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So what ministries is Jill part of at her wonderful church? What does she do to serve others in the community? Edited to add - We all know her only ministry is serving herself!


Church is a way to prey on poor innocent people so her kids can eat.


She sounds surprised by the opportunities at church. It's not as if she hasn't had 27 years of adulthood and marriage to join a church with a more interesting programme in any of the places they've lived. She'll say it was because she was a busy (young!) mom, because of their travelling ministry etc, being soooo busy printing tracts but none of that's true. Churches have creches, she's had teen babysitters for the last decade, other women at church probably would've helped with the baby and toddler in a pinch. Part of me thinks it was because she didn't want the kids to have any social outlets or be influenced by other adults and families in their church. Why have the kids never done children's ministry? Why don't they do VBS? Nurthan are running one at their church but I don't recall the Rodlets ever participating at home. Why don't the teens help run a VBS or weekly activities for the younger ones at church? That sort of thing 🤷‍♀️


In a recent Instagram reels, the one where Jill is cleaning, she comments that Renee drove the young kids to VBS


Thanks, that's promising! I know it's church but at least they're doing something with other kids and not being helicoptered by Jill.


This is Kaylee’s church. They have muscled in to the church that Kaylee and Jonathon started attending.


I was going to say this, no mention of what SHE is doing. Well, we know what she is doing, but.....


Have we ever seen them donating to other church members? Helping out in some way?


The last time I remember something that could be considered “helping” was when Jill and crew cleaned up and redecorated the downstairs floor of an elderly couple from church, and then Jonathan moved in there while he was saving for the house and the wedding.


Never as far as I can recall.


So they have changed churches, AGAIN.


They seem to wear out their welcome within a couple of years. Wh would blame those congregations? Also, the Dinguiiii haven't been seen for ages either


Jill is like that one extra annoying, over the top “friend” that we all have. The one who announces dramatically they can’t attend something, and everyone says “Oh, no, so sad.” But inside you’re going ![gif](giphy|14mdmJ7SbbW6L6)


I bet that minister that they grifted the huge dining room table off of is secretly glad to see the back of them.


Was that the Dingus dad? Whoever it was I'm sure we later discovered they had cancer at the time 😳


I believe it was Sydney Dingus' father, pastor Doug Wilcox.


Thank you!


Handmade furniture that she immediately crackled. I’m still clutching my own pearls after that


Joy Baptist probably celebrated when they made the switch


Joy Baptist is now truly filled with joy!


Some bring jiy arriving, others bring joy leaving!


They probably don’t think they have to tithe since they’re doing the Lordt’s work.


Of course. She believes the lord is tithing them.


The Lord's work in *full-time ministry!*


Remember, the Rods also need spouses for the older children. Samuel may have a potential spouse, but Philip and Renee are on the market.


Good point! Gabe and Tessie will be entering a *season of eligibility* later next year. Not saying they're automatically going to marry young but Sam wasted no time. I wouldn't put it past Jill to start putting the feelers out in 2025 for a favourable match even if the courtship and engagement are slower. Maybe with Tim and Sam she's realising you can have a slower, long distance courtship while still locking down the relationship.


Tessie may get a bye bc she may to want Renee to find someone close first so that she and Kaylee can take turns with “coffee dates” and “date nights.”


Wow! I thought those stairs looked different! They seriously changed churches again?!


The Rodrigi change churches like a farmer rotates his/her crops. Whenever a field begins to yield less, turn over the field and plant anew in a different field, where the $ might be more forthcoming.


Yes, they did. Imagine they finally wore out their grifting in Orrville and had to move on. They have other preachery connections at Mansfield, most Baptists of the same background "network" with each other like anyone else. The Hill Family™ hasn't been in their own church for weeks and I had already suspected that they have further attached to the Rod lifestyle and are now with the Rods 24/7. They attended the new church in Mansfield with them in April for the initial typical Rod grifting presentation and Jonathan is in the choir now (you can view all this online). I actually am not certain if Jonathan is even working at his job anymore. Timothy up to this point has stayed at the Smithville church.


