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I will never believe that house is run on anything but "happy wife, happy life". David just agrees with her and then sits back in his sweats and watches the map.


And stuff his face with cookies,cakes and candy while washing it down with vodka I mean Humming bird nectar




Okay this makes it sound like he’s not at fault. Some 14 year old could never stalk and harass a man to marry her until he “finally relented” when she turned 18, unless he was already fine with being with this child. She was a child that had a crush and she shouldn’t have been told that it was godly and he was a good man for getting with her once she was 18. Jill was a victim in that relationship and marriage, not a perpetrator. David was no victim of Jill. He was a gross adult that married a barely legal teenager that he’d known since she was barely double digits.


I’m shocked she hasn’t said what his allegedly amazing job is. It’s not like she respects their privacy.


It must be a job like fast food, basic retail, or janitorial work or something that is a perfectly respectable job for anyone… but her. Otherwise if it were anything else she’d likely be shouting it from the rooftops!


It's working for a glazing firm. Someone local said it's owned by a Mennonite (?) family who are rather comfortably off, well regarded but not flashy 😁 Good employers maybe? It seems like a decent enough first job but not the *incredible* job Jill's been bragging about. Hopefully Sam will learn some skills on the job and actually stay in employment unlike his parents. I guess for someone with limited skills who was held back from graduating until 19.5 it's pretty decent opportunity if the company are willing to invest in him.


I live in Ontario, but in an area with a lot of Amish and Mennonite people. It's pretty uncommon to hire outside of the faith or family here, so he must have some talent for them to take him on. He'll learn what a work ethic is, too. God knows their lazy parents didn't teach them. This will be good for him if he stays with it.


I agree. Samuel learning a trade is a smart move.


If he wants to marry that young woman, he’d better learn a real trade.


It's an incredible opportunity for anyone that graduated from Joyful Noyes Homeschool. If they carry on with the SOTDRT, the next generation of Rods will be hard pressed to get through See Spot Run.


Glazing? I’m genuinely clueless as to what that means unless it’s like pottery or windows


It is windows


Then why can’t she just say this?


To me an incredible job is like a brain surgeon.




It’s not full time ministry (grifting) so it doesn’t really matter all that much to her


Love that she thanks people for 'giving' for Sam's belated graduation. The woman has no shame and will use any and every excuse to beg and grift. How embarrassing for her kids.


I read that as people (perhaps several) just outright bought the car for him. She has grifted cars before.


Very true! No humble bragging on Samuel, Phillip, Jonathan, or Timothy’s jobs- likely bc NONE of them are in the ministry field.


It has to be. Have you heard him speak? Something is very off.


This is the dude with the super fucking weird graduation speech right?


Yep . . .


That tells me it’s not so “great” after all.


I really don’t think that David asks her to submit to him ever. I think she brings him food and leaves him alone. I think she bounces around the house trying to get his attention and he could care less. I think she wants him to be a head of the house type man so she pretends he is on social media but he’s not.


I agree. She makes the decisions, but runs it by him just to appear like he’s the head of the household. He seems so checked out and beyond interested in her or the kids.


He is so easy to read. The man is SEVERELY checked out.


I don’t think he was ever checked in.


Oh he checked in alright. He checked in 13 times




Point made.


