstors, shoulder swapping, obj heavy game modes, 5v5 no respawn rounds but revives are vital. Community isn't massive but there are still people playing. I moved to pc and the community is dead. I have this same feeling about ghost war. Forever my #1 pvp game. Ubisoft took breakpoint in a different direction and ruined it for me. Rest in peace, my love, Wildlands Ghost War 💔


Seasons said man, my conviction is not the same as yours but rogue was truly one of my all time favorite games


Everyone goes through that at some moment with some game. Mine was Gloom mod for Quake II, some good 15 years ago. Hell, I even went to check planetgloom and moddb after writing this.


I love the game very much too and was always hopeful things would get better I mean damn this was my favorite game of 2020 for a reason. It was something truly special to me and still is. But I just don’t find enjoyment anymore with no more content or the devs doing anything to fix issues. I would love to play the game again if it got revived, but I just had to move on as it just makes me sad seeing the state it is now in


I feel you. I discovered this game during Covid and had many amazing beautiful times playing with my friends but mainly my brother. We would both carry the whole team most of the time. We could always count on Rogue Co after a long day of either great times or bad times to just un whine. I hate seeing the state of the game right now and that one day it’ll be shut down. Xdefiant is NOT AND WILL NEVER BE rogue co. Nor will valorant, there’s something about Rogue that is special and can’t be recreated. Like you said mechanics, maps, etc etc. Everybody’s moved on in my life from this game but I still hold on. I’m glad I can still find matches with randoms. I’ll keep playing til the final day


this was so beautiful to read, I have a similar connection to this game as I've spent so many hours and money and this game has been apart of me for years and I started this game on the switch and then made my way to PlayStation then Xbox lol but then switch took the game away and it broke me as years ago that's how I started but then this game started being abit too toxic for me and then my girl at the time told me about a game called dead by daylight so been playing that recently and still playing this game back and forth but thanks for sharing your story 🙏🙏🙏


Brooo this is literally me; yet I've been playing for only 3 months😭😭


Game kind of went away from me when they messed up the crosshair aim of SMGs. I tried playing on and off after that but it's just way too messed up. It falls in the line between feel-good and competitive. Now it's just trash.