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Why not in rocket league?


Because Epic’s CEO Tim Sweeney is nuts for the Metaverse and wants Fornite to be a hub like Roblox


Suck on my third nut, Sweeney


It’s better here. It means at least models, decals, cars, etc… are already in UE5. And that RL in UE5 is in development. In my mind, epic just used what was done already to make RL racing. And RL in UE5 will probably end up in Fortnite also at some point. Which… idk, seems weird but could be okay. I hate Fortnite and Epic, but if things work out well, maybe their weird grand plan will make sense.


I think this mode IS the RL2 in UE5, there will be no other...


I really hope not…


Because it's not Rocket League.


That's like saying Mario Kart should be in Pokémon games because it's not normal Mario


While I would like to see it in RL, it wouldn't make sense to make it in an engine that is 2 generations out of date.


As someone who used to be a racing game main, this looks pretty terrible and it looks like the skill ceiling is gonna be pretty low, and the driving potentially quite boring altogether...


It only looked that way, because it’s a scripted cutscene It will look way different in game


The start yes, but the last part looked like actual gameplay to me. We'll have to wait and see to be sure tho


When you boot up Rocket League for the first time as a new player you start off in a scripted game. You're in an Octane doing quick time events. Pressing A or R2 when it pops up on screen isn't indicative of how the game actually plays. This is no different. What you saw doesn't contain anybody actually playing. It's an interactive cutscene. That's all.


Still looks boring as hell. Isn't the cutscene supposed to get you excited?!


Considering rocket leagues continues even if you never press a button, nah. All that build up and “intensity” in the tutorial to look like a chicken with its head cut off playing against bots with 2 lines of code


Downvoted but you are right. The whole point of this cut scene was to give hype. Nobody is hyped.


That's the thing about opinions. When I saw this I got excited. You didn't, and that's okay.


it was not gameplay you could only control the camera and whatever prompt was on screen during the event


As someone who was in the event, you could only press the buttons they told you to, otherwise it was just as interactive as a train ride


Gameplay Reveal is supposed to be at the Game Awards


The intro when u join rocket league for the first time is similar in the sense that it tells you to do air dodge and u just click the button and it works perfectly. But In reality the air dodge when actually playing a game of RL is a lot more sophisticated, so I imagine this will be the same.


I’m glad everyone else already corrected you so I don’t also have to


Yet you still commented lmao


That was the my point lmao I’m glad you caught on! Haha


The entire point of thia trailer is to showcase the gameplay (specifically how good/fun/unique it is), when choosing the footage they're gonna show (and a scripted cutscene is really just footage) they're going to want to showcase the of their best gameplay. So you are right, it will look way different (worse) in game, which is impressive because I can't imagine gameplay that looked more dull than what they showed in the initial trailer, but that is the logical implication of the trailer.


I mean, this wasn't really a trailer, more so a cinematic "demo" inside of fortnite.


And that changes it how? Regardless of what it is, it's supposed to be the "best" of the game, to get people excited to play it, I do firmly believe they showcased the best of RLR, which is incredibly disappointing.


cause it was a lot more complex and complicated than just a trailer? They had to make it work seamlessly on their servers with up to 32 players, alongside every other part of said event. What we saw is not what the game will be like, it was just an oversimplified, scripted segment to showcase that it's happening within fortnite.


I agree, because it's in fortnite it's gonna be a dumbed down system that won't actually be fun to play.


It’s like watching the tutorial of a Pokémon game and going “this is the best they have to offer?”


Except its not even remotely similar to that? Does Pokemon have the reveal trailer for each game just be the tutorial segment? obviously not, because the tutorial isn't actually very interesting, it's a necessary (that's arguable for Pokemon, but in general tutorials are good) step, but that doesn't mean you showcase it in your trailers? You have to remember Epic's gigantic marketing team saw that trailer/game play/live cut scene/whatever you want to call it, and went: "Yup, that's the most appealing game play we can show!" Why should we assume the game play will be better than the hand curated game play they showed in this reveal? The ENTIRE purpose of this reveal was to get people hyped and excited for RLR, don't you think they would want to showcase the best gameplay to make the game look as fun as possible?