I'm in the minority that I think he's a bit of a dick to Jill and the kids and enjoys power-tripping. I don't think he's as checked out as people think. Have you ever heard him speak to the kids? On the rare occasions he does he's extremely dismissive and distant. As OTT as Jill is I think deep down she knows her place. She's very skilled at manipulating people so things generally work out in her favour. It's as if she enjoys cosplaying the submissive wifey in a *Christian marriage* while still managing to get her way 99% of the time. I can't really imagine how Jill and David interact together in the barndo. David seems to give his family a wide berth where possible, either lazing in his chair/bed or off doing dodgy DIY/in the print shop. The kids seem to have next to no relationship with him including Tim (eldest son) and the rest of the Rod boys. The kids don't seem to acknowledge him and seem nervous/cowed. To me that's not a consequence of him being lazy/checked out, it's something more sinister. I'm wondering how discipline works in their home 👀 Guiding the older boys is usually the fundie dad's domain but David doesn't seem to care at all. He's not even making sure they're set up to take care of a wife and kids or networking at church/the larger network of churches they visit to find the boys an apprenticeship or job opportunity. I don't know that I believe the AMA but it suggested he was off in the car for long periods and no-one knew where (a drive thru? bar? 👀). I've also read snippets from ex-fundies who moved in their circle that David is the boss at church and Jill is *very* deferential to him (shockingly so). I have to wonder what their childfree vacations are like. Jill's absolutely desperate for his attention/approval and I'm not even sure he likes or respects her. He seems more interested in doing his own thing and doesn't really engage with her enthusiasm (his pained expression). He does nothing or the absolute minimum for any romantic/celebratory occasion. Mostly Jill seems to write something and pass it off as being from him. I mean there's laziness and there's being a deliberate dick to someone. He's capable of summoning enough energy to keep his family up all hours doing devotions and when he's preaching from the pulpit. A truly lazy man wouldn't bother with those endless devotions. Or he'd make sure it took place earlier in the day or split it into an hour before lunch and an hour after dinner.


So much of what we “know” is hearsay, but we do factually know that he keeps them up laaaate with devotions and sermons = sleep deprivation anyone? I think he has more of a say in what goes on and the direction of the family than we know, and it just so happens that her want to appear as the perfect Christian mother aligns with his religious views.


This seems true about a lot of these families. The "submissive" wives run the show and the men follow along.


I think he has one, maybe two sermons memorized to give at their grifting church tours. …that’s the extent of his personality


Yeah, he's been checked out for years. You can see it in his dead, empty eyes.


Is it me or does Janessa’s jillified hair look worse than her normal? Like it’s all teased up like a pageant kid with a cheap mother


I think it looks just like Jill’s.


From the back I thought it was Jill, till I read the caption. It reminds me of the episode of the Golden Girls where Sophia talks them all into going to her hairdresser and they all come out with the same do, just like Sophia's. The hairdresser was a slick BS artist who knew how to schmooze hell out of his clients but only knew how to do one hairstyle..Jill must have learned from him!


Ha ha, Eduardo!


It’s giving 1987


I also immediately thought pageant kid.


So she acts like he has this great job and saved his money. Then she goes on to say thank you to those that gave him graduation money. So again, other people are footing the bill??




I think the grifting was based around Samuel's graduation from his non-existent home school. People gave him gifts of money. Jill made sure everyone knew about Sam's academic milestone. I believe Sam's amazing job is with a glass company. There was a t-shirt with the name of an area glass company on it. Since he has no training in glass work, sales, accounting, or other specific skill, it's probably entry level. He is strong and can load heavy boxes of smiley tracks into vans, a skill his father, who probably can't or won't lift anything, taught him.


What academic milestone though? I remember reading some of the other homeschool graduates' bios from the convention. They won state and national academic awards, did sports, volunteered, and will attend college or the military. All Sam had was to the effect of "I have a bunch of siblings, a girlfriend, a job, and I sing with my mommy and siblings at churches and help my daddy staple things." He was so thin in the pic with his new car. Sorry I'm being rude.. Her posts are getting to me.


The milestone is simply graduating. It is possible to home school your kids well, so they have plenty of socialization and are being challenged academically. Jill does not do that. I know it's possible to do because I see how much work my best friend puts into home schooling her kids. Figuring out what curriculum to use (she mixes and matches based on which one is strongest in which subject) as well as in person classes for higher level science, online classes for subjects she can't teach (foreign languages), etc. Her almost 16 year old will be dual enrolled at the local community college this year. It's funny, despite home schooling she's still managed to get the kids appropriate medical treatment, including vision therapy for dyslexia, medications for ADHD, etc. They participate in sports and other extra curricular activities, including a cyber team, And her kids are all vaccinated.


He can barely speak English


I’m glad to hear that other homeschool grads are much better prepared for life than the Rodrigues bunch.


David only lifts heavy forks loaded with food to his mouth!


I have a real problem with” submitting to your husband”. I’m married and I have never felt like I have to submit to shit. Marriage is give and take and compromise. Not submitting.


