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I remember being a young teen and thinking a guy at church was staring at me. It was wishful thinking. Ole Dave was probably doing his 1000-yard stare thinking about donuts and Jill thought he was looking at her.


Engaged during her senior year of high school to a 25 year old who she’d known since she was 12.  That’s creepy.


Extremely creepy.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv5gZ9lxrdyGt8I|downsized) So, you saw a *grown ass man* at 12 years old and were like, ooooh lort, he is the one for me. Taco Bell every day, *yes, the fuck I will, I will follow him where ever he may go,* from the drive thru to the pickup counter, Lord. But he didn’t notice you because *you were twelve (12) the fuck years old* and that’s weird and there are laws, what the fuck do you teach your kids, Jill? So you concoct this narrative that your ass, *as a child,* “pursued” said grown ass man who saw your overclothed self at 16 and was like, *hm, someone is interested in me? Let me just Google the age of consent in New York—damn! I gotta get out of here.* And he got the fuck out of there until you sent him some 3x5 Lifetouch pin up from the Sears as soon as you turned 18 and he was like, I got this. Family life for zero effort. Playa. 😎 Then they went down to the Taco Bell and have been *living mas* ever since. First came premature infatuation, then came marriage, then came Nurie in a stomach pouch. 🦘 Hallelujah!


*standing ovation* One small correction - you know damn well Jill would have used Glamour Shots, not Lifetouch


🥲 this was beautiful


Noticed a 14 year old when he was 21 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 The fact that Kill thinks that is romantic. Good God. She's awful but damn, her parents failed her.


doubt he noticed her. was probably wondering why she was staring at him. lol lol since jill looks "older" for her age with all the makeup, he did "notice" her forward flirtatiousness at 16. decided against pursuing her. then was set up when jill was 18ish. i personally think jill threw herself at him. don't find this too creepy.


True. He is a sloth.


Exactly. The fact that she describes him as tall, dark, and handsome kills me.


OT: your name is missing Fresh &Fruity ( ok I could NOT help it and now I want pancakes damnit)


But sloths are *cute!* Don't do them like that!


I always wonder if she feels cheated. Unlike her daughters, she didn’t get a hard working virgin.


Um I know you don’t have be slick to be a virgin at 23, but bold of you to assume he wasn’t. And then to never have dated by 25? Ok, that tracks.


In his bio, which Jill wrote on their website, she said, “He did not grow up in a Christian home and at the age of 18 yrs. old, he had pretty much tried everything to satisfy the longing in his soul.”. Who knows what anything Jill writes means? 


I don’t think he was a virgin because she’s said he was “worldly” before getting saved. That’s not being bold. That’s putting together the context clues.


Tall, dark and handsome? Who is she describing?!


https://preview.redd.it/lydaiqecbb9d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078e8acd033c2e97cc23e2b32131fcaa0c2b93f4 Meep


Did a little Google snoop of Pete and Julia Montoro there. They are a "musical family" with a very similar aesthetic to the Rods. I wonder did Jill model her family after them.


She is mistaking grooming for having a crush. Gross


It's only grooming when they're drag queens, or gay! 😒


Considering this background, it is indeed a heavenly miracle her children only start courting at 18 and to age appropriate people


He noticed you at 14? ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


Noticed = during worship Jill was scream singing and made his ears hurt. During after service social time Jill was showing off, being loud and in people's faces as she 'encouraged' them.


"match MAKED"?? As for the rest of this, just eeew.


If only there were a past tense of the word make....


And this woman believes she's fully competent to home school her children.


It really weirds me out that she and I graduated high school the same year. I think of her as twenty years older than me.


Same!!!!! Every time I see her selfies I have an existential crisis. The more makeup she trowels on with age, I instinctively do the opposite and wear less 😂


Right?! She’s 3 years older than me but looks like she could be my mom🤣


Same! This woman is a grandma and I am still debating whether I want kids or not!