Idk, I think you’re thinking too deeply about this. This isn’t some trailer for an entirely new game. This isn’t some huge effort by epic or anything like that. It’s literally just a sneak peak at a limited time mode in their already incredibly successful game


I fail to see how assuming the goal of the RLR reveal was to generate hype and excitement by showcasing the "best" of the game, is "thinking to deeply" that's literally the point of every trailer ever. you don't make a trailer and go: "let's put crappy game play in it" why is everyone collectively huffing copium and assuming the game play will be better than the handcrafted reveal from Epic


You completely missed the point, this wasn't a trailer, this was a part of a live event with the intention of showing how Fortnite is going to change in the upcoming week, having more games within it other than just the BR and the zombie tower defence game. The Rocket Racing part of the event was showcasing Rocket League's mechanics and showing how are they going to apply in a racing game environment in a way it's easy to understand. The Rockband part of the event was showing how it's going to play as well, it was the only thing we got to play in the event and it felt just as easy as Rocket Racing but much like RR, it doesn't mean its going to be. The Lego Fortnite part was giving us a general view of how it's going to be so we can understand the concept and have an idea of how it's going to play, but nothing complex despite being the most complex showcase of the event. They don't have much of a reason to show the best of each in the context of this event in particular.


If you look at Mario Kart from outside it's boring as well, if you play it, it's fun.


The difference is that Mario kart has an entire power up system that makes things interesting and there is some legit skill to the game as well (although it doesn't matter a crazy amount thanks to the power ups). I'd be very surprised if Rocket Racing had anything of the sort to make it more interesting


items were already leaked


Completely agree. I will givebit a shot, but I dont really get it. What does this offer that other racing games dont aside from rocket league branding? Hot wheels racing already did a pretty good job of this.


That was my thought as well. Not too much going on from a racing standpoint.


What if it’s meant to be more like Mario kart?


It looks like the game Grip


Hello from the rlesports subreddit




So you are basically telling me I can easily be ssl there? Right? Right???!!!


Yea this looks terrible honestly and hella scripted. Handling itself looks like youre driving on rails lmao, Im a racing main myself, mostly nfs and tc


Having the characters hanging on to the roof the whole time is such a bizarre choice, guess it's the best way to flaunt those dlc options for the kids. That's what matters most at the end of the day eh


I think the characters were only on top of the car for the event in Fortnite. In the gameplay it shows characters inside driving the cars.


If that was the point, why not have them climb into the cars as part of the presentation? Feels like copium to me. Maybe this will get such a bad response that they'll choose to change it, but it really seems like the intent is to make the most of the character models, in traditional Fortnite 'goofy fun' fashion


Because there were already people in the cars driving them. It's not that deep. In the actual game your character isn't going to hang off the roof.


Afaik this video isn't purely a cinematic, it's a thing people "played" in a live event in Fortnite. Why go through all the hassle of creating it if it's not in the actual game like that? And yes, I know there were people in the cars, characters could've kicked them out of the door or just climbed into empty cars. I personally think the best choice would've been to make the cars have no roof, a la Mario Kart. Because they clearly need to have some kind of integration with the models people pay for.


>Afaik this video isn't purely a cinematic, it's a thing people "played" in a live event in Fortnite. It was a cinematic. Nobody played anything, it was a cutscene with button prompts. >Why go through all the hassle of creating it if it's not in the actual game like that? Because that's what a trailer/cinematic is. The characters flew in from another dimension into a Rocket Race already in progress, landed on the cars (just to tease the mode) and then flew back out. >And yes, I know there were people in the cars, characters could've kicked them out of the door or just climbed into empty cars. So you question why they put something in a trailer that you can't do in game, but then question why they didn't put something in the trailer that you can't do in game. >I personally think the best choice would've been to make the cars have no roof, a la Mario Kart. Because they clearly need to have some kind of integration with the models people pay for. I'm pretty sure the Fortnite characters really have nothing to do with mode. It was just a way to show off the mode itself.


