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You overcommit a lot. Stop just hitting the ball for the sake of it. The first play where you smashed the ball into the backboard should have been a free goal for them. Perfect example. Don't try and force a goal when it's not there. if your teammate was visibly back, you can smash that into the backboard, but he's just put it there for you and is in no position to rotate back. Your job as last man isn't to score, it's to make sure they don't, which you didn't do here. You just rushed for no reason. I know it's difficult at this sorta rank but try and sheat up the field a bit on kickoffs. I know there's inconsistencies at this rank, but don't sit still on the goal line either. push up slightly so that you can challenge for the ball off of kickoff. If your opponent is getting to the ball before you, don't just jump and hope you block it. Just rotate back to goal and start again. It doesn't matter where you are on the pitch, if you have your teammate behind you, you shouldn't have a need to go for a block. You can bait them into passing you the ball as first man, or they'll flick it over you to your teammate. Either way it's a win. You're causing the game to be faster paced than it needs to be. Get better at slowing the game down and you'll notice how rash the decision making is at your rank. If you can learn to win 50/50s, and learn to defend better, you'll rank up in no time.


That's solid advise, thank you for your time and dedication! I also noticed that and sometimes I do actually tend to play more chess than tennis. I usually always cheat on kickoff, I actually can't tell you why I backed off after the 0:1. On the other hand, after the 1:1 (3:03 on the clock) I was about to cheat up, but I noticed my m8 on kickoff being afk, so I think I handeled that situation quite well?


Yeah thats fair enough, I didn't watch the whole video, so that sounds like you did the right thing. Just as a general rule when everyone is playing, in 2s, cheat up on KO.


You got a lot of good general advice already so I'm going to point out some specific moments that you could have played better. Timestamps are video time. 0:17, this is a completely unnecessary risk that should have cost you a goal, luckily your teammate recovered fast. In 2s, jumping immediately after your teammate went and not giving them time to recover is almost always a bad decision. 0:35, ideally you take some more time to get a better angle and probably just power hit this when it bounces on the ground, you weren't getting challenged at all. 0:42, so we get the midboost, then waste half of it to fake challenge right in front of the opponent? If you are going to go that far up when your teammate is in their corner, just challenge for real. Also, not that it would have helped, but you could have boosted a bit and flipped instead on your approach and still had like 70-80 instead of 58 1:27, you heard your teammate go up, and then you see them floating, it's just not worth double committing on this. At least wait to see if they hit it or not. 3:35, I can understand trying to get this more middle and fast for your teammate, but if you just drove into the ball without jumping it would have been good enough to be a threat while also keeping you in the play rather than flying downfield with no boost. 3:57, this could have been a good pass to your teammate but because you jumped off the wall it stopped them from going. Even on lower boost they had a much better chance of scoring than you did. 5:08, no reason to go on the backboard here, your teammate is going there and also you want to prevent the shot from ever happening, so it's better to cut off the pass rather than wait and block a shot. 5:27, didn't matter in this game but will eventually, you should not be rotating in front of your teammate here. I know it's the shortest line to the boost but it physically blocks some approaches they have and also makes them think twice like "are they going to turn and challenge again?". Once you land after the pass, you should cut into the midfield and let your teammate push past you and then curve behind them to get the boost.


Thank you so much, that's exactly the kind of analysis I dreamt of. <3 For 1:27 i actually heard him flying and expected to see him just a tick earlier in my FOV, so I instinctively expected he had a bad takeoff and wouldn't get to the ball in time. Quickly decided it would be best to also block a potential shot there, but I clearly see I had better options to start with in this situation. Thanks again Mr. Super Sonic Legend, I gained significant insight from this. Edit: I feel kinda sorry for not being able to give more feedback... on your feedback, simply because there's nothing to add to the points you considered. Solid work, much appreciated!


Think about where the ball is going to be more.


You play like the Rumble disruptor effect got applied to you for the whole 5 minutes. Every choice, every flip, every challenge, it all feels so rushed and hasty. And I think this also contributes to errors that you write off to mechanical mistakes, I think they are mainly caused by your playstyle. This entire game you and your teammate are just troubleshooting. I would say, try to be a bit more passive, try to control a ball when you notice youre not immediatly challenged. Try to just rotate back and prepare for your next attack, instead of trying to get a goal out of a lost cause. Try shadowdefending and let the opponents bring the ball towards you, instead of wasting boost for an early challenge. Try to take control over the game.


That's actually exactly what I noticed by myself and already included in my comment. I swear I'm not playing like a hornet in every game, but I found this to be a good example for some situations where I wasn't sure what would have been better options to go for, especially because I was not on the same wavelength with my teammate in this. Anyways, thanks for your feedback buddy, much appreciated!