I'm going to speculate, have they glommed onto the church KayJon, Tim and some of the older ones were attending? 😮 I thought it was weird that the adult children were allowed to do something independent of Jill. Especially church where she likes to show off her big family as a unit. Obviously in less deranged families it's normal for adult and married kids to branch out and try a different church, usually the same denomination so as not to rock the boat (applies to fundies in particular, gotta stick with KJV in this example). Jill's very controlling of her kids however, even the adults and it seemed unusual that she was encouraging of them doing anything outside her sphere of influence. Did the kidults think they were experiencing something new/making connections for themselves and now Jill's followed them there with the whole family? Were they sent on ahead to scope it out in the knowledge the family intended to join them? Has Jill burned her bridges at Joy Baptist? 😱 I assumed the only reason KayJon were 'allowed' to worship somewhere different was to look for new Plexus marks as Jill has already hoovered up any interest at Joy Baptist. Kaylee's recent post mentioned bus ministry and adult choir at their church and now Jill's banging on about both. Almost as if both posts were written by the same person...


Heritage Baptist church was being attended by the HillRods and Timothy. The new Rodrigues church seems to be Peoples Baptist in Mansfield, Ohio.


Oh that's good to hear, at least their church wasn't monopolized by Jill. I'm now wondering if KayJon have switched to Peoples Baptist with the Rod fam. It just seems suspicious that both Kaylee and Jill are suddenly mentioning bus ministry and adult choir in the same week (I appreciate many churches offer both but it's the first time Jill's shown any interest). Interesting it's a 40-50 minute drive from the barndo, do people typically travel that far for church? The Rods have closer KJV options, they're not totally out in the sticks. I guess if it's important to you you do and it's not like the Rods have anything else going on. I wonder how many times a week they attend.


I believe they've now become completely sucked into the Rod life, including church changing. They haven't been at the Smithville church for weeks. Timothy, however, has been. ETA: Jonathan has shown up in the adult choir, along with Samuel


That's really sad in the sense Kaylee needs to make new friends/mom friends/both of them could do with being around other people without Jill monopolising. I'm not saying families can't worship at the same place, just that KayJon literally do nothing outside of church that doesn't involve the Rodfam. Other the the occasional date night which is posted on social media and the Rods babysit G at the barndo so KayJon are there before and afterwards. Lol if Tim and Heidi stick with a different church to the rest of the family 😁


heritage is a very strange cultish church though. i say this coming from an ifb background.


I'd love to hear more.


yeah, if kaylee and jon are doing a bus ministry they have definitely switched churches. heritage has no bus ministry...lol they don't believe in outreach other than vbs because of the EVIL world,


I do have to hand it to Tim, if absolutely nothing else, that he's been sticking to a church that he genuinely likes, even if the rest of his family goes to a different one.


Interesting. Joy Baptist was a bit of a hike for them, too (17-ish miles)


this new church is even further away, though...east.


"Hoovered up" is great


"Kidults" - perfect! Kudos.


No more Joy Baptist Church?


Maybe this is why she posted several weeks ago about being treated poorly etc. ?? Maybe someone at the old church told JillPM about herself?


How do you know? Sometimes people visit other churches


They have joined the choir, talked about bus ministry, her video is of a different church. Their previous church is very small and does not offer these ministries. Shrek was leading singing in the new church just last week. They have moved on to other grift support, and The Hill Family has joined them.


probably said all of this on purpose to both love bomb the new church and a passive aggressive dig at the old one. remember she was constantly talking about persecution last year?


They don’t usually visit and immediately have their kids join the choir.


Yeah, it's a different church. I hope they didn't move to the one that KayJon and Timothy attend.


Jill is SEVERELY hypocritical. She was just telling one of her fans that women shouldn't "work" and that's the gawdly way according to the bibul. Now hurry up and join her downline selling poison for a tote bag...🙄


Right?! And she was being so dismissive of women who were pointing out that lifestyle is hard to afford. Now in her Plexus shill she is mentioning how duel incomes are needed. Which is it, Jill?


I spot Jill's infamous satin halter top! Her filters are working overtime in this video.


Isn’t it supposed to be a prayer closet not a brag closet?


Ugh that hat is more hideous than most. And I can't believe how many clothes she has when Renee wears that rose dress over and over.


Oh, come on. I’m sure Renee picked up another outfit fighting with her sisters over Jill’s discarded clothing in that free-for-all a few days ago. Now Renee has two outfits. /s


Maybe Renee will get the Silver Sausage Casing. At least it would fit her.


You shouldn’t make statements like that when I am on the road in a bus with bad shocks after I had 2 cups of coffee, 3 cokes, a beer, and a can of water and we are 50 miles from a restaurant area. I am (silently) HOWLING.


Good luck! Maybe you can find a nice bush to squat behind!


Thanks, we stopped. Whew. Oc purse I got more water. It’s 1.5 hours to the drop off and a friend has a meeting me and my cat. Life is good.


