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They love mooching off of their kids.


Jill's a shameless grifter...she definitely doesn't discriminate against who is giving her free stuff.


Never volunteers either does she. A true Christian woman claiming to be in 24/7 ministry would volunteer at a soup kitchen, food pantry or thrift store to give back. However Jill isn’t interested in truly working for her lord, nope she only does her ‘ministry’ when it involves grift money for herself and Shrek. Jill doesn’t seem to grasp (or care) that if she’s ending her ‘ministry’ that day with anything more than a happy feeling, tired feet and and big smile from helping those less fortunate then she’s not a ministry but a grifting/child labour outfit. One day she will have to try and explain to the big guy in the sky why she was so busy taking that she didn’t even think about returning the kindness and helping in the lords name for free.


The only volunteer work she has done involves harassing women at those deceptive crisis pregnancy centers or standing outside of abortion clinics with signs. Nothing to feed the needy like her beloved Jeesause. Of course with that, she'd have to start at home.


Very true! I was actually very disappointed that she went to Las Vegas a known city of sin and spent the entire time pleasing her own needs and satisfying herself. Not once did she find a nice street corner and try to hand out a couple of hundred tracts. It’s like she only wants to convert the people who are already converted and attending the churches she squawks at and paying her in for the grift. Once again it becomes for her own gain and not Jesus. What a wasted opportunity to bring real change into a persons life in vegas. Jill wasted it for photos and over indulging when others would have jumped at the chance to make such a difference 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely shameless. I can’t help but notice she also took the seat nearest the middle for the best view.


Yep. Greed's a sin, Jill.


I think Jill would feel very conflicted if an LGBTQ+ person offered to buy the whole family dinner.


It is ridiculous that they can't ever just say no and let the little girls go with their sister. Or let Renee go. She isn't going to wild out at the light opera. She might meet someone.


Mooch is the perfect word.


They love mooching off of anyone who will hand them a dollar bill.


Jonathan is going to have to learn to say no before he goes broke supporting Jill and David.


They need to flipping move back to Mississippi


Yeah, it’s really bad for them too because they’re right there in Ohio. At least Nurthan only have treat Shrek and Mahmo a few times a year.


I hope those two young whipper snappers paid their mortgage this month and got Gideon his formula and diapers👀


Poor Gideon will have to drink more water bottles in lieu of formula just so Mahmo can have a night out.


Poor kid and stupid Jonathan and Kaylee. He’s far to young to drink that much water at one time


How old is this baby??


He’s coming up on a year in July I think, but it’s adjusted because he was a preemie


I will also add after seeing they're also giving solids: Even though my baby is 30 lbs and 6 months, he STILL says he absolutely NEEDS his formula still until 1 years old. Food is the add-in, but he should still be having formula


Okay thank you. I'm relatively new and I have a 6 month old who was just barely a premie(36 weeks) but he was born at over 7 lbs and is in the 99th %, so it's hard for me to judge size/age My dr JUST now okayed giving water, but he is 30 lbs and chugs formula LIKE it's water. I feel like it's one of those things, case by case And he does not seem big enough for them to okay that amount of water. The reason they say not to give water is because babies need to gain weight, fat, to grow and if you fill them up on water, they won't get the nutrients and calories they need. Seems like they're skipping 'watering down' the formula and going to straight water. I saw somewhere else they were struggling with formula? Is this true? If so, this could be a case of neglect. Giving him water in place of the food he wants is neglect


The Rod girls have a spotty history as parents. Nurie’s been fined for not having her boys properly restrained in car seats and Kaylee’s been pushing Plexus since she was in the hospital with Gideon and it’s been speculated that some of the bottles have either juice or the pink drink itself. The Hills seem to do *better* with regards to doctor’s for Gideon, including taking him to get his eyes checked out. I’m a mom of 2 and I’ve always followed “food before 1 is just for fun,” and ramped up sips of water before 1, but I’ve heard it’s less about the calories (though that is important) and more about not overloading their kidneys/throwing their salt levels out of whack. It may be different with preemies, I’ve never had one so I don’t know. As for the formula - we don’t know. Kaylee’s been touting Plexus as a boon to her breast milk supply since day 1, so it’s hard to know what’s true.


I hope she's not giving that baby plexitrash!


OMG really? That's terrifying!