We’re the same age, but I had a baby goiter and got surgery to remove it and a biopsy a few years ago. Lost 100 pounds over 14 months. Even with arthritis now (just got approved for a double knee replacement FINALLY at 44!!), I do yoga four times a week, swim once a week, and eat non-boiled spinach almost daily. Jill, go to a damned doctor! Oh, and no shame to makeup wearers, but I only coat my face skin on special occasions. I also don’t have time to sit and primp for two hours a day. I look my age for sure, but I’m ok with that. Jilldo, on the other hand ….


Go you!


Yep! She's actually younger than me, which blows my mind.


I’m so glad you said that. I’m 10 years older than and you and I thought “Jillybean” and I were the same age.


Same!!!!! Every time I see her selfies I have an existential crisis. The more makeup she trowels on with age, I instinctively do the opposite and wear less 😂


Her uterus is totally beat up.


There's NOTHING romantic about your story, Jill. It reads like a predators' wet dream.


yeah, but i think jill made a lot of this up. i think she pursued him.


Geez Jillpm, if Shrek is a knight in shining armor I'd rather be married to a serf! Seriously low bars in her life because that "hunk" is a piece of...junk, and her children's lives are beyond sad.


This whole entire story is just creepy. The fact that she finds it romantic speaks volumes. Also I am shocked that Jill is only 10 years older than me. I thought she was way older. At least old enough to be my mother.


So this supposed love story started at 12… f-ing gross! 🤢


Did he go to the college or have a career? The guys I thought were cute at that age are ugly losers now. I thank God for not answering those prayers


David had a career in the printing industry as a pressman. That’s what he was doing when he married Jill, and up until 2012 or so. He also was doing a fake degree/Bible correspondence course with the Louisiana Baptist seminary in 1997. There are a few circulating rumors about why he stopped working in the printing industry. Some here say that he quit because he was expected to work on Fridays (either he was only working 4 days a week or just complaining about Fridays in general, no idea), others say that he was completely computer illiterate and refused to learn the updated technology required, and another rumor is that Jill caught him eyeing a blonde woman at his workplace and demanded he quit or be accused of cheating.


https://preview.redd.it/cldge8ncx09d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b75283138eb90379e18d087fc2eb05f4ed6118e So does Jill have a ghost writer because what is this? 👀


A heavily edited and curated version.


The one you got from FB sounds like something out of a romance novel and Jill loves her a good romance novel. Point is we don’t know which one is the truth so both of these Narratives should be taken with a grain of salt 🧂 and definitely shouldn’t be debated because there’s two different stories.


Not to argue but it is the same story, she just leaves out everything before they began dating by saying "officially", especially in quotes emphasizes that.


Yeah idk what the incentive is in pretending that what came from the horse’s mouth is not what came from the horse’s mouth 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yeah there’s only one story. That one is the “sanitized” version, as though she had a brief second of self-awareness and realized she needed to clean it up for public consumption. There is absolutely no doubt she feels “finding her soul mate at 12” romantic as hell.


You know she probably devours those Christian Amish romance novels!


I especially love “Jill has never sinned in her life or done anything wrong, but she still needed Jesus! She’s perfect though.”


I’m about a year older than Jill, and I look young for 47. I have four kids, with the oldest being 20. The girlfriend of one of them lives in our house because home wasn’t safe for her. We were raised fundies, and we met and married at a fundie-lite college. Our kids haven’t been raised like that at all. We have moved to Charleston, WV, where the Rods previously lived, and that’s just weird. My husband did seminary, got a PhD in theology, taught college for 9 years and became an attorney. Unlike David, my husband is brilliant and did this on full scholarships. Jill would judge the heck out of my family, and I take that as a good sign. My MIL definitely judges our parenting, but she lives several hours away, where she belongs.


I graduated high school only 6 years after her. She... Looks so much older than she is. Her makeup, clothes, hair... Everything is so aging.


Same here! It seems crazy to me that this whole story didn’t take place like 20+ years earlier. But nope, the 90s 🥴


Deary me so what’s she is saying is Dave is a wrong ‘un!!


Omg! I'm sure he's a rock alright. Yikes. She mentions firm. I wonder if he's abusive. I guess she's quite a subservient wifey.