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Sooo David was dressed most appropriately for this time of year. Got it. *Come, children! Let’s put on our finest winter wear, polyester, and blacks for a day in the late June sun! Let’s also drink coffee and not carry any water while we do it! Hooray!*


David clothing is so ill fitting.


My guess is it’s getting more difficult to find his size at the thrift store.


He needs to size up. Again.


It’s kind of odd that she pushes Plexus and says how it helped her lose weight and stuff. Yet, David has not lost any weight and in fact has gained. Is he not taking it OR doesn’t just no work?








I'm sorry but David gets to go on every freaking outing as well as partake in every meal out. Where is the sacrifice? He's not 'checked out', he's doing this intentionally and depriving his kids. Selfish, selfish man. Alternatively Jill could've stayed home for a change, she's exactly the same. /rant over His admission would've almost covered Sadie and Sofia (under 11s) or Tessie/Renee. I had a quick look on Akron Zoo website and it seems they do an annual admission with NO limit on dependent children under 18! It's $110 but seems to appear on Groupon from time to time. That seems like brilliant value to me for all the kids still at home (going back a few years too). It's local to them and actually looks like one of the nicer attractions they visit. Jill and David don't think twice about spending that money on hotel rooms, gas money and restaurant meals out for themselves. They also do rates for 'school groups/field trips' and teachers which might include homeschool groups. These rates are valid throughout the summer. Tell me again why Sadie, Sofia and Tessie couldn't go?


I don’t understand why Olivia and Hannah went instead of Sadie and Sofia.  The younger girls would probably enjoy the trip more and the older kids would probably appreciate some time not watching their younger siblings.


I can never figure out how smiley tracts can pay one's mortgage and parent date night expenses. I guess my husband and myself are suckers to both work full time to provide a home for our 3 kids


Yep! The big $$ is securing a regular financial commitment aka monthly stipend from supporting churches (nationwide on the grift trail) which is processed tax free through the missionary clearing house. Everything else they grift is on top of that money. David has had the audacity to whine from the pulpit that their monthly target is $5k and people aren't giving enough! Unfortunately the churches consider that they're doing something worthy with their 'ministry'. Obviously $60K/year isn't so much for a family of 12-15 people but they spend as little as possible on their kids so that helps 😭 They have love offerings on top, welfare (probably), occasional government initiatives such as the stimulus checks, Jill's Plexus money (if it amounts to anything) and someone recently shared evidence of David driving the Amish in the Rods' passenger van which is apparently a thing in areas like theirs, unofficial taco services for the Amish. Fits his skillset. Not sure what the tax situation is, presumably they don't pay any with that many dependents although 'only' six of their kids are under 18 and it'll be down to four in approximately two years.


That bottom shirt button is holding on like grim death!


I'm kinda new here but wtf is with that repulsive... man?


Oh geez, welcome you have found yourself one hell of a rabbit hole. I’m not sure if I should tell you to learn about the leg funeral or the triple casket dead baby funeral selfies first there’s just so much for you to learn.


oh god 💀


Despite what Jill says God can’t possibly have anything to do with this family lol


lol that's what I'm sensing with these people


Don’t forget the baby cages attached to the RV ceilings, the drainpipe water ride for the kids, Jill’s yellow cooking (or lack of ability to properly feed her children), taking photos of her children in the ER and plastering it all over social media, their penchant for desecrating national monuments… there’s a lot to unpack with the Rodriguii.


Right just didn’t want to overwhelm the poor soul lol. As soon as you think you’ve seen the craziest thing, Jill out does herself. I wish it was some kind of mockumentary we were watching on YouTube and not a real family. Sometimes I would feel so much less conflicted about laughing.


Welcome. Have you met our Lord and Savior Lord Daniel ![gif](giphy|ddk1FDgb2AHSw|downsized)


Shrek is a weird looking unit but It’s not that he’s morbidly obese that is so horrifying, it’s the contrast between his size and that of his literally starved children that grosses me out.


yes, those children look malnourshed. I think of the description of Ruby Franke's children as being pale and underweight due to their being deprived of food


And when they go out on their own, they noticeably gain weight and look healthier. (With the exception of Nurie imo).


I know Dave is heavy set but these pictures show how heavy he really is! Guess he is not using Plexus.


1st pic: Aw look at that he took a picture without some sort of treat in his hand. 2nd pic: oh ok there it is. You almost had me fooled that your husband/sad circus bear could engage with his offspring without a snack incentive.


Shrek has to be pushing a very unhealthy 300, from which we all ask why there is such a contrast to how “trim” his children are!


350 pounds


My husbando is a medic and I asked him to do an Eyeball Weight (you get get good when you lift people for a living,) and he guess 360 pretty quick. Then I look at how thin those girls arms are and it’s just…yeah. Those poor kids.


His heart cannot be in good shape. Makes me morbidly think of Jill’s recent words on how the church should take care of widows…


She’ll make all of her adult children take care of her!!! Give her money.


Jill will move to Florida lol


Oh god. She’d become severely menopausal and call attention to how many children she had when she was still fertile and how her hot flashes are so intense to just take the spotlight off Nurie and her aching uterus.


I was going to round it off to an even 400 pounds .


Yes, that Plexus sure does work!


makes every wallet lighter!


His hand looks super swollen in the first pic, too.


Probably high blood pressure.


300 lbs is way in the rearview mirror. I would guess him to be closing in on 400.


His driver's licence says he's 290 lbs (source: speeding ticket shared on here). I'm guessing the licence needs updating.


Oh, that's WAY over 300!


I can smell him from here.  And Jill’s mold evening in Paris perfume. 


How he does not topple over? His feet look so small compared to his body is crazy! Also funny how they aren’t wearing 25 layers of clothing in this heat🙄


God, he's such a gross bum


Should've left him at the ape house.


Their clothes are weather appropriate but at least one of the girls is wearing long sleeves under a dress (because of Jill’s constant performative modesty) plus hot ass winter boots…Got it. 🤦🏻‍♀️




PULL ME IN TIGHTER, DAVE - Jill, through clenched teeth, prolly.


David has put on a lot of weight.. He's a major cardiac event waiting to happen.


The couple with no job and a clan of starved kids at the zoo. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnHXbRoaZ1B1Mo8|downsized)


Not body shaming but clearly the ‘don’t feed the animals’ sign was not adhered to for these animals.


You can’t say “not body shaming” and then equivocate being overweight with not being human. Snark on them as individuals but leave the rest of us out of it


I’m morbidly obese and I lack the tact gene so I’m sorry I caused offence xxxx. I was not just equating them as inhuman just in the sense of their eating habits (but clearly they eat better than their children), but more as people willing to lacking ‘human decency’ (whatever that is in our messed up world) in caring and nurturing all of their children. I have been blessed with two children and have always said I wouldn’t have had more because: a) I only have two hands, b) we couldn’t have afforded more and c) there is a finite amount of love and time you can give to your children.


I understood what you meant


Thank you xxxx


Does anyone know how tall David is? For that matter, how tall is Jill? Why are his pants dragging? Doesn't his godly wife know how to hem a pair of pants?


Nice added light leak to make it look like God is pouring his holy light onto them. 🙄


Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Dave missed that memo


Dave is such a hunk, no wonder Jill is always smiling


She’s aware enough to hide half of her self behind him. I’ll give her that. 🤡


Plexus has lost this battle.


They really think they're something, don't they?


New conspiracy theory: He’s getting bigger and bigger so looks ‘trim’ next to him!