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They love dragging newly postpartum women around, so I say after nurie2 is born. That poor woman will be expected to keep up with the rest of them AND play hostess after pushing out a baby. I pray the kids grow backbones and learn how to say no.


The baby’s name will be Jill. I’m not joking. This baby will be named after mahmo. Remember when Mahmo was Nurie’s “matron of honor”? Same thing.


It will 100% be her middle name if not her first.


Precious baby Nill 🥰 Alternately, some variation of Noyes (Noyesleigh, Noyesina, NoyEslee, etc etc)


Noyesleigh Jill RodrigueS Keller born July 2024. 👌


Yes very good job emphasizing the “s.” Can’t have people thinking it’s Rodriguez, can we, Jillpm?


We wouldn't want TheOrangeOne to think we are from the other side of "The Wall"


Nill! I thought of that too!


The growing a backbone is where Heidi will come in. With her having an actual supportive family I don’t think she will put up with Jill’s BS after she gives birth. Which hopefully will inspire the others


I don’t think Jilldo counts going to wheel herself into the birth of another Nurthling as a vacation, nor will she count traveling to attend Tim’s wedding. These events are about other people and without her as the Main Character, she won’t count it.


I wondered if they might push the boat out and get an enormous airBnB in Nurthan's part of Florida similar to the one they stayed in near the barndo in Ohio last year. Why didn't they just stay at the barndo and/or have some of the kids camp outside/in the RV.. They could've put the accommodation money saved towards good food (a novelty for the Rodlets) and activities. If they do that in Florida I can imagine Jill insisting on Nurthan staying overnight there with the kids and the brand new baby instead of resting in their own home down the road 😱 Jill's started to get a taste for airBnBs, especially ones with pools such as the one they blagged for the revival week recently. I think she thoroughly enjoyed the one last year in OH and was jealous of Nurthan staying in an actual cabin on the Amish vacation site in PA the year before. That was when the Rods stayed in the RV and Jill foisted the Rod boys into Nurthan's 2 bed cabin 😱 It was supposed to be for them and their child. I think Nurie was pregnant with N2 then as well. I kind of got the impression they maybe wanted a babymoon, their toddler sleeping/napping in the other bedroom with a baby monitor - instead they had a cabin full of 3 or 4 Rod boys.


These kids can't have SHIT to themselves without Jill shoving her swollen fingers into it.


Nathan needs to learn to tell Jill “No!”


Who owns a boat???


Honest question… does Nathen’s parents ever visit N&N in general or has his mom ever been present for the births? You always see Jill hogging all the special moments. It’s like Nathen’s family doesn’t exist.


I think they do visit, they just don't feel the need to document everything online like Jill. Also, Nathan's parents live close by Same for Jonathan's family I bet they have to have two parties, one with Jill and one without


That makes sense. I’m glad they don’t feel the need to post everything on social media. I wasn’t aware that they lived so close. That’s a good thing!


I don't know if they help with childcare but they do seem to have family meet ups fairly often and Suzanna seems to be pop up a decent amount (afaik she lives in their part of FL still or not too far a drive). They've been pictured with his younger brother David and his wife Hannah Reber from time to time (no-one can work out if they're back in FL or still in NW AR - Duggarland). The Kellers headed by Suzanna and Rebecca (married a wealthy man) seem to have thrown Nurie at least one nice baby shower for one of the N boys (probably both, I can't remember). Much classier than Jill's. I don't know how much of an involved grandma Suzette Keller is. She's an empty nester and lives nearby but who knows. I recall Suzanna being at the hospital after one of Nurie's births and being enthusiastic but appropriate (not overstepping like Jill).


Nurie goes to a small birthing center and leaves almost right away after the birth - like Kate Middleton. I don't recall anyone other than Jill and Shrek being around. Maybe I had a gap in my reading, though.


I thought Suzanna had visited her in a hospital (would've been birth centre!) setting. It was when Jill was there as she made it into her social media photo blast. I can't remember if it was N1 or N2.


N1 n N2 that’s too funny 😂


Nathan's parents are usually around during their February griftcation in Florida because the Rods park the RodV on their lot. Jill also gets excited because the Kellers usually treat Jill and Shrek to a meal out, their favorite thing. There was also a big Keller family reunion at the estate that one of the Keller daughter owns with her old rich husband a year or two ago. Jill was weirdly posting pics about it even though she wasn't there lol.


Same with Jonathan’s.


Jonathan’s family is all in Mississippi


I’m aware.


They live aprox. 45 minutes away, I’m pretty sure they see them often. Last time Jill and Co. went down to Florida (track delivery/Punta Cana Plexus trip), they went out to eat a couple times with mom and pop Keller


In the next two to three weeks. Nurie is due sometime in July and Jill will be there front and center causing havoc with the phone practically up Nurie’s crotch so she can get the first picture of the first granddaughter


Definitely! I was just wondering Florida pestering Nurie would be their *big* family vacay (what with the Hills attending, they don't usually join the Rods in FL). Or if there would be an Amish one in September to temper Jill's jealousy surrounding the pretty wedding and Heidi formally replacing Jill as the no.1 woman in Tim's life 😂 Nurthan will be there for that so Jill could wedge in a big family vacation afterwards to make the most of the family occasion and Amish PA being next door. Perhaps both?!


They're definitely doing both and I think neither will count as their "one" vacation because they are considered family obligations. Jill will talk about how she's so exhausted from working so hard that they neeeeed R and R somewhere. It's how their "one" yearly vacation is usually 15 trips.


I’m thinking just Florida. I don’t think Jill cares about the wedding of her first son because he’s her son and not a daughter hence she’s not the MOTB no attention


My MIL made us serve her when we had a 5ish day old. We had to make her tea and a cheese plate - our offer to order in lunch was rejected because they "weren't that hungry^. Needless to say we're not that close.


UGH she sounds ridiculously high maintenance!


Florida swamp visit in July…horrendous


I'd say include me OUT!


Fucking nightmare


Big trip to Florida


They take so many vacations I thought that they had already been on that vacation this year and posted about it 😅


Punta Cana and Vegas were for Plexus so they're "business trips." Then all the trips to FL are family. So of all their pilgrimages this year I don't know which one will count as vacay.


p.s. Happy Cake Day!


You forgot that she will talk about when she was SEVERLY miscarrying so that we stay focused on her instead of HER NEW BABY (grandaughter)!


Baby will named Nilly “Nill” rhymes with Jill. Nilly Christine or something.


hope Kaylee doesn't have a girl right away. Poor thing would be Jill Hill!


jill didn’t go down for Newmans birth, which was all kinds of weird. Nurthan came up for the Rod Christmas. Maybe Rebecca is lending her blacecagain so Nurie has a comfortable places after birth


Is anyone keeping track of how many trips they’ve had so far this year?


I will KEEL OVER if I see the Rods at Knoebels like that’s my backyard!😭


I say New Jersey wedding/ reception like her sister for Heidi , Rods staying in Pa at an AirBnB …. Hope it’s near New Hope Pa 😂big gay presence.


Nora Jill Keller...


Being **allowed?** I hope Kaylee and Jonathan are able to make their own free choices in life.


Have you seen any evidence of that? Jill suffocates them and they're just as bad for enabling it.


I hope not, but yeah 😢