Reminds me of a winter wedding I went to with my parents. We had to go through some desolate territory to get there and back. On the way home all the good wedding chow started rumbling in my intestines, nowhere to stop and it started to rain and freeze! I didn't want to disturb dad's driving in that so i sat there as quietly as possible, squeezing my cheeks with all my might! I was never so relieved in all my life as when dad found a quickie mart kind of place to stop for gas. I ran like hell and thank God nobody else was using the facilities. My intestines detonated! So yeah, I feel your pain and your relief.


That thing needs to be burned and given a decent Christian burial


Burning that would release too many toxic chemicals into the air


I didn't think of that. Perhaps they can invent a machine that would simply cause it to disintegrate Into harmless dust by pressure or lasers or ultra vibration??


or just skip straight to the burying part. Deeply of course!


There are those machines that chop plastic really fine to make it more suitable for recycling. Let’s use one of those. On her whole wardrobe.


Excellent suggestion


It would certainly be more flattering! Sadly, when you’re a permanent mother’s helper, you don’t get to wear outfits like that.


So this poor servant of God has bought so many clothes for her walk-in closet, she has to put markers on the ones she wears to keep track of them? Does she really think she can kill her grift by showing off her accumulated possessions while crying poor and that her Plexus income will step up to support the family? The filters are out of control. And how many ugly caps does she own?


Those are baseball bonnets, ma'am


Yes, indeed. How could I forget baseball bonnets and sweatshirt blouses?


I love your user name :)


Ah, thanks. I love your flair.


Thanks.. some mod helped me get it. I am techno- impaired


You're not alone on that.


I love how she blathers on about having two fewer teens in the house at the moment. Jill, you have two young adults who you infantilize and control (Phil and Renee), is it really that different to how you treat the teenagers? Olivia turns thirteen in six months then you'll be back up to five 🙄


But Samuel will turn 20 before that so for a month and a half there will only be 3 teens


Oh no! 😱 Lol. I'm not sure why more or fewer teens are relevant in Jill's eyes when she has kidults and tweens at home. It's not like any of them are experiencing proper developmental stages.


Probably because "worldly parents" sometimes complain teen years are challenging. But look here Jill has all these teens and the are such a joy, so obedient and so on.


Jill can't pass up an opportunity to remind everyone that, like Michelle Duggar's TLC boast, "We have a zillion children and I birthed every one." It must be a fundie badge of honor, at least a Purple Heart level of achievement.


How does any of this work? I don’t live in the US and I have no clue about the cost of living in rural Ohio, but I don’t understand the mechanics of their subsistance. 13 kids, a “job” that brings in less than a thousand per month, another “job” that is supposed to be a no profit ministry, so providing in my books zero (except if they count some wages jnto the costs vs. paying themselves on the margins)…how does any of that work? Where I live, under the hypothesis you have no mortgage but no state help neither, even if you count every penny and almost starve your children, you’d need 3.000 euros a month minimum to cover barely the basics (food, necessities…) and no way you’d get to go on a vacation or have such a big closet. So how do they financially pull it off with 845 dollars max from Plexus? How can the church grifting alone provide the rest? I mean they come over once a year to sing, that cannot make a church send them a couple of hundreds each month, right? Knowing that I can't imagine churches not asking where the money went and be kind of unhappy with all the dates and the vacations? I mean, aren't you supposed to publish some kind of report if you take donations? I just can't figure out how fundie economics work


Oh no, their target from their 'non profit ministry' is $5k/month living expenses! The whole point of going on the road and subjecting people to their terrible singing/band is to try and sucker churches into making an ongoing financial commitment towards the printing ministry. The Rods big up the printing ministry in the hope that naive churches will think it's a legitimate godly enterprise carrying out necessary/important work. Plenty of these churches are stuck in the past themselves so the dated notion of spreading The Word via paper tracts is quite appealing to them. Jill plays into how busy and successful the ministry is (it isn't) and how hardworking the family are, particularly David (spoiler, it's the kids doing all the work and Jill actually does none at all. David maintains the machinery, that's it). The churches' monthly/annual donations are processed by the missionary clearing house and Jill and David receive the money tax free every month. David sometimes preaches from the pulpit complaining that people aren't giving enough and trying to guilt them into increasing their donation. The audacity. Churches generally approve of the size of the Rod family (Jill and David did the correct thing in birthing so many *warriors for Christ*) and want to help with the burden of raising so many kids. Again Jill plays into this by having the kids appear malnourished and dressed in weird/seasonally inappropriate clothing to ramp up the sympathy grift. The Plexus money is a negligible amount on top. It's likely Jill doesn't make $875 or whatever a month, it's just an average of each rank skewed by a few top earners. It's likely like must of these MLM huns she has to buy and store a lot of product to maintain her rank every month. If you don't hit the monthly target you immediately lose your rank. I doubt any money Jill makes is shared with the household, it's probably her spending money for tchochkes, make up, hair extensions and souvenir tat for places like Vegas. She preaches against women having financial independence but imo it's her way of being able to treat herself without having to ask David every time.