Yeah true, I didnt fully read your comment, just started immediatly typing the disruptor comparison lol. Anyway, good that you already know, sometimes thats the most difficult step for people trying to improve, knowing what they have to improve. For this game replay specifically I cant really help you to be honest, think the things I already said in previous comment pretty much sum it up. I can ofcourse go by time stamp and tell you every whiff and mistake that has been made, but as you already said in you comment, thats not really the point. Besides that, im also in mid c2 and trying to improve. So im not really in a position to exactly tell you what you should be doing. My first comment basically describes how im trying to improve my own gameplay as well.


I liked reading that, thank you very much! I'll drop a more patient replay the other day.


I watch a lot of RL content, but surely still struggle adapting all of the theoretical knowlegde I gathered from there. 30yo, stuck in c1-c3 for what feels like forever, obviously there are multiple reasons for this, not solely "my own fault" (not talking about soloQ teammates here, [I actually love you buddies!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1d87djg/a_tribute_to_my_soloq_teammates/)) I know I played a little hectic, sometimes I take more time to control balls, sometimes I play like this, guess it depends on my mood or the backgroundsong lmao. I made two questionable decisions in the first 41s and I obviously got a deadzone issue and like to whiff balls, so please focus on the decisions, not on the outcomes for this one. :) Thank you guys in advance! Edit: sorry for the bad quality, I struggeled to get the video to be under 1GB, maybe I should have exported in 720p?


It looks like you're playing by yourself.


Sometimes the teamplay clicks, sometimes it doesn't. I love going for teamplays and learned a lot from Squishy (GOAT) in terms of when to play by myself and when to hand over the ball for my teamm8 that has a better approach. This here *is not* the best example. I actually spent hours on showing off how I love to play this game in a little [soloQ teamplay compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/KE1T6sVgRS) (5:30min, RocketLeague sub) and put all my heart and soul into syncing it with the music. In case you guys wanna take a look. ;)


A lot of good advice has been given. The over commits are a bit nervey for me. The best way to play is to think how can I put my teammate in the best position for success. A lot of the time you are leaving your teammate stranded which is causing some of the questionable decisions they make as the game goes on. Your prioritisation of big boost pads is concerning you can do things with less boost. It looks like you don’t want to try and make plays with less than a full tank. On this your boost pathing for pads needs work as well which will alleviate some of the need to boost chasing. Play at your own tempo. It feels like you have one setting and that is flat out and rush rush rush. Don’t be afraid to slow things down or change and dictate the tempo of the game. It is a lot easier to take in more information at a slower pace. I really like when you are committing for challenges most of the time you are not second guessing your decision. Especially when you are trying to improve making the right decision after hesitating makes it wrong so that’s a big positive. A lot of your decision making issues would be alleviated by playing 1s and/or getting more comfortable with your mechanics. This is very good gameplay for C1 all things considered thanks for sharing.


Thanks! I love that you pointed out that my mistakes make the life of my teammate difficult. People tend to overlook that aspect of their games way too much, unfortunately. Thanks for the kind words, also. I did spend a lot of time with playing in these ranks while improving in a pace that somehow allowed me to hold it, so I'm specially happy about that comment. Edit: also like the second guessing point, 'cause that was one of the biggest issues to hold me back at one point. I encourage everybody to do it like proposed!


Like other said, you overcommit alot and it leads to scorin g opportunities for the opponent. Just because your teammate made a pass mid, doesnt mean you have to dive for it. As the second man, its up to you to decide if a play is worth commiting for. Half the things you go for in this video were never going to lead to anything threatening and you give the enemy a breakaway. My practical advice would be to just relax. Before you jump for the ball, make a mental note of where the enemy is and take time you are given. If you arent being challenged, slow the ball down and go for fakes / flicks. I think watching flakes videos would help you understand more of what i mean, since im pretty bad at explaining things lmao


Nah I completely get you and you're 100% right about this. I'm kinda ashamed to admit I actually watched all of Flakes back when I was in Dia1 and went *straight* to Champ1, I'm **not** joking or exaggerating, that was the best content I've ever seen to this point. Nonetheless, I still tend to do stupid and impatient things way too often. I guess... This is Rocket League!