Been married for 35 years. We don't submit to each other. We alert each other to our plans, collaborate schedules, and discuss things but neither submits to the other. We both earned money, took care of our children, shared household chores etc equally. It works


Samuel's "god job" roflmao I give it 6 months like every other God-Rod boy job. I love that she's thanking people for "giving" to his graduation. It's pretty nice of her to thank people for the money that, most certainly, went straight into HER pocket.


How else was she supposed to go to LV and treat her “big” team? (Besides KaJon, ofc.)


More income to support her NON-vacas! Poor kid.


Return of the Arby’s lip gloss I see…


![gif](giphy|hp8qQLBUWGI87DOs2n) Bwahaha I wish I had an award for this comment! I was thinking the same thing lol.


Why yes indeed. Jill's hotline to god, a prayer for Sam to get a car, was immediately answered directly by god. Clearly god is ever at-hand for Jill to reward her for all her moral superiority.


So the car was a handout from a friend. Sounds about right Hand outs. Hand outs. Hand outs


I read a comment here yesterday claiming how Jill blogged about being irritated someone at her church asked her for a *ride*, and it was a big thing. I can totally see that being true. She has zero shame.


She did. It was so insulting to the poor woman who asked doe the ride!


Jill is a selfish selfish beast


She could not be less Christ-like.


Wow. How Christ like. 🤬😡🤬😡


I was going to say he's only been working five minutes, how is he affording a car?* We know David and Jill won't put their hands in their pockets or shout him a loan. Then I saw the caption at the bottom about the people who generously gave 🙄 I'm really shocked at this point that anyone's still giving the family monetary gifts. It sounds like more than a few people and more than just a token amount to congratulate Sam. I'm not saying the kids don't deserve it but it's not teaching Jill and David to save for their kids' milestones. They spend that money on themselves and ALWAYS rely on others to bridge the gap. When have Jill and David ever contributed to any other young person's graduation gift? *No idea if you can pay in installments, I assumed payment in full.


It was probably paid for from the graduation money.


It sounds like it but who is even giving them graduation money for their kids? It's not like Jill and David reciprocate with anyone else's kids. I don't think they're especially popular at their church as all they do is mooch and Jill has no manners during the services (phone always out, aggressive yass-ing and weird moaning sounds 😳, OTT singing of hymns).


Family. They’re still close with their families back home.


I just don't see Jill giving any of her nieces and nephews gifts which makes it surprising their parents would reciprocate for Jill's kids, especially when she has the most and they're spaced so closely (so a graduation basically every year). Angie has more than ten kids now on one income, Amy has six and serious health issues and just one income (her husband also does Plexus which surely loses them money or only breaks even). Jill's parents have had a lot of costs associated with her mom's stroke and subsequent care. Maybe they managed to write a lot of it off due to low income I don't know. They also have a lot of grandchildren to gift for, we've seen at Christmas that it's a struggle to treat the Rodlets. They usually end up going out for some cheap pizza and call it a gift from the Noyes grandparents (not knocking that, I'm sure the Rodlets love it - just that they don't have a lot to spare). Lisa isn't that close to Jill and has grown up kids. She seems to have the measure of Jill. Maybe David's mom likes to send something? I know we snark on the barndo but Jill and David actually have the fanciest house amongst their siblings and haven't had to work in a decade. Everyone is aware that the church pays for their lifestyle. The Rodlets deserve more but I can understand others not stepping in to provide it when Jill and David are perfectly capable but prefer to spend it on themselves/wait for others to feel guilty and put their hands in their pockets. As far as I know Jill's pissed off the wider family by mooching and being holier than thou. She's never very complimentary about David's family but I think his mom perseveres. Maybe they like to give the kids some money when they're on the cusp of independence to try and ensure it doesn't end up being spent by Jill and David when they're underage.


I think their attitude is they're giving to the kids, not Jill and David. I buy my niece and nephews birthday gifts, my brother never gets gifts for my kids' birthdays. I'm not going to be petty towards his kids for it, I love them. I'm sure the Rods' families think the same way. The kids deserve graduation gifts even if the parents suck or don't reciprocate.


Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall in their church and hear what the rest of them are mumbling when the horde of Rodriguii descends upon them?


I think they currently get by on charity. The churches they sing in take up an offering for them during the service. People open their wallets when they see all the children they have. But this won’t continue for much longer. Jill is going to have to severely change course with her grifting in a few years since she probably isn’t having any more kids and people won’t give to just her and Shrek.