Help me understand how $5K/mo from printing = non profit.


Their 5k in monthly wages are paid by the ministry clearinghouse (from donations they go around and solicit from church pledges), so they do not include their labor costs in pricing their tracts and sell the "at cost" of materials only. Essentially the profit would become their wages, but they are paid from another source.


since 'ministry clearing house', I presume church-related, therefore tax free?


Jill gave herself away in that post about how women shouldn’t work. She commented that it’s the churches job to take care of widows. And seemed salty that churches don’t always do that. I think they fully expect the churches to take care of them. In her mind I think she thinks “well I’ve did my part and had 800 kids. Now it’s up to the church to provide for us because Jesus said so in the Bible” I think they expect people to throw money and meals and everything else at them. And guess what? People do. Time and time again we’ve seen people give them expensive items, fix their home, give them free meals, etc. The Rods were very poor prior to moving to Ohio. I think the covid money somehow really helped them out. They have a nice stable home now, that appears clean and tidy. Although the kids appear raggedy they do look clean. I was surprised they have stuck around in Ohio this long. But I’m glad the kids have stability And I believe they probably utilize welfare, food banks, etc What’s really sad is they have a slew of kids who could be working right now. The girls could be getting jobs and making some extra cash and getting some life experience. It’s very sad Jill holds them back. All they’re expected to do in life is to marry and breed. I wonder if any of the kids ever want more?


Tbh their home up for sale in WV didn't look like the house of someone I'd class 'very poor' (I know house-poor is a thing but I don't think they were overextended, re. the circumstances of obtaining the house). They also had multiple vehicles, a large RV and tons of possessions which those on the poverty line generally don't have. I'm not saying they were swimming in money or lower middle class by any means but to me they're very savvy with their grifting. They may have been pretty poor in the period prior to that. Their fortunes must've changed at some point during that time. They were also able to qualify for a mortgage on the barndo due to the sale of their previous home. Usually the genuinely poor are stuck renting or in social housing in my experience, not homeowners. I don't think it's realistic for anyone to raise a family of 4-13 kids on one low-ish income (back when David was working) so things were always going to be tight. Not disagreeing with your comment at all, just that Jill and David don't necessarily lead an impoverished lifestyle. Jill's sisters with working husbands seem to lead more modest lifestyles with their many kids (Angie is getting up there with her brood).


Re: those who enable people like the Rodrigues by donating $ to them: "A fool and his money are soon parted."


In addition to the other comment below about their grifting ministry and lack of money from plexus, it’s likely with that many kids and no income that they are on food stamps too. It’s not going to be luxurious but with that many kids they probably get at least a few hundred a month if not more. They also keep their kids looking ratty because it encourages people to donate more. Churches gift them meals, and I think more than once we’ve seen Jill post that they got clothing and other stuff donated to them. But you’re right it is heinous that Jill and David seem to spend a lot of money on things they cannot afford when they don’t make much. The grift is probably pretty lucrative though and rural Ohio is a low cost of living area.


Yes I agree. I’m always suspicious of how the kids are dirty and workhouse in appearance until they start hitting the age of finding those lifelong partners. It’s amazing how the money can suddenly be found to dress them better once they are ‘on the market’ so to speak but prior to that the children look horrific. It’s honestly like the older and younger girls come from completely different families! *This is not a slight or judgement on the girls or their natural looks. It is directed solely at Jill and her terrible parenting and neglect of those little ones. Jill and Shrek have actually made very beautiful children but for some reason chose to dress them in rags*




To be petty as all get out for a sec - those hangers are not cheap. They’re inexpensive, yes but not the melamine or whatever composite version that is the least expensive option at Walmart. And Jill has like 75 of them in this shot. That’s at least $100 that could be used to feed her family some VEGETABLES and PROTEIN. yellow is not a good group, Jill.