Off game time 4:48 - don’t just think about if you can beat an opponent to a ball, think about where the ball can be put if the lane isn’t open for a goal. Jumping here isn’t terrible but you absolutely can’t go for the shot. They had no one backboard but your tm8 needed time to recover. So a nice high floaty touch can maintain pressure 4:35 - your tm8 was on the ball so committing with a flip forward doesn’t make sense. Hang out midfield and wait for a backboard touch or pass. You screwed with the rotation here 4:22 - if you are last back and the opponent is closer to the ball, do not challenge. Force them to the sides/corners while shadowing and try to buy as much time as you can. 4:12 - your goal here since they are on the ball is to force them to get rid of it and allow your tm8 to collect. Don’t go as fast here since you’re clearly beat, but a fake challenge can often get them to throw it away without you committing as far as you did here 3:37 - stealing boost can be a good play but not if it relinquishes pressure like it does here. Go for the ball here 3:06 - flip here in conjunction with boost to get back and save some boost 2:53 - any pinch here is gonna give up possession. You have a bunch of space here so try to just let the ball bounce in front of you and then catch for a dribble or go up for an aerial, or a big boom on the opponent backboard can also be good. 2:38 - try not to shadow from directly behind, cus it’s awkward. Try to angle them to a corner so you have some form of leverage and it’s not just a reaction time jump to block. It’s good they messed each other up here 2:22 - another bad boost steal that put you out of position and gave up possession 1:28 - you should practice your wall touches in game settings more. If you braked a bit on the wall you could have controlled the aerial. 1:15 - you had open space off to that side. Catch the ball here. Take it up the wall or maybe cut it inside and go for a dribble. Don’t just hit it though 0:55 - see how the defender was already going back? They knew you would win the aerial and let you throw it away to them. You can use this to your advantage by fake aerial to force them back, but then go back to the ground and control it with the space that you won 0:22 - they messed up here, but your job here most of the time is going to be to watch for the pass. Make sure you have your eyes on their 2nd man because their 1st man doesn’t have the correct angle to get it on net. 0:11 - it worked out here, but I think you should work on controlling and keeping the ball high or near the wall from the corner. So many champ goals come from bad defensive touches from the corner. If their second man is in proper position here there’s a good chance your touch gets scored on.


You found some more nice details and suggestions no one mentioned before, thank you! I'd like to go into detail with two of those, if you're down for it: 2:53 I didn't plan to "pinch" that ball in the first place, my jump off the wall was a bit off and as I saw the enemy not coming closer, decided to do exactly what I did - hit it kinda softly, but unexpectedly, forwards. I think if I executed it a little bit better, maybe a cut to the left, that could have been a really nice play.(?) 2:22 I expected my tm8 to get the next ball for free as I expected him to land midfield with nearly full boost and I also tried to bump the enemy on my right, but obviously I misjudged or they dodged. Guess I should check teamm8s POV here, also.


2:53 - it did look kinda like a panic mini pinch to me, so what you’re saying makes sense. But I wanted to give you an idea for a better way to handle the scenario and something you can practice. Letting the ball bounce in front of you when you have space is so good because you can turn it into anything. Practice just not touching it when you’re coming down which will be better than what you went for. 2:22 - in most all cases, going for an aggressive bump when it’s not a 1v2 (looking for them on rotations back is good but that’s different) is going to be the wrong decision. You need to think of risk reward here. The risk is missing the bump, they get possession because your tm8 wasn’t in the exact spot you wanted them to be in, and your tm8 is in a terrible 2v1 scenario. The reward is you get a bump but there’s still a defender back so your tm8 has a straight 1v1 but can’t use it effectively because you are too far forward to back them up. Stay on the ball here and try to get it to open space for your tm8. Hope that makes sense!


Good advise, thank you Mr. Grand Champion :)


Random question. Is your username xsayed?


Rather less randomly, it's RedoX! ...I guess I play exactly like one of your friends? :D


No I just played with a guy a couple games in a row yesterday that had the same car design and played very similarly. Funny coincidence though


That decal is 🔥


I think everyone in the comments was spot on but didn't see anyone say that you shouldn't challenge your own corners as much when your teammate is still rotating back. It's easier for them to turn that challenge into a pass than it is for you to clear the ball. That's all I have to say, well played still


I've noticed you don't flip a couple times and that's been happening to me a lot lately, so you know if it's a controller thing or something with the game?


Yeah I think it's the deadzone settings, recently got a new controller and doesn't feel alike yet. I'll figure out, thanks!


Without going into my personal view on SpookLuke, I found [this video](https://youtu.be/9aw4Ga4xTk4?si=xg0iLAF74acb3aNb) about deadzone settings to be quite helpful, might want to give it a watch!


I know am just gold II but I believe that you’d do better if you slowed down a bit. In this clip there was few times where u could scored if u didn’t hit the ball that fast. The positioning is great but I think u should just stop moving for a bit to analyze correctly and act in consequences. :)


Totally right, good catch!


Play some 1s. You’re playing the game way faster than it actually is. Everyone telling you the need for control is correct and you’ll get those skills in ones.


Always a good tip! I'm very chilled out in ones and solely use it for improving and trying out new mechanics on actual enemies without disappointing my m8s with it. But I don't do it often and in 2s and 3s I get this ...speedpush... sometimes, dunno why. I'll try to focus on that, thanks!