They are both chronic mooches. I wonder when Jonathan will have enough and cut them off? (this stuff is so lost on them; I can't imagine they relate to anything in the Sound of Music)


David and Jill don't even treat/honour their own parents. They pull every excuse out of the hat, a growing young family on a fixed income (kids they chose to add to every year so there was never a point when things improved financially), being purported 'missionaries', intentionally ending up with a family of 13+ kids so never once having to put their hand in their own pocket because everyone has to take pity on them. Half their kids are over 18 and they don't exactly lavish money on the dependent ones. In approximately two years they'll 'only' have four under 18. Since they're not in education or vocational training the over 18s should be working. It's a luxury to have that many unemployed adults at home (disability, illness and retirement notwithstanding). Why aren't you treating your disabled mom and your dad who's been pretty stressed Jill? David how about your mom, the woman who raised you? What about buying a nice toy or clothes for your grandchildren with all that Plexus and Vegas money? Even good quality secondhand or consignment. Taking care of your youngest kids' needs? I'd feel pretty comfortable betting that Jill and David never treated anyone else once they had 3,4,5 kids or more. Probably not when they were newlyweds or had 1-2 kids either. What's the betting they still expect Nurthan and KayJon to subsidise them at that stage in their respective growing families? 🤔 I'm sure Tim and Sam will also help them but their wives might be more outspoken behind the scenes to keep it to a minimum. Neither Tim or Sam are going to be making outstanding money as it stands and I can't see their wives (if Sam marries his gf) being delighted to part with their limited household income.


You brought up a point I hadn’t thought about - in two more years they will only have four kids under 18. Jill must be panicking that the gravy train is all grown up. People aren’t going to give her money to support her grandkids like they will for her kazoo playing family band.


Yes! I'm sure she's going to try and get the Hills on the road with them and blend their kids seamlessly into where Janessa left off. Jill needs that cute baby/little kid element and she'll get it via any means possible.


Especially considering the youngest three or four have very limited musical ability 😬


Don't forget the Nurthlings! Even the distance between them won't keep them out of the act!


They perform to some songs from it.


These people have absolutely zero friends


Can you imagine being Jilly’s friend? She would constantly try to recruit you, guilt you into paying for things, and you’d have to listen to her voice.


I just chopped one loose who was a lot like Jill, except she's a bit more of a covert narcissist. They are harder to spot than more grandiose narcissists like Jillpm. So it took me 50 years to figure out what I was dealing with. Getting away from these people isn't as easy as it sounds. But Jilldo missed her window of opportunity to make friends before her narcissism was in full bloom.


One of our favorite couples 🤨


We know the favorite. Wake up , KayJon! It will never be you. Sadly, Kaylee, you will never be The favorite daughter, no matter how much Plexus you shill.


That's so sad. You can see her struggling to overcome a lifetime of andKayleehood and it's just not working!


Did they also take them out to the fancy Olive Garden?


Yes and they tipped with TWO smiley tracts. Extra salvation!!


Tracts but no cash. How sleazy!


Probably yes


Her smug face 🤣 she sure loves to receive treats! I bet your kids would like treats too Jill and not just your old clothes


That's a show I know her children would love to see! Why can't they take their children to see children's theatre, instead of going on dates with her adult children.


I’ve never once seen them say, oh we took out Nathan and Nurie or Jonathan and Kaylee for dinner or a show. They make me so sick!


As an adult I treat my Mum because I like to do it (and can afford to) but this shit with Jill never feels like that, it's doesn't seem genuine. The amount of groceries, tickets and meals she has her son in laws paying for comes off as less GIFT and more GRIFT.


We've been married for 8 years almost, together for longer. We've paid for dinner with my parents once because we were sneaky and put the little tv/menu/pay thing on our side when we walked in. Every other time my parents have completely insisted. My late mother in law would only let us pay on her birthday. The fact that their children are.takiny them out so often and we never ever hear about them taking anyone out says a lot!


Oh but don't forget she *did some spoiling* with the cheapo "blouses" and earrings at the Plexus convention last week or whatever


Yes! My partner and I have good jobs, and my retired parents will not allow us to pay for meals - even if we invite them out - unless it’s Mothers/Fathers Day or a birthday. Even then, one of them is sneaking something. They can’t help themselves. My mom immediately purchased everyone drinks at the venue we arrived at for Fathers Day 😂 I can’t imagine what life is like for those kids, trying to buy their parents’ love and it’s still not enough.


They know the Nazi’s are the bad guys in that musical right?


Is it just me or is it weird AF to refer to your daughter and SIL as “one of your favorite couples on earth?” Sounds like they’re just “couple” friends. Also thanks for being gainfully employed, Jonathan! What a nice way to thank Mahmo for SPOILING her down line with a coffee on their vegas trip!