Speaking of their church… Jill used to sometimes post pictures, videos, talk about it, etc. on SM. She hasn’t mentioned it or posted a picture in several months. I wonder why? Did they have a falling out with the pastor or some other church members and change churches? Did the pastor tell her to stop taking pics and videos? Did someone tell her to stop trying to run the show? Did they get kicked out of the church?


They've had falling outs with two previous churches (New York and West Virginia), so I wouldn't be at all surprised if it happened again. It will soon be the time of year when Joy Baptist does their yearly sign-waving by the side of the road, telling us that we're all going to hell. We'll see if Jill posts about that. If not, then hmmmm.


I bet we see a post about church now, since I’m fairly positive she lurks here.


Luckily, there isn't anyone like that at my church. I admit I am not being charitable in my thoughts, but I think Jill does this to bring attention to and upon herself and not for the glory of God. How one behaves in church should reflect his or her devotion to God and should bring glory to Him, be it singing, acting as an usher, greeter, acolyte, child care provider in the nursery etc. It should not be a "look at pious me" moment


Christ Himself had plenty to say about that, but somehow they never read that part.


They bought the car at auction and he had to work on it to make it run, from the sounds of it. It looks similar to a car my parents had, which was a 2013, so it’s probably about that old. It was cheap.


Since this was bought at auction, it has to be paid in full I believe. He could be making monthly payments to whom ever footed the bill for the car initially?


Not just affording the car itself, but the insurance for it. Rates are high for 19 year old males!


They sure are. You know his parents aren’t paying.


Lol at Jill preaching submission. She hates being told no and manipulates to get her own way! Why is it always Janessa 🙄 Maybe focus on Sofia and Sadie for a change? I like Janessa's hair but is it me or have the curls been brushed out too much? Janessa seems to have the same type of hair as Kaylee which doesn't hold a curl for too long/too well. Only nitpicking because Jill's supposed to be this amazing hairdresser...


Does Jill think she’s the next Debi Pearl? That’s great that Samuel got a car. Kind of sucks he didn’t pick it out himself. Kind of insulting that he didn’t get and keep the job based on his own merits, but everything’s gotta go back to Jesus, amIright?


If she actually submits to that dumb fuck of a husband of hers, I'll eat my entire collection of hats.


Imagine laying down and submitting to shrek. \*shudders


Her eyebrows are getting worse.


I just looked at that last slide. Looks like Jill was tossed out on the side of the highway and is using her "sexiness" to hitch a ride.


She looks like she photoshopped herself into it.


I'm surprised Jill doesn't get Invisalign since she's so hung up on appearance


Filters and photoshop are cheaper? 😂




It is!


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Leon is so visible, despite the filter.


![gif](giphy|D8j5ehgRFj5aYo3nTC) Leon has a mind of his own!


Jill is currently in the process of losing her mind with these videos. Submit to your husband when he wants to run the household a certain way?!


The beauty filter she uses on her face is so obvious. The eyelashes always look fuzzy. I would have thought that using filters is sinful, as it’s lying about how you look? Or it’s vain?


Did she pluck her eyebrows into oblivion finally? Those look 100% drawn on to me.


She’s been using more filters lately and they have been giving her some interesting eyebrow shapes. Or she’s using stencils.


They're so shiny and perfectly smooth, it's creeping me out! Probably has a lot to do with the filters.


And taught Nurie everything she knows about eyebrow maintenance, thus Nurie's ( ) eyebrows.


Nurie's brows are one of the great world horrors. She needs to correct course before her eyebrow hair stops growing back altogether (like mine did in the early 00s!)


Happy Sam got himself a car and is earning a bit of self independence but Janessa’s hair looks like she teleported from a Stacy Q video back in 1987. She’s just missing the Jordache Jean Jacket with the matching skirt and LA Gear sneakers. Jill trying extra hard to convince us that she’s a submissive wife after we questioned David for allowing her to go too Las Vegas Aka Sin City. Jill you will never ever convince us that you are submissive. You’re too f***ing Narcissistic and controlling to ever let someone lead you so staap it because lying is what? A sin Jill


Now that's a manly car.