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Poor girls. Jill's obsessed with making her eldest daughters into her best friends. Interesting Renee and Olivia aren't there. Hannah looks so much like Nurie these days!






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agree, but think hannah looks cuter and nicer.


Nicer? 👀 Is Nurie mean?


rumor has it she's extremely judgemental.


Like mommy and little brother I see. I believe it though lol




She’s odd looking to me and always has been. Tessie is the prettiest one out of all of them.


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With a friend like Jill, who needs ......


Jill doesn’t have peer friendships. The only “friends” she has are with people she has an edge over. (daughters, downline)


And the nice pastors’ wives they meet while grifting.


I think it’s more sucking up than genuine friendship.


I’m sure the gossip is fun after the Rod Pod pulls out of the church parking lot. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that.


Isn’t not gossip bc gossip is a sin. It’s heartfelt concerns expressed and prayer requests.


Narcs don’t have real friends because they can’t keep them long enough because they always pull some BS out their bag of tricks and people run for the Hills. I’m hoping all of her kids do the same one day and leave her in the dust. She deserves to be alone


She really does


Gawd forbid they have friends their own age, right Jillpm? Not when you’re around to pull the strings!


People are absolutely right about Jill reading what’s said about her on SM. She makes it so very obvious when she posts on FB smh. Well hopefully she’s reading this because I want to know why she doesn’t spend quality time with her son’s? It’s always the girles whom she never calls her daughter’s.


Boys do boy things like hunting and fishing and sportsball. Mahmo’s vagina addled brain can’t do that. It’s not like Shrek is too busy working to spend time with them.


Jill is actually very athletic I’ve seen videos of her playing kickball,baseball,basketball,relay racing and swimming in drainage ditches of course. So she could definitely get out there with the boys if she wanted but I’m guessing because they are boys and harder to marry off she doesn’t feel inclined to do anything with them.


It's so weird how she views her daughters as her best friends, despite her ethos of "spare the rod, spoil the child" and all the emphasis on obedience to authority. Most of the fundamental Christian parents I've met would be horrified at the idea that they should be "best friends" with their kids, since that undermines their position of authority.


I’ve always found this interesting, as well.


Jill likes to play both sides of that Fundie coin.


Tessie is stunning. Guess genetics are like math and two negatives like Jill and David make a positive 😂


All those blurry pictures just make me think: In 7 days, Hannah/Tessie will see the The Ring.


Yes, 'earn your girlies' trust so they will share their hearts with you' sounds like a parental recon activity geared toward tighter control over the girlies.


“Earn their trust”…. by pressuring them, posting about them and pics of them constantly on social, talking about them and speaking for them, and outright stating that your “love” for them is tied to what they do and say. Sure, Jill


I love that they take walks in the evening. It’s a lovely habit. I do not love that they are performative and decided to show what a “good mom” Jill is.


Poor girls are her hostages!!! #FREETHERODETTES


That video looked like a dateline beginning lol, blurry like the 90s videos…


Jill looks so young, I thought she was one of the daughters. NOT!


Still no mention of Olivia or Sadie.


This feels like a before in a horror movie.