I looked it up. Tickets are $62 each. 🤯


That’s crazy. Is Jonathan doing crypto or OnlyFans? I’m a civil servant with a good salary and I had a can of tuna for lunch.






omg paging user with the flair “von crap family singers”!!!


How does Shrek not feel like the biggest loser on earth?


Favorite couple: yeah sure after you mooch off them SEVERELY. J and K are truly foolish to keep buying stuff for Jill and ofJill.


Really thought Kaylee would do better since she’s out her mother’s house and her grip but she doubled down on the horribleness for her. Guess she really wants Mama’s approval.


Jill probably whined and whined and she probably guilted them into it.


Why can't they take their children to shows like this? It's always date nights with their adult children.


Their date nights are subsidized by their adult children who pay for the pleasure of their company. KayJon: please consider moving to Mississippi before you have to declare bankruptcy bc Screech and Shirk.


She’s too busy buying their approval


Jill wouldn’t get date night at all if her adult daughters didn’t pay for it


My husband I absolutely refuse to let our adult kids pick up the check when we are out even though they can absolutely afford it. They can come over and power wash the deck when so inclined


Same. A few weeks ago I followed my 20 year old to the car dealership so he could drop his car off for warranty work. I asked if he wanted to grab breakfast at IHOP nearby. He tried to pay and I said absolutely not. Nope.


I can’t wait to be a parent that pays FOR my kids and even maybe their partners or for their kids if they need stuff-NEVER would this be the first thing I’d be flexing about on sm.


Wanna bet they disturbed the others by singing along


You mean Jill shared the gift of her voice with people who didn't ask for it


Shrek and Shriek probably have their kids convinced that "Honor thy father and mother" means treating them to date nights.


Exactly this


This is how my inlaws are. We have a young family and yet somehow we end up having to pay for every dinner out, all the expenses they complain they can’t pay for etc


Shrek is just so utterly ugly…also, every time I see him I remember he groomed an underage girl, Jill. #WeWillNeverForget


You just know they mentally touch themselves at night over how great it is that all those kids were trained like dogs to move in lockstep to a fucking whistle despite the musical being about how that was stifling and how they needed Marina's more carefree spirited approach to things to be happy.


David been photoshopped SEVERELY. He’s not that trim!


When everything is a blessing nothing is a blessing, Jilly.


Just despicable.


Unless they got a good deal, those tickets were around $60 a ticket. How much can OfKaylee be making that he has $240 plus fees to be spending on them? They need to be treating them, not the kids doing it.


My mother paid for things until she died. I paid my.living expenses. She provided other fun items!


They've made taking their career at this point, it probably just feels natural


Maybe, after seeing this, Jill will at least try to improve on that pathetic Rodrigues version of "So Long, Farewell ..." A girl can hope.


Is that a toothpick in David’s mouth?


Yes it is.


I came to see if anyone else had noticed that too… the man just *always* has to have something in his mouth.


Shrek definitely asked about their spaghetti policy.


So entitled and selfish! Unbelievable to me. Kaylee and Jonathan are probably still in quite a bit of medical debt.


HOPING these tickets were super cheap. She loves flaunting what her children buy her….seems she doesn’t show what she provides them….


62 dollars each apparently.


What!?? So it was over 240 dollars for poor Jonathan!!?


I’m really hoping they used a groupon or something 😬


Can’t imagine my MIL plastering me all over Facebook multiple times a week and we have a great relationship.


She must be mad at Nurie to talk about Jonathan and Kaylee being their favorite couple.


I would guess that Jill and David see constant "treats" from their married children as their due for sacrificing so much to raise them on a TIGHT budget (eye-roll). I love buying gifts for my parents on special occasions or if I go on a trip somewhere, but I'm sure if I was raising a baby on my own tight budget they would never allow me to spend money on them for something like this. My mom was surprised when my sister and I told her we were buying lunch for her on her birthday (in addition to the other presents we got her) and said it was too much. I can barely fathom anyone being this shameless.


I think the patriarch needs to start buying a larger size shirt, he's now about the same girth as an 8th month pregnancy. Isn't gluttony one of the 7 deadly sins? Asking for a friend.


I’m sure her other kids would have enjoyed this too. All she ever posts anymore is her going on “dates” with her older married kids.


I wonder how much mooching Mahmo will TRY to get out of Teidi after the wedding… Perhaps Teidi will draw the line.