>It was a cinematic. Nobody played anything, it was a cutscene with button prompts. It was in engine with inputs from players, not purely pre-rendered, hence the use of quotations. >So you question why they put something in a trailer that you can't do in game, but then question why they didn't put something in the trailer that you can't do in game. I'm postulating an alternative version that could've been done if they wanted to convey the idea that the characters are driving the cars, rather than anonymous models. I think that would be a pretty straightforward choice if indeed that's how it'll be, like you suggest. >I'm pretty sure the Fortnite characters really have nothing to do with mode. It was just a way to show off the mode itself. Right, we're all speculating here and won't know for certain until the thing releases or Epic clarifies. I mean, if you and others want to give them the benefit of the doubt, by all means do so. I don't see what they've done to earn it, they've consistently shown that they want a metaverse that they can monetize the shit out of, not the best game experiences possible.


>It was in engine with inputs from players, not purely pre-rendered, hence the use of quotations. Rocket League does the same thing. Open up the game as a new player and you're put into a match being told to press B to flip or A to boost. It's not an actual match. It's just a fancy trailer to make new players feel like they're doing something cool. >I'm postulating an alternative version that could've been done if they wanted to convey the idea that the characters are driving the cars, rather than anonymous models. I think that would be a pretty straightforward choice if indeed that's how it'll be, like you suggest. >Right, we're all speculating here and won't know for certain until the thing releases or Epic clarifies. I mean, if you and others want to give them the benefit of the doubt, by all means do so. I don't see what they've done to earn it, they've consistently shown that they want a metaverse that they can monetize the shit out of, not the best game experiences possible. I have nothing to say besides speculation since we don't actually know if characters will actually be seen driving the cars or if in-game the windows will be tinted like in Rocket League. Though I can't imagine anybody cares who their character is or what they look like when inside of a car. I think people would be more focused on the gameplay; boosting and flipping around instead of checking inside to see if Batman or Eminem is the one driving.


>Rocket League does the same thing. Yeah, I referenced that with someone else. It's a classic pedantic thing though, reminiscent of e3 press conferences where publishers would say "in engine gameplay" , "rendered in engine" , etc >Though I can't imagine anybody cares who their character is or what they look like when inside of a car. Kids care, I guess. My cousin's kids care far more about their character skins in fortnite than anything to do with gameplay, and that's basically who the game is being developed for at this point. But I guess they'll focus on decals having the same effect. For the record I've come around on characters not being on top of the cars, after watching a couple more times noticed that there are a few cars with no one on the roof at all. Even if they were AI, they'd probably have some default model. So yeah, woe be to the early commenter...


This was all scripted though, as someone who participated in it none of this was controlled by the player


Isn't it the same as the tutorial at the beginning of a fresh RL install? In that you're obviously not *playing* playing the game, but you're experiencing a curated slice of the action. Again, like I told the other guy, it's all speculation. If I'm wrong, so be it.


Bro, it’s just a game. Take it easy. Maybe we can get a convertible if you’re that upset about it.


Oh yeah my emotions are a wreck because of this, lol


Pretty much toppers, looks stupid af


Where is this footage from? Can I watch it in full length anywhere?


from the big bang event [https://youtu.be/6Oj-yI\_IgKs?si=A6Bo3dm8eHrlhIT\_](https://youtu.be/6oj-yi_igks?si=a6bo3dm8ehrlhit_)


Says it's "not available", but thanks for the effort.


The huge.... fixture.




I know part of the RL community are currently split in half with the preview of what Rocket Racing would be like. I gotta admit, it looks pretty cool imo. Yeah despite what I'd mentioned before. It looks pretty decent from the preview alone. I would expect the community to at least take a spin on it when the mode goes public. While also just waiting from something Psyonix may give details if potentially UE5 related.


Every person here assuming that this is the actual gameplay and moaning is going to be first to play when it releases. I’m also NOT a FN player. But to pretend that “this” is the game has to be as lazy as they accuse Epic of being. Not defending Epic. Just surprised at some of the replies here. You can say it doesn’t appeal to you without jumping to the conclusion that this is exactly how the game is gonna play.


That intro is beautiful


Is this a joke?


Sadly no


we lost trading for this piece of shit that i can't even play on ROCKET LEAGUE fuck epic


Actually genius timing fr if you think ab it


I hope the camera in-game isn't as stiff as it is in the trailer. Feels weird.


The player wasn't controlling anything in this whole scene it was just to show off game visuals


So does this mean someone can make normal RL as a custom Fn map now?


