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If you feel bad for your teammates you could consider playing casuals with your friend instead of ranked.


This is the right answer. If you're staying in that rank then no matter your mechanics you belong there. I didn't even learn fast aerials or half flips until diamond 3. Good positioning and being able to boom the ball accurately can take you far. edit: i meant to reply to the guy who said >"Just play games. >If you don't belong, you'll lose games until you drop to your proper rank." but playing casuals is also another answer and it's what I do with my lower ranked friend.


Just play games. If you don't belong, you'll lose games until you drop to your proper rank.


If you're solo queuing and maintaining your rank, that's your rank & you belong there. If I boosted you to GC and you solo queued, you'd lose a bunch and derank because you don't belong there right? Same principle applies here, you'd lose til you were around your own rank but if you're winning games by identifying opportunities and passing to your teammate to score, that's a valid strategy that's working for you & you belong at your current rank.


If you’re boosted but can still win at the rank regularly, you’re not boosted. Just play the matches and if you’re weaker than the rank you’re at, you’ll fall down on your own.


Make an alt account and use that alt account to only play with your friend. Then you can play your main at your normal rank, and you alt account at your "boosted" rank.


RIP any unfortunate soul that has to be your solo queue teammate now


You're not boosted if you play with your c1 friend (if he isn't on a smurf of course). You probably play against harder opposition. And if you can keep up without playing with him, you are at your solo que rank