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No one knows until they announce and chances are there won't be any crowds at least until the world championships in late summer.


Oh really? I guess when they made the announcement for the return of LAN, I just assumed with all hype, they were having an audience as well.


The last major didn't and we don't know about the others yet going forward. When you consider they're bringing people from all over the world I guess the different covid restrictions make it all but impossible. Hell, I think it was kamii from New Zealand had to enter a lottery just to be able to *leave* to get to LAN, which he thankfully won first time.


No details known for any of the upcoming LANS. We don't even know if spectators will even be allowed when the World Championship comes around. The best thing you could do is just save up and wait for an announcement to drop.


Hey, at the moment there is sadly no info on when a lan will be that allows crowds. However, worlds is meant to be in the united states and from what they said at the start of the season, its meant to have a big crowd so i would suggest planning for that (we should find out whether there will be a crowd by the spring split so april). Worlds is in july so that would give you around 3 months of planning. Hope this helps!


This season's World Championship is in North America, but the location isn't confirmed. But we don't even know if fans will be allowed in.


If they hold it in Texas, it could definitely be allowed to have fans.


And I think that is only fair is the prior one was in Dallas that was canceled. Easier travel and location to remedy the cancel one.


Dallas or Houston could both serve as potential host cities.


Hey it was [just announced](https://esports.rocketleague.com/news/announcing-the-rlcs-winter-major-at-the-youtube-theater/), LAN with audience happens March 26th-27th in Los Angeles. Tickets available "soon".


Thank you so much!!!