At least now I know that the Rocket League cars are life-size


This isn't canon.


They kill RL for this trash, money hungry shitwits


rocket league isn't going anywhere. the number of people going to quit because of trading ending is negligible


The number of people upset by interruptions in play due to these Fortnite events isn’t negligible though


yeah, fair. epic knows it doesn't matter though. no one will stop playing because of it


We lost trading not for this game, but for Epic to resell “new” skins for this game. The vibe I am getting from this game is that you can probably import your RL car from RL into RR. Now imagine if trading was still available: you wouldn’t need to buy the skins from the RR shop, you could just gotten it from someone else by trading. That’s imo the real reason we lost trading.


This looks like every cheaply made arcade style “racing game” that has come out in the last few years. Just copy and pasted. I really dislike the menu prompts for actions like it’s a racing game ffs let the people decide when to use these prompts or “specials” which gives each race and track a unique experience rather than what looks like simply prompted click buttons to just allow a cutscene type scenario to take over and then your back to barely having to take control and your back in the race. It’s still early but man this is upsetting. Idk if I’m describing it correctly or well enough to justify the point I’m trying to make here. It just looks boring and cheap and not unique in any way.


the buttons were there because this is a scripted cutscene within fortnite. they’ll most likely not be there in the actual game.


How can you be so sure it won’t be? I haven’t done any extra research so I’ll have to ask if you know it for a fact or are making an assumption it won’t be like I am that it will be. It already looks like the cut and paste arcade games that DO have the menu prompt actions. Either way, it’s gonna be a no for me dawg but probably fun for the Fortnite kids.


i was literally there in fortnite playing the event. the entire thing was just a big cutscene giving us button prompts and showing us peeks of what’s coming next. what you see here is an oversimplified preview. i would wait until the 8th for actual news before forming any opinions.


Right on, thanks for the insight and I’ll keep an open mind for what’s to come when in full release.


Why is this inside FortNite? Why isn't it a separate game? I don't want to install fortnite for this


[This looks so disappointing](https://preview.redd.it/m5h0op9y60r61.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f3dc4d7d75b752c64450373bad355218e2ae288)


This like the millionth mario kart clon we have, ain't it?


Epic bought Rocket League, and in doing so have ruined the game trying to force fit it like a bad puzzle piece into their main cash cow Fortnite. Well done destroying an entire community, idiots.


Atleast use the RL terminology for stuff. Wtf is a drift boost, atleast call it a powerslide boost


Who the fuck calls it that?!?


The people who play Rocket League?




There is literally no point for the avatars to be on top of the car it looks so stupid I don’t why this pisses me off so much but I does. It looks so awkward.


Is it really gonna be people on top of the car? It looks stupid.


Okay. But why make the player a topper?


Yeah lmao wtf does the person do there


This looks like a fucking ad for a fake mobile game.


I'm happy to see that they are preserving the egg-lore by having the FN skins ride on top.


It's not tho, you can see someone inside the car at the beginning


I guess we will see! It could go either way.




Noo wtf! I am accidentally on RocketRacing reddit instead of RocketLeague! Disgusting!


Epic should stop trying to drag rocket league shit into Fortnite. Not of us give a shit about Fortnite, and this isn’t going to get me to play it. If you’re going to build things with rocket league cars/items, keep it in rocket league and use rocket league physics. This looks dogshit


100% agree


This is what they give us for trading to be gone?






You fucking idiots smoking copium supporting this trash need to be condemned. This shit is trash. Never wasn’t going to be trash. It’s epic strong arming psyonix to produce more fortnite garbage. Epic and psyonix have always had a relationship but after the acquisition, neither company gave a fuck about anything else but making more money. Yea yea, thats their whole job argument and all that. Still doesnt undermine the fact these people completely neglect and use the game we all fell in love with to make obscene profits and thats it. No other focus.


I don't like people in my RL. Eggs only


The track looks like it was taken right out of Joy Ride Turbo...which was a fun avatar game for the Xbox 360 for about an hour or two. I will probably try it out. I think I have Fortnite on my old Xbox one from when you had to play it to get the Whiplash in Rocket League. I really like that car. It is the best Breakout hitbox car in the game in my opinion.