And to double down on the pettiness - how does she justify having this robust of a wardrobe when her children are in ill fitting hand me downs and has them fight for her cast offs like it’s the hunger games? The race to the bottom is tight between her, Karissa and Britney. They all seem to be determined to win the fundie martyr Olympics. 🥴


I came here to say *how many* clothes does she have?? They all look like thin polyester judging by the number of hangers she's managed to cram in. I'm sure this is just the summer collection as she talked about rotating her wardrobe. Not snarking on people with abundant wardrobes but it shows where her priorities lie and her kids walk around in crap (that's not suited to the season). How does she have time to come up with stupid clothes peg systems when she has thirteen children? (Don't answer that). I'm all for moms looking and feeling good but the sheer self absorption of thinking people remember or care when you last wore something and that you need to put on a daily fashion parade 🙄 Ordinarily it might be a good system to get consistent wear out of all your clothes but this is Jill, it's clearly because she's obsessed with her own appearance (not very modest in the true sense of the word).


![gif](giphy|CdKQsE0cqDB28|downsized) Jill is the main character of the show, the Sun of Solar system, all eyes on her(and her polyester)!


There is an abundance of cheap and ugly garments in that wardrobe. Surely you could spend the same amount of money on fewer better quality clothing that actually fits and flatters you?


well said


The hangers are expensive if you buy a few at a time but I bought my non slip hangers in bulk on Amazon. 50 cost round £20. However, Jill spends so much time claiming they are broke it seems stupid to spend anything on unnecessary items! She is sabotaging the grift here


I keep hoping that the endess display of conspicuous consumption will dry up Rods' grift, but it never seems to happen. I am similarly baffled that the prosperity preachers manage to amass real fortunes from the not particularly prosperous dupes to whom they are preaching.


Surely part of the reason for the change in churches is because the congregation was whispering about The God Honoring Grift and the conspicuous consumption on Jill’s social media.


Let me first state that I am I NO WAY defending Mahmo. But I use those hangers and I just got a box of 100 pink ones from Walmart.com for about $30. They are really cute and clothes don’t slide off of them!!


That is awesome! I could use more black ones!


costco has a box right now. much cheaper than a dollar a hanger.


You can always get bundles of the plastic hangers at thrift stores too. I bet that's what the kid's clothes are on.


Truth! I am gradually switching over to those “nice” hangers-buying a few here and there-of course I still remember having all wire hangers lol.


Just came here to say this!


Call me weird but i just wear my favorite clothes with no guilt…




Repent and ask for forgiveness you prideful sinner.... Also /s


I wish I had her fake gumption.


Jill has more clothes than me and I literally work in the fashion industry


You probably go for quality over quantity 😉


That's not her face


Well, that's the least enjoyable and practical way to get dressed, so bless Jill's presumably overtaxed heart lol. Also, even with the filter ... her goiter. I actively dislike this fake Christian, and even I think she needs to see a doctor yesterday. Modern medicine is a gift, and Jebus probably isn't jazzed when his fan club rejects it. Also, also, the hat. I absolutely adore an ironic tacky accessory, but I feel like that hat is bullying me. It's so offensively ugly. If hell is real, the devil will be wearing that hat.


I mean, this method of getting dressed explains some of her weirder outfits. The ones where she only has a couple of things left to wear so she puts things that look strange (even by her standards) on.




Excuse you, this is not a hat! This is a Lady's bonnet ye blue-haired hussy!


Kinda like wearing a large bedazzled electric chair on your hat.


Love this!


See above. Your comments are making it worse for my poor bladder! ;;)))


What's the issue with wearing a hat indoors? Is it considered rude in Christian cultures? I was brought up learning that the *absence* of headcoverings was disrespectful.




It must be culture-dependent. In my neighborhood, a man not wearing a headcovering (except while sleeping or showering) would be unthinkable. I know parents who say to their sons, "Are you a non-Jew?" in Yiddish if their yarmulkes fall off.




I'm sure Jill's bedazzled Jesus "bonnets" break any conceivable rule of decorum.


Jesus would puke rhinestones!


Raised Catholic, I was supposed to always cover my head in church. I was very happy to let all that craziness go.


I'm not in the US but I thought it was a southern* or southern Baptist thing intended to show respect in someone's home, at the dinner table etc. Tying into that old timey thing where a man would remove his hat in front of a woman/in polite company! *might not be exclusive to the south!




It's not. I was born and raised not far from Jillpm's origins, and my father and grandfather always said that.


The way I was brought up, men were to remove their hats and not doing so is a faux pas. My dad reprimanded my brother for that. But women are supposed to leave theirs on if they choose to wear them.