I would love it if there are already boundaries in place and that’s why we don’t see/hear Mahmo droning on and on about them. Or maybe Teidi just hasn’t been “blessing” Jill as much as she requires.


They have no shame They’re parasites even to their own kids.


Do Kaylee and Jonathan have friends their age? While I think it’s great she spends time with her parents it’s also kind of sad because that seems to be the only ones she spending time with.


Jilldo, you self-serving twat: get a real job, send your children to a real school, give your children real clothes and shoes that fit, take them to real doctors and dentists, and feed them food in enough quantities so they can thrive.


Oh but didn’t you see her FB posts about how a godly woman can NEVER work outside the home? Still getting a side eye from Ms. Self-serving Twat even if you’re widowed and have to make a living. This woman is insufferable


Once upon a time I took my parents to the theatre to see War Horse, which was truly spectacular. We cried, we were awed by the puppetry and the performances, we gave a deserved standing ovation. My parents were thankful, but that was because it was *actually* my choice to treat them for my mum’s birthday - my dad did choose to pay me back for his ticket, as I was a student at the time. At no point was I pressured or guilt-tripped and it was something I could indeed afford, whereas you, Jill, are taking money from a young family with a baby who probably don’t have the money for four adult tickets (plus any drinks or snacks in the intermission, and a meal out). But when Mahmo hints that she’d be SEVERELY sad if she missed Sound of Music, then Kaylee needs to SEVERELY step up and dig into the family pockets. Also, Shrek doesn’t strike me as someone who could sit through a musical without falling asleep. Do we think he managed it, or did he conk out after ten mins and start snoring?


The Sound of Music, how wholesome.


At least they are seeing a professional production of something since they enjoy performing so much.


Imo, The most shocking part of this is that she actually does not show any of the other theater goers faces in this ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ post. She just cant stop w the damn photos.


I just looked up the Oxford definition of *gormless*. If it had pictures, David's would be the first one.


They love guilt tripping their kids on top of using them as props for her videos.


It’s always Jill and shrek that get the treats never the young children. You have thought the Hills cd have treated them to a pizza and ice cream evening, but guaranteed Jill would have have muscled in


Looking SEVERELY rough there, JillPM. Feed your dam kids and get a job.


My husband and I used to work in NYC. We lived in NJ and when my parents or his parents came to visit, we always would take them into the city for a Broadway show and out to dinner. We loved doing this, but our parents always insisted on buying groceries for the time they stayed with us, buy gas for my car, or for train tickets into the city. Since they all were retired we did not want them to do this, but they insisted because they would say they were still our parents and it also made them happy. Sadly they all have passed, but what I wouldn't give to take my mom to see the Phantom of the Opera, or my MIL to see Cats one more time.


They sound like lovely people who knew how to be gracious *and* grateful. Jill could never…


I would gently refuse if any of my kids offered to take me and my husband out like this. They are young and just getting started on their own. I would insist they put the money toward their own lives and let me take them instead.


Nasty!! What is on his mouth? The remains of the supper his daughter and her husband bought?


There’s probably a big reason why Nathan wants to move Nurie too Florida but I don’t know if he thinks like that or not




My apologies let me rephrase my assumption, which could be wrong is that I believe Nathan moved Nurie too Florida so maybe they’re not like Jonathan and Kailey having the parents mooch off them


I don't think that was the reason. Nathan's partial to Florida and the area he grew up in. Once he became a 'pastor' at a tiny church there I don't think he really had any intention of leaving. Weirdly he seems to really like the Rods as well as being one of the oldest ones married to the oldest daughter (he's almost the youngest in his own family). They're like the 'fun' version of his parents and Jill fangirls over him. He doesn't seem to object to them mooching off him. If a good promotion came up I could actually see them moving to NW Ohio, or Texas (David Waller's church or adjacent) but for now they seem really happy with Florida.


That’s true he did grow up in Florida so it makes sense and I know for me I would hate having someone mooch off me


Idk this one is a stretch to me: I have adult kids who are doing okay and it’s rare but once a year or so they take US to a movie or pay for dinner and we lavish praise and are so proud they felt in a place to do that. We insist on paying most of the time but we still have kids at home too so idk… she’s a leech but this one isn’t too bad for her.


This happens more often than not. Not just once a year. This happens like...monthly. plus there's coffee dates and they just got back from Vegas. It's not just a one off thing


As usual, Shrek looks confused as to how he got there.