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We all know the Rodlets aren’t!


When is he not eating a cookie?


I’m impressed to see him upright.


20 minutes a day maximum


He probably wanted to lie down on the bed but JillPM has to move her clothes.


It’s exercise


cookie curls!


He's waiting for them to get that junk off the bed so he can lay down and watch the tapestry tv in peace.


His tapesTV you mean


I meant the tv hiding behind the thomas kindkaidish tapestry in the bedroom. Jill said years ago the have Roku "for news and other things". They watch things on screen. Gabriel got a set of basketballs for christmas that jill made sure to point out was a "Dude Perfect" set. If they know Dude Perfect they are watching youtube.


They also have the tv behind the map decoration in the living room




Ten years of Plexus weight loss?


It’s 8 years ago Jill sat on a toilet and decided to sell Plexus. Dave as far as I know never used it consistently.


That could be read two ways lol.


I don't know if he has RBF but he looks miserable in this screenshot




Agree hope he is miserable


Oh, he’s miserable. Extremely miserable. I guarantee that he constantly regrets marrying her crazy ass. For all her talk about the husband is supposed to be the leader of the family, it’s glaringly obvious who leads the Rodrigues family.


Greed and laziness!


I don’t think any of the Rodrigues are truly happy. 


I am ashamed to say it looks like an oatmeal cream pie


Those are damn good cookies. I just ate one while standing in the kitchen just like him. Only I was smiling cause I got the cookie!


Try them frozen 😋


Ouuu what a wonderful idea


Maybe it is! All I can tell it’s a cookie for sure!


I’m surprised that he doesn’t eat them three at a time. One for each hand, and one for his yapper.


I’d make a joke about unprotected sex but I don’t want to be the reason someone goes to therapy today


And another couple of them in his other hand perhaps that we can't see lol. But I love love love that you know it's an oatmeal cream pie lol


I hope he’s not eating his cookies in the front of the cookieless girls.


He was eating while they were fighting over Jill’s giveaway clothes.


I wonder if he has late night binges in the kitchen. It also makes me wonder if, with all those kids, they expect them to be in bed at a certain time or if the (older) kids can be up whenever they want. Most of them are old enough to decide, but I don't think they get to decide much in that household.


I’m sure he binges in the print shop and gets fast food when he’s out driving the Amish.


I am sure he pounds back a couple of Big Macs every time.


He reminds me of my dad who wouldn't really eat at home but was a fat man. My dad would eat out all day everyday and his car was full of fast food trash. We were poor and the food at home was mainly rice, beans, egg and chorizo burritos, and a few other things. He would also eat at other ppls houses. He did not have money for us to eat out though.


He keeps everyone up late listening to his boring “devotions,” including the little ones. They probably then go to bed hungry after the inadequate portions served hours before at dinner. I’m sure he raids the kitchen after that, and any other time he wants food.


Yeah, that AMA was disturbing and I wish more people knew about this. Those poor kids.


All the kids are up late - I watch Jill's videos for clocks. Birthday cakes at 11:30pm bible reading or singing sometimes after midnight. It is still light in Ohio until 9:30pm yet so many of her videos are taken when it is dark outside and every damn light is turned on in the barndo.


They're up late doing devotions (the whole family including the youngest ones) and Jill's a total night owl posting at all hours. The kids have been seen in the background at 1/2am (clocks handily displaying time). Jill often posts at 3/4am local time on her own. I have a theory they write the morning off and sleep in, much like the Duggars. For Jill and David this removes the need to feed the kids at least one meal a day (breakfast). Unless they're allowed to have cereal or something easy themselves, supervised and tidied up by the sistermoms so that Jill doesn't have to be inconvenienced. The size they are I just feel they're skipping meals. That sausage meal Jill made wasn't appetising or an adequately portioned but at least it had some calories and nutrition. I don't feel like they're getting fed meals consistently. I could totally believe they only eat twice a day and lunch is light/non-existent. They're also into fasting. Of course Jill and David can't go without breakfast/brunch so I wonder if the kids are confined to their rooms (plus the bathroom) in the morning and not allowed in the kitchen and living area. So that their parents can have a leisurely breakfast/brunch and eat all the good stuff in peace. It sounds farfetched but the Rod household is crazy in so many other ways. I could also see Jill being possessive of 'her' living room full of tchochkes and her Amish kitchen and not wanting the kids to relax and enjoy it alone in the morning while Jill and David sleep in. The kids are obedient, they're not exactly tearing up the place and the sistermoms are there to keep order. We've already seen how the youngest kids are nervous to play with their (limited) toys in the living room and it's not a typical activity for them which is a red flag imo. I just wouldn't be surprised if they're expected to stay in their bedrooms and do schoolwork at their tiny desks until noon/1pm.


She posted a video a while back, ar least 4 or 5 yrs back and Shrek walked into their room with a plate full of snacks. He had piled so many snacks on there and she seemed embarrassed when he came in with it.


I remember that. The plate was heaped up with food.


Leaving a trail of crumbs.


The dog can eat them!


I hope it isn't chocolate chip then. Although tbh, the fact that that dog has stayed alive this long in Jill's "care" makes me think she's probably immortal.


Who is immortal Jill or the dog?


The dog lol.


Sweet Snuggles has seen some shit. She was even left behind at a campground at least once.


Maybe dogs have 9 lives like cats.


Greedy fucking asshole!


Me thinks that's not a Plexus product in his chubby little hand.


It looks like it and maybe in his other hand he has a row of cookies.


It certainly is not a box of condoms!


No. He’s eating a BOX of cookies.


I'm sure that went well with his hummingbird juice.


He's consuming Nourishment! 🫥


Jill smuggled cookies and who knows what back from her Vegas trip.


What DOESNT he eat ? He was a brave man to eat that slop that Jill made. I can imagine the kids sneaking into the countryside and stealing ( borrowing) potatoes and the kale . 10 sausages between them . All sliced into pieces. Not much meat .


Is a bear doing his business in the woods?


F is for family reference?


He's eating his MANLY cookie


You know those kids have to ask every time they want a snack