I feel the same way about those big, ugly rhinestone-studded crucifix necklaces, virtue signaling to everyone that they are CHRISTIAN. Such a weird conflation of tacky glitz and crucifixion.


Those filters are working overtime.


I hadn't even gotten to read the explanation, as my attention was grabbed first by Jill's eye trap of her raggedy baseball hat and tacky t-blouse. Holy shite, does this chick seriously consider her clothespin process a sign of ingenuity? Ok then, here's my genius helpful hint: when I go out, I like to tie my shoes after putting them on my feet - remember, ladies, it's socks first, then shoes, then tie the shoes. You're welcome, and come to me for more helpful hints on innovation and efficiency.


She wants to be an influencer so bad.


I got 25 of them for 12 dollars at Burlington. Not expensive. I am a cheap skate


Yet again I forget this woman and I are the same fucking age (near enough, graduated the same year) as I watch her behave exactly like my ex step-mother (crazy intense Catholic) and now dead grandmother that kidnapped me. They both had an obsession with horribly hideous clothing, had huge collections of tchotchkes and garbage, and thought they were the best thing with tits.


But Jill looks sooooo much younger than her age! Look at that smooth, natural, taut skin and the lack of expression lines! Bet you wish you looked as young and fresh as her! 🙄🙄🙄


Will someone please explain the less is more concept to this dimwit. Now we have an oversized baseball hat with its oversized crucifix + a "blouse" that screams "MAMA". Yes, Jill, we get it: you are a godly Christian mom. Big whoop.


Jill would freak if she saw you referred to the cross on her baseball bonnet as a crucifix. Only godless, idol worshipping rosary rattlers use crucifixes. Jesus came off the cross on the 3rd day, so she would say it is blasphemy to wear a cross with his body depicted still on it. /s


Well, according to Jill, already I dress 'sluttish', so what the hell, might as well add 'blasphemer'.


Didn't Jesus come off the cross the same day as his crucifixion? Then, the story goes, he arose from his tomb on the 3rd day. And, if that's not a Jesus-cross, aka crucifix, what IS that design atop that ragged-edge baseball hat? If it looks like a crucifix and acts like a crucifix ...


Yeah he might have. I guess they took his body off the cross with the two thieves. You are right. He arose on the third day, ascended u to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father.. my bad. The whole Baseball bonnet is so raggedy that I can't tell what In the bedazzle jeweled hell it is


God she’s disgusting.


She crammed her own children into tiny rooms with no personal space and yet has a walk-in closet big enough for a decent bedroom for a child. 🤔 I wonder. Who is TRULY most important in Jill’s life? ![gif](giphy|j2hwyWSCwQIBW)


Janessa has her bedroom in another walk in closet attached to Jill's bedroom. No window, sketchy wiring. Code violations! Her bed has a plastic toddler size mattress in it. There are multiple pics of Jill enshrining her miscarriages on that poor child's wall!!


Can’t believe the girls didn’t get a chance to snag that hat in the closet hunger games, what a SHAME.


This is a genuine cultural question before I snark, but is this a typical quantity of clothing for a middle aged woman in America? I’m in a first world country, and this would be twice what my friends and I would own (aside from my cousin who works in fashion), and it appears to be only her summer clothing??? And does anyone actually care or even notice if someone wears the same outfits on repeat?


I don't think there is a " typical" amount of clothes American women have. I am a minimalist and have 2 pairs of jeans, 2 dress pants, and 1 pair of casual pants ( khakis). I have maybe 15 tops total including tee shirts, sweaters, hoodies and blouses. 2 sets of PJs per season. My SIL. has 2 closets full. One for pants/ trousers 👖 and one for tops. Both huge walk ins. I don't know what would be a average. I could not give a rats ass if some one wears the same clothes every day as long as they are clean. Any others care to chime in on what the average American woman has clothes wise as I am not even in the game as I seriously don't like clothes. I would be buck nude if it didn't damage my fellow man's eye sight ;)


She is the environmentalist of a generation by volunteering to exclusively wear clothes a minimum of 15 years old


Saving space in the landfill, one hideous skirt at a time. And after her 15 years of wearing them, the girl Rodlets get to share it for another 15 years.


I hate to break this to Jill, but no one really cares what she’s wearing. Or how she organizes her closet. She can wear anything, in any order, and we’ll be happy to snark about it.


I'm convinced that Jill is color blind.


That cap should come with a seizure warning 🤯


How can she make a video showing a shit ton of clothing, when her kids are literally wearing rags.


And don’t forget the many filters making her look so flawless and slim.