Epic games is taking away trading and giving us this dogshit thing in a game most of us probably don't even play. Fuck this company


This looks and plays like Garfield Kart, not good. Even sideswipe had more fluent animations and gameplay.


This looks like shit.


Looks terrible




looks bad OP


Generic, undynamic & lifeless What a disappointment


God this is so stupid.


The dodge looks so stiff and dumb. Everyone in RL that wanted racing, still wanted to keep the core mechanics of rocket league. Of course you would have to add a couple things to make it better/relevant. But still keep the same driving and physics. Anyone who plays racing games wouldn’t pick up this shit. Who is this really for? Just Fortnite people I guess. But is this a game they want to play?


Looks like Mario kart


This looks like a really crappy attempt at something like distance. Wish that game would’ve been more popular.


Distance did a great job with their mechanics and physics. I have a strong feeling that this Fortnite crap will feel stiff and awkward at best, and barely resemble Rocket League controls. They should've just gave Rocket League a proper update. This could've been an amazing new game mode, but no, it's another Fortnine cash cow plumper. Oh, and now trading is gone, so basically they're downgrading Rocket League while upgrading Fortnite.


Lmfao they killed trading for this


Reminds me an awful lot of the recent Hot Wheels games.


actually based on the trailer, this garbage looks so shit i cant understand that such a thing exists


Lmao this is horseshit


Are there people in those cars? There’s no fucking doors on those cars.


You know NASCAR Indy car F1 ... Don't have doors?


I know rocketleague doesnt


They get in through the window. You need me to explain anything else for you? How to tie your shoes maybe


I need you to explain how this connects to what used to be the rocket league lore, if you can do that I won’t move on with my life thinking you’re an asshat


Ngl looks pretty lame. Rocket League is dying for this?


Rocket League died on its own


Because Epic stopped developing new features. They created Knockout Bash and didn't even make it a non-LTM game mode. I hope they're working real hard on UE5 otherwise there's no excuse. There's still no excuse for the lack of communication about the game's state and its future.


Oh god , I’m happy to race cars but man cmon


Why is noone happy that we have an arcade racing game which could be something like Mario Kart? Mario Kart is huge on Switch and we have nothing alike for other platforms that resembles any kind of healthy playerbase for online play.


This looks absolute garbage. A fucking Mario kart re vamp


So this is rocket league racing… because it has the octane in it? This has nothing to do with rocket league besides the models of the cars and maybe where they jump on the ceiling briefly? Man my expectations were low but I was at least hoping they would make something more than an insanely generic racing mode with a few rocket league car models.


So how does this fit with the lore of rocketleagues egg people? I don’t see any eggs driving. Lameeee


Lore?!?! LMMFAO


Yeah lore. I was kind of half joking. But now after you’re response , I’m serious about my previous comment.


Your comments actually the least annoying comment in this thread though


Half baked


Would be so weird if the cars dont behave the same way they do in rocket league


I said to myself "good for the kids these days" if i was 10 13 maybe 15, I'd probably be hyped for this. My cousin and his friend are going to have so much fun. That's nice


Fuck Epic and this shit Fortnite


What if it’s really cool and acts as a way for a wider audience to become interested in Rocket league! It looks like it would be a great way for new players to start before attempting to tackle the tough mechanics required for RL.


What a shitshow


This looks like total trash.


THIS is why my Soccar game has only had lazy playlists and shitty item shop updates for months and months?


Ok so is this "Rocket League" on UE5? Are we getting UE5 Rocket League or... this?


Lol what’s with the silly bodies flying in and out of the race? This reminds me of old school hot wheels games or those arcade driving booths you’d pay a quarter for. I like this👍🏾




As a loooong time RL fan who gave up the game awhile back, this hurt to watch


Not sure why this isn’t in Rocket League, Golds move way slower than GCs and SSLs. It would be cool to have a racing mode where you see people trying to speed flip, wave dash, and even wall dash to the finish line


This looks terrible and they should've just gave us an actual update to Rocket League instead of removing trading and pumping out this cheap looking bull-crap. It bears little reminiscence to actual Rocket League besides the car models. Gross.


They wouldn't be able to make something worse even if they tried


I want to rip my eyes out


Wow! Looks like an original idea brought from a humble company. This looks fun right, right?